41 research outputs found

    A Graph-Native Query Optimization Framework

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    Graph queries that combine pattern matching with relational operations, referred as PatRelQuery, are widely used in many real-world applications. It allows users to identify arbitrary patterns in a graph and further perform in-depth relational analysis on the results. To effectively support PatRelQuery, two key challenges need to be addressed: (1) how to optimize PatRelQuery in a unified framework, and (2) how to handle the arbitrary type constraints in patterns in PatRelQuery. In this paper, we present a graph-native query optimization framework named GOpt, to tackle these issues. GOpt is built on top of a unified intermediate representation (IR) that is capable of capturing both graph and relational operations, thereby streamlining the optimization of PatRelQuery. To handle the arbitrary type constraints, GOpt employs an automatic type inference approach to identify implicit type constraints. Additionally, GOpt introduces a graph-native optimizer, which encompasses an extensive collection of optimization rules along with cost-based techniques tailored for arbitrary patterns, to optimize PatRelQuery. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that GOpt can achieve significant query performance improvements, in both crafted benchmarks and real-world applications

    On Pattern Mining in Graph Data to Support Decision-Making

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    In recent years graph data models became increasingly important in both research and industry. Their core is a generic data structure of things (vertices) and connections among those things (edges). Rich graph models such as the property graph model promise an extraordinary analytical power because relationships can be evaluated without knowledge about a domain-specific database schema. This dissertation studies the usage of graph models for data integration and data mining of business data. Although a typical company's business data implicitly describes a graph it is usually stored in multiple relational databases. Therefore, we propose the first semi-automated approach to transform data from multiple relational databases into a single graph whose vertices represent domain objects and whose edges represent their mutual relationships. This transformation is the base of our conceptual framework BIIIG (Business Intelligence with Integrated Instance Graphs). We further proposed a graph-based approach to data integration. The process is executed after the transformation. In established data mining approaches interrelated input data is mostly represented by tuples of measure values and dimension values. In the context of graphs these values must be attached to the graph structure and aggregated measure values are graph attributes. Since the latter was not supported by any existing model, we proposed the use of collections of property graphs. They act as data structure of the novel Extended Property Graph Model (EPGM). The model supports vertices and edges that may appear in different graphs as well as graph properties. Further on, we proposed some operators that benefit from this data structure, for example, graph-based aggregation of measure values. A primitive operation of graph pattern mining is frequent subgraph mining (FSM). However, existing algorithms provided no support for directed multigraphs. We extended the popular gSpan algorithm to overcome this limitation. Some patterns might not be frequent while their generalizations are. Generalized graph patterns can be mined by attaching vertices to taxonomies. We proposed a novel approach to Generalized Multidimensional Frequent Subgraph Mining (GM-FSM), in particular the first solution to generalized FSM that supports not only directed multigraphs but also multiple dimensional taxonomies. In scenarios that compare patterns of different categories, e.g., fraud or not, FSM is not sufficient since pattern frequencies may differ by category. Further on, determining all pattern frequencies without frequency pruning is not an option due to the computational complexity of FSM. Thus, we developed an FSM extension to extract patterns that are characteristic for a specific category according to a user-defined interestingness function called Characteristic Subgraph Mining (CSM). Parts of this work were done in the context of GRADOOP, a framework for distributed graph analytics. To make the primitive operation of frequent subgraph mining available to this framework, we developed Distributed In-Memory gSpan (DIMSpan), a frequent subgraph miner that is tailored to the characteristics of shared-nothing clusters and distributed dataflow systems. Finally, the results of use case evaluations in cooperation with a large scale enterprise will be presented. This includes a report of practical experiences gained in implementation and application of the proposed algorithms

