2 research outputs found

    2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions

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    In this paper, a novel 3D retrieval model to retrieve medical volumes using 2D images as input is proposed. The main idea consists of applying a multi–scale detection of saliency of image regions. Then, the 3D volumes with the regions for each of the scales are associated with a set of projections onto the three canonical planes. The 3D shape is indirectly represented by a 2D–shape descriptor so that the 3D–shape matching is transformed into measuring similarity between 2D–shapes. The shape descriptor is defined by the set of the k largest singular values of the 2D images and Euclidean distance between the vector descriptors is used as a similarity measure. The preliminary results obtained on a simple database show promising performance with a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.82 and could allow using the approach as part of a retrieval system in clinical routine

    Use Case Oriented Medical Visual Information Retrieval & System Evaluation

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    Large amounts of medical visual data are produced daily in hospitals, while new imaging techniques continue to emerge. In addition, many images are made available continuously via publications in the scientific literature and can also be valuable for clinical routine, research and education. Information retrieval systems are useful tools to provide access to the biomedical literature and fulfil the information needs of medical professionals. The tools developed in this thesis can potentially help clinicians make decisions about difficult diagnoses via a case-based retrieval system based on a use case associated with a specific evaluation task. This system retrieves articles from the biomedical literature when querying with a case description and attached images. This thesis proposes a multimodal approach for medical case-based retrieval with focus on the integration of visual information connected to text. Furthermore, the ImageCLEFmed evaluation campaign was organised during this thesis promoting medical retrieval system evaluation