4,548,036 research outputs found

    Fast decoding of a d(min) = 6 RS code

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    A method for high speed decoding a d sub min = 6 Reed-Solomon (RS) code is presented. Properties of the two byte error correcting and three byte error detecting RS code are discussed. Decoding using a quadratic equation is shown. Theorems and concomitant proofs are included to substantiate this decoding method

    Dynamin Is Functionally Coupled to Insulin Granule Exocytosis

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    The insulin granule integral membrane protein marker phogrin-green fluorescent protein was co-localized with insulin in Min6B1 beta-cell secretory granules but did not undergo plasma membrane translocation following glucose stimulation. Surprisingly, although expression of a dominant-interfering dynamin mutant (Dyn/K44A) inhibited transferrin receptor endocytosis, it had no effect on phogringreen fluorescent protein localization in the basal or secretagogue-stimulated state. By contrast, co-expression of Dyn/K44A with human growth hormone as an insulin secretory marker resulted in a marked inhibition of human growth hormone release by glucose, KCl, and a combination of multiple secretagogues. Moreover, serial pulse depolarization stimulated an increase in cell surface capacitance that was also blocked in cells expressing Dyn/K44A. Similarly, small interference RNA-mediated knockdown of dynamin resulted in marked inhibition of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Together, these data suggest the presence of a selective kiss and run mechanism of insulin release. Moreover, these data indicate a coupling between endocytosis and exocytosis in the regulation of beta-cell insulin secretion

    Словарь опечаток, слова живаго суржика бытия

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    This is a popular philosophy book that offers ironic approach to analysis of post-Soviet societies and cultures. Author collected over 100 misprints that articulate deviant practices of currupt and kleptocratic societies. Stragedy instead of strategy, acomedy instead of academy, and many other new Concepts get interpreted and lead to a creation of new post-modern post-Soviet Encyclopedy

    S1S^{1}-invariant symplectic hypersurfaces in dimension 66 and the Fano condition

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    We prove that any symplectic Fano 66-manifold MM with a Hamiltonian S1S^1-action is simply connected and satisfies c1c2(M)=24c_1 c_2(M)=24. This is done by showing that the fixed submanifold MminMM_{\min}\subseteq M on which the Hamiltonian attains its minimum is diffeomorphic to either a del Pezzo surface, a 22-sphere or a point. In the case when dim(Mmin)=4\dim(M_{\min})=4, we use the fact that symplectic Fano 44-manifolds are symplectomorphic to del Pezzo surfaces. The case when dim(Mmin)=2\dim(M_{\min})=2 involves a study of 66-dimensional Hamiltonian S1S^1-manifolds with MminM_{\min} diffeomorphic to a surface of positive genus. By exploiting an analogy with the algebro-geometric situation we construct in each such 66-manifold an S1S^1-invariant symplectic hypersurface F(M){\cal F}(M) playing the role of a smooth fibre of a hypothetical Mori fibration over MminM_{\min}. This relies upon applying Seiberg-Witten theory to the resolution of symplectic 44-orbifolds occurring as the reduced spaces of MM.Comment: Exposition improve

    Graphs with Diameter nen-e Minimizing the Spectral Radius

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    The spectral radius ρ(G)\rho(G) of a graph GG is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix A(G)A(G). For a fixed integer e1e\ge 1, let Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} be a graph with minimal spectral radius among all connected graphs on nn vertices with diameter nen-e. Let Pn1,n2,...,nt,pm1,m2,...,mtP_{n_1,n_2,...,n_t,p}^{m_1,m_2,...,m_t} be a tree obtained from a path of pp vertices (012...(p1)0 \sim 1 \sim 2 \sim ... \sim (p-1)) by linking one pendant path PniP_{n_i} at mim_i for each i{1,2,...,t}i\in\{1,2,...,t\}. For e=1,2,3,4,5e=1,2,3,4,5, Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} were determined in the literature. Cioab\v{a}-van Dam-Koolen-Lee \cite{CDK} conjectured for fixed e6e\geq 6, Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} is in the family Pn,e={P2,1,...1,2,ne+12,m2,...,me4,ne22<m2<...<me4<ne2}{\cal P}_{n,e}=\{P_{2,1,...1,2,n-e+1}^{2,m_2,...,m_{e-4},n-e-2}\mid 2<m_2<...<m_{e-4}<n-e-2\}. For e=6,7e=6,7, they conjectured Gn,n6min=P2,1,2,n52,D12,D2G^{min}_{n,n-6}=P^{2,\lceil\frac{D-1}{2}\rceil,D-2}_{2,1,2,n-5} and Gn,n7min=P2,1,1,2,n62,D+23,DD+23,D2G^{min}_{n,n-7}=P^{2,\lfloor\frac{D+2}{3}\rfloor,D- \lfloor\frac{D+2}{3}\rfloor, D-2}_{2,1,1,2,n-6}. In this paper, we settle their three conjectures positively. We also determine Gn,n8minG^{min}_{n,n-8} in this paper

    Dynamics of Surface Roughening with Quenched Disorder

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    We study the dynamical exponent zz for the directed percolation depinning (DPD) class of models for surface roughening in the presence of quenched disorder. We argue that zz for (d+1)(d+1) dimensions is equal to the exponent dmind_{\rm min} characterizing the shortest path between two sites in an isotropic percolation cluster in dd dimensions. To test the argument, we perform simulations and calculate zz for DPD, and dmind_{\rm min} for percolation, from d=1d = 1 to d=6d = 6.Comment: RevTex manuscript 3 pages + 6 figures (obtained upon request via email [email protected]

    Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Privacy Amplification via Renyi Entropy and Inf-Spectral Entropy

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    This paper investigates the privacy amplification problem, and compares the existing two bounds: the exponential bound derived by one of the authors and the min-entropy bound derived by Renner. It turns out that the exponential bound is better than the min-entropy bound when a security parameter is rather small for a block length, and that the min-entropy bound is better than the exponential bound when a security parameter is rather large for a block length. Furthermore, we present another bound that interpolates the exponential bound and the min-entropy bound by a hybrid use of the Renyi entropy and the inf-spectral entropy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure