379 research outputs found

    From computer-aided to intelligent machining: Recent advances in computer numerical control machining research

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an introduction and overview of recent advances in the key technologies and the supporting computerized systems, and to indicate the trend of research and development in the area of computational numerical control machining. Three main themes of recent research in CNC machining are simulation, optimization and automation, which form the key aspects of intelligent manufacturing in the digital and knowledge based manufacturing era. As the information and knowledge carrier, feature is the efficacious way to achieve intelligent manufacturing. From the regular shaped feature to freeform surface feature, the feature technology has been used in manufacturing of complex parts, such as aircraft structural parts. The authors’ latest research in intelligent machining is presented through a new concept of multi-perspective dynamic feature (MpDF), for future discussion and communication with readers of this special issue. The MpDF concept has been implemented and tested in real examples from the aerospace industry, and has the potential to make promising impact on the future research in the new paradigm of intelligent machining. The authors of this paper are the guest editors of this special issue on computational numerical control machining. The guest editors have extensive and complementary experiences in both academia and industry, gained in China, USA and UK

    Geostructural and Geomechanical Study of the Piastrone Quarry (Seravezza, Italy) Supported by Photogrammetry to Assess Failure Mode

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    The use of non-contact-techniques for rock mass characterization has been growing significantly over the last decade. However, their application to stability assessment of ornamental stone has not yet received much attention from researchers. This study utilizes rock mass data both in terms of slope orientations and degree of fracturing obtained from a point cloud, a set of three-dimensional (3D) points representing a rock mass surface, to (1) investigate the influence of geostructures at different scales and (2) assess quarry stability by determining areas susceptible to different failure types. Multi-resolution point clouds are obtained through several photogrammetric survey techniques to identify important structural elements of the site. By integrating orientation data of discontinuity planes, obtained with a traditional survey, and of traces, outlined on point clouds, several joint sets were identified. Kinematic tests revealed various potential failure modes of the rock slope. Moreover, an analysis of the influence of the discontinuity strength determined by the presence of rock bridges was carried out. The study revealed that the strength of the quarry face is governed by the presence of rock bridges that act to improve the stability condition of the rock fronts

    Geostructural and geomechanical study of the piastrone quarry (Seravezza, Italy) supported by photogrammetry to assess failure mode

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    The use of non-contact-techniques for rock mass characterization has been growing significantly over the last decade. However, their application to stability assessment of ornamental stone has not yet received much attention from researchers. This study utilizes rock mass data both in terms of slope orientations and degree of fracturing obtained from a point cloud, a set of three-dimensional (3D) points representing a rock mass surface, to (1) investigate the influence of geostructures at different scales and (2) assess quarry stability by determining areas susceptible to different failure types. Multi-resolution point clouds are obtained through several photogrammetric survey techniques to identify important structural elements of the site. By integrating orientation data of discontinuity planes, obtained with a traditional survey, and of traces, outlined on point clouds, several joint sets were identified. Kinematic tests revealed various potential failure modes of the rock slope. Moreover, an analysis of the influence of the discontinuity strength determined by the presence of rock bridges was carried out. The study revealed that the strength of the quarry face is governed by the presence of rock bridges that act to improve the stability condition of the rock fronts

    Unified Information Access in Product Creation with an Integrated Control Desk

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    Customers demand for individualized products leads to a large variety of different products in small series and single-unit production. A high flexibility pressure in product creation is one result of this trend. In order to counteract the pressure, the information steadily increasing by Industry 4.0 must be made available at the workplace. Additionally, a better exchange of information between product development, production planning and production is necessary. The improvement of individual systems, like CAD, PDM, ERP and MES, can only achieve this to a limited extent. Since they mostly use systems from different manufacturers, the necessary deeper integration of information is only feasible for SMEs to a limited extend. The presented control desk helps to ensure a more flexible product creation as well as information exchange. It captures information from different IT systems in the production process and presents them integrated, task-oriented and oriented to the user's mental model, e.g. information of the production combined with the 3D model of product parts, or information about product development on the 3D model of the production. The solution is a digital 3D model of the manufacturing environment, which is enriched by billboards for a quick information overview and web service windows to access detailed MES and PDM information. By this, the level of abstraction can be reduced and reacts to changed requirements in the short term, making informed decisions. The interaction with the control stands utilizes the touch skills of mobile and fixed systems such as smartphones, tablets and multitouch tables

    A multi-perspective dynamic feature concept in adaptive NC machining of complex freeform surfaces

