8 research outputs found

    Visualización estéreo

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    En este proyecto se muestran las posibilidades de la visión estéreo para la visualización en monitores tanto de objetos simples como de grandes escenarios, así como su aplicación en juegos o en otros ámbitos como el cine, la geología e incluso la medicina. Para el desarrollo se ha usado una tarjeta con soporte 3d como la Nvidia 7600GT y una pantalla con una tasa de frecuencia alta como una ACER 19 pulgadas a 100Hz. Los resultados sobre la visualización han sido extraídos de las opiniones de un grupo de 20 personas, de diversas profesiones, no relacionadas con los gráficos por ordenador.En aquest projecte es mostren les possibilitats de la visió estèreo en monitors per a la visualització tant d'objectes com de grans escenaris, així com la seva aplicació en jocs o en altres àmbits com el cinema, la geologia i fins i tot la medicina. Per el seu desenvolupament s'ha fet ús d'una targeta amb suport 3d com l'Nvidia 7600GT i una pantalla amb una alta tassa de freqüència com una Acer 19 polzades a 100hz. Els resultats de la visualització s'han extret de les opinions d'un grup de 20 persones, de diverses professions, no relacionades com els gràfics per computador.This project shows the capabilities of stereo vision in both monitors to display simple objects as large scenarios, and their application in computer or other like areas film, geology and medicine applications. For development we used a graphic card with 3d support as Nvidia 7600GT and a screen with high refresh rate as Acer 19 inch 100hz. The results on the display have been drawn from the opinions of a group of 20 people from various professions, not related to computer graphics

    Mathematical Camera Array Optimization for Face 3D Modeling Application

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    Camera network design is a challenging task for many applications in photogrammetry, biomedical engineering, robotics, and industrial metrology, among other fields. Many driving factors are found in the camera network design including the camera specifications, object of interest, and type of application. One of the interesting applications is 3D face modeling and recognition which involves recognizing an individual based on facial attributes derived from the constructed 3D model. Developers and researchers still face difficulty in reaching the required high level of accuracy and reliability needed for image-based 3D face models. This is caused among many factors by the hardware limitations and imperfection of the cameras and the lack of proficiency in designing the ideal camera-system configuration. Accordingly, for precise measurements, we still need engineering-based techniques to ascertain the specific level of deliverables quality. In this paper, an optimal geometric design methodology of the camera network is presented by investigating different multi-camera system configurations composed of four up to eight cameras. A mathematical nonlinear constrained optimization technique is applied to solve the problem and each camera system configuration is tested for a facial 3D model where a quality assessment is applied to conclude the best configuration. The optimal configuration is found to be a 7-camera array, comprising a pentagon shape enclosing two additional cameras, offering high accuracy. For those who prioritize point density, a 9-camera array with a pentagon and quadrilateral arrangement in the X-Z plane is a viable choice. However, a 5-camera array offers a balance between accuracy and the number of cameras

    3D surface reconstruction for lower limb prosthetic model using modified radon transform

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    Computer vision has received increased attention for the research and innovation on three-dimensional surface reconstruction with aim to obtain accurate results. Although many researchers have come up with various novel solutions and feasibility of the findings, most require the use of sophisticated devices which is computationally expensive. Thus, a proper countermeasure is needed to resolve the reconstruction constraints and create an algorithm that is able to do considerably fast reconstruction by giving attention to devices equipped with appropriate specification, performance and practical affordability. This thesis describes the idea to realize three-dimensional surface of the residual limb models by adopting the technique of tomographic imaging coupled with the strategy based on multiple-views from a digital camera and a turntable. The surface of an object is reconstructed from uncalibrated two-dimensional image sequences of thirty-six different projections with the aid of Radon transform algorithm and shape-from-silhouette. The results show that the main objective to reconstruct three-dimensional surface of lower limb model has been successfully achieved with reasonable accuracy as the starting point to reconstruct three-dimensional surface and extract digital reading of an amputated lower limb model where the maximum percent error obtained from the computation is approximately 3.3 % for the height whilst 7.4%, 7.9% and 8.1% for the diameters at three specific heights of the objects. It can be concluded that the reconstruction of three-dimensional surface for the developed method is particularly dependent to the effects the silhouette generated where high contrast two-dimensional images contribute to higher accuracy of the silhouette extraction. The advantage of the concept presented in this thesis is that it can be done with simple experimental setup and the reconstruction of three-dimensional model neither involves expensive equipment nor require any service by an expert to handle sophisticated mechanical scanning system

    Caractérisation des images à Rayon-X de la main par des modèles mathématiques : application à la biométrie

