5 research outputs found

    6×28GBaud 128-SP-QAM transmission over 41.7 km few-mode fiber with a 6×6 MIMO FDE

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    By exploiting 4D constellations, 6×28Gbaud 128-SP-QAM transmission over 41.7km few mode fiber with 6×6 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency domain equalization (FDE) is demonstrated to perform better than 8QAM, whilst carrying 0.5bit/symbol more information

    Single parity check-coded 16QAM over spatial superchannels in multicore fiber transmission

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    We experimentally investigate single-parity check (SPC) coded spatial superchannels based on polarization-multiplexed 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (PM-16QAM) for multicore fiber transmission systems, using a 7-core fiber. We investigate SPC over 1, 2, 4, 5 or 7 cores in a back-to-back configuration and compare the sensitivity to uncoded PM-16QAM, showing that at symbol rates of 20 Gbaud and at a bit-error-rate (BER) of 10(-3), the SPC superchannels exhibit sensitivity improvements of 2.7 dB, 2.0 dB, 1.7 dB, 1.3 dB, and 1.1 dB, respectively. We perform both single channel and wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) transmission experiments with 22 GHz channel spacing and 20 Gbaud channel symbol rate for SPC over 1, 3 and 7 cores and compare the results to PM-16QAM with the same spacing and symbol rate. We show that in WDM signals, SPC over hl1 core can achieve more than double the transmission distance compared to PM-16QAM at the cost of 0.91 bit/s/Hz/core in spectral efficiency (SE). When sharing the parity-bit over 7 cores, the loss in SE becomes only 0.13 bit/s/Hz/core while the increase in transmission reach over PM-16QAM is 44 %. (C) 2015 Optical Society of Americ

    6×28GBaud 128-SP-QAM transmission over 41.7 km few-mode fiber with a 6×6 MIMO FDE

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    By exploiting 4D constellations, 6×28Gbaud 128-SP-QAM transmission over 41.7km few mode fiber with 6×6 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency domain equalization (FDE) is demonstrated to perform better than 8QAM, whilst carrying 0.5bit/symbol more information

    Multidimensional Optimized Optical Modulation Formats

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    This chapter overviews the relatively large body of work (experimental and theoretical) on modulation formats for optical coherent links. It first gives basic definitions and performance metrics for modulation formats that are common in the literature. Then, the chapter discusses optimization of modulation formats in coded systems. It distinguishes between three cases, depending on the type of decoder employed, which pose quite different requirements on the choice of modulation format. The three cases are soft-decision decoding, hard-decision decoding, and iterative decoding, which loosely correspond to weak, medium, and strong coding, respectively. The chapter also discusses the realizations of the transmitter and transmission link properties and the receiver algorithms, including DSP and decoding. It further explains how to simply determine the transmitted symbol from the received 4D vector, without resorting to a full search of the Euclidean distances to all points in the whole constellation

    Optical Fibers for Space-Division Multiplexed Transmission and Networking

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    Single-mode fiber transmission can no longer satisfy exponentially growing capacity demand. Space-division multiplexing (SDM) appears to be the only way able to dramatically improve the transmission capacity, for which, novel optical fiber is one of the key technologies. Such fibers must possess the following characteristics: 1) high mode density per cross-sectional area and 2) low crosstalk or low modal differential group delay (DMGD) to reduce complexity of digital signal processing. In this dissertation, we explore the design and characterization of three kinds of fibers for SDM: few-mode fiber (FMF), few-mode multi-core fiber (FM-MCF) and coupled multi-core fiber (CMCF) as well as their applications in transmission and networking. For the ultra-high density need of SDM, we have proposed the FMMCF. It combines advantages of both the FMF and MCF. The challenge is the inter-core crosstalk of the high-order modes. By applying a hole-assisted structure and careful fiber design, the LP11 crosstalk has been suppressed down to -40dB per km. This allows separate transmission on LP01 and LP11 modes without penalty. In fact, a robust SDM transmission up to 200Tb/s has been achieved using this fiber. To overcome distributed modal crosstalk in conjunction with DMGD, supermodes in CMCFs have been proposed. The properties of supermodes were investigated using the coupled-mode theory. The immediate benefits include high mode density and large effective area. In supermode structures, core-to-core coupling is exploited to reduce modal crosstalk or minimize DMGD. In addition, higher-order supermodes have been discovered in CMCFs with few-mode cores. We show that higher-order supermodes in different waveguide array configurations can be strongly affected by angle-dependent couplings, leading to different modal fields. Analytical solutions are provided for linear, rectangular and ring arrays. Higher-order modes have been observed for the first time using S2 imaging method. Finally, we introduce FMF to gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPON). By replacing the conventional splitter with a photonic lantern, upstream combining loss can be eliminated. Low crosstalk has been achieved by a customized mode-selective photonic lantern carefully coupled to the FMF. We have demonstrated the first few-mode GPON system with error-free performance over 20-km 3-mode transmission using a commercial GPON system carrying live Ethernet traffic. We then scale the 3-mode GPON system to 5-mode, which resulted in a 4dB net gain in power budget in comparison with current commercial single-mode GPON systems