68 research outputs found

    A "Sidewinding" Locomotion Gait for Hyper-Redundant Robots

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    This paper considers the kinematics of a novel form of hyper-redundant mobile robot locomotion which is analogous to the 'sidewinding' locomotion of desert snakes. This form of locomotion can be generated by a repetitive travel wave of mechanism bending. Using a continuous backbone curve model, we develop algorithms which enable travel in a uniform direction as well as changes in direction

    Shape-based compliance control for snake robots

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    I serpenti robot sono una classe di meccanismi iper-ridondanti che appartiene alla robotica modulare. Grazie alla loro forma snella ed allungata e all'alto grado di ridondanza possono muoversi in ambienti complessi con elevata agilità. L'abilità di spostarsi, manipolare e adattarsi efficientemente ad una grande varietà di terreni li rende ideali per diverse applicazioni, come ad esempio attività di ricerca e soccorso, ispezione o ricognizione. I robot serpenti si muovono nello spazio modificando la propria forma, senza necessità di ulteriori dispositivi quali ruote od arti. Tali deformazioni, che consistono in movimenti ondulatori ciclici che generano uno spostamento dell'intero meccanismo, vengono definiti andature. La maggior parte di esse sono ispirate al mondo naturale, come lo strisciamento, il movimento laterale o il movimento a concertina, mentre altre sono create per applicazioni specifiche, come il rotolamento o l'arrampicamento. Un serpente robot con molti gradi di libertà deve essere capace di coordinare i propri giunti e reagire ad ostacoli in tempo reale per riuscire a muoversi efficacemente in ambienti complessi o non strutturati. Inoltre, aumentare la semplicità e ridurre il numero di controllori necessari alla locomozione alleggerise una struttura di controllo che potrebbe richiedere complessità per ulteriori attività specifiche. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è ottenere un comportamento autonomo cedevole che si adatti alla conformazione dell'ambiente in cui il robot si sta spostando, accrescendo le capacità di locomozione del serpente robot. Sfruttando la cedevolezza intrinseca del serpente robot utilizzato in questo lavoro, il SEA Snake, e utilizzando un controllo che combina cedevolezza attiva ad una struttura di coordinazione che ammette una decentralizzazione variabile del robot, si dimostra come tre andature possano essere modificate per ottenere una locomozione efficiente in ambienti complessi non noti a priori o non modellabili

    Diseño y construcción de un robot tipo serpiente que implementa movimientos de marcha rectilínea y sidewinding

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    Bio-inspired robots offer locomotion versatility in a wide variety of terrains that conventional robots cannot access.  One such bio-inspired platform is snake-like robots, which are mechanisms designed to move like biological snakes. The aim of this paper was to implement and validate, through comparison in real and simulation tests on flat terrain, the design of a snake robot that allows movements in two perpendicular planes, by the application of three-dimensional locomotion modes. The prototype robot had a modular and sequential architecture composed of eight 3D printed segments. The necessary torques for each motor are found by means of a simulation in Matlab – Simulink and the SimScape tool. The Webots mobile robotics simulator was used to create a parameterized virtual model of the robot, where two types of gaits were programmed: sidewinding and rectilinear. Results showed that the robot undertakes lower than 1 second in execution time to reach the total distance in each of the proposed marches when comparted to the simulation. In addition, mean differences of 6 cm for the distances during the sidewinding mode experiment and 1.2 cm in the deviation in the rectilinear mode on flat terrain were obtained. In conclusion, there is a great similarity between the simulation tests and those performed with the actual robot, and it was also possible to verify that the behavior of the prototype robot is satisfactory over short distances.Los robots bioinspirados ofrecen versatilidad de locomoción en una amplia variedad de terrenos a los que los robots convencionales no pueden acceder. Una de esas plataformas bioinspiradas son los robots con forma de serpiente, que son mecanismos diseñados para moverse como serpientes biológicas. El objetivo de este artículo fue implementar y validar, mediante la comparación en pruebas reales y de simulación sobre un terreno llano, el diseño de un robot serpiente que permite movimientos en dos planos perpendiculares mediante la aplicación de modos tridimensionales de locomoción. El prototipo del robot contó con una arquitectura modular y secuencial compuesto por ocho segmentos impresos en 3D. Los pares necesarios para cada motor se encuentran mediante una simulación en Matlab – Simulink y la herramienta SimScape. El simulador de robótica móvil Webots se utilizó para crear un modelo virtual parametrizado del robot, donde se programaron dos tipos de marcha: sidewinding y rectilínea. Los resultados mostraron que el comportamiento del robot evidencia valores menores a 1 segundo en el tiempo de ejecución para alcanzar la distancia total en cada una de las marchas propuestas en comparación con la simulación. Además, se obtuvieron diferencias en promedio de 6 cm para las distancias durante el experimento del modo sidewinding y de 1.2 cm en el desvió rectilíneo sobre un terreno plano. En conclusión, existe una gran similitud entre las pruebas de simulación y las realizadas al robot real; igualmente se pudo verificar que el comportamiento del prototipo del robot es satisfactorio en recorridos cortos

