3 research outputs found

    Grid Resource Management Model Based on ESA

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    提出了基于ESA的网格资源管理模型。该模型以Service-Agent为基础,结合了Agent动态自主性和服务的松散耦合优点,运用经济学的市场机制和交易理论,提出该模型的资源发现机制、分配选择机制和交易机制,以及基于议价交易机制的Bargaining_Min_min算法,实现资源的优化管理,使资源提供者和使用者满足各自利益,达到网格市场上的双赢。A service-agent grid resource management model based on economic mechanisms is proposed.Based on Service-Agent,it combines the dynamic agent with loose coupling of services.The market mechanisms and trading theories such as resource discovery mechanism,resource allocation mechanism and Bargaining_Min_min based on bargaining mechanism,are also adopted to achieve the optimal allocation of grid resources so that providers and consumers can maximize their own interests and try to get the win-win objective in grid market.“985工程”智能化科技创新平台基金资助项

    基于ESA 的网格资源管理模型

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    提出了基于ESA 的网格资源管理模型。该模型以Service-Agent 为基础,结合了Agent 动态自主性和服务的松散耦合优点,运用 经济学的市场机制和交易理论,提出该模型的资源发现机制、分配选择机制和交易机制,以及基于议价交易机制的Bargaining_Min_min 算 法,实现资源的优化管理,使资源提供者和使用者满足各自利益,达到网格市场上的双赢。“985 工程”智能化科技创新平台基金资助项

    802.11-based positioning system for context aware applications

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