14 research outputs found

    Covariance-aware private mean estimation without private covariance estimation

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    Fast Summary-based Whole-program Analysis to Identify Unsafe Memory Accesses in Rust

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    Rust is one of the most promising systems programming languages to fundamentally solve the memory safety issues that have plagued low-level software for over forty years. However, to accommodate the scenarios where Rust's type rules might be too restrictive for certain systems programming and where programmers opt for performance over security checks, Rust opens security escape hatches allowing writing unsafe source code or calling unsafe libraries. Consequently, unsafe Rust code and directly-linked unsafe foreign libraries may not only introduce memory safety violations themselves but also compromise the entire program as they run in the same monolithic address space as the safe Rust. This problem can be mitigated by isolating unsafe memory objects (those accessed by unsafe code) and sandboxing memory accesses to the unsafe memory. One category of prior work utilizes existing program analysis frameworks on LLVM IR to identify unsafe memory objects and accesses. However, they suffer the limitations of prolonged analysis time and low precision. In this paper, we tackled these two challenges using summary-based whole-program analysis on Rust's MIR. The summary-based analysis computes information on demand so as to save analysis time. Performing analysis on Rust's MIR exploits the rich high-level type information inherent to Rust, which is unavailable in LLVM IR. This manuscript is a preliminary study of ongoing research. We have prototyped a whole-program analysis for identifying both unsafe heap allocations and memory accesses to those unsafe heap objects. We reported the overhead and the efficacy of the analysis in this paper

    Covariance-Aware Private Mean Estimation Without Private Covariance Estimation

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    We present two sample-efficient differentially private mean estimators for dd-dimensional (sub)Gaussian distributions with unknown covariance. Informally, given nd/α2n \gtrsim d/\alpha^2 samples from such a distribution with mean μ\mu and covariance Σ\Sigma, our estimators output μ~\tilde\mu such that μ~μΣα\| \tilde\mu - \mu \|_{\Sigma} \leq \alpha, where Σ\| \cdot \|_{\Sigma} is the Mahalanobis distance. All previous estimators with the same guarantee either require strong a priori bounds on the covariance matrix or require Ω(d3/2)\Omega(d^{3/2}) samples. Each of our estimators is based on a simple, general approach to designing differentially private mechanisms, but with novel technical steps to make the estimator private and sample-efficient. Our first estimator samples a point with approximately maximum Tukey depth using the exponential mechanism, but restricted to the set of points of large Tukey depth. Proving that this mechanism is private requires a novel analysis. Our second estimator perturbs the empirical mean of the data set with noise calibrated to the empirical covariance, without releasing the covariance itself. Its sample complexity guarantees hold more generally for subgaussian distributions, albeit with a slightly worse dependence on the privacy parameter. For both estimators, careful preprocessing of the data is required to satisfy differential privacy

    Energy-aware design of hardware and software for ultra-low-power systems

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    Future visions of the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 demand for large scale deployments of mobile devices while removing the numerous disadvantages of using batteries: degradation, scale, weight, pollution, and costs. However, this requires computing platforms with extremely low energy consumptions, and thus employ ultra-low-power hardware, energy harvesting solutions, and highly efficient power-management hardware and software. The goal of these power management solutions is to either achieve power neutrality, a condition where energy harvest and energy consumption equalize while maximizing the service quality, or to enhance power efficiency for conserving energy reserves. To reach these goals, intelligent power-management decisions are needed that utilize precise energy data. This thesis discusses the measurement of energy in embedded systems, both online and by external equipment, and the utilization of the acquired data for modeling the power consumption states of each involved hardware component. Furthermore, a method is shown to use the resulting models by instrumenting preexisting device drivers. These drivers enable new functionalities, such as online energy accounting and energy application interfaces, and facilitate intelligent power management decisions. In order to reduce additional efforts for device driver reimplementation and the violation of the separation of concerns paradigm, the approach shown in this thesis synthesizes instrumentation aspects for an aspect oriented programming language, so that the original device-driver source code remains unaffected. Eventually, an automated process of energy measurement and data analysis is presented. This process is able to yield precise energy models with low manual effort. In combination with the instrumentation synthesis of aspect code, this method enables an accelerated creation process for energy models of ultra-low-power systems. For all proposed methods, empirical accuracy and overhead measurements are presented. To support the claims of the author, first practical energy aware and wireless-radio networked applications are showcased: An energy-neutral light sensor, a photovoltaic-powered seminar-room door plate, and a sensor network experiment testbed for research and education