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    In its specific context, the term "biometrics" is often associated with the study of the physical and behavioral of individual's characteristics to achieve their identification or verification. Thus, the work developed in this thesis has led us to suggest a robust identification algorithm, taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of the hand phalanges. Considered as hidden biometrics, this new approach can be of high interest, particularly when it comes to ensure a high level of security, robust to various attacks that a biometric system must address. The basis of the proposed techniques requires three phases, namely: (1) the segmentation of the phalanges (2) extracting their characteristics by generating an imprint, called "Phalange-Code" and (3) the identification based on the method of 1-nearest neighbor or the verification based on a similarity metric. This algorithm operates on hierarchical levels allowing the extraction of certain parameters invariant to geometric transformations such as image orientation and translation. Furthermore, the considered algorithm is particularly robust to noise, and can function at different resolutions of images. Thus, we developed three approaches to biometric recognition: the first approach produces individual signature from the spectral information of the contours issued from the hand phalanges, whereas the second approach requires the use of geometric and morphological characteristics of the phalanges (i.e. surface, perimeter, length, width, and capacity). Finally, the third approach requires the generation of a new likelihood ratio between the phalanges, using the geometric probability theory. Furthermore, the construction of a database with the lowest radiation dose was one of the great challenges of our study. We therefore proceeded with the collection of 403 x-ray images of the hand, acquired using the Apollo EZ X-Ray machine. These images are from 115 non-pathological volunteering adult (men and women). The average age is 27.2 years and the standard deviation is 8.5. Thus, the constructed database incorporates images of the right and left hands, acquired at different positions and by considering different resolutions and different radiation doses (i.e. reduced till 98% of the standard dose recommended by radiologists "1 µSv").Our experiments show that individuals can be distinguished by the characteristics of their phalanges, whether those of the right hand or the left hand. This distinction also applies to the kind of individuals (male/female). The study has demonstrated that the approach using the spectral information of the phalanges' contours allows identification by only three phalanges, with an EER (Equal Error Rate) lower than 0.24 %. Furthermore, it was found “Surprisingly” that the technique based on the likelihood ratio between phalanges reaches an identification rate of 100% and an EER of 0.37% with a single phalanx. Apart from the identification/authentication aspect, our study focused on the optimization of the radiation dose in order to offer safe identification of individuals. Thus, it has been shown that it was possible to acquire more than 12,500/year radiographic hand images, without exceeding the administrative control of 0.25 mSvDans son contexte spécifique, le terme « biométrie » est souvent associé à l'étude des caractéristiques physiques et comportementales des individus afin de parvenir à leur identification ou à leur vérification. Ainsi, le travail développé dans cette thèse nous a conduit à proposer un algorithme d'identification robuste, en considérant les caractéristiques intrinsèques des phalanges de la main. Considérée comme une biométrie cachée, cette nouvelle approche peut s'avérer intéressante, notamment lorsqu'il est question d'assurer un niveau de sécurité élevé, robuste aux différentes attaques qu'un système biométrique doit contrer. La base des techniques proposées requière trois phases, à savoir: (1) la segmentation des phalanges, (2) l'extraction de leurs caractéristiques par la génération d'une empreinte, appelée « Phalange-Code » et (3) l'identification basée sur la méthode du 1-plus proche voisin ou la vérification basée sur une métrique de similarité. Ces algorithmes opèrent sur des niveaux hiérarchiques permettant l'extraction de certains paramètres, invariants à des transformations géométriques telles que l'orientation et la translation. De plus, nous avons considéré des techniques robustes au bruit, pouvant opérer à différentes résolutions d'images. Plus précisément, nous avons élaboré trois approches de reconnaissance biométrique : la première approche utilise l'information spectrale des contours des phalanges de la main comme signature individuelle, alors que la deuxième approche nécessite l'utilisation des caractéristiques géométriques et morphologiques des phalanges (i.e. surface, périmètre, longueur, largeur, capacité). Enfin, la troisième approche requière la génération d'un nouveau rapport de vraisemblance entre les phalanges, utilisant la théorie de probabilités géométriques. En second lieu, la construction d'une base de données avec la plus faible dose de rayonnement a été l'un des grands défis de notre étude. Nous avons donc procédé par la collecte de 403 images radiographiques de la main, acquises en utilisant la machine Apollo EZ X-Ray. Ces images sont issues de 115 adultes volontaires (hommes et femmes), non pathologiques. L'âge moyen étant de 27.2 ans et l'écart-type est de 8.5. La base de données ainsi construite intègre des images de la main droite et gauche, acquises à des positions différentes et en considérant des résolutions différentes et des doses de rayonnement différentes (i.e. réduction jusqu'à 98 % de la dose standard recommandée par les radiologues « 1 µSv »).Nos expériences montrent que les individus peuvent être distingués par les caractéristiques de leurs phalanges, que ce soit celles de la main droite ou celles de la main gauche. Cette distinction est également valable pour le genre des individus (homme/femme). L'étude menée a montré que l'approche utilisant l'information spectrale des contours des phalanges permet une identification par seulement trois phalanges, à un taux EER (Equal Error Rate) inférieur à 0.24 %. Par ailleurs, il a été constaté « de manière surprenante » que la technique fondée sur les rapports de vraisemblance entre les phalanges permet d'atteindre un taux d'identification de 100 % et un taux d'EER de 0.37 %, avec une seule phalange. Hormis l'aspect identification/authentification, notre étude s'est penchée sur l'optimisation de la dose de rayonnement permettant une identification saine des individus. Ainsi, il a été démontré qu'il était possible d'acquérir plus de 12500/an d'images radiographiques de la main, sans pour autant dépasser le seuil administratif de 0.25 mS

    State of the Art in Face Recognition

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    Notwithstanding the tremendous effort to solve the face recognition problem, it is not possible yet to design a face recognition system with a potential close to human performance. New computer vision and pattern recognition approaches need to be investigated. Even new knowledge and perspectives from different fields like, psychology and neuroscience must be incorporated into the current field of face recognition to design a robust face recognition system. Indeed, many more efforts are required to end up with a human like face recognition system. This book tries to make an effort to reduce the gap between the previous face recognition research state and the future state