155 research outputs found

    Mesh-Mon: a Monitoring and Management System for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    A mesh network is a network of wireless routers that employ multi-hop routing and can be used to provide network access for mobile clients. Mobile mesh networks can be deployed rapidly to provide an alternate communication infrastructure for emergency response operations in areas with limited or damaged infrastructure. In this dissertation, we present Dart-Mesh: a Linux-based layer-3 dual-radio two-tiered mesh network that provides complete 802.11b coverage in the Sudikoff Lab for Computer Science at Dartmouth College. We faced several challenges in building, testing, monitoring and managing this network. These challenges motivated us to design and implement Mesh-Mon, a network monitoring system to aid system administrators in the management of a mobile mesh network. Mesh-Mon is a scalable, distributed and decentralized management system in which mesh nodes cooperate in a proactive manner to help detect, diagnose and resolve network problems automatically. Mesh-Mon is independent of the routing protocol used by the mesh routing layer and can function even if the routing protocol fails. We demonstrate this feature by running Mesh-Mon on two versions of Dart-Mesh, one running on AODV (a reactive mesh routing protocol) and the second running on OLSR (a proactive mesh routing protocol) in separate experiments. Mobility can cause links to break, leading to disconnected partitions. We identify critical nodes in the network, whose failure may cause a partition. We introduce two new metrics based on social-network analysis: the Localized Bridging Centrality (LBC) metric and the Localized Load-aware Bridging Centrality (LLBC) metric, that can identify critical nodes efficiently and in a fully distributed manner. We run a monitoring component on client nodes, called Mesh-Mon-Ami, which also assists Mesh-Mon nodes in the dissemination of management information between physically disconnected partitions, by acting as carriers for management data. We conclude, from our experimental evaluation on our 16-node Dart-Mesh testbed, that our system solves several management challenges in a scalable manner, and is a useful and effective tool for monitoring and managing real-world mesh networks

