1,486 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Methods for Medical and Biological Image Computing

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    Medical and biological imaging technologies provide valuable visualization information of structure and function for an organ from the level of individual molecules to the whole object. Brain is the most complex organ in body, and it increasingly attracts intense research attentions with the rapid development of medical and bio-logical imaging technologies. A massive amount of high-dimensional brain imaging data being generated makes the design of computational methods for eļ¬ƒcient analysis on those images highly demanded. The current study of computational methods using hand-crafted features does not scale with the increasing number of brain images, hindering the pace of scientiļ¬c discoveries in neuroscience. In this thesis, I propose computational methods using high-level features for automated analysis of brain images at diļ¬€erent levels. At the brain function level, I develop a deep learning based framework for completing and integrating multi-modality neuroimaging data, which increases the diagnosis accuracy for Alzheimerā€™s disease. At the cellular level, I propose to use three dimensional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmenting the volumetric neuronal images, which improves the performance of digital reconstruction of neuron structures. I design a novel CNN architecture such that the model training and testing image prediction can be implemented in an end-to-end manner. At the molecular level, I build a voxel CNN classiļ¬er to capture discriminative features of the input along three spatial dimensions, which facilitate the identiļ¬cation of secondary structures of proteins from electron microscopy im-ages. In order to classify genes speciļ¬cally expressed in diļ¬€erent brain cell-type, I propose to use invariant image feature descriptors to capture local gene expression information from cellular-resolution in situ hybridization images. I build image-level representations by applying regularized learning and vector quantization on generated image descriptors. The developed computational methods in this dissertation are evaluated using images from medical and biological experiments in comparison with baseline methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the developed representations, formulations, and algorithms are eļ¬€ective and eļ¬ƒcient in learning from brain imaging data

    Automated Identification of Cell Type Specific Genes in the Mouse Brain by Image Computing of Expression Patterns

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    Background: Differential gene expression patterns in cells of the mammalian brain result in the morphological, connectional, and functional diversity of cells. A wide variety of studies have shown that certain genes are expressed only in specific cell-types. Analysis of cell-type-specific gene expression patterns can provide insights into the relationship between genes, connectivity, brain regions, and cell-types. However, automated methods for identifying cell-type-specific genes are lacking to date. Results: Here, we describe a set of computational methods for identifying cell-type-specific genes in the mouse brain by automated image computing of in situ hybridization (ISH) expression patterns. We applied invariant image feature descriptors to capture local gene expression information from cellular-resolution ISH images. We then built image-level representations by applying vector quantization on the image descriptors. We employed regularized learning methods for classifying genes specifically expressed in different brain cell-types. These methods can also rank image features based on their discriminative power. We used a data set of 2,872 genes from the Allen Brain Atlas in the experiments. Results showed that our methods are predictive of cell-type-specificity of genes. Our classifiers achieved AUC values of approximately 87% when the enrichment level is set to 20. In addition, we showed that the highly-ranked image features captured the relationship between cell-types. Conclusions: Overall, our results showed that automated image computing methods could potentially be used to identify cell-type-specific genes in the mouse brain

    Image informatics strategies for deciphering neuronal network connectivity

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    Brain function relies on an intricate network of highly dynamic neuronal connections that rewires dramatically under the impulse of various external cues and pathological conditions. Among the neuronal structures that show morphologi- cal plasticity are neurites, synapses, dendritic spines and even nuclei. This structural remodelling is directly connected with functional changes such as intercellular com- munication and the associated calcium-bursting behaviour. In vitro cultured neu- ronal networks are valuable models for studying these morpho-functional changes. Owing to the automation and standardisation of both image acquisition and image analysis, it has become possible to extract statistically relevant readout from such networks. Here, we focus on the current state-of-the-art in image informatics that enables quantitative microscopic interrogation of neuronal networks. We describe the major correlates of neuronal connectivity and present workflows for analysing them. Finally, we provide an outlook on the challenges that remain to be addressed, and discuss how imaging algorithms can be extended beyond in vitro imaging studies

