123 research outputs found

    Historical awareness support and its evaluation in collaborative software engineering

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    The types of awareness relevant to collaborative soft- ware engineering are identified and an additional type, "historical awareness" is proposed. This new type of awareness is the knowledge of how software artefacts re- sulting from collaboration have evolved in the course of their development. The types of awareness that different software engineer- ing environment architectures can support are discussed. A way to add awareness support to our existing OSCAR sys- tem, a component of the GENESIS software engineering platform, is proposed. Finally ways of instrumenting and evaluating the awareness support offered by the modified system are outlined

    Semantic Web Technologies for Digital Libraries: From Libraries to Social Semantic Digital Libraries (SSDL), Over Semantic Digital Libraries (SDL)

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    Digital libraries have been an important source of information throughout the history of mankind. It has been present in our societies in different forms. Notably, traditional libraries have found their on the desktops of internet users. They have taken the shape of semantic digital libraries, which are accessible at any time, and accordingly provide a more meaningful search. This paper further discusses social semantic digital libraries that also incorporate the social and collaborative aspect

    Web-based System Evolution in Model Driven Architecture

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    Abstract The complexity and size of commercial Web

    Учет вторичных дефектов в моделях надежности программных средств

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    Анализируются допущения, принятые в моделях оценки надежности программных средств, на предмет внесения новых (вторичных) дефектов в процессе устранения обнаруженных ранее дефектов. Изложен порядок нахождения параметров функции риска для различных моделей. Характеризуется возможность применения моделей оценки надежности программных средств с учетом вторичных дефектов.Аналізуються припущення, що приймаються у моделях оцінки надійності програмних засобів щодо можливості внесення нових (вторинних) дефектів у процесі усунення виявлених раніше дефектів. Викладений порядок знаходження параметрів функції ризику для різних моделей. Характеризується можливість застосування моделей оцінки надійності програмних засобів з урахуванням вторинних дефектів.We analyze the assumptions made in models assessing the reliability of software tools for the introduction of new (secondary) defects in the process of removing previously identified defects. Outlined the procedure for finding the parameters of the function of risk for different models. Characterized by the use of models to assess the reliability of software in view of the secondary defects

    Search based software engineering: Trends, techniques and applications

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    © ACM, 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version is available from the link below.In the past five years there has been a dramatic increase in work on Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), an approach to Software Engineering (SE) in which Search-Based Optimization (SBO) algorithms are used to address problems in SE. SBSE has been applied to problems throughout the SE lifecycle, from requirements and project planning to maintenance and reengineering. The approach is attractive because it offers a suite of adaptive automated and semiautomated solutions in situations typified by large complex problem spaces with multiple competing and conflicting objectives. This article provides a review and classification of literature on SBSE. The work identifies research trends and relationships between the techniques applied and the applications to which they have been applied and highlights gaps in the literature and avenues for further research.EPSRC and E

    A Requirements-Based Analysis of Success in Open- Source Software Development Projects

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    The literature on open-source requirements is commonly concerned either with the processes associated with theserequirements or with very specific requirements-related aspects of open-source development. In this study we bridge betweenthese two approaches by exploring the existing relationships between open-source requirements and few characteristics ofopen-source projects (software quality and software project success). First we develop a requirements-based taxonomy ofopen-source projects and we discover patterns linking between this taxonomy and project success. We also propose aclassification of requirement types based on their representativeness in open-source projects. This highlights the overallimportance of various types of requirements in the context of open-source software development. We also identify exceptionsdefined as the unusually high frequency of a requirement type and explain them based on the specific domain addressedwithin the project containing the exception. Finally, we investigate the lifecycle of 16 open-source projects and discover andexplain patterns of evolution for a number of requirement types

    Historical awareness support and its evaluation in collaborative software engineering

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    The types of awareness relevant to collaborative software engineering are identified and an additional type, "historical awareness" is proposed. This new type of awareness is the knowledge of how software artefacts resulting from collaboration have evolved in the course of their development. The types of awareness that different software engineering environment architectures can support are discussed. A way to add awareness support to our existing OSCAR system, a component of the GENESIS software engineering platform, is proposed. Finally ways of instrumenting and evaluating the awareness support offered by the modified system are outlined

    Safe Generic Data Synchronizer

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    Rapport interne.Reconciliating divergent data is an important issue in concurrent engineering, mobile computing and software configuration management. Actually, a lot of synchronizers or merge tools perform reconciliations, however, which strategy they apply ? is it correct ? In this paper, we propose to use a transformational approach to build a safe generic data synchronizer