138 research outputs found

    Research Findings on Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Specifications Approaches

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    Numerous software requirements specification (SRS) approaches have been proposed in software engineering. However, there has been little empirical evaluation of the use of these approaches in specific contexts. This paper describes the results of a mapping study, a key instrument of the evidence-based paradigm, in an effort to understand what aspects of SRS are evaluated, in which context, and by using which research method. On the basis of 46 identified and categorized primary studies, we found that understandability is the most commonly evaluated aspect of SRS, experiments are the most commonly used research method, and the academic environment is where most empirical evaluation takes place

    Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: An Agenda for Future Research

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    In early phases of the software cycle, requirements prioritization necessarily relies on the specified requirements and on predictions of benefit and cost of individual requirements. This paper presents results of a systematic review of literature, which investigates how existing methods approach the problem of requirements prioritization based on benefit and cost. From this review, it derives a set of under-researched issues which warrant future efforts and sketches an agenda for future research in this area

    A Report on Using Simplified Function Point Measurement Processes

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    Background: Function Point Analysis is widely used, especially to quantify the size of applications in the early stages of development, when effort estimates are needed. However, the measurement process is often too long or too expensive or requires more knowledge than available when development effort estimates are due. To overcome these problems, simplified methods have been proposed to measure Function Points. Objectives: The work reported here concerns the experimentation of simplified functional size measurement methods in the sizing of both \u201ctraditional\u201d and real-time applications. The goal is to evaluate the accuracy of the sizing with respect to full-fledged Function Point Analysis. Method: A set of projects, which had already been measured by means of Function Point Analysis, have been measured using the NESMA and Early&Quick Function Points simplified processes: the resulting size measures were compared. Results: while NESMA indicative method appears to quite overestimate the size of the considered applications, the other methods provide much more accurate estimates of functional size. EQFP methods proved more accurate in estimating the size of non Real-Time applications, while the NESMA estimated method proved fairly good in estimating both Real-Time and non Real-Time applications. Conclusions: The results of the experiment reported here show that in general it is possible to size software via simplified measurement processes with an acceptable accuracy. In particular, the simplification of the measurement process allows the measurer to skip the function weighting phases, which are usually expensive, since they require a thorough analysis of the internals of both data and operations

    On Evaluating Commercial Cloud Services: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Cloud Computing is increasingly booming in industry with many competing providers and services. Accordingly, evaluation of commercial Cloud services is necessary. However, the existing evaluation studies are relatively chaotic. There exists tremendous confusion and gap between practices and theory about Cloud services evaluation. Aim: To facilitate relieving the aforementioned chaos, this work aims to synthesize the existing evaluation implementations to outline the state-of-the-practice and also identify research opportunities in Cloud services evaluation. Method: Based on a conceptual evaluation model comprising six steps, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was employed to collect relevant evidence to investigate the Cloud services evaluation step by step. Results: This SLR identified 82 relevant evaluation studies. The overall data collected from these studies essentially represent the current practical landscape of implementing Cloud services evaluation, and in turn can be reused to facilitate future evaluation work. Conclusions: Evaluation of commercial Cloud services has become a world-wide research topic. Some of the findings of this SLR identify several research gaps in the area of Cloud services evaluation (e.g., the Elasticity and Security evaluation of commercial Cloud services could be a long-term challenge), while some other findings suggest the trend of applying commercial Cloud services (e.g., compared with PaaS, IaaS seems more suitable for customers and is particularly important in industry). This SLR study itself also confirms some previous experiences and reveals new Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE) lessons

    Measuring the Functional Size of Real-Time and Embedded Software: a Comparison of Function Point Analysis and COSMIC

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    The most widely used methods and tools for estimating the cost of software development require that the functional size of the program to be developed be measured, either in \u201ctraditional\u201d Function Points or in COSMIC Function Points. The latter were proposed to solve some shortcomings of the former, including not being well suited for representing the functionality of real-time and embedded software. However, little evidence exists to support the claim that COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for the measurement of real-time and embedded applications. Our goal is to compare how well the two methods can be used in functional measurement of real-time and embedded systems. We applied both measurement methods to a number of situations that occur quite often in real-time and embedded software. Our results seem to indicate that, overall, COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for measuring characteristic features of real-time and embedded systems. Our results also provide practitioners with useful indications about the pros and cons of functional size measurement methods when confronted with specific features of real-time and embedded software

    Reporting experiments to satisfy professionals information needs

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    Although the aim of empirical software engineering is to provide evidence for selecting the appropriate technology, it appears that there is a lack of recognition of this work in industry. Results from empirical research only rarely seem to find their way to company decision makers. If information relevant for software managers is provided in reports on experiments, such reports can be considered as a source of information for them when they are faced with making decisions about the selection of software engineering technologies. To bridge this communication gap between researchers and professionals, we propose characterizing the information needs of software managers in order to show empirical software engineering researchers which information is relevant for decision-making and thus enable them to make this information available. We empirically investigated decision makers? information needs to identify which information they need to judge the appropriateness and impact of a software technology. We empirically developed a model that characterizes these needs. To ensure that researchers provide relevant information when reporting results from experiments, we extended existing reporting guidelines accordingly.We performed an experiment to evaluate our model with regard to its effectiveness. Software managers who read an experiment report according to the proposed model judged the technology?s appropriateness significantly better than those reading a report about the same experiment that did not explicitly address their information needs. Our research shows that information regarding a technology, the context in which it is supposed to work, and most importantly, the impact of this technology on development costs and schedule as well as on product quality is crucial for decision makers

    Using Function Point Analysis and COSMIC for Measuring the Functional Size of Real-Time and Embedded Software: a Comparison

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    Function Points Analysis and the COSMIC method are very often used for measuring the functional size of programs. The COSMIC method was proposed to solve some shortcomings of Function Points, including not being well suited for representing the functionality of real-time and embedded software. However, little evidence exists to support the claim that COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for the measurement of real-time and embedded applications. To help practitioner choose a method for measuring real-time or embedded software, some evidence of the merits and shortcomings of the two methods is needed. Accordingly, our goal is to compare how well the two methods can be used in the functional measurement of real-time and embedded systems. To this end, we applied both measurement methods to the situations that occur quite often in real-time and embedded software and are not considered by standard measurement practices. Our results indicate that, overall, COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for measuring characteristic features of real-time and embedded systems
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