197 research outputs found

    It’s Just Emotion Taking Me Over: Investigating the Role of Emotions in Knowledge Management Research

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    The importance of emotions has increasingly been recognized in the information systems field. Emotions do not only influence the human mind, but can also be transferred to others through knowledge. This transfer of knowledge is part of the broader organizational concept of knowledge management (KM) and requires the attention of researchers interested in emotions and emotion theories. Therefore, our paper presents a systematic review of existing evidence on the emotions’ role in KM research. Our review shows that despite KM’s long tradition, there is only limited evidence as to how emotions are related to KM, most of which mention emotions as motivation for KM. As a result of our study, we identify four research opportunities to further examine certain aspects of emotions’ role in KM

    A Conceptual Model for Measuring the Effectiveness of Employee Portals

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    Employee portals are utilized by many companies to improve information exchange and communication between their employees as well as to better support business processes. Assessing the benefits of employee portals has become important, owing to limited IT budgets and the need to justify investments in portals. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model for measuring the effectiveness of employee portals on the basis of the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model as well as an extensive review of employee portal success measurement literature. The resulting model is presented as the basis for future empirical work in this area. The development of the survey instrument is described and further validation steps are proposed

    Back to the future of IT adoption and evaluation in healthcare

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    This is a time of expansion, hope and change in the area of Health Information Technology (HIT). In this study, we provide an in-depth perspective into the adoption and diffusion of IT in healthcare based on a review of the current literature and upon expert panel assessments of adoption and diffusion issues, achievements to date, challenges facing key e-health technologies and future possibilities. These data are synthesised in the form of a research framework showing the main three areas of e-health (Electronic Medical Records, Clinical and Administrative systems and Telehealth) on three levels (individual, organisation and system). Current adoption and diffusion challenges and future possibilities are systematically presented via this research framework to inspire practice and research with both an individual and collective view of the key health systems currently confronting the healthcare sector

    Implementing centralised IT service management: drawing lessons from the public sector

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    [Abstract]: The IT service management model represents a paradigm shift for IT organisations as it deemphasizes the management of IT assets and focuses on the provision of quality end-to-end IT services. This paper presents part of an in-depth study that examines the experience of a government agency, Queensland Health, in the implementation of a centralised IT service management model based on the ITIL framework. The paper sheds light on the challenges and breakthroughs, distils a set of critical success factors and offers a learning opportunity for other organisations. Outsourcing some activities and tool requirements to vendors was seen as one contributor to success although ensuring effective technology transfer to in-house staff was also necessary. Another success factor was centralisation of IT services. Commitment of senior management was also crucial as was a recognition of the need for effective change management to transform the organisational culture to a service-oriented focus

    Toward a Hybrid Intelligence System in Customer Service: Collaborative Learning of Human and AI

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    Hybrid intelligence systems (HIS) enable human users and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to collaborate in activities complementing each other. They particularly allow the combination of human-in-the-loop and computer-in-the-loop learning ensuring a hybrid collaborative learning cycle. To design such a HIS, we implemented a prototype based on formulated design principles (DPs) to teach and learn from its human user while collaborating on a task. For implementation and evaluation, we selected a customer service use case as a top domain of research on AI applications. The prototype was evaluated with 31 expert and 30 novice customer service employees of an organization. We found that the prototype following the DPs successfully contributed to positive learning effects as well as a high continuance intention to use. The measured levels of satisfaction and continuance intention to use provide promising results to reuse our DPs and further develop our prototype for hybrid collaborative learning