    Towards Data-Driven Large Scale Scientific Visualization and Exploration

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    Technological advances have enabled us to acquire extremely large datasets but it remains a challenge to store, process, and extract information from them. This dissertation builds upon recent advances in machine learning, visualization, and user interactions to facilitate exploration of large-scale scientific datasets. First, we use data-driven approaches to computationally identify regions of interest in the datasets. Second, we use visual presentation for effective user comprehension. Third, we provide interactions for human users to integrate domain knowledge and semantic information into this exploration process. Our research shows how to extract, visualize, and explore informative regions on very large 2D landscape images, 3D volumetric datasets, high-dimensional volumetric mouse brain datasets with thousands of spatially-mapped gene expression profiles, and geospatial trajectories that evolve over time. The contribution of this dissertation include: (1) We introduce a sliding-window saliency model that discovers regions of user interest in very large images; (2) We develop visual segmentation of intensity-gradient histograms to identify meaningful components from volumetric datasets; (3) We extract boundary surfaces from a wealth of volumetric gene expression mouse brain profiles to personalize the reference brain atlas; (4) We show how to efficiently cluster geospatial trajectories by mapping each sequence of locations to a high-dimensional point with the kernel distance framework. We aim to discover patterns, relationships, and anomalies that would lead to new scientific, engineering, and medical advances. This work represents one of the first steps toward better visual understanding of large-scale scientific data by combining machine learning and human intelligence

    Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology

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    Animal bodies are composed of cell types with unique expression programs that implement their distinct locations, shapes, structures, and functions. Based on these properties, cell types assemble into specific tissues and organs. To systematically explore the link between cell-type-specific gene expression and morphology, we registered an expression atlas to a whole-body electron microscopy volume of the nereid Platynereis dumerilii. Automated segmentation of cells and nuclei identifies major cell classes and establishes a link between gene activation, chromatin topography, and nuclear size. Clustering of segmented cells according to gene expression reveals spatially coherent tissues. In the brain, genetically defined groups of neurons match ganglionic nuclei with coherent projections. Besides interneurons, we uncover sensory-neurosecretory cells in the nereid mushroom bodies, which thus qualify as sensory organs. They furthermore resemble the vertebrate telencephalon by molecular anatomy. We provide an integrated browser as a Fiji plugin for remote exploration of all available multimodal datasets

    Topological data analysis of organoids

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    Organoids are multi-cellular structures which are cultured in vitro from stem cells to resemble specific organs (e.g., colon, liver) in their three- dimensional composition. The gene expression and the tissue composition of organoids constantly affect each other. Dynamic changes in the shape, cellular composition and transcriptomic profile of these model systems can be used to understand the effect of mutations and treatments in health and disease. In this thesis, I propose new techniques in the field of topological data analysis (TDA) to analyse the gene expression and the morphology of organoids. I use TDA methods, which are inspired by topology, to analyse and quantify the continuous structure of single-cell RNA sequencing data, which is embedded in high dimensional space, and the shape of an organoid. For single-cell RNA sequencing data, I developed the multiscale Laplacian score (MLS) and the UMAP diffusion cover, which both extend and im- prove existing topological analysis methods. I demonstrate the utility of these techniques by applying them to a published benchmark single-cell data set and a data set of mouse colon organoids. The methods validate previously identified genes and detect additional genes with known involvement cancers. To study the morphology of organoids I propose DETECT, a rotationally invariant signature of dynamically changing shapes. I demonstrate the efficacy of this method on a data set of segmented videos of mouse small intestine organoid experiments and show that it outperforms classical shape descriptors. I verify the method on a synthetic organoid data set and illustrate how it generalises to 3D to conclude that DETECT offers rigorous quantification of organoids and opens up computationally scalable methods for distinguishing different growth regimes and assessing treatment effects. Finally, I make a theoretical contribution to the statistical inference of the method underlying DETECT

    Understanding Health and Disease with Multidimensional Single-Cell Methods

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    Current efforts in the biomedical sciences and related interdisciplinary fields are focused on gaining a molecular understanding of health and disease, which is a problem of daunting complexity that spans many orders of magnitude in characteristic length scales, from small molecules that regulate cell function to cell ensembles that form tissues and organs working together as an organism. In order to uncover the molecular nature of the emergent properties of a cell, it is essential to measure multiple cell components simultaneously in the same cell. In turn, cell heterogeneity requires multiple cells to be measured in order to understand health and disease in the organism. This review summarizes current efforts towards a data-driven framework that leverages single-cell technologies to build robust signatures of healthy and diseased phenotypes. While some approaches focus on multicolor flow cytometry data and other methods are designed to analyze high-content image-based screens, we emphasize the so-called Supercell/SVM paradigm (recently developed by the authors of this review and collaborators) as a unified framework that captures mesoscopic-scale emergence to build reliable phenotypes. Beyond their specific contributions to basic and translational biomedical research, these efforts illustrate, from a larger perspective, the powerful synergy that might be achieved from bringing together methods and ideas from statistical physics, data mining, and mathematics to solve the most pressing problems currently facing the life sciences.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures; revised version with minor changes. To appear in J. Phys.: Cond. Mat

