4 research outputs found

    One shot learning for generic instance segmentation in RGBD videos

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    Hand-crafted features employed in classical generic instance segmentation methods have limited discriminative power to distinguish different objects in the scene, while Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based semantic segmentation is restricted to predefined semantics and not aware of object instances. In this paper, we combine the advantages of the two methodologies and apply the combined approach to solve a generic instance segmentation problem in RGBD video sequences. In practice, a classical generic instance segmentation method is employed to initially detect object instances and build temporal correspondences, whereas instance models are trained based on the few detected instance samples via CNNs to generate robust features for instance segmentation. We exploit the idea of one shot learning to deal with the small training sample size problem when training CNNs. Experiment results illustrate the promising performance of the proposed approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Temporally coherent 3D point cloud video segmentation in generic scenes

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    漏 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Video segmentation is an important building block for high level applications, such as scene understanding and interaction analysis. While outstanding results are achieved in this field by the state-of-the-art learning and model-based methods, they are restricted to certain types of scenes or require a large amount of annotated training data to achieve object segmentation in generic scenes. On the other hand, RGBD data, widely available with the introduction of consumer depth sensors, provide actual world 3D geometry compared with 2D images. The explicit geometry in RGBD data greatly help in computer vision tasks, but the lack of annotations in this type of data may also hinder the extension of learning-based methods to RGBD. In this paper, we present a novel generic segmentation approach for 3D point cloud video (stream data) thoroughly exploiting the explicit geometry in RGBD. Our proposal is only based on low level features, such as connectivity and compactness. We exploit temporal coherence by representing the rough estimation of objects in a single frame with a hierarchical structure and propagating this hierarchy along time. The hierarchical structure provides an efficient way to establish temporal correspondences at different scales of object-connectivity and to temporally manage the splits and merges of objects. This allows updating the segmentation according to the evidence observed in the history. The proposed method is evaluated on several challenging data sets, with promising results for the presented approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Semantic and generic object segmentation for scene analysis using RGB-D Data

