111 research outputs found

    ODAS: Open embeddeD Audition System

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    Artificial audition aims at providing hearing capabilities to machines, computers and robots. Existing frameworks in robot audition offer interesting sound source localization, tracking and separation performance, but involve a significant amount of computations that limit their use on robots with embedded computing capabilities. This paper presents ODAS, the Open embeddeD Audition System framework, which includes strategies to reduce the computational load and perform robot audition tasks on low-cost embedded computing systems. It presents key features of ODAS, along with cases illustrating its uses in different robots and artificial audition applications

    Implementation of an Autonomous Impulse Response Measurement System

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    Data collection is crucial for researchers, as it can provide important insights for describing phenomena. In acoustics, acoustic phenomena are characterized by Room Impulse Responses (RIRs) occurring when sound propagates in a room. Room impulse responses are needed in vast quantities for various reasons, including the prediction of acoustical parameters and the rendering of virtual acoustical spaces. Recently, mobile robots navigating within indoor spaces have become increasingly used to acquire information about its environment. However, little research has attempted to utilize robots for the collection of room acoustic data. This thesis presents an adaptable automated system to measure room impulse responses in multi-room environments, using mobile and stationary measurement platforms. The system, known as Autonomous Impulse Response Measurement System (AIRMS), is divided into two stages: data collection and post-processing. To automate data collection, a mobile robotic platform was developed to perform acoustic measurements within a room. The robot was equipped with spatial microphones, multiple loudspeakers and an indoor localization system, which reported real time location of the robot. Additionally, stationary platforms were installed in specific locations inside and outside the room. The mobile and stationary platforms wirelessly communicated with one another to perform the acoustical tests systematically. Since a major requirement of the system is adaptability, researchers can define the elements of the system according to their needs, including the mounted equipment and the number of platforms. Post-processing included extraction of sine sweeps and the calculation of impulse responses. Extraction of the sine sweeps refers to the process of framing every acoustical test signal from the raw recordings. These signals are then processed to calculate the room impulse responses. The automatically collected information was complemented with manually produced data, which included rendering of a 3D model of the room, a panoramic picture. The performance of the system was tested under two conditions: a single-room and a multiroom setting. Room impulse responses were calculated for each of the test conditions, representing typical characteristics of the signals and showing the effects of proximity from sources and receivers, as well as the presence of boundaries. This prototype produces RIR measurements in a fast and reliable manner. Although some shortcomings were noted in the compact loudspeakers used to produce the sine sweeps and the accuracy of the indoor localization system, the proposed autonomous measurement system yielded reasonable results. Future work could expand the amount of impulse response measurements in order to further refine the artificial intelligence algorithms

    Asynchronous Ultrasonic Trilateration for Indoor Positioning of Mobile Phones

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    Spatial awareness is fast becoming the key feature on today‟s mobile devices. While accurate outdoor navigation has been widely available for some time through Global Positioning Systems (GPS), accurate indoor positioning is still largely an unsolved problem. One major reason for this is that GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) systems offer accuracy of a scale far different to that required for effective indoor navigation. Indoor positioning is also hindered by poor GPS signal quality, a major issue when developing dedicated indoor locationing systems. In addition, many indoor systems use specialized hardware to calculate accurate device position, as readily available wireless protocols have so far not delivered sufficient levels of accuracy. This research aims to investigate how the mobile phone‟s innate ability to produce sound (notably ultrasound) can be utilised to deliver more accurate indoor positioning than current methods. Experimental work covers limitations of mobile phone speakers in regard to generation of high frequencies, propagation patternsof ultrasound and their impact on maximum range, and asynchronous trilateration. This is followed by accuracy and reliability tests of an ultrasound positioning system prototype.This thesis proposes a new method of positioning a mobile phone indoors with accuracy substantially better than other contemporary positioning systems available on off-theshelf mobile devices. Given that smartphones can be programmed to correctly estimate direction, this research outlines a potentially significant advance towards a practical platform for indoor Location Based Services. Also a novel asynchronous trilateration algorithm is proposed that eliminates the need for synchronisation between the mobile device and the positioning infrastructure