    Machine learning for managing structured and semi-structured data

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    As the digitalization of private, commercial, and public sectors advances rapidly, an increasing amount of data is becoming available. In order to gain insights or knowledge from these enormous amounts of raw data, a deep analysis is essential. The immense volume requires highly automated processes with minimal manual interaction. In recent years, machine learning methods have taken on a central role in this task. In addition to the individual data points, their interrelationships often play a decisive role, e.g. whether two patients are related to each other or whether they are treated by the same physician. Hence, relational learning is an important branch of research, which studies how to harness this explicitly available structural information between different data points. Recently, graph neural networks have gained importance. These can be considered an extension of convolutional neural networks from regular grids to general (irregular) graphs. Knowledge graphs play an essential role in representing facts about entities in a machine-readable way. While great efforts are made to store as many facts as possible in these graphs, they often remain incomplete, i.e., true facts are missing. Manual verification and expansion of the graphs is becoming increasingly difficult due to the large volume of data and must therefore be assisted or substituted by automated procedures which predict missing facts. The field of knowledge graph completion can be roughly divided into two categories: Link Prediction and Entity Alignment. In Link Prediction, machine learning models are trained to predict unknown facts between entities based on the known facts. Entity Alignment aims at identifying shared entities between graphs in order to link several such knowledge graphs based on some provided seed alignment pairs. In this thesis, we present important advances in the field of knowledge graph completion. For Entity Alignment, we show how to reduce the number of required seed alignments while maintaining performance by novel active learning techniques. We also discuss the power of textual features and show that graph-neural-network-based methods have difficulties with noisy alignment data. For Link Prediction, we demonstrate how to improve the prediction for unknown entities at training time by exploiting additional metadata on individual statements, often available in modern graphs. Supported with results from a large-scale experimental study, we present an analysis of the effect of individual components of machine learning models, e.g., the interaction function or loss criterion, on the task of link prediction. We also introduce a software library that simplifies the implementation and study of such components and makes them accessible to a wide research community, ranging from relational learning researchers to applied fields, such as life sciences. Finally, we propose a novel metric for evaluating ranking results, as used for both completion tasks. It allows for easier interpretation and comparison, especially in cases with different numbers of ranking candidates, as encountered in the de-facto standard evaluation protocols for both tasks.Mit der rasant fortschreitenden Digitalisierung des privaten, kommerziellen und öffentlichen Sektors werden immer grĂ¶ĂŸere Datenmengen verfĂŒgbar. Um aus diesen enormen Mengen an Rohdaten Erkenntnisse oder Wissen zu gewinnen, ist eine tiefgehende Analyse unerlĂ€sslich. Das immense Volumen erfordert hochautomatisierte Prozesse mit minimaler manueller Interaktion. In den letzten Jahren haben Methoden des maschinellen Lernens eine zentrale Rolle bei dieser Aufgabe eingenommen. Neben den einzelnen Datenpunkten spielen oft auch deren ZusammenhĂ€nge eine entscheidende Rolle, z.B. ob zwei Patienten miteinander verwandt sind oder ob sie vom selben Arzt behandelt werden. Daher ist das relationale Lernen ein wichtiger Forschungszweig, der untersucht, wie diese explizit verfĂŒgbaren strukturellen Informationen zwischen verschiedenen Datenpunkten nutzbar gemacht werden können. In letzter Zeit haben Graph Neural Networks an Bedeutung gewonnen. Diese können als eine Erweiterung von CNNs von regelmĂ€ĂŸigen Gittern auf allgemeine (unregelmĂ€ĂŸige) Graphen betrachtet werden. Wissensgraphen spielen eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Darstellung von Fakten ĂŒber EntitĂ€ten in maschinenlesbaren Form. Obwohl große Anstrengungen unternommen werden, so viele Fakten wie möglich in diesen Graphen zu speichern, bleiben sie oft unvollstĂ€ndig, d. h. es fehlen Fakten. Die manuelle ÜberprĂŒfung und Erweiterung der Graphen wird aufgrund der großen Datenmengen immer schwieriger und muss daher durch automatisierte Verfahren unterstĂŒtzt oder ersetzt werden, die fehlende Fakten vorhersagen. Das Gebiet der WissensgraphenvervollstĂ€ndigung lĂ€sst sich grob in zwei Kategorien einteilen: Link Prediction und Entity Alignment. Bei der Link Prediction werden maschinelle Lernmodelle trainiert, um unbekannte Fakten zwischen EntitĂ€ten auf der Grundlage der bekannten Fakten vorherzusagen. Entity Alignment zielt darauf ab, gemeinsame EntitĂ€ten zwischen Graphen zu identifizieren, um mehrere solcher Wissensgraphen auf der Grundlage einiger vorgegebener Paare zu verknĂŒpfen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir wichtige Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der VervollstĂ€ndigung von Wissensgraphen vor. FĂŒr das Entity Alignment zeigen wir, wie die Anzahl der benötigten Paare reduziert werden kann, wĂ€hrend die Leistung durch neuartige aktive Lerntechniken erhalten bleibt. Wir erörtern auch die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von Textmerkmalen und zeigen, dass auf Graph-Neural-Networks basierende Methoden Schwierigkeiten mit verrauschten Paar-Daten haben. FĂŒr die Link Prediction demonstrieren wir, wie die Vorhersage fĂŒr unbekannte EntitĂ€ten zur Trainingszeit verbessert werden kann, indem zusĂ€tzliche Metadaten zu einzelnen Aussagen genutzt werden, die oft in modernen Graphen verfĂŒgbar sind. GestĂŒtzt auf Ergebnisse einer groß angelegten experimentellen Studie prĂ€sentieren wir eine Analyse der Auswirkungen einzelner Komponenten von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens, z. B. der Interaktionsfunktion oder des Verlustkriteriums, auf die Aufgabe der Link Prediction. Außerdem stellen wir eine Softwarebibliothek vor, die die Implementierung und Untersuchung solcher Komponenten vereinfacht und sie einer breiten Forschungsgemeinschaft zugĂ€nglich macht, die von Forschern im Bereich des relationalen Lernens bis hin zu angewandten Bereichen wie den Biowissenschaften reicht. Schließlich schlagen wir eine neuartige Metrik fĂŒr die Bewertung von Ranking-Ergebnissen vor, wie sie fĂŒr beide Aufgaben verwendet wird. Sie ermöglicht eine einfachere Interpretation und einen leichteren Vergleich, insbesondere in FĂ€llen mit einer unterschiedlichen Anzahl von Kandidaten, wie sie in den de-facto Standardbewertungsprotokollen fĂŒr beide Aufgaben vorkommen

