170 research outputs found

    Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Learning

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    Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the body of a patient for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Healthcare professionals rely heavily on medical images and image documentation for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, manual interpretation and analysis of medical images is time-consuming, and inaccurate when the interpreter is not well-trained. Fully automatic segmentation of the region of interest from medical images have been researched for years to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of understanding such images. With the advance of deep learning, various neural network models have gained great success in semantic segmentation and spark research interests in medical image segmentation using deep learning. We propose two convolutional frameworks to segment tissues from different types of medical images. Comprehensive experiments and analyses are conducted on various segmentation neural networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Furthermore, datasets built for training our networks and full implementations are published

    CAD-Based Porous Scaffold Design of Intervertebral Discs in Tissue Engineering

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    With the development and maturity of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology over the past decade, 3D printing has been widely investigated and applied in the field of tissue engineering to repair damaged tissues or organs, such as muscles, skin, and bones, Although a number of automated fabrication methods have been developed to create superior bio-scaffolds with specific surface properties and porosity, the major challenges still focus on how to fabricate 3D natural biodegradable scaffolds that have tailor properties such as intricate architecture, porosity, and interconnectivity in order to provide the needed structural integrity, strength, transport, and ideal microenvironment for cell- and tissue-growth. In this dissertation, a robust pipeline of fabricating bio-functional porous scaffolds of intervertebral discs based on different innovative porous design methodologies is illustrated. Firstly, a triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) based parameterization method, which has overcome the integrity problem of traditional TPMS method, is presented in Chapter 3. Then, an implicit surface modeling (ISM) approach using tetrahedral implicit surface (TIS) is demonstrated and compared with the TPMS method in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, we present an advanced porous design method with higher flexibility using anisotropic radial basis function (ARBF) and volumetric meshes. Based on all these advanced porous design methods, the 3D model of a bio-functional porous intervertebral disc scaffold can be easily designed and its physical model can also be manufactured through 3D printing. However, due to the unique shape of each intervertebral disc and the intricate topological relationship between the intervertebral discs and the spine, the accurate localization and segmentation of dysfunctional discs are regarded as another obstacle to fabricating porous 3D disc models. To that end, we discuss in Chapter 6 a segmentation technique of intervertebral discs from CT-scanned medical images by using deep convolutional neural networks. Additionally, some examples of applying different porous designs on the segmented intervertebral disc models are demonstrated in Chapter 6

    Unveiling healthcare data archiving: Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis

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    Gli archivi sanitari digitali possono essere considerati dei moderni database progettati per immagazzinare e gestire ingenti quantità di informazioni mediche, dalle cartelle cliniche dei pazienti, a studi clinici fino alle immagini mediche e a dati genomici. I dati strutturati e non strutturati che compongono gli archivi sanitari sono oggetto di scrupolose e rigorose procedure di validazione per garantire accuratezza, affidabilità e standardizzazione a fini clinici e di ricerca. Nel contesto di un settore sanitario in continua e rapida evoluzione, l’intelligenza artificiale (IA) si propone come una forza trasformativa, capace di riformare gli archivi sanitari digitali migliorando la gestione, l’analisi e il recupero di vasti set di dati clinici, al fine di ottenere decisioni cliniche più informate e ripetibili, interventi tempestivi e risultati migliorati per i pazienti. Tra i diversi dati archiviati, la gestione e l’analisi delle immagini mediche in archivi digitali presentano numerose sfide dovute all’eterogeneità dei dati, alla variabilità della qualità delle immagini, nonché alla mancanza di annotazioni. L’impiego di soluzioni basate sull’IA può aiutare a risolvere efficacemente queste problematiche, migliorando l’accuratezza dell’analisi delle immagini, standardizzando la qualità dei dati e facilitando la generazione di annotazioni dettagliate. Questa tesi ha lo scopo di utilizzare algoritmi di IA per l’analisi di immagini mediche depositate in archivi sanitari digitali. Il presente lavoro propone di indagare varie tecniche di imaging medico, ognuna delle quali è caratterizzata da uno specifico dominio di applicazione e presenta quindi un insieme unico di sfide, requisiti e potenziali esiti. In particolare, in questo lavoro di tesi sarà oggetto di approfondimento l’assistenza diagnostica degli algoritmi di IA per tre diverse tecniche di imaging, in specifici scenari clinici: i) Immagini endoscopiche ottenute durante esami di laringoscopia; ciò include un’esplorazione approfondita di tecniche come la detection di keypoints per la stima della motilità delle corde vocali e la segmentazione di tumori del tratto aerodigestivo superiore; ii) Immagini di risonanza magnetica per la segmentazione dei dischi intervertebrali, per la diagnosi e il trattamento di malattie spinali, così come per lo svolgimento di interventi chirurgici guidati da immagini; iii) Immagini ecografiche in ambito reumatologico, per la valutazione della sindrome del tunnel carpale attraverso la segmentazione del nervo mediano. Le metodologie esposte in questo lavoro evidenziano l’efficacia degli algoritmi di IA nell’analizzare immagini mediche archiviate. I progressi metodologici ottenuti sottolineano il notevole potenziale dell’IA nel rivelare informazioni implicitamente presenti negli archivi sanitari digitali

    Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the body of a patient for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Healthcare professionals rely heavily on medical images and image documentation for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, manual interpretation and analysis of medical images are time-consuming, and inaccurate when the interpreter is not well-trained. Fully automatic segmentation of the region of interest from medical images has been researched for years to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of understanding such images. With the advance of deep learning, various neural network models have gained great success in semantic segmentation and sparked research interests in medical image segmentation using deep learning. We propose three convolutional frameworks to segment tissues from different types of medical images. Comprehensive experiments and analyses are conducted on various segmentation neural networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Furthermore, datasets built for training our networks and full implementations are published

    Deformable Multisurface Segmentation of the Spine for Orthopedic Surgery Planning and Simulation

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    Purpose: We describe a shape-aware multisurface simplex deformable model for the segmentation of healthy as well as pathological lumbar spine in medical image data. Approach: This model provides an accurate and robust segmentation scheme for the identification of intervertebral disc pathologies to enable the minimally supervised planning and patient-specific simulation of spine surgery, in a manner that combines multisurface and shape statistics-based variants of the deformable simplex model. Statistical shape variation within the dataset has been captured by application of principal component analysis and incorporated during the segmentation process to refine results. In the case where shape statistics hinder detection of the pathological region, user assistance is allowed to disable the prior shape influence during deformation. Results: Results demonstrate validation against user-assisted expert segmentation, showing excellent boundary agreement and prevention of spatial overlap between neighboring surfaces. This section also plots the characteristics of the statistical shape model, such as compactness, generalizability and specificity, as a function of the number of modes used to represent the family of shapes. Final results demonstrate a proof-of-concept deformation application based on the open-source surgery simulation Simulation Open Framework Architecture toolkit. Conclusions: To summarize, we present a deformable multisurface model that embeds a shape statistics force, with applications to surgery planning and simulation

    Machine Learning towards General Medical Image Segmentation

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    The quality of patient care associated with diagnostic radiology is proportionate to a physician\u27s workload. Segmentation is a fundamental limiting precursor to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Advances in machine learning aims to increase diagnostic efficiency to replace single applications with generalized algorithms. We approached segmentation as a multitask shape regression problem, simultaneously predicting coordinates on an object\u27s contour while jointly capturing global shape information. Shape regression models inherent point correlations to recover ambiguous boundaries not supported by clear edges and region homogeneity. Its capabilities was investigated using multi-output support vector regression (MSVR) on head and neck (HaN) CT images. Subsequently, we incorporated multiplane and multimodality spinal images and presented the first deep learning multiapplication framework for shape regression, the holistic multitask regression network (HMR-Net). MSVR and HMR-Net\u27s performance were comparable or superior to state-of-the-art algorithms. Multiapplication frameworks bridges any technical knowledge gaps and increases workflow efficiency

    Multi-Surface Simplex Spine Segmentation for Spine Surgery Simulation and Planning

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    This research proposes to develop a knowledge-based multi-surface simplex deformable model for segmentation of healthy as well as pathological lumbar spine data. It aims to provide a more accurate and robust segmentation scheme for identification of intervertebral disc pathologies to assist with spine surgery planning. A robust technique that combines multi-surface and shape statistics-aware variants of the deformable simplex model is presented. Statistical shape variation within the dataset has been captured by application of principal component analysis and incorporated during the segmentation process to refine results. In the case where shape statistics hinder detection of the pathological region, user-assistance is allowed to disable the prior shape influence during deformation. Results have been validated against user-assisted expert segmentation

    Statistical shape model reconstruction with sparse anomalous deformations: application to intervertebral disc herniation

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    Many medical image processing techniques rely on accurate shape modeling of anatomical features. The presence of shape abnormalities challenges traditional processing algorithms based on strong morphological priors. In this work, a sparse shape reconstruction from a statistical shape model is presented. It combines the advantages of traditional statistical shape models (defining a ‘normal’ shape space) and previously presented sparse shape composition (providing localized descriptors of anomalies). The algorithm was incorporated into our image segmentation and classification software. Evaluation was performed on simulated and clinical MRI data from 22 sciatica patients with intervertebral disc herniation, containing 35 herniated and 97 normal discs. Moderate to high correlation (R = 0.73) was achieved between simulated and detected herniations. The sparse reconstruction provided novel quantitative features describing the herniation morphology and MRI signal appearance in three dimensions (3D). The proposed descriptors of local disc morphology resulted to the 3D segmentation accuracy of 1.07 ± 1.00 mm (mean absolute vertex-to-vertex mesh distance over the posterior disc region), and improved the intervertebral disc classification from 0.888 to 0.931 (area under receiver operating curve). The results show that the sparse shape reconstruction may improve computer-aided diagnosis of pathological conditions presenting local morphological alterations, as seen in intervertebral disc herniation
