4 research outputs found

    A comparison between algebraic query languages for flat and nested databases

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    AbstractRecently, much attention has been paid to query languages for nested relations. In the present paper, we consider the nested algebra and the powerset algebra, and compare them both mutually as well as to the traditional flat algebra. We show that either nest or difference can be removed as a primitive operator in the powerset algebra. While the redundancy of the nest operator might have been expected, the same cannot be said of the difference. Basically, this result shows that the presence of one nonmonotonic operator suffices in the powerset algebra. As an interesting consequence of this result, the nested algebra without the difference remains complete in the sense of Bancilhon and Paredaens. Finally, we show there are both similarities and fundamental differences between the expressiveness of query languages for nested relations and that of their counterparts for flat relations

    A Conserative Property of a Nested Relational Query Language

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    We proposed in [7] a nested relational calculus and a nested relational algebra based on structural recursion [6,5] and on monads [27,16]. In this report, we describe relative set abstraction as our third nested relational query language. This query language is similar to the well known list comprehension mechanism in functional programming languages such as Haskell [ll], Miranda [24], KRC [23], etc. This language is equivalent to our earlier query languages both in terms of semantics and in terms of equational theories. This strong sense of equivalence allows our three query languages to be freely combined into a nested relational query language that is robust and user-friendly

    Naturally Embedded Query Languages

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    We investigate the properties of a simple programming language whose main computational engine is structural recursion on sets. We describe a progression of sublanguages in this paradigm that (1) have increasing expressive power, and (2) illustrate robust conceptual restrictions thus exhibiting interesting additional properties. These properties suggest that we consider our sublanguages as candidates for "query languages". Viewing query languages as restrictions of our more general programming language has several advantages. First, there is no "impedance mismatch" problem; the query languages are already there, so they share common semantic foundation with the general language. Second, we suggest a uniform characterization of nested relational and complex-object algebras in terms of some surprisingly simple operators; and we can make comparisons of expressiveness in a general framework. Third, we exhibit differences in expressive power that are not always based on complexity arguments..

    Domain-independent queries on databases with external functions

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    AbstractWe study queries over databases with external functions, from a language-independent perspective. The input and output types of the external functions can be atomic values, flat relations, nested relations, etc. We propose a new notion of data-independence for queries on databases with external functions, which extends naturally the notion of generic queries on relational databases without external functions. In contrast to previous such notions, ours can also be applied to queries expressed in query languages with iterations. Next, we propose two natural notions of computability for queries over databases with external functions, and prove that they are equivalent, under reasonable assumptions. Thus, our definition of computability is robust. Finally, based on this equivalence result, we give examples of complete query languages with external functions. A byproduct of the equivalence result is the fact that Relational Machines (Abiteboul and V. Vianu, 1991; Abiteboul et al., 1992) are complete on nested relations: they are known not to be complete on flat relations