    Interaction-aware analysis and optimization of real-time application and operating system

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    Mechanical and electronic automation was a key component of the technological advances in the last two hundred years. With the use of special-purpose machines, manual labor was replaced by mechanical motion, leaving workers with the operation of these machines, before also this task was conquered by embedded control systems. With the advances of general-purpose computing, the development of these control systems shifted more and more from a problem-specific one to a one-size-fits-all mentality as the trade-off between per-instance overheads and development costs was in favor of flexible and reusable implementations. However, with a scaling factor of thousands, if not millions, of deployed devices, overheads and inefficiencies accumulate; calling for a higher degree of specialization. For the area real-time operating systems (RTOSs), which form the base layer for many of these computerized control systems, we deploy way more flexibility than what is actually required for the applications that run on top of it. Since only the solution, but not the problem, became less specific to the control problem at hand, we have the chance to cut away inefficiencies, improve on system-analyses results, and optimize the resource consumption. However, such a tailoring will only be favorable if it can be performed without much developer interaction and in an automated fashion. Here, real-time systems are a good starting point, since we already have to have a large degree of static knowledge in order to guarantee their timeliness. Until now, this static nature is not exploited to its full extent and optimization potentials are left unused. The requirements of a system, with regard to the RTOS, manifest in the interactions between the application and the kernel. Threads request resources from the RTOS, which in return determines and enforces a scheduling order that will ensure the timely completion of all necessary computations. Since the RTOS runs only in the exception, its reaction to requests from the application (or from the environment) is its defining feature. In this thesis, I will grasp these interactions, and thereby the required RTOS semantic, in a control-flow-sensitive fashion. Extracted automatically, this knowledge about the reciprocal influence allows me to fit the implementation of a system closer to its actual requirements. The result is a system that is not only in its usage a special-purpose system, but also in its implementation and in its provided guarantees. In the development of my approach, it became clear that the focus on these interactions is not only highly fruitful for the optimization of a system, but also for its end-to-end analysis. Therefore, this thesis does not only provide methods to reduce the kernel-execution overhead and a system's memory consumption, but it also includes methods to calculate tighter response-time bounds and to give guarantees about the correct behavior of the kernel. All these contributions are enabled by my proposed interaction-aware methodology that takes the whole system, RTOS and application, into account. With this thesis, I show that a control-flow-sensitive whole-system view on the interactions is feasible and highly rewarding. With this approach, we can overcome many inefficiencies that arise from analyses that have an isolating focus on individual system components. Furthermore, the interaction-aware methods keep close to the actual implementation, and therefore are able to consider the behavioral patterns of the finally deployed real-time computing system