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    In this thesis, we study RGB-D based segmentation problems from different perspectives in terms of the input data. Apart from the basic photometric and geometric information contained in the RGB-D data, also semantic and temporal information are usually considered in an RGB-D based segmentation system. The first part of this thesis focuses on an RGB-D based semantic segmentation problem, where the predefined semantics and annotated training data are available. First, we review how RGB-D data has been exploited in the state of the art to help training classifiers in a semantic segmentation tasks. Inspired by these works, we follow a multi-task learning schema, where semantic segmentation and depth estimation are jointly tackled in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Since semantic segmentation and depth estimation are two highly correlated tasks, approaching them jointly can be mutually beneficial. In this case, depth information along with the segmentation annotation in the training data helps better defining the target of the training process of the classifier, instead of feeding the system blindly with an extra input channel. We design a novel hybrid CNN architecture by investigating the common attributes as well as the distinction for depth estimation and semantic segmentation. The proposed architecture is tested and compared with state of the art approaches in different datasets. Although outstanding results are achieved in semantic segmentation, the limitations in these approaches are also obvious. Semantic segmentation strongly relies on predefined semantics and a large amount of annotated data, which may not be available in more general applications. On the other hand, classical image segmentation tackles the segmentation task in a more general way. But classical approaches hardly obtain object level segmentation due to the lack of higher level knowledge. Thus, in the second part of this thesis, we focus on an RGB-D based generic instance segmentation problem where temporal information is available from the RGB-D video while no semantic information is provided. We present a novel generic segmentation approach for 3D point cloud video (stream data) thoroughly exploiting the explicit geometry and temporal correspondences in RGB-D. The proposed approach is validated and compared with state of the art generic segmentation approaches in different datasets. Finally, in the third part of this thesis, we present a method which combines the advantages in both semantic segmentation and generic segmentation, where we discover object instances using the generic approach and model them by learning from the few discovered examples by applying the approach of semantic segmentation. To do so, we employ the one shot learning technique, which performs knowledge transfer from a generally trained model to a specific instance model. The learned instance models generate robust features in distinguishing different instances, which is fed to the generic segmentation approach to perform improved segmentation. The approach is validated with experiments conducted on a carefully selected dataset.En aquesta tesi, estudiem problemes de segmentaci贸 basats en RGB-D des de diferents perspectives pel que fa a les dades d'entrada. A part de la informaci贸 fotom猫trica i geom猫trica b脿sica que cont茅 les dades RGB-D, tamb茅 es considera normalment informaci贸 sem脿ntica i temporal en un sistema de segmentaci贸 basat en RGB-D. La primera part d'aquesta tesi se centra en un problema de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica basat en RGB-D, on hi ha disponibles les dades sem脿ntiques predefinides i la informaci贸 d'entrenament anotada. En primer lloc, revisem com les dades RGB-D s'han explotat en l'estat de l'art per ajudar a entrenar classificadors en tasques de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. Inspirats en aquests treballs, seguim un esquema d'aprenentatge multidisciplinar, on la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica i l'estimaci贸 de profunditat es tracten conjuntament en una Xarxa Neural Convolucional (CNN). At猫s que la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica i l'estimaci贸 de profunditat s贸n dues tasques altament correlacionades, l'aproximaci贸 a les mateixes pot ser m煤tuament beneficiosa. En aquest cas, la informaci贸 de profunditat juntament amb l'anotaci贸 de segmentaci贸 en les dades d'entrenament ajuda a definir millor l'objectiu del proc茅s d'entrenament del classificador, en comptes d'alimentar el sistema cegament amb un canal d'entrada addicional. Dissenyem una nova arquitectura h铆brida CNN investigant els atributs comuns, aix铆 com la distinci贸 per a l'estimaci贸 de profunditat i la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. L'arquitectura proposada es prova i es compara amb l'estat de l'art en diferents conjunts de dades. Encara que s'obtenen resultats excel路lents en la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica, les limitacions d'aquests enfocaments tamb茅 s贸n evidents. La segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica es recolza fortament en la sem脿ntica predefinida i una gran quantitat de dades anotades, que potser no estaran disponibles en aplicacions m茅s generals. D'altra banda, la segmentaci贸 d'imatge cl脿ssica aborda la tasca de segmentaci贸 d'una manera m茅s general. Per貌 els enfocaments cl脿ssics gaireb茅 no aconsegueixen la segmentaci贸 a nivell d'objectes a causa de la manca de coneixements de nivell superior. Aix铆, en la segona part d'aquesta tesi, ens centrem en un problema de segmentaci贸 d'inst脿ncies gen猫ric basat en RGB-D, on la informaci贸 temporal est脿 disponible a partir del v铆deo RGB-D, mentre que no es proporciona informaci贸 sem脿ntica. Presentem un nou enfocament gen猫ric de segmentaci贸 per a v铆deos de n煤vols de punts 3D explotant a fons la geometria expl铆cita i les correspond猫ncies temporals en RGB-D. L'enfocament proposat es valida i es compara amb enfocaments de segmentaci贸 gen猫rica de l'estat de l'art en diferents conjunts de dades. Finalment, en la tercera part d'aquesta tesi, presentem un m猫tode que combina els avantatges tant en la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica com en la segmentaci贸 gen猫rica, on descobrim inst脿ncies de l'objecte utilitzant l'enfocament gen猫ric i les modelem mitjan莽ant l'aprenentatge dels pocs exemples descoberts aplicant l'enfocament de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. Per fer-ho, utilitzem la t猫cnica d'aprenentatge d'un tir, que realitza la transfer猫ncia de coneixement d'un model entrenat de forma gen猫rica a un model d'inst脿ncia espec铆fic. Els models apresos d'inst脿ncia generen funcions robustes per distingir diferents inst脿ncies, que alimenten la segmentaci贸 gen猫rica de segmentaci贸 per a la seva millora. L'enfocament es valida amb experiments realitzats en un conjunt de dades acuradament seleccionat.Postprint (published version

