8 research outputs found

    Tomografía de impedancia eléctrica: fundamentos de hardware y aplicaciones médicas

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    Introduction: The following article shows a systematic review of publications on hardware topologies used to capture and process electrical signals used in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in medical applications, as well topicality of the EIT in the field of biomedicine. This work is the product of the research project “Electrical impedance tomography based on mixed signal devices”, which took place at the University of Cauca during the period 2017-2019. Objective: This review describes the operation, topicality and clinical use of Electrical Impedance Tomography systems. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out in the IEEE-Xplore, ScienceDirect and Scopus databases. After the classification, 106 relevant articles were obtained on scientific studies of EIT systems; applications dedicated to the analysis of medical images. Conclusions: Impedance-based methods have a variety of medical applications as they allow for the reconstruction of a body region, by estimating the conductivity distribution inside the human body; this is without exposing the patient to the damaging effects of radiation and contrast elements. Impedance-based methods are therefore a very useful and versatile tool in the treatment of diseases such as: monitoring blood pressure, detection of atherosclerosis, localization of intracranial hemorrhages, determining bone density, among others. Originality: It describes the necessary components to design an EIT system, as well as the design characteristics depending on the pathology to be visualized.  Introducción: En el siguiente artículo se muestra una revisión sistemática de publicaciones sobre topologías hardware utilizadas para capturar y procesar señales eléctricas utilizadas en tomografía por impedancia eléctrica (TIE) en aplicaciones médicas, así como la actualidad del TIE en el campo de la biomedicina. Este trabajo es producto del proyecto de investigación “Tomografía de impedancia eléctrica basada en dispositivo de señal mixta”, que tiene lugar en la Universidad del Cauca durante el período 2017-2019.   Objetivo: Esta revisión describe la estructura hardware de los sistemas de TIE, además de sus características, como frecuencia y magnitud de señales de corriente, patrones de inyección y medición de señales y número de electrodos orientado a, uso clínico.   Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática, en las bases de datos IEEE-Xplore, ScienceDirect y Scopus. Tras la clasificación se obtuvo 106 artículos relevantes sobre estudios científicos de sistemas, aplicaciones dedicadas al análisis de imágenes médicas.   Conclusión: Los métodos basados en impedancia, tienen una variedad de aplicaciones médicas, puesto que permite la reconstrucción de una región corporal, mediante la estimación de la distribución de conductividad al interior del cuerpo humano, sin radiación y elementos de contraste, tan perjudiciales para la salud de los pacientes; convirtiéndola en una herramienta muy útil y versátil en el tratamiento de enfermedades como: monitorear la presión arterial, detección de arterosclerosis, localización de hemorragias intracraneales, determinar la densidad ósea, entre otras.     &nbsp

    Electrical Impedance Tomography for Biomedical Applications: Circuits and Systems Review

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    There has been considerable interest in electrical impedance tomography (EIT) to provide low-cost, radiation-free, real-time and wearable means for physiological status monitoring. To be competitive with other well-established imaging modalities, it is important to understand the requirements of the specific application and determine a suitable system design. This paper presents an overview of EIT circuits and systems including architectures, current drivers, analog front-end and demodulation circuits, with emphasis on integrated circuit implementations. Commonly used circuit topologies are detailed, and tradeoffs are discussed to aid in choosing an appropriate design based on the application and system priorities. The paper also describes a number of integrated EIT systems for biomedical applications, as well as discussing current challenges and possible future directions

    Electrical Resistance Tomography for sewage flow measurements

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    Advanced digital electrical impedance tomography system for biomedical imaging