    How to describe a cell: a path to automated versatile characterization of cells in imaging data

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    A cell is the basic functional unit of life. Most ulticellular organisms, including animals, are composed of a variety of different cell types that fulfil distinct roles. Within an organism, all cells share the same genome, however, their diverse genetic programs lead them to acquire different molecular and anatomical characteristics. Describing these characteristics is essential for understanding how cellular diversity emerged and how it contributes to the organism function. Probing cellular appearance by microscopy methods is the original way of describing cell types and the main approach to characterise cellular morphology and position in the organism. Present cutting-edge microscopy techniques generate immense amounts of data, requiring efficient automated unbiased methods of analysis. Not only can such methods accelerate the process of scientific discovery, they should also facilitate large-scale systematic reproducible analysis. The necessity of processing big datasets has led to development of intricate image analysis pipelines, however, they are mostly tailored to a particular dataset and a specific research question. In this thesis I aimed to address the problem of creating more general fully-automated ways of describing cells in different imaging modalities, with a specific focus on deep neural networks as a promising solution for extracting rich general-purpose features from the analysed data. I further target the problem of integrating multiple data modalities to generate a detailed description of cells on the whole-organism level. First, on two examples of cell analysis projects, I show how using automated image analysis pipelines and neural networks in particular, can assist characterising cells in microscopy data. In the first project I analyse a movie of drosophila embryo development to elucidate the difference in myosin patterns between two populations of cells with different shape fate. In the second project I develop a pipeline for automatic cell classification in a new imaging modality to show that the quality of the data is sufficient to tell apart cell types in a volume of mouse brain cortex. Next, I present an extensive collaborative effort aimed at generating a whole-body multimodal cell atlas of a three-segmented Platynereis dumerilii worm, combining high resolution morphology and gene expression. To generate a multi-sided description of cells in the atlas I create a pipeline for assigning coherent denoised gene expression profiles, obtained from spatial gene expression maps, to cells segmented in the EM volume. Finally, as the main project of this thesis, I focus on extracting comprehensive unbiased cell morphology features from an EM volume of Platynereis dumerilii. I design a fully unsupervised neural network pipeline for extracting rich morphological representations that enable grouping cells into morphological cell classes with characteristic gene expression. I further show how such descriptors could be used to explore the morphological diversity of cells, tissues and organs in the dataset

    Image similarity in medical images

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    Recent experiments have indicated a strong influence of the substrate grain orientation on the self-ordering in anodic porous alumina. Anodic porous alumina with straight pore channels grown in a stable, self-ordered manner is formed on (001) oriented Al grain, while disordered porous pattern is formed on (101) oriented Al grain with tilted pore channels growing in an unstable manner. In this work, numerical simulation of the pore growth process is carried out to understand this phenomenon. The rate-determining step of the oxide growth is assumed to be the Cabrera-Mott barrier at the oxide/electrolyte (o/e) interface, while the substrate is assumed to determine the ratio Ī² between the ionization and oxidation reactions at the metal/oxide (m/o) interface. By numerically solving the electric field inside a growing porous alumina during anodization, the migration rates of the ions and hence the evolution of the o/e and m/o interfaces are computed. The simulated results show that pore growth is more stable when Ī² is higher. A higher Ī² corresponds to more Al ionized and migrating away from the m/o interface rather than being oxidized, and hence a higher retained O:Al ratio in the oxide. Experimentally measured oxygen content in the self-ordered porous alumina on (001) Al is indeed found to be about 3% higher than that in the disordered alumina on (101) Al, in agreement with the theoretical prediction. The results, therefore, suggest that ionization on (001) Al substrate is relatively easier than on (101) Al, and this leads to the more stable growth of the pore channels on (001) Al

    Image similarity in medical images

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