35 research outputs found

    Virtualization of Heterogeneous HPC-clusters Based on OpenStack Platform

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    We address to a problem of an integration of heterogeneous computing clusters to the united environment based on a virtualization technology. We select the software OpenStack as a platform for managing the virtual environment. The platform OpenStack provides a wide range of components and solutions for a functional interaction with different hypervisors. These include KVM, XEN, ESXi, QEMU and other systems. In addition to the platform OpenStack, we developed the specialized hypervisor shell. It provides a virtual machines run from queues of the traditional resource management systems, such as PBS, SLURM, LSF or SGE, that are used on clusters of a center of collective usage. The developed model of the resource allocation for virtual machines allows us jointly to use the knowledge about the job requests, resource characteristics and current state of the environment, and the expertise of it administrators. The realized tools provide the capability for the "painless" integration of heterogeneous clusters with the preinstalled local resource managers to the virtual cluster with the required configuration. Extensive modeling show that the hypervisor shell can improve an efficiency of integrated environment nodes through reallocating virtual machines to queues of the traditional resource management systems

    Moodle-based data mining potentials of MOOC systems at the University of Szeged

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    In today's world virtual online educational platforms emerge literally on daily bases and many offer MOOC-based courses. With the appearance of MOOC, educational platforms have gained an additional boost, a new aspect in their evolutionary process, which has opened a new field of research thanking to the extraction of logging information within the frames of data mining. It has become clear that educators will be able to tailor their courses by merging the two previously mentioned fields and by carrying out MOOC-based data mining, targeting pedagogical aspects. This field of research seems promising and important, thus a faculty at the University of Szeged has created its own MOOC educational platform which has been set to facilitate data mining by implementing a wide range of logging algorithms. The data would be processed through a complex Artificial Intelligence program, which, in the short term, could reveal new and exciting pedagogical findings, while in the long run, the supervisors could put together a platform that would help and notify educators about relevant information. It would become possible to create adaptive educational materials, as well. This work aims at clarifying how such platforms function and what the steps of data collection and evaluation are

    Visualization in a Knowledge Transfer Process

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    Visualization is not only an important part of experimental data analysis process but also an efficient tool for transfer of acquired knowledge in multiple areas including, but not restricted to, ICT, general scientific discussion, innovation, data mining, decision support systems as well as education and learning. Consequently search for new and perfection of present visualization techniques is a necessity. In the paper, there are discussed selected visualization designs, doable using OpenSource tools such as ScPovPlot3D library, graph-drawing program „graphviz" or charting application „gnuplot". Presented ideas are discussed using two examples. The first one is a theoretical tool for consumer sentiment analysis, forecasting and what-if analysis focused on tourism. The second one is usage of graphing utility “graphviz” for visual analysis and revealing of hidden organisational structures. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Visualization in a Knowledge Transfer Process

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    Visualization is not only an important part of experimental data analysis process but also an efficient tool for transfer of acquired knowledge in multiple areas including, but not restricted to, ICT, general scientific discussion, innovation, data mining, decision support systems as well as education and learning. Consequently search for new and perfection of present visualization techniques is a necessity. In the paper, there are discussed selected visualization designs, doable using OpenSource tools such as ScPovPlot3D library, graph-drawing program „graphviz" or charting application „gnuplot". Presented ideas are discussed using two examples. The first one is a theoretical tool for consumer sentiment analysis, forecasting and what-if analysis focused on tourism. The second one is usage of graphing utility “graphviz” for visual analysis and revealing of hidden organisational structures. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Образовање као пут за припрему Србије за дигитално повезани свет