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) images the spatial conductivity distribution in an electrode-bounded sensing domain by non-intrusively generating an electric field and measuring the induced boundary voltage. Since its emergence, it has attracted ample interest in the field of biomedical imaging owing to its fast, cost efficient, label-free and non-intrusive sensing ability. Well-investigated biomedical applications of the EIT include lung ventilation monitoring, breast cancer imaging, and brain function imaging. This thesis probes an emerging biomedical application of EIT in three dimensional (3D) cell culture imaging to study non-destructively the biological behaviour of a 3D cell culture system, on which occasion real-time qualitative and quantitative imaging are becoming increasingly desirable. Focused on this topic, the contribution of the thesis can be summarised from the perspectives of biomedical-designed EIT system, fast and effective image reconstruction algorithms, miniature EIT sensors and experimental studies on cell imaging and cell-drug response monitoring, as follows. First of all, in order to facilitate fast, broadband and real-time 3D conductivity imaging for biomedical applications, the design and evaluation of a novel multi-frequency EIT (mfEIT) system was presented. The system integrated 32 electrode interfaces and its working frequency ranged from 10 kHz to 1 MHz. Novel features of the system included: a) a fully adjustable multi-frequency current source with current monitoring function was designed; b) a flexible switching scheme together with a semi-parallel data acquisition architecture was developed for high-frame-rate data acquisition; c) multi-frequency simultaneous digital quadrature demodulation was accomplished, and d) a 3D imaging software, i.e. Visual Tomography, was developed to perform real-time two dimensional (2D) and 3D image reconstruction, visualisation and analysis. The mfEIT system was systematically tested and evaluated on the basis of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), frame rate, and 2D and 3D multi-frequency phantom imaging. The highest SNR achieved by the system was 82.82 dB on a 16-electrode EIT sensor. The frame rate was up to 546 frames per second (fps) at serial mode and 1014 fps at semi-parallel mode. The evaluation results indicate that the presented mfEIT system is a powerful tool for real-time 2D and 3D biomedical imaging. The quality of tomographic images is of great significance for performing qualitative or quantitative analysis in biomedical applications. To realise high quality conductivity imaging, two novel image reconstruction algorithms using adaptive group sparsity constraint were proposed. The proposed algorithms considered both the underlying structure of the conductivity distribution and sparsity priors in order to reduce the degree of freedom and pursue solutions with the group sparsity structure. The global characteristic of inclusion boundaries was studied as well by imposing the total variation constraint on the whole image. In addition, two adaptive pixel grouping methods were also presented to extract the structure information without requiring any a priori knowledge. The proposed algorithms were evaluated comparatively through numerical simulation and phantom experiments. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms such as l1 regularisation, the proposed algorithms demonstrated superior spatial resolution and preferable noise reduction performance in the reconstructed images. These features were demanded urgently in biomedical imaging. Further, a planar miniature EIT sensor amenable to the standard 3D cell culture format was designed and a 3D forward model was developed for 3D imaging. A novel 3D-Laplacian and sparsity joint regularisation algorithm was proposed for enhanced 3D image reconstruction. Simulated phantoms with spheres located at different vertical and horizontal positions were imaged for 3D imaging performance evaluation. Image reconstructions of MCF-7 human breast cancer cell spheroids and triangular breast cancer cell pellets were carried out for experimental verification. The results confirmed that robust impedance measurement on the highly conductive cell culture medium was feasible and, greatly improved image quality was obtained by using the proposed regularisation method. Finally, a series of cancer cell spheroid imaging tests and real-time cell-drug response monitoring experiments by using the developed mfEIT system (Chapter 3), the designed miniature EIT sensors (Chapter 6) and the proposed image reconstruction algorithms (Chapter 4, 5 and 6) were carried out followed by comparative analysis. The stability of long-term impedance measurement on the highly conductive cell culture medium was verified firstly. Subsequently, by using the proposed algorithms in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, high quality cancer cell spheroid imaging on a miniature sensor with 2D electrode configuration was achieved. Further, preliminary experiments on real-time monitoring of human breast cancer cell and anti-cancer drug response were performed and analysed. Promising results were obtained from these experiments. In summary, the work demonstrated in this thesis validated the feasibility of using the developed mfEIT system, the proposed image reconstruction algorithms, as well as the designed miniature EIT sensors to visualise 3D cell culture systems such as cell spheroids or artificial tissues and organs. The established work would expedite the real-time qualitative and quantitative imaging of 3D cell culture systems for the rapid assessment of cellular dynamics

    Selected Papers from the 9th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography

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    Industrial process tomography (IPT) is becoming an important tool for Industry 4.0. It consists of multidimensional sensor technologies and methods that aim to provide unparalleled internal information on industrial processes used in many sectors. This book showcases a selection of papers at the forefront of the latest developments in such technologies

    Contrast echocardiography for cardiac quantifications

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    The indicator-dilution-theory for cardiac quantifications has always been limited in practice by the invasiveness of the available techniques. However, the recent introduction of stable ultrasound contrast agents opens new possibilities for indicator dilution measurements. This study describes a new and successful approach to overcome this invasiveness issue. We show a novel approach for minimally invasive quantification of several cardiac parameters based on the dilution of ultrasound contrast agents. A single peripheral injection of an ultrasound contrast agent bolus can result in the simultaneous assessment of cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and left and right ventricular ejection fraction. The bolus passage in different sites of the central circulation is detected by an ultrasound transducer. The detected acoustic (or video) intensities are processed and several indicator dilution curves are measured simultaneously. To this end, we exploit that for low concentrations the relation between contrast concentration and acoustic backscatter is approximately linear. The Local Density Random Walk Model is used to fit and interpret the indicator dilution curves for cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and ejection fraction measurements. Two fitting algorithms based either on a multiple linear regression in the logarithmic domain or on the solution of the moment equations are developed. The indicator dilution system can be also interpreted as a linear system and, therefore, characterized by an impulse response function. An adaptive Wiener deconvolution filter is implemented for robust dilution system identification. For ejection fraction measurements, the atrial and ventricular indicator dilution curves are measured and processed by the deconvolution filter, resulting in the estimate of the left ventricle dilution-system impulse response. This curve can be fitted and interpreted by a mono-compartment exponential model for the ejection fraction assessment. The proposed deconvolution filter is also used for the identification of the dilution system between right ventricle and left atrium. The Local Density Random Walk Model fit of the estimated impulse response allows the pulmonary blood volume assessment. Both cardiac output and pulmonary blood volume measurements are validated in vitro with accurate results (correlation coefficients larger than 0.99). The Pulmonary blood volume measurement feasibility is also tested in humans with promising results. The ejection fraction measurement is validated in-vivo. The impulse response approach allows accurate left ventricle ejection fraction estimates. Comparison with echocardiographic bi-plane measurements shows a correlation coefficient equal to 0.93. A dedicated image segmentation algorithm for videodensitometry has also been developed for automating the determination of regions of interest. The resulting algorithm has been integrated with the indicator dilution analysis system. The automatic determination of the measurement region results in improved dilution-curve signal-to-noise ratios. In conclusion, this study proves that quantification of cardiac output, pulmonary blood volume, and left and right ventricular ejection fraction by dilution of ultrasound contrast agents is feasible and accurate. Moreover, the proposed methods are applicable in different contexts (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging) and for different types of measurements, leading to a broad range of applications

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome