68 research outputs found

    Development of Wireless Techniques in Data and Power Transmission - Application for Particle Physics Detectors

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    Wireless techniques have developed extremely fast over the last decade and using them for data and power transmission in particle physics detectors is not science- fiction any more. During the last years several research groups have independently thought of making it a reality. Wireless techniques became a mature field for research and new developments might have impact on future particle physics experiments. The Instrumentation Frontier was set up as a part of the SnowMass 2013 Community Summer Study [1] to examine the instrumentation R&D for the particle physics research over the coming decades: {\guillemotleft} To succeed we need to make technical and scientific innovation a priority in the field {\guillemotright}. Wireless data transmission was identified as one of the innovations that could revolutionize the transmission of data out of the detector. Power delivery was another challenge mentioned in the same report. We propose a collaboration to identify the specific needs of different projects that might benefit from wireless techniques. The objective is to provide a common platform for research and development in order to optimize effectiveness and cost, with the aim of designing and testing wireless demonstrators for large instrumentation systems

    Study of the impact of lithography techniques and the current fabrication processes on the design rules of tridimensional fabrication technologies

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    Working for the photolithography tool manufacturer leader sometimes gives me the impression of how complex and specific is the sector I am working on. This master thesis topic came with the goal of getting the overall picture of the state-of-the-art: stepping out and trying to get a helicopter view usually helps to understand where a process is in the productive chain, or what other firms and markets are doing to continue improvingUniversidad de sevilla.Máster Universitario en Microelectrónica: Diseño y Aplicaciones de Sistemas Micro/Nanométrico

    US Microelectronics Packaging Ecosystem: Challenges and Opportunities

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    The semiconductor industry is experiencing a significant shift from traditional methods of shrinking devices and reducing costs. Chip designers actively seek new technological solutions to enhance cost-effectiveness while incorporating more features into the silicon footprint. One promising approach is Heterogeneous Integration (HI), which involves advanced packaging techniques to integrate independently designed and manufactured components using the most suitable process technology. However, adopting HI introduces design and security challenges. To enable HI, research and development of advanced packaging is crucial. The existing research raises the possible security threats in the advanced packaging supply chain, as most of the Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) facilities/vendors are offshore. To deal with the increasing demand for semiconductors and to ensure a secure semiconductor supply chain, there are sizable efforts from the United States (US) government to bring semiconductor fabrication facilities onshore. However, the US-based advanced packaging capabilities must also be ramped up to fully realize the vision of establishing a secure, efficient, resilient semiconductor supply chain. Our effort was motivated to identify the possible bottlenecks and weak links in the advanced packaging supply chain based in the US.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Modeling, design, and characterization of through vias in silicon and glass interposers

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    Advancements in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology have led to unprecedented transistor and interconnect scaling. Further miniaturization by traditional IC scaling in future planar CMOS technology faces significant challenges. Stacking of ICs (3D IC) using three dimensional (3D) integration technology helps in significantly reducing wiring lengths, interconnect latency and power dissipation while reducing the size of the chip and enhancing performance. Interposer technology with ultra-fine pitch interconnections needs to be developed to support the huge I/O connection requirement for packaging 3D ICs. Through vias in stacked silicon ICs and interposers are the key components of a 3D system. The objective of this dissertation is to model through vias in 3D silicon and glass interposers and, to address power and high-speed signal integrity issues in 3D interposers considering silicon biasing effects. An equivalent circuit model of the through via in silicon interposer (Si TPV) has been proposed considering the bias voltage dependent Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitance effect. Important design guidelines and optimizations are proposed for Si TPVs used in the signal delivery network, power delivery network (PDN), and as variable capacitors. Through vias in glass interposers (Glass TPVs) are modeled, designed and simulated by using electromagnetic field solvers. Signal and power integrity analyses are performed for silicon and glass interposers. PDN design is proposed by utilizing the MOS capacitance of the Si TPVs for decoupling.PhDCommittee Chair: Tummala, Rao; Committee Co-Chair: Swaminathan, Madhavan; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Mukhopadhyay, Saibal; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Suresh; Committee Member: Sundaram, Venk

    Common mode current estimation for cable bundle inside a vehicle

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    In the Section 1, it introduces a methodology to simulate the currents and fields during an air discharge ESD into a product by combining a linear description of the behavior of the DUT with a non-linear arc resistance equation. The most commonly used test standard IEC 61000-4-2 requires using contact mode discharges to metallic surfaces and air discharge mode to non-conducting surfaces. This paper proposes a method that combines the linear ESD generator full wave model and the non-linear arc model to simulate currents and fields in air discharge mode. In Section 2, when simulating surface and thin wire structures, full wave MoM method is accurate, but time consuming. On the other hand, conventional Mulit-conductor Transmission Line Theory (MTL) provides a very simple model, but can only deal with Transmission Line (TL-) mode current. A proposed Multi-Scattering method by hybrid of MTL and surface MoM can be used to calculate interactions between surface and thin wire structures. After only a few scattering, the wire current value can match the result obtained by full wave MoM method. In Section 3, a fast method to calculate the admittance matrix of Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) is proposed. The silicon dioxide layers are equivalently modeled using the positive bound charge on the conductor surfaces as well as the equal amount negative bound charge on the dielectric interface between the silicon dioxide and the silicon regions. Unknown densities of both the free and bound surface charge are expanded using the axial harmonics. Galerkin\u27s method is then applied to obtain the capacitance and conductance matrices --Abstract, page iii