    SoK: A Stratified Approach to Blockchain Decentralization

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    Decentralization has been touted as the principal security advantage which propelled blockchain systems at the forefront of developments in the financial technology space. Its exact semantics nevertheless remain highly contested and ambiguous, with proponents and critics disagreeing widely on the level of decentralization offered. To address this, we put forth a systematization of the current landscape with respect to decentralization and we derive a methodology that can help direct future research towards defining and measuring decentralization. Our approach dissects blockchain systems into multiple layers, or strata, each possibly encapsulating multiple categories, and enables a unified method for measuring decentralization in each one. Our layers are (1) hardware, (2) software, (3) network, (4) consensus, (5) economics ("tokenomics"), (6) API, (7) governance, and (8) geography. Armed with this stratification, we examine for each layer which pertinent properties of distributed ledgers (safety, liveness, privacy, stability) can be at risk due to centralization and in what way. Our work highlights the challenges in measuring and achieving decentralization, points to the degree of (de)centralization of various existing systems, where such assessment can be made from presently available public information, and suggests potential metrics and directions where future research is needed. We also introduce the "Minimum Decentralization Test", as a way to assess the decentralization state of a blockchain system and, as an exemplary case, we showcase how it can be applied to Bitcoin

    Weiterentwicklung analytischer Datenbanksysteme

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    This thesis contributes to the state of the art in analytical database systems. First, we identify and explore extensions to better support analytics on event streams. Second, we propose a novel polygon index to enable efficient geospatial data processing in main memory. Third, we contribute a new deep learning approach to cardinality estimation, which is the core problem in cost-based query optimization.Diese Arbeit trĂ€gt zum aktuellen Forschungsstand von analytischen Datenbanksystemen bei. Wir identifizieren und explorieren Erweiterungen um Analysen auf Eventströmen besser zu unterstĂŒtzen. Wir stellen eine neue Indexstruktur fĂŒr Polygone vor, die eine effiziente Verarbeitung von Geodaten im Hauptspeicher ermöglicht. Zudem prĂ€sentieren wir einen neuen Ansatz fĂŒr KardinalitĂ€tsschĂ€tzungen mittels maschinellen Lernens

    The challenge of visuality for electronic literature: Conference panel: The medium

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    Whilst there may be aesthetic tropes within digital media, there is no universally accepted authority within contemporary culture nor is there an easy mutual acceptance of what is “right and proper” or indeed legitimate outside the now virtue of being popular and well followed. Indeed the now bodily distanced and disinhibited digital citizen frequently demonstrates a palpable distain for the elite and pretentious. Considering this, any community with Literature in its name may have an identity problem; literariness still pertains to an elevated quality of artistic or intellectual merit and is thus counter to popular cultural production. In addition, mainstream culture has successfully commoditized many counter-cultural communities. Electronic Literature has arguably not been through such commodification processes, and the question of interest is why not? To that extent this paper seeks to explore possible answers. Investigating the broader shifts towards increased visuality within modern culture the paper will discuss and revisit the discourses on the power structures of the gaze, consider spectatorship’s dominance over readership and interaction and co-creation and the function of the image within contemporary narrative forms inside and outwith Electronic Literature. The paper will also consider the politics implied in the move to open access, the fluid distribution of often context-less “images”, how this relates to prior notions of literary publishing, and whether this manifests as an opportunity or a challenge to Electronic Literature’s dissemination. Lastly and toward a conclusion, the paper will propose that if we consider the tradition of literature as one that is driven by the expression of human experience, where in today’s context literary “traditions” are not longer built around specific commonalities of form (i.e. predominately verbal language) but rather subject matter, themes and worldviews then the questions of identity and of “literariness” can evaporate to make space for fuller participation in the ocular freedoms in contemporary culture

