2,526 research outputs found

    A three-stage ATM switch with cell-level path allocation

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    A method is described for performing routing in three-stage asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches which feature multiple channels between the switch modules in adjacent stages. The method is suited to hardware implementation using parallelism to achieve a very short execution time. This allows cell-level routing to be performed, whereby routes are updated in each time slot. The algorithm allows a contention-free routing to be performed, so that buffering is not required in the intermediate stage. An algorithm with this property, which preserves the cell sequence, is referred to as a path allocation algorithm. A detailed description of the necessary hardware is presented. This hardware uses a novel circuit to count the number of cells requesting each output module, it allocates a path through the intermediate stage of the switch to each cell, and it generates a routing tag for each cell, indicating the path assigned to it. The method of routing tag assignment described employs a nonblocking copy network. The use of highly parallel hardware reduces the clock rate required of the circuitry, for a given-switch size. The performance of ATM switches using this path allocation algorithm has been evaluated by simulation, and is described

    On packet switch design

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    Future benefits and applications of intelligent on-board processing to VSAT services

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    The trends and roles of VSAT services in the year 2010 time frame are examined based on an overall network and service model for that period. An estimate of the VSAT traffic is then made and the service and general network requirements are identified. In order to accommodate these traffic needs, four satellite VSAT architectures based on the use of fixed or scanning multibeam antennas in conjunction with IF switching or onboard regeneration and baseband processing are suggested. The performance of each of these architectures is assessed and the key enabling technologies are identified

    On-board B-ISDN fast packet switching architectures. Phase 2: Development. Proof-of-concept architecture definition report

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    For the next-generation packet switched communications satellite system with onboard processing and spot-beam operation, a reliable onboard fast packet switch is essential to route packets from different uplink beams to different downlink beams. The rapid emergence of point-to-point services such as video distribution, and the large demand for video conference, distributed data processing, and network management makes the multicast function essential to a fast packet switch (FPS). The satellite's inherent broadcast features gives the satellite network an advantage over the terrestrial network in providing multicast services. This report evaluates alternate multicast FPS architectures for onboard baseband switching applications and selects a candidate for subsequent breadboard development. Architecture evaluation and selection will be based on the study performed in phase 1, 'Onboard B-ISDN Fast Packet Switching Architectures', and other switch architectures which have become commercially available as large scale integration (LSI) devices

    Design of switch architecture for the geographical cell transport protocol

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    The Internet is divided into multiple layers to reduce and manage complexity. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed a 7 layer network model and had been revised to a 5 layer TCP/IP based Internet Model. The layers of the Internet can also be divided into top layer TCP/IP protocol suite layers and the underlying transport network layers. SONET/SDH, a dominant transport network, was designed initially for circuit based telephony services. Advancement in the internet world with voice and video services had pushed SONET/SDH to operate with reduced efficiencies and increased costs. Hence, redesign and redeployment of the transport network has been and continues to be a subject of research and development. Several projects are underway to explore new transport network ideas such as G.709 and GMPLS. This dissertation presents the Geographical Cell Transport (GCT) protocol as a candidate for a next generation transport network. The GCT transport protocol and its cell format are described. The benefits provided by the proposed GCT transport protocol as compared to the existing transport networks are investigated. Existing switch architectures are explored and a best architecture to be implemented in VLSI for the proposed transport network input queued virtual output queuing is obtained. The objectives of this switch are high performance, guaranteed fairness among all inputs and outputs, robust behavior under different traffic patterns, and support for Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning. An implementation of this switch architecture is carried out using HDL. A novel pseudo random number generation unit is designed to nullify the bias present in an arbitration unit. The validity of the designed is checked by developing a traffic load model. The speedup factor required in the switch to maintain desired throughput is explored and is presented in detail. Various simulation results are shown to study the behavior of the designed switch under uniform and hotspot traffic. The simulation results show that QoS behavior and the crossing traffic through the switch has not been affected by hotspots

    A high resolution data conversion and digital processing for high energy physics calorimeter detectors readout

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    Scalable Parallel Computers for Real-Time Signal Processing

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    We assess the state-of-the-art technology in massively parallel processors (MPPs) and their variations in different architectural platforms. Architectural and programming issues are identified in using MPPs for time-critical applications such as adaptive radar signal processing. We review the enabling technologies. These include high-performance CPU chips and system interconnects, distributed memory architectures, and various latency hiding mechanisms. We characterize the concept of scalability in three areas: resources, applications, and technology. Scalable performance attributes are analytically defined. Then we compare MPPs with symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs) and clusters of workstations (COWs). The purpose is to reveal their capabilities, limits, and effectiveness in signal processing. We evaluate the IBM SP2 at MHPCC, the Intel Paragon at SDSC, the Gray T3D at Gray Eagan Center, and the Gray T3E and ASCI TeraFLOP system proposed by Intel. On the software and programming side, we evaluate existing parallel programming environments, including the models, languages, compilers, software tools, and operating systems. Some guidelines for program parallelization are provided. We examine data-parallel, shared-variable, message-passing, and implicit programming models. Communication functions and their performance overhead are discussed. Available software tools and communication libraries are also introducedpublished_or_final_versio
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