47 research outputs found

    Deterministically Isolating a Perfect Matching in Bipartite Planar Graphs

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    We present a deterministic way of assigning small (log bit) weights to the edges of a bipartite planar graph so that the minimum weight perfect matching becomes unique. The isolation lemma as described in (Mulmuley et al. 1987) achieves the same for general graphs using a randomized weighting scheme, whereas we can do it deterministically when restricted to bipartite planar graphs. As a consequence, we reduce both decision and construction versions of the matching problem to testing whether a matrix is singular, under the promise that its determinant is 0 or 1, thus obtaining a highly parallel SPL algorithm for bipartite planar graphs. This improves the earlier known bounds of non-uniform SPL by (Allender et al. 1999) and NC2NC^2 by (Miller and Naor 1995, Mahajan and Varadarajan 2000). It also rekindles the hope of obtaining a deterministic parallel algorithm for constructing a perfect matching in non-bipartite planar graphs, which has been open for a long time. Our techniques are elementary and simple

    A Two-Level Logic Approach to Reasoning about Typed Specification Languages

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    International audienceThe two-level logic approach (2LL) to reasoning about computational specifications, as implemented by the Abella theorem prover, represents derivations of a specification language as an inductive definition in a reasoning logic. This approach has traditionally been formulated with the specification and reasoning logics having the same type system, and only the formulas being translated. However, requiring identical type systems limits the approach in two important ways: (1) every change in the specification language's type system requires a corresponding change in that of the reasoning logic, and (2) the same reasoning logic cannot be used with two specification languages at once if they have incompatible type systems. We propose a technique based on adequate encodings of the types and judgements of a typed specification language in terms of a simply typed higher-order logic program, which is then used for reasoning about the specification language in the usual 2LL. Moreover, a single specification logic implementation can be used as a basis for a number of other specification languages just by varying the encoding. We illustrate our technique with an implementation of the LF dependent type theory as a new specification language for Abella, co-existing with its current simply typed higher-order hereditary Harrop specification logic, without modifying the type system of its reasoning logic

    On the Complexity Landscape of Connected f-Factor Problems

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    Given an n-vertex graph G and a function f:V(G) -> {0, ..., n-1}, an f-factor is a subgraph H of G such that deg_H(v)=f(v) for every vertex v in V(G); we say that H is a connected f-factor if, in addition, the subgraph H is connected. A classical result of Tutte (1954) is the polynomial time algorithm to check whether a given graph has a specified f-factor. However, checking for the presence of a connected f-factor is easily seen to generalize Hamiltonian Cycle and hence is NP-complete. In fact, the Connected f-Factor problem remains NP-complete even when f(v) is at least n^epsilon for each vertex v and epsilon<1; on the other side of the spectrum, the problem was known to be polynomial-time solvable when f(v) is at least n/3 for every vertex v. In this paper, we extend this line of work and obtain new complexity results based on restricting the function f. In particular, we show that when f(v) is required to be at least n/(log n)^c, the problem can be solved in quasi-polynomial time in general and in randomized polynomial time if c 1, the problem is NP-intermediate

    The Power of Natural Properties as Oracles

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    We study the power of randomized complexity classes that are given oracle access to a natural property of Razborov and Rudich (JCSS, 1997) or its special case, the Minimal Circuit Size Problem (MCSP). We show that in a number of complexity-theoretic results that use the SAT oracle, one can use the MCSP oracle instead. For example, we show that ZPEXP^{MCSP} !subseteq P/poly, which should be contrasted with the previously known circuit lower bound ZPEXP^{NP} !subseteq P/poly. We also show that, assuming the existence of Indistinguishability Obfuscators (IO), SAT and MCSP are equivalent in the sense that one has a ZPP algorithm if and only the other one does. We interpret our results as providing some evidence that MCSP may be NP-hard under randomized polynomial-time reductions

    A Tight Lower Bound for Counting Hamiltonian Cycles via Matrix Rank

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    For even kk, the matchings connectivity matrix Mk\mathbf{M}_k encodes which pairs of perfect matchings on kk vertices form a single cycle. Cygan et al. (STOC 2013) showed that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 is Θ(2k)\Theta(\sqrt 2^k) and used this to give an O∗((2+2)pw)O^*((2+\sqrt{2})^{\mathsf{pw}}) time algorithm for counting Hamiltonian cycles modulo 22 on graphs of pathwidth pw\mathsf{pw}. The same authors complemented their algorithm by an essentially tight lower bound under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). This bound crucially relied on a large permutation submatrix within Mk\mathbf{M}_k, which enabled a "pattern propagation" commonly used in previous related lower bounds, as initiated by Lokshtanov et al. (SODA 2011). We present a new technique for a similar pattern propagation when only a black-box lower bound on the asymptotic rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k is given; no stronger structural insights such as the existence of large permutation submatrices in Mk\mathbf{M}_k are needed. Given appropriate rank bounds, our technique yields lower bounds for counting Hamiltonian cycles (also modulo fixed primes pp) parameterized by pathwidth. To apply this technique, we prove that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over the rationals is 4k/poly(k)4^k / \mathrm{poly}(k). We also show that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over Zp\mathbb{Z}_p is Ω(1.97k)\Omega(1.97^k) for any prime p≠2p\neq 2 and even Ω(2.15k)\Omega(2.15^k) for some primes. As a consequence, we obtain that Hamiltonian cycles cannot be counted in time O∗((6−ϵ)pw)O^*((6-\epsilon)^{\mathsf{pw}}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 unless SETH fails. This bound is tight due to a O∗(6pw)O^*(6^{\mathsf{pw}}) time algorithm by Bodlaender et al. (ICALP 2013). Under SETH, we also obtain that Hamiltonian cycles cannot be counted modulo primes p≠2p\neq 2 in time O∗(3.97pw)O^*(3.97^\mathsf{pw}), indicating that the modulus can affect the complexity in intricate ways.Comment: improved lower bounds modulo primes, improved figures, to appear in SODA 201

    A Robust Version of Heged\H{u}s's Lemma, with Applications

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    Heged\H{u}s's lemma is the following combinatorial statement regarding polynomials over finite fields. Over a field F\mathbb{F} of characteristic p>0p > 0 and for qq a power of pp, the lemma says that any multilinear polynomial P∈F[x1,…,xn]P\in \mathbb{F}[x_1,\ldots,x_n] of degree less than qq that vanishes at all points in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n of some fixed Hamming weight k∈[q,n−q]k\in [q,n-q] must also vanish at all points in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n of weight k+qk + q. This lemma was used by Heged\H{u}s (2009) to give a solution to \emph{Galvin's problem}, an extremal problem about set systems; by Alon, Kumar and Volk (2018) to improve the best-known multilinear circuit lower bounds; and by Hrube\v{s}, Ramamoorthy, Rao and Yehudayoff (2019) to prove optimal lower bounds against depth-22 threshold circuits for computing some symmetric functions. In this paper, we formulate a robust version of Heged\H{u}s's lemma. Informally, this version says that if a polynomial of degree o(q)o(q) vanishes at most points of weight kk, then it vanishes at many points of weight k+qk+q. We prove this lemma and give three different applications