    Parallel and Flow-Based High Quality Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Balanced hypergraph partitioning is a classic NP-hard optimization problem that is a fundamental tool in such diverse disciplines as VLSI circuit design, route planning, sharding distributed databases, optimizing communication volume in parallel computing, and accelerating the simulation of quantum circuits. Given a hypergraph and an integer kk, the task is to divide the vertices into kk disjoint blocks with bounded size, while minimizing an objective function on the hyperedges that span multiple blocks. In this dissertation we consider the most commonly used objective, the connectivity metric, where we aim to minimize the number of different blocks connected by each hyperedge. The most successful heuristic for balanced partitioning is the multilevel approach, which consists of three phases. In the coarsening phase, vertex clusters are contracted to obtain a sequence of structurally similar but successively smaller hypergraphs. Once sufficiently small, an initial partition is computed. Lastly, the contractions are successively undone in reverse order, and an iterative improvement algorithm is employed to refine the projected partition on each level. An important aspect in designing practical heuristics for optimization problems is the trade-off between solution quality and running time. The appropriate trade-off depends on the specific application, the size of the data sets, and the computational resources available to solve the problem. Existing algorithms are either slow, sequential and offer high solution quality, or are simple, fast, easy to parallelize, and offer low quality. While this trade-off cannot be avoided entirely, our goal is to close the gaps as much as possible. We achieve this by improving the state of the art in all non-trivial areas of the trade-off landscape with only a few techniques, but employed in two different ways. Furthermore, most research on parallelization has focused on distributed memory, which neglects the greater flexibility of shared-memory algorithms and the wide availability of commodity multi-core machines. In this thesis, we therefore design and revisit fundamental techniques for each phase of the multilevel approach, and develop highly efficient shared-memory parallel implementations thereof. We consider two iterative improvement algorithms, one based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) heuristic, and one based on label propagation. For these, we propose a variety of techniques to improve the accuracy of gains when moving vertices in parallel, as well as low-level algorithmic improvements. For coarsening, we present a parallel variant of greedy agglomerative clustering with a novel method to resolve cluster join conflicts on-the-fly. Combined with a preprocessing phase for coarsening based on community detection, a portfolio of from-scratch partitioning algorithms, as well as recursive partitioning with work-stealing, we obtain our first parallel multilevel framework. It is the fastest partitioner known, and achieves medium-high quality, beating all parallel partitioners, and is close to the highest quality sequential partitioner. Our second contribution is a parallelization of an n-level approach, where only one vertex is contracted and uncontracted on each level. This extreme approach aims at high solution quality via very fine-grained, localized refinement, but seems inherently sequential. We devise an asynchronous n-level coarsening scheme based on a hierarchical decomposition of the contractions, as well as a batch-synchronous uncoarsening, and later fully asynchronous uncoarsening. In addition, we adapt our refinement algorithms, and also use the preprocessing and portfolio. This scheme is highly scalable, and achieves the same quality as the highest quality sequential partitioner (which is based on the same components), but is of course slower than our first framework due to fine-grained uncoarsening. The last ingredient for high quality is an iterative improvement algorithm based on maximum flows. In the sequential setting, we first improve an existing idea by solving incremental maximum flow problems, which leads to smaller cuts and is faster due to engineering efforts. Subsequently, we parallelize the maximum flow algorithm and schedule refinements in parallel. Beyond the strive for highest quality, we present a deterministically parallel partitioning framework. We develop deterministic versions of the preprocessing, coarsening, and label propagation refinement. Experimentally, we demonstrate that the penalties for determinism in terms of partition quality and running time are very small. All of our claims are validated through extensive experiments, comparing our algorithms with state-of-the-art solvers on large and diverse benchmark sets. To foster further research, we make our contributions available in our open-source framework Mt-KaHyPar. While it seems inevitable, that with ever increasing problem sizes, we must transition to distributed memory algorithms, the study of shared-memory techniques is not in vain. With the multilevel approach, even the inherently slow techniques have a role to play in fast systems, as they can be employed to boost quality on coarse levels at little expense. Similarly, techniques for shared-memory parallelism are important, both as soon as a coarse graph fits into memory, and as local building blocks in the distributed algorithm

    On the Combination of Game-Theoretic Learning and Multi Model Adaptive Filters

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    This paper casts coordination of a team of robots within the framework of game theoretic learning algorithms. In particular a novel variant of fictitious play is proposed, by considering multi-model adaptive filters as a method to estimate other players’ strategies. The proposed algorithm can be used as a coordination mechanism between players when they should take decisions under uncertainty. Each player chooses an action after taking into account the actions of the other players and also the uncertainty. Uncertainty can occur either in terms of noisy observations or various types of other players. In addition, in contrast to other game-theoretic and heuristic algorithms for distributed optimisation, it is not necessary to find the optimal parameters a priori. Various parameter values can be used initially as inputs to different models. Therefore, the resulting decisions will be aggregate results of all the parameter values. Simulations are used to test the performance of the proposed methodology against other game-theoretic learning algorithms.</p