    Semantic and generic object segmentation for scene analysis using RGB-D Data

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    In this thesis, we study RGB-D based segmentation problems from different perspectives in terms of the input data. Apart from the basic photometric and geometric information contained in the RGB-D data, also semantic and temporal information are usually considered in an RGB-D based segmentation system. The first part of this thesis focuses on an RGB-D based semantic segmentation problem, where the predefined semantics and annotated training data are available. First, we review how RGB-D data has been exploited in the state of the art to help training classifiers in a semantic segmentation tasks. Inspired by these works, we follow a multi-task learning schema, where semantic segmentation and depth estimation are jointly tackled in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Since semantic segmentation and depth estimation are two highly correlated tasks, approaching them jointly can be mutually beneficial. In this case, depth information along with the segmentation annotation in the training data helps better defining the target of the training process of the classifier, instead of feeding the system blindly with an extra input channel. We design a novel hybrid CNN architecture by investigating the common attributes as well as the distinction for depth estimation and semantic segmentation. The proposed architecture is tested and compared with state of the art approaches in different datasets. Although outstanding results are achieved in semantic segmentation, the limitations in these approaches are also obvious. Semantic segmentation strongly relies on predefined semantics and a large amount of annotated data, which may not be available in more general applications. On the other hand, classical image segmentation tackles the segmentation task in a more general way. But classical approaches hardly obtain object level segmentation due to the lack of higher level knowledge. Thus, in the second part of this thesis, we focus on an RGB-D based generic instance segmentation problem where temporal information is available from the RGB-D video while no semantic information is provided. We present a novel generic segmentation approach for 3D point cloud video (stream data) thoroughly exploiting the explicit geometry and temporal correspondences in RGB-D. The proposed approach is validated and compared with state of the art generic segmentation approaches in different datasets. Finally, in the third part of this thesis, we present a method which combines the advantages in both semantic segmentation and generic segmentation, where we discover object instances using the generic approach and model them by learning from the few discovered examples by applying the approach of semantic segmentation. To do so, we employ the one shot learning technique, which performs knowledge transfer from a generally trained model to a specific instance model. The learned instance models generate robust features in distinguishing different instances, which is fed to the generic segmentation approach to perform improved segmentation. The approach is validated with experiments conducted on a carefully selected dataset.En aquesta tesi, estudiem problemes de segmentaci贸 basats en RGB-D des de diferents perspectives pel que fa a les dades d'entrada. A part de la informaci贸 fotom猫trica i geom猫trica b脿sica que cont茅 les dades RGB-D, tamb茅 es considera normalment informaci贸 sem脿ntica i temporal en un sistema de segmentaci贸 basat en RGB-D. La primera part d'aquesta tesi se centra en un problema de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica basat en RGB-D, on hi ha disponibles les dades sem脿ntiques predefinides i la informaci贸 d'entrenament anotada. En primer lloc, revisem com les dades RGB-D s'han explotat en l'estat de l'art per ajudar a entrenar classificadors en tasques de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. Inspirats en aquests treballs, seguim un esquema d'aprenentatge multidisciplinar, on la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica i l'estimaci贸 de profunditat es tracten conjuntament en una Xarxa Neural Convolucional (CNN). At猫s que la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica i l'estimaci贸 de profunditat s贸n dues tasques altament correlacionades, l'aproximaci贸 a les mateixes pot ser m煤tuament beneficiosa. En aquest cas, la informaci贸 de profunditat juntament amb l'anotaci贸 de segmentaci贸 en les dades d'entrenament ajuda a definir millor l'objectiu del proc茅s d'entrenament del classificador, en comptes d'alimentar el sistema cegament amb un canal d'entrada addicional. Dissenyem una nova arquitectura h铆brida CNN investigant els atributs comuns, aix铆 com la distinci贸 per a l'estimaci贸 de profunditat i la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. L'arquitectura proposada es prova i es compara amb l'estat de l'art en diferents conjunts de dades. Encara que s'obtenen resultats excel路lents en la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica, les limitacions d'aquests enfocaments tamb茅 s贸n evidents. La segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica es recolza fortament en la sem脿ntica predefinida i una gran quantitat de dades anotades, que potser no estaran disponibles en aplicacions m茅s generals. D'altra banda, la segmentaci贸 d'imatge cl脿ssica aborda la tasca de segmentaci贸 d'una manera m茅s general. Per貌 els enfocaments cl脿ssics gaireb茅 no aconsegueixen la segmentaci贸 a nivell d'objectes a causa de la manca de coneixements de nivell superior. Aix铆, en la segona part d'aquesta tesi, ens centrem en un problema de segmentaci贸 d'inst脿ncies gen猫ric basat en RGB-D, on la informaci贸 temporal est脿 disponible a partir del v铆deo RGB-D, mentre que no es proporciona informaci贸 sem脿ntica. Presentem un nou enfocament gen猫ric de segmentaci贸 per a v铆deos de n煤vols de punts 3D explotant a fons la geometria expl铆cita i les correspond猫ncies temporals en RGB-D. L'enfocament proposat es valida i es compara amb enfocaments de segmentaci贸 gen猫rica de l'estat de l'art en diferents conjunts de dades. Finalment, en la tercera part d'aquesta tesi, presentem un m猫tode que combina els avantatges tant en la segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica com en la segmentaci贸 gen猫rica, on descobrim inst脿ncies de l'objecte utilitzant l'enfocament gen猫ric i les modelem mitjan莽ant l'aprenentatge dels pocs exemples descoberts aplicant l'enfocament de segmentaci贸 sem脿ntica. Per fer-ho, utilitzem la t猫cnica d'aprenentatge d'un tir, que realitza la transfer猫ncia de coneixement d'un model entrenat de forma gen猫rica a un model d'inst脿ncia espec铆fic. Els models apresos d'inst脿ncia generen funcions robustes per distingir diferents inst脿ncies, que alimenten la segmentaci贸 gen猫rica de segmentaci贸 per a la seva millora. L'enfocament es valida amb experiments realitzats en un conjunt de dades acuradament seleccionat