79 research outputs found

    Accurate user directed summarization from existing tools

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    This paper describes a set of experimental results produced from the TIPSTER SUMMAC initiative on user directed summaries: document summaries generated in the context of an information need expressed as a query. The summarizer that was evaluated was based on a set of existing statistical techniques that had been applied successfully to the INQUERY retrieval system. The techniques proved to have a wider utility, however, as the summarizer was one of the better performing systems in the SUMMAC evaluation. The design of this summarizer is presented with a range of evaluations: both those provided by SUMMAC as well as a set of preliminary, more informal, evaluations that examined additional aspects of the summaries. Amongst other conclusions, the results reveal that users can judge the relevance of documents from their summary almost as accurately as if they had had access to the document’s full text

    Document Summarization Using NMF and Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based on K-Means Clustering

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    According to the increment of accessible text data source on the internet, it has increased the necessity of the automatic text document summarization. However, the performance of the automatic methods might be poor because the semantic gap between high level user's summary requirement and low level vector representation of machine exists. In this paper, to overcome that problem, we propose a new document summarization method using a pseudo relevance feedback based on clustering method and NMF (non-negative matrix factorization). Relevance feedback is effective technique to minimize the semantic gap of information processing, but the general relevance feedback needs an intervention of a user. Additionally, the refined query without user interference by pseudo relevance feedback may be biased. The proposed method provides an automatic relevance judgment to reformulate query using the clustering method for minimizing a bias of query expansion. The method also can improve the quality of document summarization since the summarized documents are influenced by the semantic features of documents and the expanded query. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better performance than the other document summarization methods

    Adaptive content mapping for internet navigation

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    The Internet as the biggest human library ever assembled keeps on growing. Although all kinds of information carriers (e.g. audio/video/hybrid file formats) are available, text based documents dominate. It is estimated that about 80% of all information worldwide stored electronically exists in (or can be converted into) text form. More and more, all kinds of documents are generated by means of a text processing system and are therefore available electronically. Nowadays, many printed journals are also published online and may even discontinue to appear in print form tomorrow. This development has many convincing advantages: the documents are both available faster (cf. prepress services) and cheaper, they can be searched more easily, the physical storage only needs a fraction of the space previously necessary and the medium will not age. For most people, fast and easy access is the most interesting feature of the new age; computer-aided search for specific documents or Web pages becomes the basic tool for information-oriented work. But this tool has problems. The current keyword based search machines available on the Internet are not really appropriate for such a task; either there are (way) too many documents matching the specified keywords are presented or none at all. The problem lies in the fact that it is often very difficult to choose appropriate terms describing the desired topic in the first place. This contribution discusses the current state-of-the-art techniques in content-based searching (along with common visualization/browsing approaches) and proposes a particular adaptive solution for intuitive Internet document navigation, which not only enables the user to provide full texts instead of manually selected keywords (if available), but also allows him/her to explore the whole database

    Word Combination Kernel for Text Classification with Support Vector Machines

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    In this paper we propose a novel kernel for text categorization. This kernel is an inner product defined in the feature space generated by all word combinations of specified length. A word combination is a collection of unique words co-occurring in the same sentence. The word combination of length k is weighted by the k rm th root of the product of the inverse document frequencies (IDF) of its words. By discarding word order, the word combination features are more compatible with the flexibility of natural language and the feature dimensions of documents can be reduced significantly to improve the sparseness of feature representations. By restricting the words to the same sentence and considering multi-word combinations, the word combination features can capture similarity at a more specific level than single words. A computationally simple and efficient algorithm was proposed to calculate this kernel. We conducted a series of experiments on the Reuters-21578 and 20 Newsgroups datasets. This kernel achieves better performance than the word kernel and word-sequence kernel. We also evaluated the computing efficiency of this kernel and observed the impact of the word combination length on performance

    pBWT: Achieving succinct data structures for parameterized pattern matching and related problems

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    The fields of succinct data structures and compressed text indexing have seen quite a bit of progress over the last two decades. An important achievement, primarily using techniques based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), was obtaining the full functionality of the suffix tree in the optimal number of bits. A crucial property that allows the use of BWT for designing compressed indexes is order-preserving suffix links. Specifically, the relative order between two suffixes in the subtree of an internal node is same as that of the suffixes obtained by truncating the furst character of the two suffixes. Unfortunately, in many variants of the text-indexing problem, for e.g., parameterized pattern matching, 2D pattern matching, and order-isomorphic pattern matching, this property does not hold. Consequently, the compressed indexes based on BWT do not directly apply. Furthermore, a compressed index for any of these variants has been elusive throughout the advancement of the field of succinct data structures. We achieve a positive breakthrough on one such problem, namely the Parameterized Pattern Matching problem. Let T be a text that contains n characters from an alphabet , which is the union of two disjoint sets: containing static characters (s-characters) and containing parameterized characters (p-characters). A pattern P (also over ) matches an equal-length substring S of T i the s-characters match exactly, and there exists a one-to-one function that renames the p-characters in S to that in P. The task is to find the starting positions (occurrences) of all such substrings S. Previous index [Baker, STOC 1993], known as Parameterized Suffix Tree, requires (n log n) bits of space, and can find all occ occurrences in time O(jPj log +occ), where = jj. We introduce an n log +O(n)-bit index with O(jPj log +occlog n log ) query time. At the core, lies a new BWT-like transform, which we call the Parame- terized Burrows-Wheeler Transform (pBWT). The techniques are extended to obtain a succinct index for the Parameterized Dictionary Matching problem of Idury and Schaer [CPM, 1994]