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    The digitalization level of society and economy is growing in accordance with the rising acceptance and implementation of digital technologies and the transfer of social and economic activities to the Internet. Serbia, being at the beginning of the information society and digital economy development, has to define a proper infrastructure-organization-human framework in order to tap all the advantages offered by new technologies for more competitive business operations of domestic enterprises and long-term sustainable development of the national economy. This paper analyses the role of education in the process of the digital transformation of the Serbian economy and society. It particularly points out to the importance of ICT education and digital innovations that create solutions and knowledge for economic development and progress in the modern digitally connected world.Појава информационо-комуникационих технологија (ИКТ) као кључних технологија опште намене које подржавају различите пословне активности утицала је у последњих 40 година на скоро све области рада и деловања. Савремени свет данас реализује бројне позитивне утицаје ових технологија на економију, раст пословања и унапређење животног стандарда. Управо зато и развијене земље и оне у развоју настоје да на прави начин примене ИКТ како би искористиле све иновативне потенцијале и динамику раста које ове технологије доносе привреди у укупном друштву. За Србију као земљу у транзицији суочену са економском и финансијском нестабилношћу и буџетским ограничењима прави је изазов савладати све неизвесности и баријере које стоје на путу примене ИКТ тако да оне постану основни покретач економских активности. У последње две деценије Србија је значајно унапредила приступ ИКТ-у, остварила развој ИКТ тржишта и самог ИКТ сектора, али остају неопходне даље реформе у домаћој економији које би омогућиле да дигиталне технологије постану кључни носилац економског и друштвеног раста и развоја. Српска предузећа више или мање заостају у потпуној примени ИКТ у свом раду и пословању, тако да спор ниво дигиталне трансформације прави одраз налази у ниском нивоу конкурентности домаћих предузећа. У Србији се и даље остварује релативно низак ниво е-пословних трансакција, недовољно је развијен менаџерски и правни оквир примене дигиталних технологија у пословању, а заостатак се евидентира и у нивоу остварених иновација производа, услуга и пословних процеса. Ови фактори ограничавају капацитет националне економије да на прави начин искористи предности дигиталних технологија у смислу динамизирања економије и остваривања конкурентније позиције на глобалном тржишту. Управо зато, један од приоритетних задатака српске владе је убрзање процеса дигитализације домаће привреде с обзиром на то да се ту препознаје значајан потенцијал бржег развоја, и с обзиром на чињеницу да развој информационог друштва и дигиталне економије представља и један од приступних услова Србије за пуноправно чланство у Европској унији. Србија мора даље развијати и тзв. чврсту (хард- широкопојасне конекције, хардеврски потенцијали) и меку инфраструктуру (софт- едукација, знање, иновације) како би била способна да се суочи са изазовима нове Четврте ин- дустријске револуције и да одговори на нови талас дигиталних технологија везаних за мобилне комуникације, друштвене медије, облак рачунарство, биг дата аналитику, паметне уређаје, Интернет ствари. Добро развијена телекомуникациона инфраструктура великих брзина и високе пропусне моћи која би била расположива у свим секторима до- маће привреде може бити искоришћена само од стране образоване радне снаге која ће поседовати одговарајућа техничка знања и бити ИКТ писмена. Знање представља кључни део тзв. меке инфраструкуре која је неопходна за реализацију трансформације привреде у дигиталну привреду, а укупног друштва у информационо друштво. У Србији су неопходне активности на укупном подизању свести о савременој дигиталној реалности која захтева базну ИКТ едукацију за све грађане и укључивање ИКТ образовних садржаја у све области обука и учења. Поред образовања, иновациона способност привреде мора бити подигнута на виши ниво како би се проширили потенцијали домаћих предузећа да на прави начин усвоје и реализују нове дигиталне технологије. Поред државе значајно се више мора укључити и пословни сектор у ИКТ образовање и иновације. Значајан одлив младе образоване радне снаге, посебно инжењерских специјалности, представља посебан проблем коме домаћа влада мора дати приоритетни третман и развити одговарајуће програме за мотивисање и задржавање младе образоване радне снаге да остане у земљи и својим знањем допринесе развоју домаће привреде. Нови реформисани образовни систем који ће ИКТ вештине препознати и позиционирати на прави начин и динамичан иновациони систем су кључни предуслови за припрему Србије за нови дигитално повезани свет.8. Конференција академија подунавске региј

    a-Si:H p-i-n Photodiode as a Biosensor

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    The p-i-n a-Si:H photodiode is a promising device as a transducer in biosensors. The native and light-induced localized state density and energy distribution in the energy gap of a-Si:H have a large effect on the photoconductivity of thin-film photodiodes. Depending on their nature, they play a crucial role in trapping and recombination processes and consequently influence the photodiode capacitance. The optical bias dependence of modulated photocurrent, OBMPC, method using the blue LED light is applied to clarify the nature and energy distribution of the energy gap density of states and their influence on the photodiode capacitance, from photodiodes transient response. It is observed that the deep defect states of the i-layer contribute to the capacitance at various bias voltages. Also, the capacitance achieves the upper limit around the built-in potential. Based on this method and obtained results, the a-Si:H p-i-n photodiode is used as a biosensor transducer in the detection of mammalian cell chemiluminescence

    Assessing the Role of AI-Based Smart Sensors in Smart Cities Using AHP and MOORA

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    We know that in today’s advanced world, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-grounded methodologies are playing a very optimistic role in performing difficult and time-consuming activities very conveniently and quickly. However, for the training and testing of these procedures, the main factor is the availability of a huge amount of data, called big data. With the emerging techniques of the Internet of Everything (IoE) and the Internet of Things (IoT), it is very feasible to collect a large volume of data with the help of smart and intelligent sensors. Based on these smart sensing devices, very innovative and intelligent hardware components can be made for prediction and recognition purposes. A detailed discussion was carried out on the development and employment of various detectors for providing people with effective services, especially in the case of smart cities. With these devices, a very healthy and intelligent environment can be created for people to live in safely and happily. With the use of modern technologies in integration with smart sensors, it is possible to use energy resources very productively. Smart vehicles can be developed to sense any emergency, to avoid injuries and fatal accidents. These sensors can be very helpful in management and monitoring activities for the enhancement of productivity. Several significant aspects are obtained from the available literature, and significant articles are selected from the literature to properly examine the uses of sensor technology for the development of smart infrastructure. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is used to give these attributes weights. Finally, the weights are used with the multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) technique to provide the different options in their order of importance.The Qatar University Internal Grant No. QUHI-CBE-21/22-1 funded this publication

    A Survey on Subsurface Signal Propagation

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    Wireless Underground Communication (WUC) is an emerging field that is being developed continuously. It provides secure mechanism of deploying nodes underground which shields them from any outside temperament or harsh weather conditions. This paper works towards introducing WUC and give a detail overview of WUC. It discusses system architecture of WUC along with the anatomy of the underground sensor motes deployed in WUC systems. It also compares Over-the-Air and Underground and highlights the major differences between the both type of channels. Since, UG communication is an evolving field, this paper also presents the evolution of the field along with the components and example UG wireless communication systems. Finally, the current research challenges of the system are presented for further improvement of the WUCs