7 research outputs found

    DFT based spatial multiplexing and maximum ratio transmission for mm-wawe large MIMO

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    Fractionally Spaced Complex Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Multi-Gigabit 60 GHz Wireless Communication

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    A novel analog front-end architecture based on complex sub-Nyquist sampling for the intermediate frequency (IF) stage of a mmWave receiver is proposed. With this front-end, the use of a wideband hybrid coupler and two half-rate analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) allow for a flexible placement of the IF. It is shown that digital compensation of the impairments introduced by the non-ideal 90 degree hybrid coupler is required to use high modulation orders. Further a digital signal processing (DSP) architecture is presented which performs equalization of a fractionally spaced sub-sampled IF signal in frequency domain (FD) and integrates the compensation of the impairments with low overhead. Based on this DSP architecture a working 60GHz single-carrier link is demonstrated. Measurement results show the feasibility of 256QAM modulated transmission with a bandwidth of up to 1.8 GHz and a resulting raw data rate of 12.8 Gb/s using our frontend architecture with the digital FD compensation

    60-Ghz OFDM Systems for Multi-Gigabit Wireless LAN Applications

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    Visible Light Communication

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    This work presents a general and introductory review of visible light communication. Visible light communication or VLC refers to wireless communications using a spectral range from 380 to 780 nm for the transmission of information. This part of the optical-electromagnetic range presents some advantages to current wireless radio frequency technologies, as well as several challenges to its development and application. Different visible light communication systems have been developed for indoor, outdoor, domestic, and industrial fields where the luminaire performs two tasks: general lighting and data transmission, since this type of communication has important and valuable applications. Recently, research has been performed to improve each functional block’s performance that composes this kind of communication system. The incursion VLC poses challenges such as LED bandwidth limited by the carrier lifetime, the LED-Driver Linearity, it’s up-link; the general lighting infrastructure to the internet; and the dimming and general lighting performance. It is concluded that the incursion of Visible Light Communication into the already extended spectrum of wireless communications systems will complement and make it less harmful to our environment as international regulation has helped to improve this technology substantially.

    Architectures multi-bandes en mode impulsionnel et circuits pour des applications nomades très haut débit autour de 60GHz

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    Avec la croissance actuelle du marché des applications de transfert de données multimédia à très haut débit, les bandes de fréquences autour de 60 GHz sont une nouvelle alternative promettant des performances intéressantes en terme de débits mais soulèvent des défis techniques et technologiques au niveau des architectures et circuits. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette thèse, qui propose une approche multi bande impulsionnelle MBOOK avec un récepteur à détection d'énergie, et qui analyse plus spécifiquement les verrous au niveau de l'émetteur. L'étude du canal de propagation à 60 GHz, basée sur les modèles de canaux du standard IEEE 802.15.3c, a permis de démontrer la potentialité de cette architecture et permet d'atteindre des débits de 2 Gbps à 2metres dans un environnement de type résidentiel. Le dimensionnement de l'architecture ainsi que des performances des principaux blocs ont conduit à plusieurs possibilités pour l'architecture de l'émetteur MBOOK à 60 GHz. Les critères ont été d'assurer un compromis performances, consommation. Une étude approfondie sur l'étude des imperfections de certains blocs critiques et l'impact sur l'impulsion transmise, et donc sur les performances du système ont été établies. Le banc de filtres, nécessaire à l'émission et à la réception, représente l'un des verrous, et nous proposons une solution de filtrage à base de lignes couplées. L'étude des solutions de génération d'impulsions, des étages de commutation, et des étages d'amplification de l'émetteur sont détaillées et discutées dans les deux derniers chapitresWith the current increasing market request concerning high speed data rates applications, the 60 GHz frequency bands seems to be one of the new promising alternatives for high data rate wireless communications. In this context, the development of new systems operating at these frequencies becomes a very attractive research subject. This study focuses on nomadic systems offering high data and reconfigurable rates, low complexity, low power consumption for short communications. One of the important tasks in the millimetre wave architecture design is to consider the channel propagation characteristics simultaneously with the technological performance of integrated circuits and antennas. This requires a co-design of the entire system. Therefore, we begun by studying the characteristics of the channel propagation channel at 60GHz according to the IEEE 802.15.3c and IEEE 802.11.ad models. This PHD thesis proposes a new transceiver architecture based on multi-band impulse mode, with On Off Keying modulation schema and non coherent receiver. This architecture is dedicated to nomadic systems offering high data and reconfigurable rates, low complexity, low power consumption for short communications. Analysis and performances for the proposed architecture are presented. More than 2 Gbps at 2 m are obtained. The imperfections of some critical blocks and their impact on the transmitted pulses were analysed and thus the performance of the system has been established. The potentiality of microstrip band pass filter bank presenting a constant relative bandwidth and reasonable insertion losses is presented in this study. The study of pulse generation solutions, switchers, amplification stages and antennas are detailed and discussed in the last two chaptersconstant relative bandwidth and reasonable insertion losses is presented in this study.The study of pulse generation solutions, switchers, amplification stages and antennas are detailed and discussed in the last two chapters.PARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modulation, Coding, and Receiver Design for Gigabit mmWave Communication

