127 research outputs found

    Distributed Strong Diameter Network Decomposition

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    For a pair of positive parameters D,χD,\chi, a partition P{\cal P} of the vertex set VV of an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) into disjoint clusters of diameter at most DD each is called a (D,χ)(D,\chi) network decomposition, if the supergraph G(P){\cal G}({\cal P}), obtained by contracting each of the clusters of P{\cal P}, can be properly χ\chi-colored. The decomposition P{\cal P} is said to be strong (resp., weak) if each of the clusters has strong (resp., weak) diameter at most DD, i.e., if for every cluster CPC \in {\cal P} and every two vertices u,vCu,v \in C, the distance between them in the induced graph G(C)G(C) of CC (resp., in GG) is at most DD. Network decomposition is a powerful construct, very useful in distributed computing and beyond. It was shown by Awerbuch \etal \cite{AGLP89} and Panconesi and Srinivasan \cite{PS92}, that strong (2O(logn),2O(logn))(2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})},2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}) network decompositions can be computed in 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})} distributed time. Linial and Saks \cite{LS93} devised an ingenious randomized algorithm that constructs {\em weak} (O(logn),O(logn))(O(\log n),O(\log n)) network decompositions in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time. It was however open till now if {\em strong} network decompositions with both parameters 2o(logn)2^{o(\sqrt{\log n})} can be constructed in distributed 2o(logn)2^{o(\sqrt{\log n})} time. In this paper we answer this long-standing open question in the affirmative, and show that strong (O(logn),O(logn))(O(\log n),O(\log n)) network decompositions can be computed in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time. We also present a tradeoff between parameters of our network decomposition. Our work is inspired by and relies on the "shifted shortest path approach", due to Blelloch \etal \cite{BGKMPT11}, and Miller \etal \cite{MPX13}. These authors developed this approach for PRAM algorithms for padded partitions. We adapt their approach to network decompositions in the distributed model of computation

    On Oblivious Amplification of Coin-Tossing Protocols

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    We consider the problem of amplifying two-party coin-tossing protocols: given a protocol where it is possible to bias the common output by at most ?, we aim to obtain a new protocol where the output can be biased by at most ?* < ?. We rule out the existence of a natural type of amplifiers called oblivious amplifiers for every ?* < ?. Such amplifiers ignore the way that the underlying ?-bias protocol works and can only invoke an oracle that provides ?-bias bits. We provide two proofs of this impossibility. The first is by a reduction to the impossibility of deterministic randomness extraction from Santha-Vazirani sources. The second is a direct proof that is more general and also rules outs certain types of asymmetric amplification. In addition, it gives yet another proof for the Santha-Vazirani impossibility

    Multi-Party Protocols, Information Complexity and Privacy

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    We introduce the new measure of Public Information Complexity (PIC), as a tool for the study of multi-party computation protocols, and of quantities such as their communication complexity, or the amount of randomness they require in the context of information-theoretic private computations. We are able to use this measure directly in the natural asynchronous message-passing peer-to-peer model and show a number of interesting properties and applications of our new notion: the Public Information Complexity is a lower bound on the Communication Complexity and an upper bound on the Information Complexity; the difference between the Public Information Complexity and the Information Complexity provides a lower bound on the amount of randomness used in a protocol; any communication protocol can be compressed to its Public Information Cost; an explicit calculation of the zero-error Public Information Complexity of the k-party, n-bit Parity function, where a player outputs the bit-wise parity of the inputs. The latter result establishes that the amount of randomness needed for a private protocol that computes this function is Omega(n)

    Broadword Implementation of Parenthesis Queries

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    We continue the line of research started in "Broadword Implementation of Rank/Select Queries" proposing broadword (a.k.a. SWAR, "SIMD Within A Register") algorithms for finding matching closed parentheses and the k-th far closed parenthesis. Our algorithms work in time O(log w) on a word of w bits, and contain no branch and no test instruction. On 64-bit (and wider) architectures, these algorithms make it possible to avoid costly tabulations, while providing a very significant speedup with respect to for-loop implementations