    A snake robot with mixed gaits capability

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    Snake robots are mostly designed based on single mode of locomotion. However, single mode gait most of the time fails to work effectively when they are required to work in different cluttered environment with different measures of complexity. As a solution, mixed mode locomotion is proposed in this paper by synchronizing serpentine gait for unconstricted workspace and wriggler gait for narrow space environment through development of a simple gait transition algorithm. This study includes the investigation on kinematics analysis followed by dynamics analysis while considering related structural constraints for both gaits. This approach utilized speed of the serpentine gait for open area operation and exploits narrow space access capability of the wriggler gait. Hence, this approach in such a way increases motion flexibility in view of the fact that the snake robot is capable of changing its mode of locomotion according to the working environment

    Anisotropic body compliance facilitates robotic sidewinding in complex environments

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    Sidewinding, a locomotion strategy characterized by the coordination of lateral and vertical body undulations, is frequently observed in rattlesnakes and has been successfully reconstructed by limbless robotic systems for effective movement across diverse terrestrial terrains. However, the integration of compliant mechanisms into sidewinding limbless robots remains less explored, posing challenges for navigation in complex, rheologically diverse environments. Inspired by a notable control simplification via mechanical intelligence in lateral undulation, which offloads feedback control to passive body mechanics and interactions with the environment, we present an innovative design of a mechanically intelligent limbless robot for sidewinding. This robot features a decentralized bilateral cable actuation system that resembles organismal muscle actuation mechanisms. We develop a feedforward controller that incorporates programmable body compliance into the sidewinding gait template. Our experimental results highlight the emergence of mechanical intelligence when the robot is equipped with an appropriate level of body compliance. This allows the robot to 1) locomote more energetically efficiently, as evidenced by a reduced cost of transport, and 2) navigate through terrain heterogeneities, all achieved in an open-loop manner, without the need for environmental awareness

    Head-raising of snake robots based on a predefined spiral curve method

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    © 2018 by the authors. A snake robot has to raise its head to acquire a wide visual space for planning complex tasks such as inspecting unknown environments, tracking a flying object and acting as a manipulator with its raising part. However, only a few researchers currently focus on analyzing the head-raising motion of snake robots. Thus, a predefined spiral curve method is proposed for the head-raising motion of such robots. First, the expression of the predefined spiral curve is designed. Second, with the curve and a line segments model of a snake robot, a shape-fitting algorithm is developed for constraining the robot's macro shape. Third, the coordinate system of the line segments model of the robot is established. Then, phase-shifting and angle-solving algorithms are developed to obtain the angle sequences of roll, pitch, and yaw during the head-raising motion. Finally, the head-raising motion is simulated using the angle sequences to validate the feasibility of this method

    Control of snake robots with switching constraints: trajectory tracking with moving obstacle

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    We propose control of a snake robot that can switch lifting parts dynamically according to kinematics. Snakes lift parts of their body and dynamically switch lifting parts during locomotion: e.g. sinus-lifting and sidewinding motions. These characteristic types of snake locomotion are used for rapid and efficient movement across a sandy surface. However, optimal motion of a robot would not necessarily be the same as that of a real snake as the features of a robot’s body are different from those of a real snake. We derived a mathematical model and designed a controller for the three-dimensional motion of a snake robot on a two-dimensional plane. Our aim was to accomplish effective locomotion by selecting parts of the body to be lifted and parts to remain in contact with the ground. We derived the kinematic model with switching constraints by introducing a discrete mode number. Next, we proposed a control strategy for trajectory tracking with switching constraints to decrease cost function, and to satisfy the conditions of static stability. In this paper, we introduced a cost function related to avoidance of the singularity and the moving obstacle. Simulations and experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed controller and switching constraints