168 research outputs found

    3D measurement simulation and relative pointing error verification of the telescope mount assembly subsystem for the large synoptic survey telescope

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    An engineering validation of a large optical telescope consists of executing major performing tests at the subsystem level to verify the overall engineering performance of the observatory. Thus, the relative pointing error verification of the telescope mount assembly subsystem is of special interest to guarantee the absolute pointing performance of the large synoptic survey telescope. This paper presents a new verification method for the relative pointing error assessment of the telescope mount assembly, based on laser tracker technology and several fiducial points fixed to the floor. Monte-Carlo-based simulation results show that the presented methodology is fit for purpose, even if floor movement occurs due to temperature variation during the measurement acquisition process. A further research about laser tracker technology integration into the telescope structure may suggest that such laser tracker technology could be permanently installed in the telescope in order to provide an active alignment system that aims to detect and correct possible misalignment between mirrors or to provide the required mirror positioning verification accuracy after maintenance activities. The obtained results show that two on-board laser tracker systems combined with eight measurement targets could result in measurement uncertainties that are better than 1 arcsec, which would provide a reliable built-in metrology tool for large telescopes

    Traceable onboard metrology for machine tools and large-scale systems

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    Esta tesis doctoral persigue la mejora de las funcionalidades de las máquinas herramienta para la fabricación de componentes de alto valor añadido. En concreto, la tesis se centra en mejorar la precisión de las máquinas herramienta en todo su volumen de trabajo y en desarrollar el conocimiento para realizar la medición por coordenadas trazable con este medio productivo. En realidad, la tecnología para realizar mediciones en máquina herramienta ya está disponible, como son los palpadores de contacto y los softwares de medición, sin embargo, hay varios factores que limitan la trazabilidad de la medición realizada en condiciones de taller, que no permiten emplear estas medidas para controlar el proceso de fabricación o validar la pieza en la propia máquina-herramienta, asegurando un proceso de fabricación de cero-defectos. Aquí, se propone el empleo del documento técnico ISO 15530-3 para piezas de tamaño medio. Para las piezas de gran tamaño se presenta una nueva metodología basada en la guía VDI 2617-11, que no está limitada por el empleo de una pieza patrón para caracterizar el error sistemático de la medición por coordenadas en la máquina-herramienta. De esta forma, se propone una calibración previa de la máquina-herramienta mediante una solución de multilateración integrada en máquina, que se traduce en la automatización del proceso de verificación y permite reducir el tiempo y la incertidumbre de medida. En paralelo, con el conocimiento generado en la integración de esta solución en la máquina-herramienta, se propone un nuevo procedimiento para la caracterización de la precisión de apunte del telescopio LSST en todo su rango de trabajo. Este nuevo procedimiento presenta una solución automática e integrada con tecnología láser tracker para aplicaciones de gran tamaño donde la precisión del sistema es un requerimiento clave para su buen funcionamiento.<br /

    Probing dark energy with large-scale galaxy clustering: from instrumentation to simulation

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    In the standard paradigm of cosmology, everything we observe now originated from initial quantum fluctuations in a small smooth region, which were frozen in during inflation and became primordial density perturbations on large classical scales. Under gravitational collapse, the overdensities seeded the formation of stars and galaxies. Mapping the large-scale structure of the universe at the Cosmic Frontier is a promising experimental avenue which will address in the next decade several pressing open questions in cosmology and particle physics, most notably the accelerating cosmic expansion. The observed distribution of galaxies and quasars traces the underlying matter density field and contains a wealth of information from signatures of primordial conditions to the background evolution rate. The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is a next-generation, Stage IV dark energy experiment that will measure the expansion history of the universe through baryon acoustic oscillations and the growth of structure through redshift-space distortions with unprecedented precision. Ground-based at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, DESI features a new 8 deg² field-of-view corrector, 5000 robotically-actuated fibre positioners, and ten fibre-fed spectrographs. The 5-year survey beginning in 2020 will measure the spectra of 35 million galaxies and quasars up to redshift z ~ 3.5 in the 360 nm to 980 nm wavelength range, covering 14000 deg² of the sky. With an order of magnitude improvement over previous redshift surveys, DESI will place tight constraints on the dark energy equation of state, modified gravity, the existence of extra light species, neutrino masses, and models of inflation. ProtoDESI was a proof of concept commissioned in 2016 to mitigate the risks associated with DESI's challenging instrument design and precision requirements. Its simplified focal plane instrument housed 3 fibre positioners and a fibre photometry camera in place of spectrographs. ProtoDESI was successful as the first on-sky technology demonstration for DESI. For the official DESI focal plane instrument, the fibre positioning accuracy and, ultimately, the success of DESI, are grounded upon the stringent specifications of the focal plate structure (FPS) which directly holds the positioners. The FPS parts, consisting of ten focal plate petals (FPPs) and a focal plate ring, were fabricated with the required tolerances, comprehensively inspected, and aligned with appropriate shims and gauge blocks to ensure minimal loss of photons at the fibre tips. Adopting a coordinate measurement machine-based approach, we projected the fibre injection efficiency by measuring hardware features and modelling geometric transformations and fibre optics. The as-aligned, total root-mean-square optical throughput for 6168 positioner holes of 12 production FPPs (including two spares) is 99.88% ± 0.12%, well above the 99.5% project requirement. Finally, observations of galaxy clustering cannot be properly understood alone without accompanying theoretical motivations and numerical simulations in parallel. Cosmological N-body simulations have become indispensable for designing survey strategies, developing analysis methods, and making theoretical predictions. We quantify the shifts of the acoustic scale potentially resulting from galaxy clustering bias, which constitutes an increasingly significant source of theoretical systematics in distance measurements with the standard ruler. Utilising mock catalogues based on generalised halo occupation population of high-accuracy Abacus simulations in the largest volume to date for such tests, 48h⁻¹Gpc³, we find a 0.3% shift in the line-of-sight acoustic scale for one variation in the satellite galaxy population and a 0.7% shift for an extreme level of velocity bias of the central galaxies, while other models tested are consistent with zero shift at the 0.2% level after reconstruction. We note that these bias models produce sizeable and likely distinguishable changes at small scales that correlate with the shifts

