100 research outputs found

    Vision-based haptic feedback for remote micromanipulation in-SEM environment.

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    International audienceThis paper presents an intuitive environment for remote micromanipulation composed of both haptic feedback and virtual reconstruction of the scene. To enable non expert users to perform complex teleoperated micromanipulation tasks it is of utmost importance to provide them with information about the 3D relative positions of the objects and the tools. Haptic feedback is an intuitive way to transmit such information. Since position sensors are not available at this scale, visual feedback is used to derive information about the scene. In this work, three different techniques are implemented, evaluated and compared to derive the object positions from scanning electron microscope images. The modified correlation matching with generated template algorithm is accurate and provides reliable detection of objects. To track the tool, a marker based approach is chosen since fast detection is required for stable haptic feedback. Information derived from these algorithms is used to propose an intuitive remote manipulation system, that enables users situated in geographically distant sites to benefit from specific equipments such as SEMs. Stability of the haptic feedback is ensured by the minimization of the delays, the computational efficiency of vision algorithms and the proper tuning of the haptic coupling. Virtual guides are proposed to avoid any involuntary collisions between the tool and the objects. This approach is validated by a teleoperation involving melamine microspheres with a diameter of less than 2 m between Paris, France and Oldenburg, Germany

    A Workstation for microassembly

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    In this paper, an open-architecture, reconfigurable microassembly workstation for efficient and reliable assembly of micromachined parts is presented. The workstation is designed to be used as a research tool for investigation of the problems in microassembly. The development of such a workstation includes the design of: (i) a manipulation system consisting of motion stages providing necessary travel range and precision for the realization of assembly tasks, (ii) a vision system to visualize the microworld and the determination of the position and orientation of micro components to be assembled, (iii) a robust control system and necessary mounts for the end effectors in such a way that according to the task to be realized, the manipulation tools can be easily changed and the system will be ready for the predefined task. In addition tele-operated and semi-automated assembly concepts are implemented. The design is verified by implementing the range of the tasks in micro-parts manipulation. The versatility of the workstation is demonstrated and high accuracy of positioning is sho

    Haptic feedback in teleoperation in Micro-and Nano-Worlds.

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    International audienceRobotic systems have been developed to handle very small objects, but their use remains complex and necessitates long-duration training. Simulators, such as molecular simulators, can provide access to large amounts of raw data, but only highly trained users can interpret the results of such systems. Haptic feedback in teleoperation, which provides force-feedback to an operator, appears to be a promising solution for interaction with such systems, as it allows intuitiveness and flexibility. However several issues arise while implementing teleoperation schemes at the micro-nanoscale, owing to complex force-fields that must be transmitted to users, and scaling differences between the haptic device and the manipulated objects. Major advances in such technology have been made in recent years. This chapter reviews the main systems in this area and highlights how some fundamental issues in teleoperation for micro- and nano-scale applications have been addressed. The chapter considers three types of teleoperation, including: (1) direct (manipulation of real objects); (2) virtual (use of simulators); and (3) augmented (combining real robotic systems and simulators). Remaining issues that must be addressed for further advances in teleoperation for micro-nanoworlds are also discussed, including: (1) comprehension of phenomena that dictate very small object (< 500 micrometers) behavior; and (2) design of intuitive 3-D manipulation systems. Design guidelines to realize an intuitive haptic feedback teleoperation system at the micro-nanoscale level are proposed

    Hybrid optical and magnetic manipulation of microrobots

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    Microrobotic systems have the potential to provide precise manipulation on cellular level for diagnostics, drug delivery and surgical interventions. These systems vary from tethered to untethered microrobots with sizes below a micrometer to a few microns. However, their main disadvantage is that they do not have the same capabilities in terms of degrees-of-freedom, sensing and control as macroscale robotic systems. In particular, their lack of on-board sensing for pose or force feedback, their control methods and interface for automated or manual user control are limited as well as their geometry has few degrees-of-freedom making three-dimensional manipulation more challenging. This PhD project is on the development of a micromanipulation framework that can be used for single cell analysis using the Optical Tweezers as well as a combination of optical trapping and magnetic actuation for recon gurable microassembly. The focus is on untethered microrobots with sizes up to a few tens of microns that can be used in enclosed environments for ex vivo and in vitro medical applications. The work presented investigates the following aspects of microrobots for single cell analysis: i) The microfabrication procedure and design considerations that are taken into account in order to fabricate components for three-dimensional micromanipulation and microassembly, ii) vision-based methods to provide 6-degree-offreedom position and orientation feedback which is essential for closed-loop control, iii) manual and shared control manipulation methodologies that take into account the user input for multiple microrobot or three-dimensional microstructure manipulation and iv) a methodology for recon gurable microassembly combining the Optical Tweezers with magnetic actuation into a hybrid method of actuation for microassembly.Open Acces

