7 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable negative bit line collapsed supply write-assist for 9T-ST static random access memory cell

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    This paper presents a reconfigurable negative bit line collapsed supply (RNBLCS) write driver circuit for the 9T Schmitt trigger-based static random-access memory (SRAM) cell (9T-ST), significantly improving write performance for real-time memory applications. In deep sub-micron technology, increasing device parameter deviations significantly reduce SRAM cells' write-ability. The proposed RNBLCS write-assist driver for 9T-ST SRAM cell has 0.84×, 0.48×, 0.27× optimized write access delay and 1.05×, 1.08×, 1.19× improvement in write static noise margin (WSNM), 1.05×, 1.13×, and 1.39× improvement in write margin (WM), 0.96×, 0.89× and 0.72× minimum write trip-point (WTP) from transient-negative bit line (Tran-NBL), capacitive charge sharing (CCS), and conventional write circuits respectively. The proposed RNBLCS is functionally verified using a synopsys custom compiler with a 16 nm BSIM4 model card for bulk complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)

    Supply Voltage Dependence of Heavy Ion Induced SEEs on 65nm CMOS Bulk SRAMs

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    The power consumption of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) has become an important issue for modern integrated circuit design, considering the fact that they occupy large area and consume significant portion of power consumption in modern nanometer chips. SRAM operating in low power supply voltages has become an effective approach in reducing power consumption. Therefore, it is essential to experimentally characterize the single event effects (SEE) of hardened and unhardened SRAM cells to determine their appropriate applications, especially when a low supply voltage is preferred. In this thesis, a SRAM test chip was designed and fabricated with four cell arrays sharing the same peripheral circuits, including two types of unhardened cells (standard 6T and sub-threshold 10T) and two types of hardened cells (Quatro and DICE). The systems for functional and radiation tests were built up with power supply voltages that ranged from near threshold 0.4 V to normal supply 1 V. The test chip was irradiated with alpha particles and heavy ions with various linear energy transfers (LETs) at different core supply voltages, ranging from 1 V to 0.4 V. Experimental results of the alpha test and heavy ion test were consistent with the results of the simulation. The cross sections of 6T and 10T cells present much more significant sensitivities than Quatro and DICE cells for all tested supply voltages and LET. The 10T cell demonstrates a more optimal radiation performance than the 6T cell when LET is small (0.44 MeV·cm2/mg), yet no significant advantage is evident when LET is larger than this. In regards to the Quatro and DICE cells, one does not consistently show superior performance over the other in terms of soft error rates (SERs). Multi-bit upsets (MBUs) occupy a larger portion of total SEUs in DICE cell when relatively larger LET and smaller supply voltage are applied. It explains the loss in radiation tolerance competition with Quatro cell when LET is bigger than 9.1 MeV·cm2/mg and supply voltage is smaller than 0.6 V. In addition, the analysis of test results also demonstrated that the error amount distributions follow a Poisson distribution very well for each type of cell array

    Subthreshold SRAM Design for Energy Efficient Applications in Nanometric CMOS Technologies

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    Embedded SRAM circuits are vital components in a modern system on chip (SOC) that can occupy up to 90% of the total area. Therefore, SRAM circuits heavily affect SOC performance, reliability, and yield. In addition, most of the SRAM bitcells are in standby mode and significantly contribute to the total leakage current and leakage power consumption. The aggressive demand in portable devices and billions of connected sensor networks requires long battery life. Therefore, careful design of SRAM circuits with minimal power consumption is in high demand. Reducing the power consumption is mainly achieved by reducing the power supply voltage in the idle mode. However, simply reducing the supply voltage imposes practical limitations on SRAM circuits such as reduced static noise margin, poor write margin, reduced number of cells per bitline, and reduced bitline sensing margin that might cause read/write failures. In addition, the SRAM bitcell has contradictory requirements for read stability and writability. Improving the read stability can cause difficulties in a write operation or vice versa. In this thesis, various techniques for designing subthreshold energy-efficient SRAM circuits are proposed. The proposed techniques include improvement in read margin and write margin, speed improvement, energy consumption reduction, new bitcell architecture and utilizing programmable wordline boosting. A programmable wordline boosting technique is exploited on a conventional 6T SRAM bitcell to improve the operational speed. In addition, wordline boosting can reduce the supply voltage while maintaining the operational frequency. The reduction of the supply voltage allows the memory macro to operate with reduced power consumption. To verify the design, a 16-kb SRAM was fabricated using the TSMC 65 nm CMOS technology. Measurement results show that the maximum operational frequency increases up to 33.3% when wordline boosting is applied. Besides, the supply voltage can be reduced while maintaining the same frequency. This allows reducing the energy consumption to be reduced by 22.2%. The minimum energy consumption achieved is 0.536 fJ/b at 400 mV. Moreover, to improve the read margin, a 6T bitcell SRAM with a PMOS access transistor is proposed. Utilizing a PMOS access transistor results in lower zero level degradation, and hence higher read stability. In addition, the access transistor connected to the internal node holding V DD acts as a stabilizer and counterbalances the effect of zero level degradation. In order to improve the writability, wordline boosting is exploited. Wordline boosting also helps to compensate for the lower speed of the PMOS access transistor compared to a NMOS transistor. To verify our design, a 2kb SRAM is fabricated in the TSMC 65 nm CMOS technology. Measurement results show that the maximum operating frequency of the test chip is at 3.34 MHz at 290 mV. The minimum energy consumption is measured as 1.1 fJ/b at 400 mV

