62 research outputs found

    Food Recognition and Volume Estimation in a Dietary Assessment System

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    Recently obesity has become an epidemic and one of the most serious worldwide public health concerns of the 21st century. Obesity diminishes the average life expectancy and there is now convincing evidence that poor diet, in combination with physical inactivity are key determinants of an individual s risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Assessing what people eat is fundamental to establishing the link between diet and disease. Food records are considered the best approach for assessing energy intake. However, this method requires literate and highly motivated subjects. This is a particular problem for adolescents and young adults who are the least likely to undertake food records. The ready access of the majority of the population to mobile phones (with integrated camera, improved memory capacity, network connectivity and faster processing capability) has opened up new opportunities for dietary assessment. The dietary information extracted from dietary assessment provide valuable insights into the cause of diseases that greatly helps practicing dietitians and researchers to develop subsequent approaches for mounting intervention programs for prevention. In such systems, the camera in the mobile phone is used for capturing images of food consumed and these images are then processed to automatically estimate the nutritional content of the food. However, food objects are deformable objects that exhibit variations in appearance, shape, texture and color so the food classification and volume estimation in these systems suffer from lower accuracy. The improvement of the food recognition accuracy and volume estimation accuracy are challenging tasks. This thesis presents new techniques for food classification and food volume estimation. For food recognition, emphasis was given to texture features. The existing food recognition techniques assume that the food images will be viewed at similar scales and from the same viewpoints. However, this assumption fails in practical applications, because it is difficult to ensure that a user in a dietary assessment system will put his/her camera at the same scale and orientation to capture food images as that of the target food images in the database. A new scale and rotation invariant feature generation approach that applies Gabor filter banks is proposed. To obtain scale and rotation invariance, the proposed approach identifies the dominant orientation of the filtered coefficient and applies a circular shifting operation to place this value at the first scale of dominant direction. The advantages of this technique are it does not require the scale factor to be known in advance and it is scale/and rotation invariant separately and concurrently. This approach is modified to achieve improved accuracy by applying a Gaussian window along the scale dimension which reduces the impact of high and low frequencies of the filter outputs enabling better matching between the same classes. Besides automatic classification, semi automatic classification and group classification are also considered to have an idea about the improvement. To estimate the volume of a food item, a stereo pair is used to recover the structure as a 3D point cloud. A slice based volume estimation approach is proposed that converts the 3D point cloud to a series of 2D slices. The proposed approach eliminates the problem of knowing the distance between two cameras with the help of disparities and depth information from a fiducial marker. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can provide an accurate estimate of food volume


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    The overall goal of this research is to develop methods and algorithms to investigate the severity of Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to estimate the intracranial pressure (ICP) level non-invasively. Brain x-ray computed tomography (CT) images and artificial intelligence methods are employed to estimate the level of ICP. Fully anisotropic complex wavelet transform features are proposed to extract directional textural features from brain images. Different feature selection and classification methods are tested to find the optimal feature vector and estimate the ICP using support vector regression. By using systematic feature extraction, selection and classification, promising results on ICP estimation are achieved. The results also indicate the reliability of the proposed algorithm. In the following, case-based finite element (FE) models are extracted from CT images using Matlab, Solidworks, and Ansys software tools. The ICP estimation obtained from image analysis is used as an input to the FE modeling to obtain stress/strain distribution over the tissue. Three in-plane modeling approaches are proposed to investigate the effect of ICP elevation on brain tissue stress/strain distribution. Moreover, the effect of intracranial bleeding on ICP elevation is studied in 2-D modeling. A mathematical relationship between the intracranial pressure and the maximum strain/stress over the brain tissue is obtained using linear regression method. In the following, a 3-D model is constructed using 3 slices of brain CT images. The effect of increased ICP on the tissue deformation is studied. The results show the proposed framework can accurately simulate the injury and provides an accurate ICP estimation non-invasively. The results from this study may be used as a base for developing a non-invasive procedure for evaluating ICP using FE methods

    Thickness estimation, automated classification and novelty detection in ultrasound images of the plantar fascia tissues

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    The plantar fascia (PF) tissue plays an important role in the movement and the stability of the foot during walking and running. Thus it is possible for the overuse and the associated medical problems to cause injuries and some severe common diseases. Ultrasound (US) imaging offers significant potential in diagnosis of PF injuries and monitoring treatments. Despite the advantages of US, the generated PF images are difficult to interpret during medical assessment. This is partly due to the size and position of the PF in relation to the adjacent tissues. This limits the use of US in clinical practice and therefore impacts on patient services for what is a common problem and a major cause of foot pain and discomfort. It is therefore a requirement to devise an automated system that allows better and easier interpretation of PF US images during diagnosis. This study is concerned with developing a computer-based system using a combination of medical image processing techniques whereby different PF US images can be visually improved, segmented, analysed and classified as normal or abnormal, so as to provide more information to the doctors and the clinical treatment department for early diagnosis and the detection of the PF associated medical problems. More specifically, this study is required to investigate the possibility of a proposed model for localizing and estimating the PF thickness a cross three different sections (rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot) using a supervised ANN segmentation technique. The segmentation method uses RBF artificial neural network module in order to classify small overlapping patches into PF and non-PF tissue. Feature selection technique was performed as a post-processing step for feature extraction to reduce the number of the extracted features. Then the trained RBF-ANN is used to segment the desired PF region. The PF thickness was calculated using two different methods: distance transformation and a proposed area-length calculation algorithm. Additionally, different machine learning approaches were investigated and applied to the segmented PF region in order to distinguish between symptomatic and asymptomatic PF subjects using the best normalized and selected feature set. This aims to facilitate the characterization and the classification of the PF area for the identification of patients with inferior heel pain at risk of plantar fasciitis. Finally, a novelty detection framework for detecting the symptomatic PF samples (with plantar fasciitis disorder) using only asymptomatic samples is proposed. This model implies the following: feature analysis, building a normality model by training the one-class SVDD classifier using only asymptomatic PF training datasets, and computing novelty scores using the trained SVDD classifier, training and testing asymptomatic datasets, and testing symptomatic datasets of the PF dataset. The performance evaluation results showed that the proposed approaches used in this study obtained favourable results compared to other methods reported in the literature

    Wavelet-based image registration and segmentation framework for the quantitative evaluation of hydrocephalus

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    xi, 100 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-100).Hydrocephalus, a condition of increased fluid in the brain, is traditionally diagnosed by a visual assessment of CT scans. This thesis developed a quantitative measure of the change in ventricular volume over time. The framework includes: adaptive registration based on mutual information and wavelet multiresolution analysis, adaptive segmentation with a novel feature extraction method based on Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) coefficients, and a volume calculation. The framework, when tested on physical phantoms had volume calculation accuracy of 1.0%. When tested on 8 clinical cases, the results reflected and predicted the diagnosis of the doctors, with less than 5% calculated volume change for cases where the diagnosis indicated the patient was stable, and more than 20% calculated volume change for cases for which hydrocephalus had been diagnosed. The outcome illustrated that the framework has good potential for development as a tool to aid in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus

    New algorithms for the analysis of live-cell images acquired in phase contrast microscopy

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    La détection et la caractérisation automatisée des cellules constituent un enjeu important dans de nombreux domaines de recherche tels que la cicatrisation, le développement de l'embryon et des cellules souches, l’immunologie, l’oncologie, l'ingénierie tissulaire et la découverte de nouveaux médicaments. Étudier le comportement cellulaire in vitro par imagerie des cellules vivantes et par le criblage à haut débit implique des milliers d'images et de vastes quantités de données. Des outils d'analyse automatisés reposant sur la vision numérique et les méthodes non-intrusives telles que la microscopie à contraste de phase (PCM) sont nécessaires. Comme les images PCM sont difficiles à analyser en raison du halo lumineux entourant les cellules et de la difficulté à distinguer les cellules individuelles, le but de ce projet était de développer des algorithmes de traitement d'image PCM dans Matlab® afin d’en tirer de l’information reliée à la morphologie cellulaire de manière automatisée. Pour développer ces algorithmes, des séries d’images de myoblastes acquises en PCM ont été générées, en faisant croître les cellules dans un milieu avec sérum bovin (SSM) ou dans un milieu sans sérum (SFM) sur plusieurs passages. La surface recouverte par les cellules a été estimée en utilisant un filtre de plage de valeurs, un seuil et une taille minimale de coupe afin d'examiner la cinétique de croissance cellulaire. Les résultats ont montré que les cellules avaient des taux de croissance similaires pour les deux milieux de culture, mais que celui-ci diminue de façon linéaire avec le nombre de passages. La méthode de transformée par ondelette continue combinée à l’analyse d'image multivariée (UWT-MIA) a été élaborée afin d’estimer la distribution de caractéristiques morphologiques des cellules (axe majeur, axe mineur, orientation et rondeur). Une analyse multivariée réalisée sur l’ensemble de la base de données (environ 1 million d’images PCM) a montré d'une manière quantitative que les myoblastes cultivés dans le milieu SFM étaient plus allongés et plus petits que ceux cultivés dans le milieu SSM. Les algorithmes développés grâce à ce projet pourraient être utilisés sur d'autres phénotypes cellulaires pour des applications de criblage à haut débit et de contrôle de cultures cellulaires.Automated cell detection and characterization is important in many research fields such as wound healing, embryo development, immune system studies, cancer research, parasite spreading, tissue engineering, stem cell research and drug research and testing. Studying in vitro cellular behavior via live-cell imaging and high-throughput screening involves thousands of images and vast amounts of data, and automated analysis tools relying on machine vision methods and non-intrusive methods such as phase contrast microscopy (PCM) are a necessity. However, there are still some challenges to overcome, since PCM images are difficult to analyze because of the bright halo surrounding the cells and blurry cell-cell boundaries when they are touching. The goal of this project was to develop image processing algorithms to analyze PCM images in an automated fashion, capable of processing large datasets of images to extract information related to cellular viability and morphology. To develop these algorithms, a large dataset of myoblasts images acquired in live-cell imaging (in PCM) was created, growing the cells in either a serum-supplemented (SSM) or a serum-free (SFM) medium over several passages. As a result, algorithms capable of computing the cell-covered surface and cellular morphological features were programmed in Matlab®. The cell-covered surface was estimated using a range filter, a threshold and a minimum cut size in order to look at the cellular growth kinetics. Results showed that the cells were growing at similar paces for both media, but their growth rate was decreasing linearly with passage number. The undecimated wavelet transform multivariate image analysis (UWT-MIA) method was developed, and was used to estimate cellular morphological features distributions (major axis, minor axis, orientation and roundness distributions) on a very large PCM image dataset using the Gabor continuous wavelet transform. Multivariate data analysis performed on the whole database (around 1 million PCM images) showed in a quantitative manner that myoblasts grown in SFM were more elongated and smaller than cells grown in SSM. The algorithms developed through this project could be used in the future on other cellular phenotypes for high-throughput screening and cell culture control applications