    Conceptual framework for context-based e-government interoperability development

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    Purpose – The aim of the paper is to analyse the development aspects of e-government interoperability as dynamic, multidimensional and context-based organisational capability and to propose a conceptual framework for contextualisation of e-government interoperability development research and practice. Design/methodology/approach – Methods of systemic analysis along with the comparative analysis and generalisation were used to define the concept of e-government interoperability, classify the leading methods applied in its development and determine the contextual factors that might impact e-government interoperability research and practice. Findings – To meet the requirements of the implementation processes of contemporary e-government solutions, interoperability is understood and examined as the mix of dynamic, multidimensional and context-dependant dynamic capabilities of diverse public sector organisations to reach common goals through alliance and integration of their business processes and technological systems. The conceptual framework for context-based e-government interoperability development is proposed in this paper. It integrates three contextual layers important for dynamic capabilities such as processes, asset position and path-dependency with the main contextual factors that has been indicated as highly important in the recent e-government research. Research limitations/implications – This paper is a theoretical study of the essential e-government interoperability aspect – its context-dependability – that determines not only the adaptability level of various related political, managerial and technological methods, but also the rigour of research in the field. However, the presented conceptual framework for contextbased e-government interoperability development is of the high abstraction level and integrates only the main perspectives, principles and elements of interoperability contextualisation. It should be further supplemented with concrete operationalisational context factors extracted from the empirical research in the domain. Practical implications – The proposed conceptual framework for context-based e-government interoperability development suggests policy makers, public managers and related private sector organisations to assess technical and evolutionary fitness of dynamic organisational capabilities for interoperability before starting any cross-organisational e-government initiative or adopting any leading method for interoperability enforcement taken from different than its deployment context. It should be done through the analysis of related processes, asset position and path-dependency factors of all participating parties. It is also recommended to incorporate these principles of context analysis in the research of e-government interoperability phenomena and its enforcement methods. Originality/Value – This research addresses a complex issue of e-government interoperability contextualization and offers a conceptual framework which not only embraces the main context factors identified in the previous e-government research, but also integrates the contextualization approach from the theory of dynamic organizational capabilities that are the core of contemporary e-government interoperability concept.Kontekstas yra vienas iš svarbiausių e. valdžios sąveikumo elementų, ir tinkamas jo poveikio įvertinimas lemia ne tik susijusių politinių, vadybinių bei technologinių metodų efektyvumą, bet ir mokslinių tyrimų, atliekamų šioje srityje, rezultatų patikimumą. Šiame straipsnyje, taikant sisteminės analizės, palyginamosios analizės ir apibendrinimo metodus, išanalizuoti esminiai e. valdžios sąveikumo, kaip dinaminių, daugiamačių ir itin nuo konteksto priklausomų organizacijos gebėjimų komplekso, plėtros proceso bruožai bei taikomos priemonės, ir pasiūlytas konceptualus e. valdžios sąveikumo plėtros konteksto analizės modelis. Jame svarbiausi dinaminių organizacijos gebėjimų teorijoje naudojami konteksto lygmenys yra sujungiami su kritiniais e. valdžios moksliniuose tyrimuose vertinamais išorinės ir vidinės aplinkos kriterijais. Siūlomas konceptualus e. valdžios sąveikumo plėtros konteksto analizės modelis pasižymi aukštu abstrakcijos lygmeniu, todėl ateityje, remiantis šioje srityje atliekamais empirinių tyrimų rezultatais, reikėtų jį detalizuoti konkrečiais ir tiksliai pamatuojamais konteksto faktoriais. Modelis yra orientuotas tiek į e. valdžios sąveikumo politiką kuriančius bei įgyvendinančius viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus atstovus, tiek ir į šį tyrimų lauką formuojančią mokslinę bendruomenę. Jo pagrindu rekomenduojama verinti techninį bei evoliucinį dinaminių organizacijos sąveikumo gebėjimų tinkamumą tiek prieš inicijuojant tarp-organizacinius e. valdžios sprendimų projektus, tiek ir planuojant adaptuoti priešakinius e. valdžios sąveikumą įgalinančius metodus valstybėse ar organizacijose, kurių e. valdžios plėtros procesas dar nėra pakankamai susiformavęs. Šis vertinimas turėtų apimti visų suinteresuotųjų grupių procesų, resursų bei formavimosi trajektorijų analizę, įtraukiant ir tokias e. valdžios sričiai svarbias perspektyvas kaip institucinė sandara, valstybės išsivystymo lygis bei įvairūs organizaciniai faktoriai. Į šiuos e. valdžios sąveikumo konteksto analizės principus derėtų atsižvelgti ir atliekant e. valdžios sąveikumo reiškinio bei jį įgalinančių metodų mokslinius tyrimus

    Attempts to share information between public sector organisations over time: A case-based exploration of value conflicts

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    Despite the importance of inter-organisational information sharing (IOIS) in the public sector, such endeavours often fail. Existing research has shown that the values held by collaborating organisations are one important factor affecting these kinds of initiatives. However, research has sought only to a limited extent to address how value conflicts come into play over time. Therefore, this paper aims to explore how conflicting values shape an inter-organisational information-sharing practice in the public sector over time. Using the local/global network framework, we analyse four years’ worth of information sharing in an inter-organisational advisory group in the context of Swedish nuclear waste management. We conclude that different value conflicts are emphasised to different extents at different points in time. That is, values do not uniformly affect IOIS activities, and such conflicts over time reduce the set of potential IOIS activities. We also conclude that when IOIS activities are driven by an individual organisation’s values, individual value rational activities may co-exist with a dysfunctional long-term IOIS practice.publishedVersio

    CRM Implementation in a Software Services firm: a Case Study Analysis

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    This study is undertaken to gain better understanding of CRM implementation in software service companies. The literature on CRM gives the impression of being inconsistent. The objective is to uncover the process of CRM implementation. A case study involving a Bangalore based software service firm which had implemented CRM, was done. Semi-structured interview method was adopted for gathering data. The key finding is that effective leadership is critical for CRM success. Also, findings have shown that CRM implementations have been successful and thus achieved corporate satisfaction. The study confirms that the people, process and technology factors are crucial for a CRM program. Software Services companies are emerging significantly all over the world especially in South Asia. These companies operate in a very competitive market and there is a need to distinguish a service from the competition, for endurance. The effective use of CRM systems to improve service, performance, customer satisfaction and productivity is fundamental. However, the process of CRM implementation in the service industry has not yet been studied. The paper outlines a guideline for a flexible CRM program. The value of this paper is that it illustrates how a case study approach can be used to understand the real implementation process by software service firms. Keywords: Software service industry, CRM implementation, Key drivers, Case study investigatio