    A Review of Haptic Feedback Teleoperation Systems for Micromanipulation and Microassembly

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    International audienceThis paper presents a review of the major haptic feedback teleoperation systems for micromanipulation. During the last decade, the handling of micrometer-sized objects has become a critical issue. Fields of application from material science to electronics demonstrate an urgent need for intuitive and flexible manipulation systems able to deal with small-scale industrial projects and assembly tasks. Two main approaches have been considered: fully automated tasks and manual operation. The first one require fully pre determined tasks, while the later necessitates highly trained operators. To overcome these issues the use of haptic feedback teleoperation where the user manipulates the tool through a joystick whilst feeling a force feedback, appears to be a promising solution as it allows high intuitiveness and flexibility. Major advances have been achieved during this last decade, starting with systems that enable the operator to feel the substrate topology, to the current state-of-the-art where 3D haptic feedback is provided to aid manipulation tasks. This paper details the major achievements and the solutions that have been developed to propose 3D haptic feedback for tools that often lack 3D force measurements. The use of virtual reality to enhance the immersion is also addressed. The strategies developed provide haptic feedback teleoperation systems with a high degree of assistance and for a wide range of micromanipulation tools. Based on this expertise on haptic for micromanipulation and virtual reality assistance it is now possible to propose microassembly systems for objects as small as 1 to 10 micrometers. This is a mature field and will benefit small-scale industrial projects where precision and flexibility in microassembly are required

    Recent advances in the study of Micro/Nano Robotics in France.

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    International audienceIn France, during the last decade, significant research activities have been performed in the field of micro and nano robotics. Generally speaking the microrobotic field deals with the design, the fabrication and the control of microrobots and microrobotic cells. These microrobots are intended to perform various tasks in the so-called Microworld. The scale effects from macroworld to microworld deeply affect robots in the sense that new hard constraints appear as well as new manufacturing facilities. Concerning the nanorobotics, in order to achieve high-efficiency and three-dimensional nanomanipulation and nanoassembly, parallel imaging/manipulation force microscopy and three-dimensional manipulation force microscope, as well as nanmanipulation in the scanning electron microscope, have been developed. Manipulation of nanocomponents, such as nanoparticles, nanowires and nanotubes, have been addressed to build two-dimensional nano patterns and three-dimensional nano structure

    JOLED: a mid-air display based on electrostatic rotation of levitated Janus objects

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    We present JOLED, a mid-air display for interactive physical visualization using Janus objects as physical voxels. The Janus objects have special surfaces that have two or more asymmetric physical properties at different areas. In JOLED, they are levitated in mid-air and controllably rotated to reveal their different physical properties. We made voxels by coating the hemispheres of expanded polystyrene beads with different materials, and applied a thin patch of titanium dioxide to induce electrostatic charge on them. Transparent indium tin oxide electrodes are used around the levitation volume to create a tailored electric field to control the orientation of the voxels. We propose a novel method to control the angular position of individual voxels in a grid using electrostatic rotation and their 3D position using acoustic levitation. We present a display in which voxels can be flipped independently, and two mid-air physical games with a voxel as the playable character that moves in 3D across other physical structures and rotates to reflect its status in the games. We demonstrate a voxel update speed of 37.8 ms/flip, which is video-rate

    マルチ スケール キノウ ヲ ユウスル コウソク ジドウ マイクロ マニピュレーション システム

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    Ebubekir Avci, Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen, Kenichi Ohara, Yasushi Mae, Tatsuo Arai, Analysis and suppression of residual vibration in microhand for high-speed single-cell manipulation, International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, 2013-Vol.3, No.2, pp.110-11