149 research outputs found

    Building data management capabilities to address data protection regulations: Learnings from EU-GDPR

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    The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) has initiated a paradigm shift in data protection toward greater choice and sovereignty for individuals and more accountability for organizations. Its strict rules have inspired data protection regulations in other parts of the world. However, many organizations are facing difficulty complying with the EU-GDPR: these new types of data protection regulations cannot be addressed by an adaptation of contractual frameworks, but require a fundamental reconceptualization of how companies store and process personal data on an enterprise-wide level. In this paper, we introduce the resource-based view as a theoretical lens to explain the lengthy trajectories towards compliance and argue that these regulations require companies to build dedicated, enterprise-wide data management capabilities. Following a design science research approach, we propose a theoretically and empirically grounded capability model for the EU-GDPR that integrates the interpretation of legal texts, findings from EU-GDPR-related publications, and practical insights from focus groups with experts from 22 companies and four EU-GDPR projects. Our study advances interdisciplinary research at the intersection between IS and law: First, the proposed capability model adds to the regulatory compliance management literature by connecting abstract compliance requirements to three groups of capabilities and the resources required for their implementation, and second, it provides an enterprise-wide perspective that integrates and extends the fragmented body of research on EU-GDPR. Practitioners may use the capability model to assess their current status and set up systematic approaches toward compliance with an increasing number of data protection regulations

    Software developers reasoning behind adoption and use of software development methods – a systematic literature review

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    When adopting and using a Software Development Method (SDM), it is important to stay true to the philosophy of the method; otherwise, software developers might execute activities that do not lead to the intended outcomes. Currently, no overview of SDM research addresses software developers’ reasoning behind adopting and using SDMs. Accordingly, this paper aims to survey existing SDM research to scrutinize the current knowledge base on software developers’ type of reasoning behind SDM adoption and use. We executed a systematic literature review and analyzed existing research using two steps. First, we classified papers based on what type of reasoning was addressed regarding SDM adoption and use: rational, irrational, and non-rational. Second, we made a thematic synthesis across these three types of reasoning to provide a more detailed characterization of the existing research. We elicited 28 studies addressing software developers’ reasoning and identified five research themes. Building on these themes, we framed four future research directions with four broad research questions, which can be used as a basis for future research


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    The collection and use of data are of increasing importance not only in virtual worlds but also for real goods. New products operationalize this principle and integrate sensors, actuators and microcomputers into analog products to enable sophisticated features such as context-awareness or connectivity with other devices. The underlying concept is being discussed as Smart Product and aims for the automation of activities, right up to autonomization of entire products. This article raises design specifications from existing literature and instantiates Smart Products in sailing. We discuss the application of the design specifications with sailing professionals in order to evaluate its practical value and to identify further benefits. The results affirmed that sailboats can be transformed into Smart Products by the integration of information technology. However, it also turned out that additional benefits can only be tapped by the integration of further stakeholders in a systemic perspective

    Связанные статистические данные: актуальность и перспективы

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    After a detailed argumentation of the study’s relevance, this article discusses the prospects for introducing the concept of linked open statistics produced within the framework of a single information environment that ensures efficient production, dissemination, and reuse of statistical and administrative data. The implementation of this qualitatively new concept based on technological innovations and aimed to meet rapidly growing user demands is a key task of digital transformation, defined by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of official statistics. The major part of open data concerns statistics such as demographic, economic and social indicators. Describing and presenting them in the form of linked open statistics sets an important background for accelerating socio-economic development by introducing new socially significant state, municipal, non-commercial and commercial services/products.Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) allows performing analysis based on a coordinated, integrated information environment as an alternative to using disparate and often controversial data sets. National statistical institutes and government bodies in many countries, together with international organizations, have already chosen the paradigm of linked open statistics. The authors discuss the advantages of this approach, as well as its practical application in international projects.The article presents the examples and best practices of linked open statistics in a number of publications and strategic documents within the European Statistical System. It also shows the constraints of the linked open statistics development due to the lack of accessible ontologies and standards - the extensions necessary to meet the requirements for classification and management of various concepts in statistics domain. The analysis of projects and initiatives carried out in the article reflects the possibilities and prospects of solving this problem in the field of state statistics. The authors formulate a set of recommendations based both on the analysis of international practice and on the results of their own development experience within the research project «Center of Semantic Integration».В данной статье после развернутой аргументации актуальности проведенного исследования рассмотрены перспективы внедрения концепции связанных статистических данных, формируемых в рамках единого информационного пространства, обеспечивающего эффективное производство, распространение и повторное использование статистических и административных данных. Реализация этой качественно новой концепции на основе технологических новаций, предпринимаемая в целях более полного удовлетворения быстро возрастающих потребностей пользователей - ключевая задача цифровой трансформации, определенная Правительством Российской Федерации в области официальной статистики. Большая часть открытых данных связана со статистикой: демографическими, экономическими и социальными показателями. Их описание и представление в виде связанных данных могло бы стать важной основой для ускорения социально-экономического развития страны путем создания новых общественно значимых государственных, муниципальных, некоммерческих и коммерческих услуг/продуктов.В статистике связанные открытые данные (Linked Open Statistical Data, LOSD) позволяют выполнять анализ на основе скоординированной, интегрированной информационной базы как альтернативы использованию разрозненных и часто противоречивых наборов данных. Национальные статистические службы и государственные органы целого ряда стран, а также международные организации уже перешли на парадигму связанных данных. Авторы статьи рассматривают преимущества этого подхода, а также практику его применения в международных проектах.Приведены примеры и лучший опыт создания связанных открытых статистических данных в публикациях и стратегических документах в рамках Европейской статистической системы. Показано, что развитие связанных статистических данных сдерживается отсутствием доступных онтологий и стандартов - расширений, необходимых для обеспечения требований к классификации различных концептов в статистике и управлению ими. Проведенный в статье анализ проектов и инициатив отражает возможности и перспективы решения данной проблемы в сфере государственной статистики. Сформулированные авторами рекомендации основаны как на анализе международной практики, так и на результатах собственного опыта разработок в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта «Центр семантической интеграции»