    An Evaluation of Text Classification Methods for Literary Study

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    This article presents an empirical evaluation of text classification methods in literary domain. This study compared the performance of two popular algorithms, naı¨ve Bayes and support vector machines (SVMs) in two literary text classification tasks: the eroticism classification of Dickinson’s poems and the sentimentalism classification of chapters in early American novels. The algorithms were also combined with three text pre-processing tools, namely stemming, stopword removal, and statistical feature selection, to study the impact of these tools on the classifiers’ performance in the literary setting. Existing studies outside the literary domain indicated that SVMs are generally better than naı¨ve Bayes classifiers. However, in this study SVMs were not all winners. Both algorithms achieved high accuracy in sentimental chapter classification, but the naı¨ve Bayes classifier outperformed the SVM classifier in erotic poem classification. Self-feature selection helped both algorithms improve their performance in both tasks. However, the two algorithms selected relevant features in different frequency ranges, and therefore captured different characteristics of the target classes. The evaluation results in this study also suggest that arbitrary featurereduction steps such as stemming and stopword removal should be taken very carefully. Some stopwords were highly discriminative features for Dickinson’s erotic poem classification. In sentimental chapter classification, stemming undermined subsequent feature selection by aggressively conflating and neutralizing discriminative features

    Search beyond traditional probabilistic information retrieval

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    "This thesis focuses on search beyond probabilistic information retrieval. Three ap- proached are proposed beyond the traditional probabilistic modelling. First, term associ- ation is deeply examined. Term association considers the term dependency using a factor analysis based model, instead of treating each term independently. Latent factors, con- sidered the same as the hidden variables of ""eliteness"" introduced by Robertson et al. to gain understanding of the relation among term occurrences and relevance, are measured by the dependencies and occurrences of term sequences and subsequences. Second, an entity-based ranking approach is proposed in an entity system named ""EntityCube"" which has been released by Microsoft for public use. A summarization page is given to summarize the entity information over multiple documents such that the truly relevant entities can be highly possibly searched from multiple documents through integrating the local relevance contributed by proximity and the global enhancer by topic model. Third, multi-source fusion sets up a meta-search engine to combine the ""knowledge"" from different sources. Meta-features, distilled as high-level categories, are deployed to diversify the baselines. Three modified fusion methods are employed, which are re- ciprocal, CombMNZ and CombSUM with three expanded versions. Through extensive experiments on the standard large-scale TREC Genomics data sets, the TREC HARD data sets and the Microsoft EntityCube Web collections, the proposed extended models beyond probabilistic information retrieval show their effectiveness and superiority.

    Improving Feature Selection Techniques for Machine Learning

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    As a commonly used technique in data preprocessing for machine learning, feature selection identifies important features and removes irrelevant, redundant or noise features to reduce the dimensionality of feature space. It improves efficiency, accuracy and comprehensibility of the models built by learning algorithms. Feature selection techniques have been widely employed in a variety of applications, such as genomic analysis, information retrieval, and text categorization. Researchers have introduced many feature selection algorithms with different selection criteria. However, it has been discovered that no single criterion is best for all applications. We proposed a hybrid feature selection framework called based on genetic algorithms (GAs) that employs a target learning algorithm to evaluate features, a wrapper method. We call it hybrid genetic feature selection (HGFS) framework. The advantages of this approach include the ability to accommodate multiple feature selection criteria and find small subsets of features that perform well for the target algorithm. The experiments on genomic data demonstrate that ours is a robust and effective approach that can find subsets of features with higher classification accuracy and/or smaller size compared to each individual feature selection algorithm. A common characteristic of text categorization tasks is multi-label classification with a great number of features, which makes wrapper methods time-consuming and impractical. We proposed a simple filter (non-wrapper) approach called Relation Strength and Frequency Variance (RSFV) measure. The basic idea is that informative features are those that are highly correlated with the class and distribute most differently among all classes. The approach is compared with two well-known feature selection methods in the experiments on two standard text corpora. The experiments show that RSFV generate equal or better performance than the others in many cases
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