709 research outputs found


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    3D human pose estimation (3D-HPE) has emerged as a prominent research area with diverse applications. This work focuses on enhancing the accuracy of 3D-HPE by proposing a two-stage model with a multi-feature fusion approach. The proposed model utilizes convolutional kernels of different sizes to extract feature maps with diverse resolutions and dimensions. These feature maps, along with the 2D coordinates of key joint points from the input frame, are fused in the first stage. In the second stage, the fused feature map is combined with the feature points of 2D key joints to jointly predict the key joints in 3D space. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model over representative methods. It achieves significant improvements of 9.47% and 8.55% in average MPJPE and average P-MPJPE, respectively, which are critical metrics for evaluating pose estimation accuracy. The proposed two-stage model with multi-feature fusion offers a comprehensive and accurate approach to 3D-HPE. It outperforms existing methods and showcases its effectiveness in capturing the intricate details of human poses. The results validate the significance of the proposed model in advancing the field of 3D-HPE

    Geometry-aware Manipulability Learning, Tracking and Transfer

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    Body posture influences human and robots performance in manipulation tasks, as appropriate poses facilitate motion or force exertion along different axes. In robotics, manipulability ellipsoids arise as a powerful descriptor to analyze, control and design the robot dexterity as a function of the articulatory joint configuration. This descriptor can be designed according to different task requirements, such as tracking a desired position or apply a specific force. In this context, this paper presents a novel \emph{manipulability transfer} framework, a method that allows robots to learn and reproduce manipulability ellipsoids from expert demonstrations. The proposed learning scheme is built on a tensor-based formulation of a Gaussian mixture model that takes into account that manipulability ellipsoids lie on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices. Learning is coupled with a geometry-aware tracking controller allowing robots to follow a desired profile of manipulability ellipsoids. Extensive evaluations in simulation with redundant manipulators, a robotic hand and humanoids agents, as well as an experiment with two real dual-arm systems validate the feasibility of the approach.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Intl. Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR). Website: https://sites.google.com/view/manipulability. Code: https://github.com/NoemieJaquier/Manipulability. 24 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables, 4 appendice

    A Low-Dimensional Representation for Robust Partial Isometric Correspondences Computation

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    Intrinsic isometric shape matching has become the standard approach for pose invariant correspondence estimation among deformable shapes. Most existing approaches assume global consistency, i.e., the metric structure of the whole manifold must not change significantly. While global isometric matching is well understood, only a few heuristic solutions are known for partial matching. Partial matching is particularly important for robustness to topological noise (incomplete data and contacts), which is a common problem in real-world 3D scanner data. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to partial, intrinsic isometric matching. Our method is based on the observation that isometries are fully determined by purely local information: a map of a single point and its tangent space fixes an isometry for both global and the partial maps. From this idea, we develop a new representation for partial isometric maps based on equivalence classes of correspondences between pairs of points and their tangent spaces. From this, we derive a local propagation algorithm that find such mappings efficiently. In contrast to previous heuristics based on RANSAC or expectation maximization, our method is based on a simple and sound theoretical model and fully deterministic. We apply our approach to register partial point clouds and compare it to the state-of-the-art methods, where we obtain significant improvements over global methods for real-world data and stronger guarantees than previous heuristic partial matching algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    3-D Human Action Recognition by Shape Analysis of Motion Trajectories on Riemannian Manifold

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    International audienceRecognizing human actions in 3D video sequences is an important open problem that is currently at the heart of many research domains including surveillance, natural interfaces and rehabilitation. However, the design and development of models for action recognition that are both accurate and efficient is a challenging task due to the variability of the human pose, clothing and appearance. In this paper, we propose a new framework to extract a compact representation of a human action captured through a depth sensor, and enable accurate action recognition. The proposed solution develops on fitting a human skeleton model to acquired data so as to represent the 3D coordinates of the joints and their change over time as a trajectory in a suitable action space. Thanks to such a 3D joint-based framework, the proposed solution is capable to capture both the shape and the dynamics of the human body simultaneously. The action recognition problem is then formulated as the problem of computing the similarity between the shape of trajectories in a Riemannian manifold. Classification using kNN is finally performed on this manifold taking advantage of Riemannian geometry in the open curve shape space. Experiments are carried out on four representative benchmarks to demonstrate the potential of the proposed solution in terms of accuracy/latency for a low-latency action recognition. Comparative results with state-of-the-art methods are reported

    HandMap:Robust Hand Pose Estimation via Intermediate Dense Guidance Map Supervision

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    This work presents a novel hand pose estimation framework via intermediate dense guidance map supervision. By leveraging the advantage of predicting heat maps of hand joints in detection-based methods, we propose to use dense feature maps through intermediate supervision in a regression-based framework that is not limited to the resolution of the heat map. Our dense feature maps are delicately designed to encode the hand geometry and the spatial relation between local joint and global hand. The proposed framework significantly improves the state-of-the-art in both 2D and 3D on the recent benchmark datasets

    Automatic tailoring and cloth modelling for animation characters.

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    The construction of realistic characters has become increasingly important to the production of blockbuster films, TV series and computer games. The outfit of character plays an important role in the application of virtual characters. It is one of the key elements reflects the personality of character. Virtual clothing refers to the process that constructs outfits for virtual characters, and currently, it is widely used in mainly two areas, fashion industry and computer animation. In fashion industry, virtual clothing technology is an effective tool which creates, edits and pre-visualises cloth design patterns efficiently. However, using this method requires lots of tailoring expertises. In computer animation, geometric modelling methods are widely used for cloth modelling due to their simplicity and intuitiveness. However, because of the shortage of tailoring knowledge among animation artists, current existing cloth design patterns can not be used directly by animation artists, and the appearance of cloth depends heavily on the skill of artists. Moreover, geometric modelling methods requires lots of manual operations. This tediousness is worsen by modelling same style cloth for different characters with different body shapes and proportions. This thesis addresses this problem and presents a new virtual clothing method which includes automatic character measuring, automatic cloth pattern adjustment, and cloth patterns assembling. There are two main contributions in this research. Firstly, a geodesic curvature flow based geodesic computation scheme is presented for acquiring length measurements from character. Due to the fast growing demand on usage of high resolution character model in animation production, the increasing number of characters need to be handled simultaneously as well as improving the reusability of 3D model in film production, the efficiency of modelling cloth for multiple high resolution character is very important. In order to improve the efficiency of measuring character for cloth fitting, a fast geodesic algorithm that has linear time complexity with a small bounded error is also presented. Secondly, a cloth pattern adjusting genetic algorithm is developed for automatic cloth fitting and retargeting. For the reason that that body shapes and proportions vary largely in character design, fitting and transferring cloth to a different character is a challenging task. This thesis considers the cloth fitting process as an optimization procedure. It optimizes both the shape and size of each cloth pattern automatically, the integrity, design and size of each cloth pattern are evaluated in order to create 3D cloth for any character with different body shapes and proportions while preserve the original cloth design. By automating the cloth modelling process, it empowers the creativity of animation artists and improves their productivity by allowing them to use a large amount of existing cloth design patterns in fashion industry to create various clothes and to transfer same design cloth to characters with different body shapes and proportions with ease
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