    How Self-tracking and the Quantified Self Promote Health and Well-being: Systematic Review

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    Self-tracking technologies are widely used in people’s daily lives and health care. Academic research on self-tracking and the quantified self has also accumulated rapidly in recent years. Surprisingly, there is a paucity of research that reviews, classifies, and synthesizes the state of the art with respect to self-tracking and the quantified self.publishedVersio

    Mobile information systems' security, privacy, and environmental sustainability aspects

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    Descentralizando TI com a adoção de End-User Development: dois estudos de caso

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    Contexto: A transformação digital está mudando a indústria e a maneira como usamos a tecnologia da informação (TI). A maior parte dos programas já são escritos por usuários finais com conhecimento do negócio que precisam cumprir objetivos com o uso da TI, embora a governança estabelecida nem sempre seja adequada. A compreensão de como organizar a descentralização da função de TI para usuários finais, de modo a preparar a organização para os desafios e oportunidades do século 21, torna-se chave. Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar, sob uma ótica socio-técnica, como organizações descentralizam a TI por meio de End-User Development (EUD). Método: Foram conduzidos dois estudos de caso em organizações que buscam a descentralização por EUD há pelo menos 3 anos. Foi descrito um framework conceitual para análise dos casos. Resultados: A maturidade prévia em governança da TI foi fator importante na capacidade de descentralização através de EUD, embora ambos casos não tenham atingido alto grau de descentralização. A TI sombra permaneceu em ambos os casos. Ambas organizações não demonstraram buscar inovação com as iniciativas de descentralização, embora esta seja uma visão fundamental da função de TI no século 21

    Go for it: Where IS researchers aren’t researching

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    This viewpoint article describes two research topics under-researched by Information Systems (IS) researchers: Robotics and IT addiction. These topics offer great potential for IS researchers in terms of business and societal impacts and it would behoove IS researchers to study them more fully. The aspects of the research topics that are related to IS are discussed and potential research areas and questions are suggested

    Go for it: Where IS researchers aren’t researching

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    This viewpoint article describes two research topics under-researched by Information Systems (IS) researchers: Robotics and IT addiction. These topics offer great potential for IS researchers in terms of business and societal impacts and it would behoove IS researchers to study them more fully. The aspects of the research topics that are related to IS are discussed and potential research areas and questions are suggested

    Digitale Transformation aus unternehmensübergreifender Perspektive: Management der Koevolution von Plattformbesitzern und Komplementoren in Plattformökosystemen

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    Digital platforms have the potential to transform how organizations are doing business in their respective ecosystems. Motivated by this transformation, the purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of digital transformation from an inter-organizational perspective. Therefore, this thesis clarifies the phenomenon of digital transformation, and models and analyzes multiple digital platform ecosystems. Building upon that, this dissertation reflects on multiple case studies on how platform owners can manage the co-evolution of their complementors in digital transformations in digital platform ecosystems.Digitale Plattformen haben das Potential, die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen in ihren jeweiligen Ökosystemen Geschäfte machen, zu verändern. Motiviert durch diese Transformation, ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit, das Verständnis von digitaler Transformation aus einer inter-organisatorischen Perspektive zu erhöhen. Daher erläutert diese Arbeit das Phänomen der digitalen Transformation, und modelliert und analysiert mehrere digitale Plattformökosysteme. Darauf aufbauend reflektiert diese Dissertation in mehreren Fallstudien darüber, wie Plattformbesitzer die Koevolution ihrer Komplementoren in digitalen Transformationen in digitalen Plattformökosystemen steuern können