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Deep learning for texture and dynamic texture analysis

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    Texture is a fundamental visual cue in computer vision which provides useful information about image regions. Dynamic Texture (DT) extends the analysis of texture to sequences of moving scenes. Classic approaches to texture and DT analysis are based on shallow hand-crafted descriptors including local binary patterns and filter banks. Deep learning and in particular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have significantly contributed to the field of computer vision in the last decade. These biologically inspired networks trained with powerful algorithms have largely improved the state of the art in various tasks such as digit, object and face recognition. This thesis explores the use of CNNs in texture and DT analysis, replacing classic hand-crafted filters by deep trainable filters. An introduction to deep learning is provided in the thesis as well as a thorough review of texture and DT analysis methods. While CNNs present interesting features for the analysis of textures such as a dense extraction of filter responses trained end to end, the deepest layers used in the decision rules commonly learn to detect large shapes and image layout instead of local texture patterns. A CNN architecture is therefore adapted to textures by using an orderless pooling of intermediate layers to discard the overall shape analysis, resulting in a reduced computational cost and improved accuracy. An application to biomedical texture images is proposed in which large tissue images are tiled and combined in a recognition scheme. An approach is also proposed for DT recognition using the developed CNNs on three orthogonal planes to combine spatial and temporal analysis. Finally, a fully convolutional network is adapted to texture segmentation based on the same idea of discarding the overall shape and by combining local shallow features with larger and deeper features

    Advancing the technology of sclera recognition

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    PhD ThesisEmerging biometric traits have been suggested recently to overcome some challenges and issues related to utilising traditional human biometric traits such as the face, iris, and fingerprint. In particu- lar, iris recognition has achieved high accuracy rates under Near- InfraRed (NIR) spectrum and it is employed in many applications for security and identification purposes. However, as modern imaging devices operate in the visible spectrum capturing colour images, iris recognition has faced challenges when applied to coloured images especially with eye images which have a dark pigmentation. Other issues with iris recognition under NIR spectrum are the constraints on the capturing process resulting in failure-to-enrol, and degradation in system accuracy and performance. As a result, the research commu- nity investigated using other traits to support the iris biometric in the visible spectrum such as the sclera. The sclera which is commonly known as the white part of the eye includes a complex network of blood vessels and veins surrounding the eye. The vascular pattern within the sclera has different formations and layers providing powerful features for human identification. In addition, these blood vessels can be acquired in the visible spectrum and thus can be applied using ubiquitous camera-based devices. As a consequence, recent research has focused on developing sclera recog- nition. However, sclera recognition as any biometric system has issues and challenges which need to be addressed. These issues are mainly related to sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, feature ex- traction, template registration, matching and decision methods. In addition, employing the sclera biometric in the wild where relaxed imaging constraints are utilised has introduced more challenges such as illumination variation, specular reflections, non-cooperative user capturing, sclera blocked region due to glasses and eyelashes, variation in capturing distance, multiple gaze directions, and eye rotation. The aim of this thesis is to address such sclera biometric challenges and highlight the potential of this trait. This also might inspire further research on tackling sclera recognition system issues. To overcome the vii above-mentioned issues and challenges, three major contributions are made which can be summarised as 1) designing an efficient sclera recognition system under constrained imaging conditions which in- clude new sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, vascular binary network mapping and feature extraction, and template registra- tion techniques; 2) introducing a novel sclera recognition system under relaxed imaging constraints which exploits novel sclera segmentation, sclera template rotation alignment and distance scaling methods, and complex sclera features; 3) presenting solutions to tackle issues related to applying sclera recognition in a real-time application such as eye localisation, eye corner and gaze detection, together with a novel image quality metric. The evaluation of the proposed contributions is achieved using five databases having different properties representing various challenges and issues. These databases are the UBIRIS.v1, UBIRIS.v2, UTIRIS, MICHE, and an in-house database. The results in terms of segmen- tation accuracy, Equal Error Rate (EER), and processing time show significant improvement in the proposed systems compared to state- of-the-art methods.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq and the Iraqi Cultural Attach´e in Londo