    Transactional and analytical data management on persistent memory

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    Die zunehmende Anzahl von Smart-GerĂ€ten und Sensoren, aber auch die sozialen Medien lassen das Datenvolumen und damit die geforderte Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit stetig wachsen. Gleichzeitig mĂŒssen viele Anwendungen Daten persistent speichern oder sogar strenge Transaktionsgarantien einhalten. Die neuartige Speichertechnologie Persistent Memory (PMem) mit ihren einzigartigen Eigenschaften scheint ein natĂŒrlicher AnwĂ€rter zu sein, um diesen Anforderungen effizient nachzukommen. Sie ist im Vergleich zu DRAM skalierbarer, gĂŒnstiger und dauerhaft. Im Gegensatz zu Disks ist sie deutlich schneller und direkt adressierbar. Daher wird in dieser Dissertation der gezielte Einsatz von PMem untersucht, um den Anforderungen moderner Anwendung gerecht zu werden. Nach der Darlegung der grundlegenden Arbeitsweise von und mit PMem, konzentrieren wir uns primĂ€r auf drei Aspekte der Datenverwaltung. ZunĂ€chst zerlegen wir mehrere persistente Daten- und Indexstrukturen in ihre zugrundeliegenden Entwurfsprimitive, um AbwĂ€gungen fĂŒr verschiedene Zugriffsmuster aufzuzeigen. So können wir ihre besten AnwendungsfĂ€lle und Schwachstellen, aber auch allgemeine Erkenntnisse ĂŒber das Entwerfen von PMem-basierten Datenstrukturen ermitteln. Zweitens schlagen wir zwei Speicherlayouts vor, die auf analytische Arbeitslasten abzielen und eine effiziente AbfrageausfĂŒhrung auf beliebigen Attributen ermöglichen. WĂ€hrend der erste Ansatz eine verknĂŒpfte Liste von mehrdimensionalen gruppierten Blöcken verwendet, handelt es sich beim zweiten Ansatz um einen mehrdimensionalen Index, der Knoten im DRAM zwischenspeichert. Drittens zeigen wir unter Verwendung der bisherigen Datenstrukturen und Erkenntnisse, wie Datenstrom- und Ereignisverarbeitungssysteme mit transaktionaler Zustandsverwaltung verbessert werden können. Dabei schlagen wir ein neuartiges Transactional Stream Processing (TSP) Modell mit geeigneten Konsistenz- und NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsprotokollen vor, die an PMem angepasst sind. Zusammen sollen die diskutierten Aspekte eine Grundlage fĂŒr die Entwicklung noch ausgereifterer PMem-fĂ€higer Systeme bilden. Gleichzeitig zeigen sie, wie Datenverwaltungsaufgaben PMem ausnutzen können, indem sie neue Anwendungsgebiete erschließen, die Leistung, Skalierbarkeit und Wiederherstellungsgarantien verbessern, die CodekomplexitĂ€t vereinfachen sowie die ökonomischen und ökologischen Kosten reduzieren.The increasing number of smart devices and sensors, but also social media are causing the volume of data and thus the demanded processing speed to grow steadily. At the same time, many applications need to store data persistently or even comply with strict transactional guarantees. The novel storage technology Persistent Memory (PMem), with its unique properties, seems to be a natural candidate to meet these requirements efficiently. Compared to DRAM, it is more scalable, less expensive, and durable. In contrast to disks, it is significantly faster and directly addressable. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the deliberate employment of PMem to fit the needs of modern applications. After presenting the fundamental work of and with PMem, we focus primarily on three aspects of data management. First, we disassemble several persistent data and index structures into their underlying design primitives to reveal the trade-offs for various access patterns. It allows us to identify their best use cases and vulnerabilities but also to gain general insights into the design of PMem-based data structures. Second, we propose two storage layouts that target analytical workloads and enable an efficient query execution on arbitrary attributes. While the first approach employs a linked list of multi-dimensional clustered blocks that potentially span several storage layers, the second approach is a multi-dimensional index that caches nodes in DRAM. Third, we show how to improve stream and event processing systems involving transactional state management using the preceding data structures and insights. In this context, we propose a novel Transactional Stream Processing (TSP) model with appropriate consistency and concurrency protocols adapted to PMem. Together, the discussed aspects are intended to provide a foundation for developing even more sophisticated PMemenabled systems. At the same time, they show how data management tasks can take advantage of PMem by opening up new application domains, improving performance, scalability, and recovery guarantees, simplifying code complexity, plus reducing economic and environmental costs