    Méthodologies de conception ASIC pour des systèmes sur puce 3D hétérogènes à base de réseaux sur puce 3D

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les architectures 3D NoC grâce à des implémentations de conception physiques en utilisant la technologie 3D réel mis en oeuvre dans l'industrie. Sur la base des listes d'interconnexions en déroute, nous procédons à l'analyse des performances d'évaluer le bénéfice de l'architecture 3D par rapport à sa mise en oeuvre 2D. Sur la base du flot de conception 3D proposé en se concentrant sur la vérification temporelle tirant parti de l'avantage du retard négligeable de la structure de microbilles pour les connexions verticales, nous avons mené techniques de partitionnement de NoC 3D basé sur l'architecture MPSoC y compris empilement homogène et hétérogène en utilisant Tezzaron 3D IC technlogy. Conception et mise en oeuvre de compromis dans les deux méthodes de partitionnement est étudiée pour avoir un meilleur aperçu sur l'architecture 3D de sorte qu'il peut être exploitée pour des performances optimales. En utilisant l'approche 3D homogène empilage, NoC topologies est explorée afin d'identifier la meilleure topologie entre la topologie 2D et 3D pour la mise en œuvre MPSoC 3D sous l'hypothèse que les chemins critiques est fondée sur les liens inter-routeur. Les explorations architecturales ont également examiné les différentes technologies de traitement. mettant en évidence l'effet de la technologie des procédés à la performance d'architecture 3D en particulier pour l'interconnexion dominant du design. En outre, nous avons effectué hétérogène 3D d'empilage pour la mise en oeuvre MPSoC avec l'approche GALS de style et présenté plusieurs analyses de conception physiques connexes concernant la conception 3D et la mise en œuvre MPSoC utilisant des outils de CAO 2D. Une analyse plus approfondie de l'effet microbilles pas à la performance de l'architecture 3D à l'aide face-à-face d'empilement est également signalé l'identification des problèmes et des limitations à prendre en considération pendant le processus de conception.In this thesis, we study the exploration 3D NoC architectures through physical design implementations using real 3D technology used in the industry. Based on the proposed 3D design flow focusing on timing verification by leveraging the benefit of negligible delay of microbumps structure for vertical connections, we have conducted partitioning techniques for 3D NoC-based MPSoC architecture including homogeneous and heterogeneous stacking using Tezzaron 3D IC technlogy. Design and implementation trade-off in both partitioning methods is investigated to have better insight about 3D architecture so that it can be exploited for optimal performance. Using homogeneous 3D stacking approach, NoC architectures are explored to identify the best topology between 2D and 3D topology for 3D MPSoC implementation. The architectural explorations have also considered different process technologies highlighting the wire delay effect to the 3D architecture performance especially for interconnect-dominated design. Additionally, we performed heterogeneous 3D stacking of NoC-based MPSoC implementation with GALS style approach and presented several physical designs related analyses regarding 3D MPSoC design and implementation using 2D EDA tools. Finally we conducted an exploration of 2D EDA tool on different 3D architecture to evaluate the impact of 2D EDA tools on the 3D architecture performance. Since there is no commercialize 3D design tool until now, the experiment is important on the basis that designing 3D architecture using 2D EDA tools does not have a strong and direct impact to the 3D architecture performance mainly because the tools is dedicated for 2D architecture design.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Integrating specification and test requirements as constraints in verification strategies for 2D and 3D analog and mixed signal designs