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    While wireless communication has become an ubiquitous part of our daily life and the world around us, it has not been able yet to deliver the multi-gigabit throughput required for applications like high-definition video transmission or cellular backhaul communication. The throughput limitation of current wireless systems is mainly the result of a shortage of spectrum and the problem of congestion. Recent advancements in circuit design allow the realization of analog frontends for mmWave frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz, making abundant unused spectrum accessible. However, the transition to mmWave carrier frequencies and GHz bandwidths comes with new challenges for wireless receiver design. Large variations of the channel conditions and high symbol rates require flexible but power-efficient receiver designs. This thesis investigates receiver algorithms and architectures that enable multi-gigabit mmWave communication. Using a system-level approach, the design options between low-power time-domain and power-hungry frequency-domain signal processing are explored. The system discussion is started with an analysis of the problem of parameter synchronization in mmWave systems and its impact on system design. The proposed synchronization architecture extends known synchronization techniques to provide greater flexibility regarding the operating environments and for system efficiency optimization. For frequency-selective environments, versatile single-carrier frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) offers not only excellent channel equalization, but also the possibility to integrate additional baseband tasks without overhead. Hence, the high initial complexity of SC-FDE needs to be put in perspective to the complexity savings in the other parts of the baseband. Furthermore, an extension to the SC-FDE architecture is proposed that allows an adaptation of the equalization complexity by switching between a cyclic-prefix mode and a reduced block length overlap-save mode based on the delay spread. Approaching the problem of complexity adaptation from time-domain, a high-speed hardware architecture for the delayed decision feedback sequence estimation (DDFSE) algorithm is presented. DDFSE uses decision feedback to reduce the complexity of the sequence estimation and allows to set the system performance between the performance of full maximum-likelihood detection and pure decision feedback equalization. An implementation of the DDFSE architecture is demonstrated as part of an all-digital IEEE802.11ad baseband ASIC manufactured in 40nm CMOS. A flexible architecture for wideband mmWave receivers based on complex sub-sampling is presented. Complex sub-sampling combines the design advantages of sub-sampling receivers with the flexibility of direct-conversion receivers using a single passive component and a digital compensation scheme. Feasibility of the architecture is proven with a 16Gb/s hardware demonstrator. The demonstrator is used to explore the potential gain of non-equidistant constellations for high-throughput mmWave links. Specifically crafted amplitude phase-shift keying (APSK) modulation achieve 1dB average mutual information (AMI) advantage over quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in simulation and on the testbed hardware. The AMI advantage of APSK can be leveraged for a practical transmission using Polar codes which are trained specifically for the constellation