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    This paper presents a new concept of feature for freeform surface machining that defines the changes in feature status during real manufacturing situations which have not been sufficiently addressed by current international standards and previous research in feature technology. These changes are multi-perspective, including (i) changes in depth-of-cut: the geometry of a feature in the depth-of-cut direction changes during different machining operations such as roughing, semi-finishing and finishing; (ii) changes across the surface: a surface may be divided into different machining regions (effectively sub-features) for the selection of appropriate manufacturing methods for each region such as different cutting tools, parameters, set-ups or machine tools; and (iii) changes in resources or manufacturing capabilities may require the re-planning of depth-of-cuts, division of machining regions and manufacturing operations (machines, tools, set-ups and parameters). Adding the above dynamic information to the part information models in current CAD systems (which only represent the final state of parts) would significantly improve the accuracy, efficiency and timeliness of manufacturing planning and optimisation, especially for the integrated NC machining planning for complex freeform surfaces. A case study in an aircraft manufacturing company will be included in this paper

    Automation of Process Planning for Automated Fiber Placement

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    Process planning represents an essential stage of the Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) workflow. It develops useful and efficient machine processes based upon the working material, composite design, and manufacturing resources. The current state of process planning requires a high degree of interaction from the process planner and could greatly benefit from increased automation. Therefore, a list of key steps and functions are created to identify the more difficult and time-consuming phases of process planning. Additionally, a set of metrics must exist by which to evaluate the effectiveness of the manufactured laminate from the machine code created during the Process Planning stage. This work begins with a ranking process which was performed through a survey of the Advanced Composites Consortium (ACC) Collaborative Research Team (CRT). Members were interviewed who possessed practical process planning experience in the composites industry. The Process Planning survey collected general input on the overall importance and time requirements for each function and which functions would benefit most greatly from semi-automation or full automation. Layup strategies, in addition to dog ears, stagger shifts, steering constraints, and starting points, represented the group of functions labeled as process optimization and ranked the highest in terms of priority for automation. The laminates resulting from the selected parameters are evaluated through the occurrences of principal defect metrics such as fiber gaps, overlaps, angle deviation and steering violations. This document presents an automated software solution to the layup strategy and starting point selection phase of Process Planning. A series of ply scenarios are generated with variations of these ply parameters and evaluated according to a set of metrics entered by the Process Planner. These metrics are generated through use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), where relative importance between each of the fiber features are defined. The ply scenarios are selected which reduce the overall fiber feature scores based on the defects the Process Planner wishes to minimize

    Computer aided process planning for multi-axis CNC machining using feature free polygonal CAD models

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    This dissertation provides new methods for the general area of Computer Aided Process Planning, often referred to as CAPP. It specifically focuses on 3 challenging problems in the area of multi-axis CNC machining process using feature free polygonal CAD models. The first research problem involves a new method for the rapid machining of Multi-Surface Parts. These types of parts typically have different requirements for each surface, for example, surface finish, accuracy, or functionality. The CAPP algorithms developed for this problem ensure the complete rapid machining of multi surface parts by providing better setup orientations to machine each surface. The second research problem is related to a new method for discrete multi-axis CNC machining of part models using feature free polygonal CAD models. This problem specifically considers a generic 3-axis CNC machining process for which CAPP algorithms are developed. These algorithms allow the rapid machining of a wide variety of parts with higher geometric accuracy by enabling access to visible surfaces through the choice of appropriate machine tool configurations (i.e. number of axes). The third research problem addresses challenges with geometric singularities that can occur when 2D slice models are used in process planning. The conversion from CAD to slice model results in the loss of model surface information, the consequence of which could be suboptimal or incorrect process planning. The algorithms developed here facilitate transfer of complete surface geometry information from CAD to slice models. The work of this dissertation will aid in developing the next generation of CAPP tools and result in lower cost and more accurately machined components

    Fully automated tool path planning for turbine blade repair

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    The recontouring process of aircraft engine parts like turbine blades is a manual or in best-case semi-automated process due to high individuality of the workpiece. This leads to in-process scrap because of low process stability and high process times. An automation of process planning reduces both. This paper introduces a method for a fully automated and individual tool path planning using 3D-scan data. Geometric parameters of the degenerated blade were considered to find best-suitable target geometry in a robust way. For turbine blade repair, the process stability is increased while meeting the dimensional tolerances required for the international aviation certifications

    A Methodological Approach to Knowledge-Based Engineering Systems for Manufacturing

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    A survey of implementations of the knowledge-based engineering approach in different technological sectors is presented. The main objectives and techniques of examined applications are pointed out to illustrate the trends and peculiarities for a number of manufacturing field. Existing methods for the development of these engineering systems are then examined in order to identify critical aspects when applied to manufacturing. A new methodological approach is proposed to overcome some specific limitations that emerged from the above-mentioned survey. The aim is to provide an innovative method for the implementation of knowledge-based engineering applications in the field of industrial production. As a starting point, the field of application of the system is defined using a spatial representation. The conceptual design phase is carried out with the aid of a matrix structure containing the most relevant elements of the system and their relations. In particular, objectives, descriptors, inputs and actions are defined and qualified using categorical attributes. The proposed method is then applied to three case studies with different locations in the applicability space. All the relevant elements of the detailed implementation of these systems are described. The relations with assumptions made during the design are highlighted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The adoption of case studies with notably different applications also reveals the versatility in the application of the method
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