383 research outputs found

    Extending SMTCoq, a Certified Checker for SMT (Extended Abstract)

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    This extended abstract reports on current progress of SMTCoq, a communication tool between the Coq proof assistant and external SAT and SMT solvers. Based on a checker for generic first-order certificates implemented and proved correct in Coq, SMTCoq offers facilities both to check external SAT and SMT answers and to improve Coq's automation using such solvers, in a safe way. Currently supporting the SAT solver zChaff, and the SMT solver veriT for the combination of the theories of congruence closure and linear integer arithmetic, SMTCoq is meant to be extendable with a reasonable amount of effort: we present work in progress to support the SMT solver CVC4 and the theory of bit vectors.Comment: In Proceedings HaTT 2016, arXiv:1606.0542

    A Vernacular for Coherent Logic

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    We propose a simple, yet expressive proof representation from which proofs for different proof assistants can easily be generated. The representation uses only a few inference rules and is based on a frag- ment of first-order logic called coherent logic. Coherent logic has been recognized by a number of researchers as a suitable logic for many ev- eryday mathematical developments. The proposed proof representation is accompanied by a corresponding XML format and by a suite of XSL transformations for generating formal proofs for Isabelle/Isar and Coq, as well as proofs expressed in a natural language form (formatted in LATEX or in HTML). Also, our automated theorem prover for coherent logic exports proofs in the proposed XML format. All tools are publicly available, along with a set of sample theorems.Comment: CICM 2014 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (2014

    Photoswitching of the second-order nonlinearity of a tetrahedral octupolar multi DTE-based copper(I) complex.

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    International audienceThe modulation of the quadratic NLO response of an octupolar metal-based chromophore featuring four photochromic dithienylethene units is reported. Quantum mechanical simulations are consistent with a full switching of the DTE units and reproduce the strong enhancement of the NLO response

    An Introduction to Mechanized Reasoning

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    Mechanized reasoning uses computers to verify proofs and to help discover new theorems. Computer scientists have applied mechanized reasoning to economic problems but -- to date -- this work has not yet been properly presented in economics journals. We introduce mechanized reasoning to economists in three ways. First, we introduce mechanized reasoning in general, describing both the techniques and their successful applications. Second, we explain how mechanized reasoning has been applied to economic problems, concentrating on the two domains that have attracted the most attention: social choice theory and auction theory. Finally, we present a detailed example of mechanized reasoning in practice by means of a proof of Vickrey's familiar theorem on second-price auctions

    Deep Learning Recommendations for the ACL2 Interactive Theorem Prover

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    Due to the difficulty of obtaining formal proofs, there is increasing interest in partially or completely automating proof search in interactive theorem provers. Despite being a theorem prover with an active community and plentiful corpus of 170,000+ theorems, no deep learning system currently exists to help automate theorem proving in ACL2. We have developed a machine learning system that generates recommendations to automatically complete proofs. We show that our system benefits from the copy mechanism introduced in the context of program repair. We make our system directly accessible from within ACL2 and use this interface to evaluate our system in a realistic theorem proving environment

    Formal Verification of a Geometry Algorithm: A Quest for Abstract Views and Symmetry in Coq Proofs

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    This extended abstract is about an effort to build a formal description of a triangulation algorithm starting with a naive description of the algorithm where triangles, edges, and triangulations are simply given as sets and the most complex notions are those of boundary and separating edges. When performing proofs about this algorithm, questions of symmetry appear and this exposition attempts to give an account of how these symmetries can be handled. All this work relies on formal developments made with Coq and the mathematical components library
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