    Retournement temporel : application aux réseaux mobiles

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    This thesis studies the time reversal technique to improve the energy efficiency of future mobile networks and reduce the cost of future mobile devices. Time reversal technique consists in using the time inverse of the propagation channel impulse response (between a transceiver and a receiver) as a prefilter. Such pre-filtered signal is received with a stronger power (this is spatial focusing) and with a strong main echo, relatively to secondary echoes (this is time compression). During a previous learning phase, the transceiver estimates the channel by measuring the pilot signal emitted by the receiver. Space-time focusing is obtained only at the condition that the propagation remains identical between the learning phase and the data transmission phase: this is the ‘channel reciprocity’ condition. Numerous works show that spatial focusing allows for the reduction of the required transmit power for a given target received power, on the one hand, and that time compression allow for the reduction of the required complexity at the receiver side to handle multiple echoes, on the other hand. However, studies on complexity reduction are limited to ultra wideband. Some works of this thesis (based on simulations and experimental measurements) show that, for bands which are more typical for future networks (a carrier frequency of 1GHz and a spectrum of 30 MHz to 100 MHz), thanks to time reversal, a simple receiver and a mono-carrier signal are sufficient to reach high data rates. Moreover, the channel reciprocity condition is not verified in two scenarios which are typical from mobile networks. Firstly, in most European mobile networks, the frequency division duplex mode is used. This mode implies that the transceiver and the receiver communicate on distinct carriers, and therefore through different propagation channels. Secondly, when considering a receiver on a moving connected vehicle, the transceiver and the receiver communicate one with each other at distinct instants, corresponding to distinct positions of the vehicles, and therefore through different propagation channels. Some works of this thesis propose solutions to obtain space-time focusing for these two scenarios. Finally, some works of this thesis explore the combination of time reversal with other recent signal processing techniques (spatial modulation, on the one hand, a new multi-carrier waveform, on the other hand), or new deployment scenarios (millimeter waves and large antenna arrays to interconnect the nodes of an ultra dense network) or new applications (guidance and navigation) which can be envisaged for future mobile networks.Cette thèse étudie la technique dite de ‘Retournement Temporel’ afin d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des futurs réseaux mobiles d’une part, et réduire le coût des futurs terminaux mobiles, d’autre part. Le retournement temporel consiste à utiliser l’inverse temporel de la réponse impulsionnelle du canal de propagation entre un émetteur et un récepteur pour préfiltrer l’émission d’un signal de données. Avantageusement, le signal ainsi préfiltré est reçu avec une puissance renforcée (c’est la focalisation spatiale) et un écho principal qui est renforcé par rapport aux échos secondaires (c’est la compression temporelle). Lors d’une étape préalable d’apprentissage, l’émetteur estime le canal en mesurant un signal pilote provenant du récepteur. La focalisation spatiotemporelle n’est obtenue qu’à condition que la propagation demeure identique entre la phase d’apprentissage et la phase de transmission de données : c’est la condition de ‘réciprocité du canal’. De nombreux travaux montrent que la focalisation spatiale permet de réduire la puissance émise nécessaire pour atteindre une puissance cible au récepteur d’une part, et que la compression temporelle permet de réduire la complexité du récepteur nécessaire pour gérer l’effet des échos multiples, d’autre part. Cependant, les études sur la réduction de la complexité du récepteur se limitent à l’ultra large bande. Des travaux de cette thèse (basés sur des simulations et des mesures expérimentales) montrent que pour des bandes de fréquences plus typiques des futurs réseaux mobiles (fréquence porteuse à 1GHz et spectre de 30 MHz à 100 MHz), grâce au retournement temporel, un récepteur simple et un signal monoporteuse suffisent pour atteindre de hauts débits. En outre, la condition de réciprocité du canal n’est pas vérifiée dans deux scénarios typiques des réseaux mobiles. Tout d’abord, dans la plupart des réseaux mobiles européens, le mode de duplex en fréquence est utilisé. Ce mode implique que l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre sur des fréquences porteuses distinctes, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. De plus, lorsqu’on considère un récepteur sur un véhicule connecté en mouvement, l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre à des instants distincts, correspondants à des positions distinctes du véhicule, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. Des travaux de cette thèse proposent des solutions pour obtenir la focalisation spatio-temporelle dans ces deux scenarios. Enfin, des travaux de la thèse explorent la combinaison du retournement temporel avec d’autres techniques de traitement de signal récentes (la modulation spatiale, d’une part, et une nouvelle forme d’onde multiporteuse, d’autre part), ou des scenarios de déploiement nouveaux (ondes millimétriques et très grands réseaux d’antennes pour inter-connecter les noeuds d’un réseau ultra dense) ou de nouvelles applications (guidage et navigation) envisageables pour les futurs réseaux mobiles