    Embracing Visual Experience and Data Knowledge: Efficient Embedded Memory Design for Big Videos and Deep Learning

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    Energy efficient memory designs are becoming increasingly important, especially for applications related to mobile video technology and machine learning. The growing popularity of smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices has created an exponential demand for video applications in today?s society. When mobile devices display video, the embedded video memory within the device consumes a large amount of the total system power. This issue has created the need to introduce power-quality tradeoff techniques for enabling good quality video output, while simultaneously enabling power consumption reduction. Similarly, power efficiency issues have arisen within the area of machine learning, especially with applications requiring large and fast computation, such as neural networks. Using the accumulated data knowledge from various machine learning applications, there is now the potential to create more intelligent memory with the capability for optimized trade-off between energy efficiency, area overhead, and classification accuracy on the learning systems. In this dissertation, a review of recently completed works involving video and machine learning memories will be covered. Based on the collected results from a variety of different methods, including: subjective trials, discovered data-mining patterns, software simulations, and hardware power and performance tests, the presented memories provide novel ways to significantly enhance power efficiency for future memory devices. An overview of related works, especially the relevant state-of-the-art research, will be referenced for comparison in order to produce memory design methodologies that exhibit optimal quality, low implementation overhead, and maximum power efficiency.National Science FoundationND EPSCoRCenter for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology (CCAST

    Ultra Low-power Wireless Sensor Node Design for ECG Sensing Applications

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    Ubiquitous computing, such as smart homes, smart cars, and smart grid, connects our world closely so that we can easily access to the world through such virtual infrastructural systems. The ultimate vision of this is Internet of Things (IoT) through which intelligent monitoring and management is feasible via networked sensors and actuators. In this system, devices transmit sensed information, and execute instructions distributed via sensor networks. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is such a network where many sensor nodes are interconnected such that a sensor node can transmit information via its adjacent sensor nodes when physical phenomenon is detected. Accordingly, the information can be delivered to the destination through this process. The concept of WSN is also applicable to biomedical applications, especially ECG sensing applications, in a form of a sensor network, so-called body sensor network (BSN), where affixed or implanted biosignal sensors gather bio-signals and transmit them to medical providers. The main challenge of BSN is energy constraint since implanted sensor nodes cannot be replaced easily, so they should prolong with a limited amount of battery energy or by energy harvesting. Thus, we will discuss several power saving techniques in this thesis.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137081/1/hesed_1.pd