    Graph Pattern Matching on Symmetric Multiprocessor Systems

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    Graph-structured data can be found in nearly every aspect of today's world, be it road networks, social networks or the internet itself. From a processing perspective, finding comprehensive patterns in graph-structured data is a core processing primitive in a variety of applications, such as fraud detection, biological engineering or social graph analytics. On the hardware side, multiprocessor systems, that consist of multiple processors in a single scale-up server, are the next important wave on top of multi-core systems. In particular, symmetric multiprocessor systems (SMP) are characterized by the fact, that each processor has the same architecture, e.g. every processor is a multi-core and all multiprocessors share a common and huge main memory space. Moreover, large SMPs will feature a non-uniform memory access (NUMA), whose impact on the design of efficient data processing concepts should not be neglected. The efficient usage of SMP systems, that still increase in size, is an interesting and ongoing research topic. Current state-of-the-art architectural design principles provide different and in parts disjunct suggestions on which data should be partitioned and or how intra-process communication should be realized. In this thesis, we propose a new synthesis of four of the most well-known principles Shared Everything, Partition Serial Execution, Data Oriented Architecture and Delegation, to create the NORAD architecture, which stands for NUMA-aware DORA with Delegation. We built our research prototype called NeMeSys on top of the NORAD architecture to fully exploit the provided hardware capacities of SMPs for graph pattern matching. Being an in-memory engine, NeMeSys allows for online data ingestion as well as online query generation and processing through a terminal based user interface. Storing a graph on a NUMA system inherently requires data partitioning to cope with the mentioned NUMA effect. Hence, we need to dissect the graph into a disjunct set of partitions, which can then be stored on the individual memory domains. This thesis analyzes the capabilites of the NORAD architecture, to perform scalable graph pattern matching on SMP systems. To increase the systems performance, we further develop, integrate and evaluate suitable optimization techniques. That is, we investigate the influence of the inherent data partitioning, the interplay of messaging with and without sufficient locality information and the actual partition placement on any NUMA socket in the system. To underline the applicability of our approach, we evaluate NeMeSys against synthetic datasets and perform an end-to-end evaluation of the whole system stack on the real world knowledge graph of Wikidata

    Integrating Connection Search in Graph Queries

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    National audienceGraph data management and querying has many practical applications. When graphs are very heterogeneous and/or users are unfamiliar with their structure, they may need to find how two or more groups of nodes are connected in a graph, even when users are not able to describe the connections. This is only partially supported by existing query languages, which allow searching for paths, but not for trees connecting three or more node groups. The latter is related to the NP-hard Group Steiner Tree problem, and has been previously considered for keyword search in databases. In this work, we formally show how to integrate connecting tree patterns (CTPs, in short) within a graph query language such as SPARQL or Cypher, leading to an Extended Query Language (or EQL, in short). We then study a set of algorithms for evaluating CTPs; we generalize prior keyword search work, most importantly by (i) considering bidirectional edge traversal and (ii) allowing users to select any score function for ranking CTP results. To cope with very large search spaces, we propose an efficient pruning technique and formally establish a large set of cases where our algorithm, MOLESP, is complete even with pruning. Our experiments validate the performance of our CTP and EQL evaluation algorithms on a large set of synthetic and real-world workloads

    Intégration de la recherche de connexion dans les requêtes de graphe

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    When graph database users explore unfamiliar graphs, potentially with heterogeneous structure, users may need to find how two or more groups of nodes are connected in a graph, even when users are not able to describe the connections. This is only partially supported by existing query languages, which allow searching for paths, but not for trees connecting three or more node groups. In this work, we formally show how to integrate connecting tree patterns (CTPs, in short) with a graph query language such as GPML, SPARQL or Cypher, leading to Extended Queries (or EQs, in short). We then study a set of algorithms for evaluating CTPs; we generalize prior keyword search work to be complete, most importantly by (i) considering bidirectional edge traversal, (ii) allowing users to select any score function for ranking CTP results and (iii) returning all results. To cope with very large search spaces, we propose efficient pruning techniques and formally establish a large set of cases where our best algorithm, MOLESP, is complete even with pruning. Our experiments validate the performance of our algorithms on many synthetic and real-world workloads