6 research outputs found

    A 17.5-to-20.94GHz and 35-to-41.88GHz PLL in 65nm CMOS for wireless HD applications

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    Frequency Synthesizers and Oscillator Architectures Based on Multi-Order Harmonic Generation

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    Frequency synthesizers are essential components for modern wireless and wireline communication systems as they provide the local oscillator signal required to transmit and receive data at very high rates. They are also vital for computing devices and microcontrollers as they generate the clocks required to run all the digital circuitry responsible for the high speed computations. Data rates and clocking speeds are continuously increasing to accommodate for the ever growing demand on data and computational power. This places stringent requirements on the performance metrics of frequency synthesizers. They are required to run at higher speeds, cover a wide range of frequencies, provide a low jitter/phase noise output and consume minimum power and area. In this work, we present new techniques and architectures for implementing high speed frequency synthesizers which fulfill the aforementioned requirements. We propose a new architecture and design approach for the realization of wideband millimeter-wave frequency synthesizers. This architecture uses two-step multi-order harmonic generation of a low frequency phase-locked signal to generate wideband mm-wave frequencies. A prototype of the proposed system is designed and fabricated in 90nm Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Measurement results demonstrated that a very wide tuning range of 5 to 32 GHz can be achieved, which is costly to implement using conventional techniques. Moreover the power consumption per octave resembles that of state-of-the art reports. Next, we propose the N-Push cyclic coupled ring oscillator (CCRO) architecture to implement two high performance oscillators: (1) a wideband N-Push/M-Push CCRO operating from 3.16-12.8GHz implemented by two harmonic generation operations using the availability of different phases from the CCRO, and (2) a 13-25GHz millimeter-wave N-Push CCRO with a low phase noise performance of -118dBc/Hz at 10MHz. The proposed oscillators achieve low phase noise with higher FOM than state of the art work. Finally, we present some improvement techniques applied to the performance of phase locked loops (PLLs). We present an adaptive low pass filtering technique which can reduce the reference spur of integer-N charge-pump based PLLs by around 20dB while maintaining the settling time of the original PLL. Another PLL is presented, which features very low power consumption targeting the Medical Implantable Communication Standard. It operates at 402-405 MHz while consuming 600microW from a 1V supply

    Conception et étude d’une synthèse de fréquence innovante en technologies CMOS avancées pour les applications en bande de fréquence millimétrique

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    The 60-GHz unlicensed band is a promising alternative to perform the high data rate required in the next generation of wireless communication systems. Complex modulations such as OFDM or 64-QAM allow reaching multi-gigabits per second throughput over up to several tens of meters in standard CMOS technologies. This performance rely on the use of high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer in the RF front-end. In this work, an original architecture is proposed to generate this high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer. It is based on a high order (several tens) multiplication of a low frequency reference (few GHz), that is capable of copying the low frequency reference spectral properties. This high order frequency multiplication is performed in two steps. Firstly, a multi-harmonic signal which power is located around the harmonic of interest is generated from the low frequency reference signal. Secondly, the harmonic of interest is filtered out from this multi-harmonic signal. Both steps rely on the specific use of oscillators. This work deals with the circuit design on advanced CMOS technologies (40 nm CMOS, 55 nm BiCMOS) for the proof of concept and on the theoretical study of this system. This novel technique is experimentally validated by measurements on the fabricated circuits and exhibit state-of-the-art performance. The analytical study of this high order frequency multiplication led to the discovery of a particular kind of synchronization in oscillators and to approximated solutions of the Van der Pol equation in two different practical cases. The perspectives of this work include the design of the low frequency reference and the integration of this frequency synthesizer in a complete RF front-end architecture.La bande de fréquence non-licensée autour de 60 GHz est une alternative prometteuse pour couvrir les besoins en bande passante des futurs systèmes de communication. L'utilisation de modulations complexes (comme OFDM ou 64-QAM) à ces fréquences permet d'atteindre, en utilisant une technologie CMOS standard, des débits de plusieurs gigabits par seconde sur quelques mètres voire quelques dizaines de mètres. Pour atteindre ces performances, la tête d'émission-réception RF (front-end RF) doit être dotée d'une référence de fréquence haute performance. Dans ce travail, une architecture originale est proposée pour générer cette référence de fréquence haute performance. Elle repose sur la multiplication de fréquence d'ordre élevé (plusieurs dizaines) d'un signal de référence basse fréquence (moins de quelques GHz), tout en recopiant les propriétés spectrales du signal basse fréquence. Cette multiplication est réalisée en combinant la production d'un signal multi-harmonique dont la puissance est concentrée autour de la fréquence à synthétiser. L'harmonique d'intérêt est ensuite extraite au moyen d'un filtrage. Ces deux étapes reposent sur l'utilisation d'oscillateurs dans des configurations spécifiques. Ce travail porte à la fois sur la mise en équation et l'étude du fonctionnement de ce système, et sur la conception de circuits dans des technologies CMOS avancées (CMOS 40 nm, BiCMOS 55 nm). Les mesures sur les circuits fabriqués permettent de valider la preuve de concept ainsi que de montrer des performances à l'état de l'art. L'étude du fonctionnement de ce système a conduit à la découverte d'une forme particulière de synchronisation des oscillateurs ainsi qu'à l'expression de solutions approchées de l'équation de Van der Pol dans deux cas pratiques particuliers. Les perspectives de ce travail sont notamment l'intégration de cette synthèse innovante dans un émetteur-récepteur complet

    Analysis and Design of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for Breast Cancer Radar Imaging in CMOS Technology

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    Breast cancer is by far the most incident tumor among female population. Early stage prevention is a key factor in delivering long term survival of breast cancer patients. X-ray mammography is the most commonly used diagnostic technique to detect non-palpable tumors. However, 10-30% of tumors are missed by mammography and ionizing radiations together with breast compression do not lead to comfort in patient treatment. In this context, ultrawideband microwave radar technology is an attractive alternative. It relies on the dielectric contrast of normal and malignant tissues at microwave frequencies to detect and locate tumors inside the breast. This work presents the analysis and design of radio frequency integrated circuits for breast cancer imaging in CMOS technology. The first part of the thesis concerns the system analysis. A behavioral model of two different transceiver architectures for UWB breast cancer imaging employing a SFCW radar system are presented. A mathematical model of the direct conversion and super heterodyne architectures together with a numerical breast phantom are developed. FDTD simulations data are used to on the behavioral model to investigate the limits of both architectures from a circuit-level point of view. Insight is given into I/Q phase inaccuracies and their impact on the quality of the final reconstructed images. The result is that the simplicity of the direct conversion architecture makes the receiver more robust toward the critical impairments for this application. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the circuit design. The main achievement is a 65nm CMOS 2-16GHz stepped frequency radar transceiver for medical imaging. The RX features 36dB conversion gain, >29dBm compression point, 7dB noise figure, and 30Hz 1/f noise corner. The TX outputs 14dBm with >40dBc harmonic rejection and <109dBc/Hz phase noise at 1MHz offset. Overall power dissipation is 204mW from 1.2V supply. The radar achieves 3mm resolution within the body, and 107dB dynamic range, a performance enabling the use for breast cancer diagnostic imaging. To further assess the capabilities of the proposed radar, a physical breast phantom was synthesized and two targets mimicking two tumors were buried inside the breast. The targets are clearly identified and correctly located, effectively proving the performance of the designed radar as a possible tool for breast cancer detection