    Statistical analysis and design of subthreshold operation memories

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    This thesis presents novel methods based on a combination of well-known statistical techniques for faster estimation of memory yield and their application in the design of energy-efficient subthreshold memories. The emergence of size-constrained Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and proliferation of the wearable market has brought forward the challenge of achieving the maximum energy efficiency per operation in these battery operated devices. Achieving this sought-after minimum energy operation is possible under sub-threshold operation of the circuit. However, reliable memory operation is currently unattainable at these ultra-low operating voltages because of the memory circuit's vanishing noise margins which shrink further in the presence of random process variations. The statistical methods, presented in this thesis, make the yield optimization of the sub-threshold memories computationally feasible by reducing the SPICE simulation overhead. We present novel modifications to statistical sampling techniques that reduce the SPICE simulation overhead in estimating memory failure probability. These sampling scheme provides 40x reduction in finding most probable failure point and 10x reduction in estimating failure probability using the SPICE simulations compared to the existing proposals. We then provide a novel method to create surrogate models of the memory margins with better extrapolation capability than the traditional regression methods. These models, based on Gaussian process regression, encode the sensitivity of the memory margins with respect to each individual threshold variation source in a one-dimensional kernel. We find that our proposed additive kernel based models have 32% smaller out-of-sample error (that is, better extrapolation capability outside training set) than using the six-dimensional universal kernel like Radial Basis Function (RBF). The thesis also explores the topological modifications to the SRAM bitcell to achieve faster read operation at the sub-threshold operating voltages. We present a ten-transistor SRAM bitcell that achieves 2x faster read operation than the existing ten-transistor sub-threshold SRAM bitcells, while ensuring similar noise margins. The SRAM bitcell provides 70% reduction in dynamic energy at the cost of 42% increase in the leakage energy per read operation. Finally, we investigate the energy efficiency of the eDRAM gain-cells as an alternative to the SRAM bitcells in the size-constrained IoT devices. We find that reducing their write path leakage current is the only way to reduce the read energy at Minimum Energy operation Point (MEP). Further, we study the effect of transistor up-sizing under the presence of threshold voltage variations on the mean MEP read energy by performing statistical analysis based on the ANOVA test of the full-factorial experimental design.Esta tesis presenta nuevos métodos basados en una combinación de técnicas estadísticas conocidas para la estimación rápida del rendimiento de la memoria y su aplicación en el diseño de memorias de energia eficiente de sub-umbral. La aparición de los dispositivos para el Internet de las cosas (IOT) y la proliferación del mercado portátil ha presentado el reto de lograr la máxima eficiencia energética por operación de estos dispositivos operados con baterias. La eficiencia de energía es posible si se considera la operacion por debajo del umbral de los circuitos. Sin embargo, la operación confiable de memoria es actualmente inalcanzable en estos bajos niveles de voltaje debido a márgenes de ruido de fuga del circuito de memoria, los cuales se pueden reducir aún más en presencia de variaciones randomicas de procesos. Los métodos estadísticos, que se presentan en esta tesis, hacen que la optimización del rendimiento de las memorias por debajo del umbral computacionalmente factible mediante la simulación SPICE. Presentamos nuevas modificaciones a las técnicas de muestreo estadístico que reducen la sobrecarga de simulación SPICE en la estimación de la probabilidad de fallo de memoria. Estos esquemas de muestreo proporciona una reducción de 40 veces en la búsqueda de puntos de fallo más probable, y 10 veces la reducción en la estimación de la probabilidad de fallo mediante las simulaciones SPICE en comparación con otras propuestas existentes. A continuación, se proporciona un método novedoso para crear modelos sustitutos de los márgenes de memoria con una mejor capacidad de extrapolación que los métodos tradicionales de regresión. Estos modelos, basados en el proceso de regresión Gaussiano, codifican la sensibilidad de los márgenes de memoria con respecto a cada fuente de variación de umbral individual en un núcleo de una sola dimensión. Los modelos propuestos, basados en kernel aditivos, tienen un error 32% menor que el error out-of-sample (es decir, mejor capacidad de extrapolación fuera del conjunto de entrenamiento) en comparacion con el núcleo universal de seis dimensiones como la función de base radial (RBF). La tesis también explora las modificaciones topológicas a la celda binaria SRAM para alcanzar velocidades de lectura mas rapidas dentro en el contexto de operaciones en el umbral de tensiones de funcionamiento. Presentamos una celda binaria SRAM de diez transistores que consigue aumentar en 2 veces la operación de lectura en comparacion con las celdas sub-umbral de SRAM de diez transistores existentes, garantizando al mismo tiempo los márgenes de ruido similares. La celda binaria SRAM proporciona una reducción del 70% en energía dinámica a costa del aumento del 42% en la energía de fuga por las operaciones de lectura. Por último, se investiga la eficiencia energética de las células de ganancia eDRAM como una alternativa a los bitcells SRAM en los dispositivos de tamaño limitado IOT. Encontramos que la reducción de la corriente de fuga en el path de escritura es la única manera de reducir la energía de lectura en el Punto Mínimo de Energía (MEP). Además, se estudia el efecto del transistor de dimensionamiento en virtud de la presencia de variaciones de voltaje de umbral en la media de energia de lecture MEP mediante el análisis estadístico basado en la prueba de ANOVA del diseño experimental factorial completo.Postprint (published version