44,878 research outputs found

    Effect of Rapid or slow release nitrogen supply and cover crop/weed management on crop yield, pest incidence and fruit quality in intensive organic apple production

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    Apple is the commercially most important top fruit crop grown in the European Union. In spring 2001 one-year-old trees of the apple variety ‘Ingrid Marie’ were established in an organic production system with 3.0 m between the tree rows. Each plot consisted of three semi-plots at planting distances 0.6m (5555 trees ha-1), 0.9 m (3333 trees ha –1) and 1.2 m (2777 trees ha-1). Tree growth, soil moisture, soil-, leaf- and branch analysis, diseases, fruit production, outer and inner fruit quality were measured. The healthiest trees with the best coloured fruits were produced on trees grown in weed. But the yield was so low that production was not economical. A high production combined with trees less infected with fruit tree canker and with a satisfactory colouring was produced on trees grown in intensive production system of 5555 trees per ha with no nitrogen supply


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    CVA dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan control gerak, disfungsi motor kondisi tersebut dapat menyebabkan pasien memiliki masalah hambatan mobilitas fisik seperti hemiparesis atau hemiplegi. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pada klien dengan masalah keperawatan hambatan mobilitas fisik pada klien penderita CVA infark di Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya. Desain pada penelitian ini adalah Diskriptif dengan metode studi kasus, dengan Sample 2 pasien denagan masalah keperawatan hambatan mobilitas fisik Pengumpulan data menggunakan Instruma format pengkajian asuhan keperawatan daengan cara wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian pada pasien 1 & 2 didapat diagnosa hambatan mobilitas fisik diatas tempat tidur setelah dilakukan tindakan miring kanan dan kiri setiap 2 jam selama 3 hari terdapat hasil pasien ke 1 tujuan tidak tercapai dengan kekutan otot tangan 5555/5555 kaki 5555/2222 dan pasien ke 2 setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama tiga hari tujuan tercapai sebagian dengan kekuatan otot tangan 5555/2222 kaki 5555/2222. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian studi kasus ini adalah pemberian latihan ROM pasif dan aktif dapat meningkatkan kekutan otot pada klien 1 dan 2 saran bagi petugas kesehatan agar rutin melakukan ROM pasif dan aktif pada klien CVA. Keberhasilan mobilisasi pada pasien CVA perlu didukung denan asupan nutrisi yang baik latihan dan support keluarga terutama pada pasien lansia petugas kesehatan agar rutin melakukan dan melibatkan keluarga dalam latihan tersebut

    Immigrants and Homeownership in Urban America: An Examination of Nativity, Socio-economic Status and Place

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    A unique pilot project conducted in America's small and medium-sized cities shows that broad-based community coalitions can proactively integrate the newcomers who are increasingly transforming Main St., USA. In the first project of its kind, a consortium of leading organizations in three mid-sized metropolitan areas undertook inclusive community-building. The project's final report contains valuable findings for policymakers, funders and organizations collectively approaching the challenge of helping newcomers adapt to their new communities and local communities welcome newcomers

    Statesboro News

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    Waltz Me Till I\u27m Dreamy

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    Concerning Authorization for Government Agencies to Approve Clean Syringe Exchange Programs to Reduce the Spread of Blood-Borne Disease.

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    Stroke dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan control vaskuler terhadap gerak motorik. Disfungs imotor paling umum adalah hemiplegia (paralisis pada salah satusisi), hemiperesis atau kelemahan salah satu sisi tubuh yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan kekuatan otot. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pada klien dengan masalah keperawatan hambatan mobilitas fisik pada klien penderita CVA Infark di Rumah Sakit Jemursari Surabaya. Desain pada penelitian inia dalah studi kasus, sampel adalah dua klien dengan masalah keperawatan hambatan mobilitas fisik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan fisik, studi dokumentasi dan pengumpulan dari hasil pemeriksaan diagnostik. Hasil penelitian setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama tiga hari tujuan belum tercapai pada klien 1, sementara tujuan tercapai sebagian pada klien 2. Pada klien 1 kekuatan otot sebelumnya adalah ekstermitas atas 1111/ 5555, ekstermitas bawah 1111/ 5555, setelahnya adalah ekstermitas atas 2222/ 5555, ekstermitas bawah 2222/ 5555. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian studi kasus ini adalah pemberian ROM dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada klien 2. Saran bagi petugas kesehatan agar rutin melakukan ROM pasif dan aktif pada klien CVA

    Investigation of Microcracking and Damage Propagation in Cross-Ply Composite Laminates

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    The present study investigates microcracking and damage progression in IM7/977-2, IM7/5555, and IM7/5276-1 [0/90/90/0] laminates. For each material system, seven to eight small coupons were axially loaded in a tensile substage. At increments of around 50 MPa the surfaces of the specimens were inspected via optical microscopy so that a history of microcracking damage as a function of applied loading could be charted. In the IM7/977-2 laminates microcracks were found to initiate on average at around 1050MPa; microcracking initiation for the other two systems was around 850 to 900 MPa. Also, the IM7/977-2 system displayed a steeper increase in crack density as a function of applied loading than the other two systems. The IM7/5555 system was the only system that achieved a microcracking saturation density; the saturation density was found to be around 17 cracks per centimeter. While the IM7/977-2 and IM7/5276-1 systems typically broke into two pieces at failure, the IM7/5555 specimens shattered into pieces. In addition, delaminations were observed in a majority of the IM7/5555 specimens at loadings 250MPa under the failure loads

    Investigation of Microcracking and Damage Propagation in Cross-Ply Composite Laminates

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    The present study investigates microcracking and damage progression in IM7/977-2, IM7/5555, and IM7/5276-1 [0/90/90/0] laminates. For each material system, seven to eight small coupons were axially loaded in a tensile substage. At increments of around 50 MPa the surfaces of the specimens were inspected via optical microscopy so that a history of microcracking damage as a function of applied loading could be charted. In the IM7/977-2 laminates microcracks were found to initiate on average at around 1050MPa; microcracking initiation for the other two systems was around 850 to 900 MPa. Also, the IM7/977-2 system displayed a steeper increase in crack density as a function of applied loading than the other two systems. The IM7/5555 system was the only system that achieved a microcracking saturation density; the saturation density was found to be around 17 cracks per centimeter. While the IM7/977-2 and IM7/5276-1 systems typically broke into two pieces at failure, the IM7/5555 specimens shattered into pieces. In addition, delaminations were observed in a majority of the IM7/5555 specimens at loadings 250MPa under the failure loads