    Fiscal year 1977 scientific and technical reports, articles, papers, and presentations

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    This bibliography lists 78 NASA technical memoranda, notes, papers, and reports presented by Marshall Space Flight Center personnel in FY 1977. In addition, 525 papers by contractors to that facility are cited along with 129 papers cleared for presentation

    Wide-Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Final Report

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    In December 2010, NASA created a Science Definition Team (SDT) for WFIRST, the Wide Field Infra-Red Survey Telescope, recommended by the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey as the highest priority for a large space mission. The SDT was chartered to work with the WFIRST Project Office at GSFC and the Program Office at JPL to produce a Design Reference Mission (DRM) for WFIRST. Part of the original charge was to produce an interim design reference mission by mid-2011. That document was delivered to NASA and widely circulated within the astronomical community. In late 2011 the Astrophysics Division augmented its original charge, asking for two design reference missions. The first of these, DRM1, was to be a finalized version of the interim DRM, reducing overall mission costs where possible. The second of these, DRM2, was to identify and eliminate capabilities that overlapped with those of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (henceforth JWST), ESA's Euclid mission, and the NSF's ground-based Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (henceforth LSST), and again to reduce overall mission cost, while staying faithful to NWNH. This report presents both DRM1 and DRM2.Comment: 102 pages, 57 figures, 17 table

    The Keck Cosmic Web Imager Integral Field Spectrograph

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    We report on the design and performance of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI), a general purpose optical integral field spectrograph that has been installed at the Nasmyth port of the 10 m Keck II telescope on Maunakea, Hawaii. The novel design provides blue-optimized seeing-limited imaging from 350–560 nm with configurable spectral resolution from 1000–20,000 in a field of view up to 20'' × 33''. Selectable volume phase holographic (VPH) gratings and high-performance dielectric, multilayer silver, and enhanced-aluminum coatings provide end-to-end peak efficiency in excess of 45% while accommodating the future addition of a red channel that will extend wavelength coverage to 1 micron. KCWI takes full advantage of the excellent seeing and dark sky above Maunakea with an available nod-and-shuffle observing mode. The instrument is optimized for observations of faint, diffuse objects such as the intergalactic medium or cosmic web. In this paper, a detailed description of the instrument design is provided with measured performance results from the laboratory test program and 10 nights of on-sky commissioning during the spring of 2017. The KCWI team is lead by Caltech and JPL (project management, design, and implementation) in partnership with the University of California at Santa Cruz (camera optical and mechanical design) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (observatory interfaces)

    Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space 1994

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    The Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 94), held October 18-20, 1994, in Pasadena, California, was jointly sponsored by NASA, ESA, and Japan's National Space Development Agency, and was hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the California Institute of Technology. i-SAIRAS 94 featured presentations covering a variety of technical and programmatic topics, ranging from underlying basic technology to specific applications of artificial intelligence and robotics to space missions. i-SAIRAS 94 featured a special workshop on planning and scheduling and provided scientists, engineers, and managers with the opportunity to exchange theoretical ideas, practical results, and program plans in such areas as space mission control, space vehicle processing, data analysis, autonomous spacecraft, space robots and rovers, satellite servicing, and intelligent instruments

    Selection of systems to perform extravehicular activities, man and manipulator. Volume 2 - Final report

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    Technologies for EVA and remote manipulation systems - handbook for systems designer