    Automotive firmware extraction and analysis techniques

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    An intricate network of embedded devices, called Electronic Control Units (ECUs), is responsible for the functionality of a modern vehicle. Every module processes a myriad of information and forwards it on to other nodes on the network, typically an automotive bus such as the Controller Area Network (CAN). Analysing embedded device software, and automotive in particular, brings many challenges. The analyst must, especially in the notoriously secretive automotive industry, first lift the ECU firmware from the hardware, which typically prevents unauthorised access. In this thesis, we address this problem in two ways: - We detail and bypass the access control mechanism used in diagnostic protocols in ECU firmware. Using existing diagnostic functionality, we present a generic technique to download code to RAM and execute it, without requiring physical access to the ECU. We propose a generic firmware readout framework on top of this, which only requires access to the CAN bus. - We analyse various embedded bootloaders and combine dynamic analysis with low-level hardware fault attacks, resulting in several fault-injection attacks which bypass on-chip readout protection. We then apply these firmware extraction techniques to acquire immobiliser firmware by two different manufacturers, from which we reverse engineer the DST80 cipher and present it in full detail here. Furthermore, we point out flaws in the key generation procedure, also recovered from the ECU firmware, leading to a full key recovery based on publicly readable transponder pages

    Network hygiene, incentives, and regulation: Deployment of source address validation in the internet

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    The Spoofer project has collected data on the deployment and characteristics of IP source address validation on the Internet since 2005. Data from the project comes from participants who install an active probing client that runs in the background. The client automatically runs tests both periodically and when it detects a new network attachment point. We analyze the rich dataset of Spoofer tests in multiple dimensions: across time, networks, autonomous systems, countries, and by Internet protocol version. In our data for the year ending August 2019, at least a quarter of tested ASes did not filter packets with spoofed source addresses leaving their networks. We show that routers performing Network Address Translation do not always filter spoofed packets, as 6.4% of IPv4/24 tested in the year ending August 2019 did not filter. Worse, at least two thirds of tested ASes did not filter packets entering their networks with source addresses claiming to be from within their network that arrived from outside their network. We explore several approaches to encouraging remediation and the challenges of evaluating their impact. While we have been able to remediate 352 IPv4/24, we have found an order of magnitude more IPv4/24 that remains unremediated, despite myriad remediation strategies, with 21% unremediated for more than six months. Our analysis provides the most complete and confident picture of the Internet's susceptibility to date of this long-standing vulnerability. Although there is no simple solution to address the remaining long-tail of unremediated networks, we conclude with a discussion of possible non-technical interventions, and demonstrate how the platform can support evaluation of the impact of such interventions over time