    E = I + T: The internal extent formula for compacted tries

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    It is well known that in a binary tree the external path length minus the internal path length is exactly 2n-2, where n is the number of external nodes. We show that a generalization of the formula holds for compacted tries, replacing the role of paths with the notion of extent, and the value 2n-2 with the trie measure, an estimation of the number of bits that are necessary to describe the trie

    Succinct Data Structures for Chordal Graphs

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    We study the problem of approximate shortest path queries in chordal graphs and give a n log n + o(n log n) bit data structure to answer the approximate distance query to within an additive constant of 1 in O(1) time. We study the problem of succinctly storing a static chordal graph to answer adjacency, degree, neighbourhood and shortest path queries. Let G be a chordal graph with n vertices. We design a data structure using the information theoretic minimal n^2/4 + o(n^2) bits of space to support the queries: - whether two vertices u,v are adjacent in time f(n) for any f(n) in omega(1). - the degree of a vertex in O(1) time. - the vertices adjacent to u in (f(n))^2 time per neighbour - the length of the shortest path from u to v in O(nf(n)) tim

    A New Approach to Multi-Party Peer-to-Peer Communication Complexity

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    We introduce new models and new information theoretic measures for the study of communication complexity in the natural peer-to-peer, multi-party, number-in-hand setting. We prove a number of properties of our new models and measures, and then, in order to exemplify their effectiveness, we use them to prove two lower bounds. The more elaborate one is a tight lower bound of Omega(kn) on the multi-party peer-to-peer randomized communication complexity of the k-player, n-bit function Disjointness, Disj_k^n. The other one is a tight lower bound of Omega(kn) on the multi-party peer-to-peer randomized communication complexity of the k-player, n-bit bitwise parity function, Par_k^n. Both lower bounds hold when n=Omega(k). The lower bound for Disj_k^n improves over the lower bound that can be inferred from the result of Braverman et al. (FOCS 2013), which was proved in the coordinator model and can yield a lower bound of Omega(kn/log k) in the peer-to-peer model. To the best of our knowledge, our lower bounds are the first tight (non-trivial) lower bounds on communication complexity in the natural peer-to-peer multi-party setting. In addition to the above results for communication complexity, we also prove, using the same tools, an Omega(n) lower bound on the number of random bits necessary for the (information theoretic) private computation of the function Disj_k^n

    Implications of quantum automata for contextuality

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    We construct zero-error quantum finite automata (QFAs) for promise problems which cannot be solved by bounded-error probabilistic finite automata (PFAs). Here is a summary of our results: - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in exponential expected time, but not by any bounded-error sublogarithmic space probabilistic Turing machine (PTM). - There is a promise problem solvable by an exact two-way QFA in quadratic expected time, but not by any bounded-error o(loglogn) o(\log \log n) -space PTMs in polynomial expected time. The same problem can be solvable by a one-way Las Vegas (or exact two-way) QFA with quantum head in linear (expected) time. - There is a promise problem solvable by a Las Vegas realtime QFA, but not by any bounded-error realtime PFA. The same problem can be solvable by an exact two-way QFA in linear expected time but not by any exact two-way PFA. - There is a family of promise problems such that each promise problem can be solvable by a two-state exact realtime QFAs, but, there is no such bound on the number of states of realtime bounded-error PFAs solving the members this family. Our results imply that there exist zero-error quantum computational devices with a \emph{single qubit} of memory that cannot be simulated by any finite memory classical computational model. This provides a computational perspective on results regarding ontological theories of quantum mechanics \cite{Hardy04}, \cite{Montina08}. As a consequence we find that classical automata based simulation models \cite{Kleinmann11}, \cite{Blasiak13} are not sufficiently powerful to simulate quantum contextuality. We conclude by highlighting the interplay between results from automata models and their application to developing a general framework for quantum contextuality.Comment: 22 page