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    Analog and Mixed Signal (AMS) designs are essential components of today’s modern Integrated Circuits (ICs) used in the interface between real world signals and the digital world. They present, however, significant verification challenges. Out-of-specification failures in these systems have steadily increased, and have reached record highs in recent years. Increasing design complexity, incomplete/wrong specifications (responsible for 47% of all non functional ICs) as well as additional challenges faced when testing these systems are obvious reasons. A particular example is the escalating impact of realistic test conditions with respect to physical (interface between the device under test (DUT) and the test instruments, input-signal conditions, input impedance, etc.), functional (noise, jitter) and environmental (temperature) constraints. Unfortunately, the impact of such constraints could result in a significant loss of performance and design failure even if the design itself was flawless. Current industrial verification methodologies, each addressing specific verification challenges, have been shown to be useful for detecting and eliminating design failures. Nevertheless, decreases in first pass silicon success rates illustrate the lack of cohesive, efficient techniques to allow a predictable verification process that leads to the highest possible confidence in the correctness of AMS designs. In this PhD thesis, we propose a constraint-driven verification methodology for monitoring specifications of AMS designs. The methodology is based on the early insertion of test(s) associated with each design specification. It exploits specific constraints introduced by these planned tests as well as by the specifications themselves, as they are extracted and used during the verification process, thus reducing the risk of costly errors caused by incomplete, ambiguous or missing details in the specification documents. To fully analyze the impact of these constraints on the overall AMS design behavior, we developed a two-phase algorithm that automatically integrates them into the AMS design behavioral model and performs the specifications monitoring in a Matlab simulation environment. The effectiveness of this methodology is demonstrated for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) ICs. Our results show that our approach can predict out-of-specification failures, corner cases that were not covered using previous verification methodologies. On one hand, we show that specifications satisfied without specification and test-related constraints have failed in the presence of these additional constraints. On the other hand, we show that some specifications may degrade or even cannot be verified without adding specific specification and test-related constraints

    Multiscale microstructures and microstructural effects on the reliability of microbumps in three-dimensional integration

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    The dimensions of microbumps in three-dimensional integration reach microscopic scales and thus necessitate a study of the multiscale microstructures in microbumps. Here, we present simulated mesoscale and atomic-scale microstructures of microbumps using phase field and phase field crystal models. Coupled microstructure, mechanical stress, and electromigration modeling was performed to highlight the microstructural effects on the reliability of microbumps. The results suggest that the size and geometry of microbumps can influence both the mesoscale and atomic-scale microstructural formation during solidification. An external stress imposed on the microbump can cause ordered phase growth along the boundaries of the microbump. Mesoscale microstructures formed in the microbumps from solidification, solid state phase separation, and coarsening processes suggest that the microstructures in smaller microbumps are more heterogeneous. Due to the differences in microstructures, the von Mises stress distributions in microbumps of different sizes and geometries vary. In addition, a combined effect resulting from the connectivity of the phase morphology and the amount of interface present in the mesoscale microstructure can influence the electromigration reliability of microbumps

    Path-Based partitioning methods for 3D Networks-on-Chip with minimal adaptive routing

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Combining the benefits of 3D ICs and Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) schemes provides a significant performance gain in Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) architectures. As multicast communication is commonly used in cache coherence protocols for CMPs and in various parallel applications, the performance of these systems can be significantly improved if multicast operations are supported at the hardware level. In this paper, we present several partitioning methods for the path-based multicast approach in 3D mesh-based NoCs, each with different levels of efficiency. In addition, we develop novel analytical models for unicast and multicast traffic to explore the efficiency of each approach. In order to distribute the unicast and multicast traffic more efficiently over the network, we propose the Minimal and Adaptive Routing (MAR) algorithm for the presented partitioning methods. The analytical and experimental results show that an advantageous method named Recursive Partitioning (RP) outperforms the other approaches. RP recursively partitions the network until all partitions contain a comparable number of switches and thus the multicast traffic is equally distributed among several subsets and the network latency is considerably decreased. The simulation results reveal that the RP method can achieve performance improvement across all workloads while performance can be further improved by utilizing the MAR algorithm. Nineteen percent average and 42 percent maximum latency reduction are obtained on SPLASH-2 and PARSEC benchmarks running on a 64-core CMP.Ebrahimi, M.; Daneshtalab, M.; Liljeberg, P.; Plosila, J.; Flich Cardo, J.; Tenhunen, H. (2014). Path-Based partitioning methods for 3D Networks-on-Chip with minimal adaptive routing. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 63(3):718-733. doi:10.1109/TC.2012.255S71873363

    Multiscale microstructures and microstructural effects on the reliability of microbumps in three-dimensional integration

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    The dimensions of microbumps in three-dimensional integration reach microscopic scales and thus necessitate a study of the multiscale microstructures in microbumps. Here, we present simulated mesoscale and atomic-scale microstructures of microbumps using phase field and phase field crystal models. Coupled microstructure, mechanical stress, and electromigration modeling was performed to highlight the microstructural effects on the reliability of microbumps. The results suggest that the size and geometry of microbumps can influence both the mesoscale and atomic-scale microstructural formation during solidification. An external stress imposed on the microbump can cause ordered phase growth along the boundaries of the microbump. Mesoscale microstructures formed in the microbumps from solidification, solid state phase separation, and coarsening processes suggest that the microstructures in smaller microbumps are more heterogeneous. Due to the differences in microstructures, the von Mises stress distributions in microbumps of different sizes and geometries vary. In addition, a combined effect resulting from the connectivity of the phase morphology and the amount of interface present in the mesoscale microstructure can influence the electromigration reliability of microbumps
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