    Underwater & out of sight: towards ubiquity in underwater robotics

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2019.The Earth's oceans holds a wealth of information currently hidden from us. Effective measurement of its properties could provide a better understanding of our changing climate and insights into the creatures that inhabit its waters. Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) hold the promise of penetrating the ocean environment and uncovering its mysteries; and progress in underwater robotics research over the past three decades has resulted in vehicles that can navigate reliably and operate consistently, providing oceanographers with an additional tool for studying the ocean. Unfortunately, the high cost of these vehicles has stifled the democratization of this technology. We believe that this is a consequence of two factors. Firstly, reliable navigation on conventional AUVs has been achieved through the use of a sophisticated sensor system, namely the Doppler velocity log (DVL)-aided inertial navigation system (INS), which drives up vehicle cost, power use and size. Secondly, deployment of these vehicles is expensive and unwieldy due to their complexity, size and cost, resulting in the need for specialized personnel for vehicle operation and maintenance. The recent development of simpler, low-cost, miniature underwater robots provides a solution that mitigates both these factors; however, removing the expensive DVL-aided INS means that they perform poorly in terms of navigation accuracy. We address this by introducing a novel acoustic system that enables AUV self-localization without requiring a DVL-aided INS or on-board active acoustic transmitters. We term this approach Passive Inverted Ultra-Short Baseline (piUSBL) positioning. The system uses a single acoustic beacon and a time-synchronized, vehicle-mounted, passive receiver array to localize the vehicle relative to this beacon. Our approach has two unique advantages: first, a single beacon lowers cost and enables easy deployment; second, a passive receiver allows the vehicle to be low-power, low-cost and small, and enables multi-vehicle scalability. Providing this new generation of small and inexpensive vehicles with accurate navigation can potentially lower the cost of entry into underwater robotics research and further its widespread use for ocean science. We hope that these contributions in low-cost underwater navigation will enable the ubiquitous and coordinated use of robots to explore and understand the underwater domain.This research was funded and supported by a number of sponsors; we gratefully acknowledge them below. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and SSC Pacific via Applied Physical Sciences Corp. (APS) under contract number N66001-11-C-4115. SSC Pacific via Applied Physical Sciences Corp. (APS) under award number N66001-14-C-4031. Air Force via Lincoln Laboratory under award number FA8721-05-C-0002. Office of Naval Research (ONR) via University of California-San Diego under award number N00014-13-1-0632. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) via Applied Physical Sciences Corp. (APS) under award number HR0011-18-C-0008. Office of Naval Research (ONR) under award number N00014-17-1-2474

    Navegação autónoma para robôs de serviço em ambientes interiores usando faróis

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    Nowadays robots are becoming more present in our daily life performing a variety of on-demand services. In order to perform autonomous tasks the robot should be aware of its environment. To achieve this goal, there are three main problems to solve: mapping, localisation and navigation. During this work, we developed an autonomous welcome robot for the Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro ( IEETA ) with the capacity to receive requests from a visitor and guide him to the requested destination. At the end of this task, the robot should return autonomously to its docking station. To accomplish this goal we studied algorithms related to the three referred problems. As an example, a laser-based solution is used for the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping procedure ( Gmapping ), the adaptive Monte Carlo localisation approach (AMCL) for the robot moving in 2-D and A* as a method for path planning. Improvements have been made regarding the use of these algorithms including in the environment an active localisation system based on the use of ultrasound beacons. The end result is an autonomous agent capable of mapping the building, self-localise in the resulting map and moving from current position to a specified target. It is also capable of path recalculation and minimal real-time collision avoidance while navigating.Hoje em dia, os robôs estão cada vez mais presentes no nosso quotidiano, fornecendo uma variedade de serviços e realizando as mais diversas tarefas, algumas delas de forma completamente autónoma. Para que o robô execute tarefas autónomas deve estar ciente do ambiente que o rodeia e conhecer a sua posição no mesmo. Para atingir esse objetivo, existem três problemas principais a serem resolvidos: mapeamento, localização e navegação. Durante este trabalho desenvolvemos um robô autónomo de boas-vindas para o Instituto de Engenharia Eletrónica e Informática de Aveiro com a capacidade de receber ordens de um visitante e guiá-lo até ao destino solicitado. No final desta tarefa, o robô retorna autonomamente ao seu local de partida, onde retoma a tarefa de carregamento. Para atingir este objetivo estudámos algoritmos relacionados com os três problemas referidos. Como exemplo, o algoritmo GMapping baseado em laser scans é usado para o processo de Mapeamento e Localização Simultânea, a abordagem adaptativa de localização de Monte Carlo é usada para que o robô que se mova no espaço e o algoritmo A* é aplicado para planeamento de um caminho. Foram feitas diversas melhorias em relação ao uso desses algoritmos, incluindo no ambiente um sistema de localização ativa baseado no uso de beacons ultra-som. O resultado final é um agente autónomo capaz de mapear o edifício, localizarse no mapa resultante e mover-se da posição atual para um destino especificado. Também é capaz de recalcular o caminho e evitar colisões mínimas em tempo real durante a navegação.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic