136 research outputs found

    Mixed-reality Automotive Testing with SENSORIS

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    Highly automated and autonomous vehicles become more and more widespread changing the classical way of testing and validation. Traditionally, the automotive industry has pursued testing rather in real-world or in pure virtual simulation environments. As a new possibility, mixed-reality testing has also appeared enabling an efficient combination of real and simulated elements of testing. Furthermore, vehicles from different OEMs will have a common interface to communicate with a test system. The paper presents a mixed-reality test framework for visualizing perception sensor feeds real-time in the Unity 3D game engine. Thereby, the digital twin of the tested vehicle and its environment are realized in the simulation. The communication between the sensors of the tested vehicle and the central computer running the test is realized via the standard SENSORIS interface. The paper outlines the hardware and software requirements towards such a system in detail. To show the viability of the system a vehicle in the loop test has been carried out

    Towards Improving Robustness Against Common Corruptions in Object Detectors Using Adversarial Contrastive Learning

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    Neural networks have revolutionized various domains, exhibiting remarkable accuracy in tasks like natural language processing and computer vision. However, their vulnerability to slight alterations in input samples poses challenges, particularly in safety-critical applications like autonomous driving. Current approaches, such as introducing distortions during training, fall short in addressing unforeseen corruptions. This paper proposes an innovative adversarial contrastive learning framework to enhance neural network robustness simultaneously against adversarial attacks and common corruptions. By generating instance-wise adversarial examples and optimizing contrastive loss, our method fosters representations that resist adversarial perturbations and remain robust in real-world scenarios. Subsequent contrastive learning then strengthens the similarity between clean samples and their adversarial counterparts, fostering representations resistant to both adversarial attacks and common distortions. By focusing on improving performance under adversarial and real-world conditions, our approach aims to bolster the robustness of neural networks in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous vehicles navigating unpredictable weather conditions. We anticipate that this framework will contribute to advancing the reliability of neural networks in challenging environments, facilitating their widespread adoption in mission-critical scenarios

    Development of an Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Platooning Safety in Battery Electric Vehicles

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    The recent and continuous improvement in the transportation field provides several different opportunities for enhancing safety and comfort in passenger vehicles. In this context, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) might provide additional benefits, including smoothness of the traffic flow and collision avoidance. In addition, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication may be exploited in the car-following model to obtain further improvements in safety and comfort by guaranteeing fast response to critical events. In this paper, firstly an Adaptive Model Predictive Control was developed for managing the Cooperative ACC scenario of two vehicles; as a second step, the safety analysis during a cut-in maneuver was performed, extending the platooning vehicles’ number to four. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology was assessed for in different driving scenarios such as diverse cruising speeds, steep accelerations, and aggressive decelerations. Moreover, the controller was validated by considering various speed profiles of the leader vehicle, including a real drive cycle obtained using a random drive cycle generator software. Results demonstrated that the proposed control strategy was capable of ensuring safety in virtually all test cases and quickly responding to unexpected cut-in maneuvers. Indeed, different scenarios have been tested, including acceleration and deceleration phases at high speeds where the control strategy successfully avoided any collision and stabilized the vehicle platoon approximately 20–30 s after the sudden cut-in. Concerning the comfort, it was demonstrated that improvements were possible in the aggressive drive cycle whereas different scenarios were found in the random cycle, depending on where the cut-in maneuver occurred

    A Systematic Review of Urban Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People

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    Blind and Visually impaired people (BVIP) face a range of practical difficulties when undertaking outdoor journeys as pedestrians. Over the past decade, a variety of assistive devices have been researched and developed to help BVIP navigate more safely and independently. In~addition, research in overlapping domains are addressing the problem of automatic environment interpretation using computer vision and machine learning, particularly deep learning, approaches. Our aim in this article is to present a comprehensive review of research directly in, or relevant to, assistive outdoor navigation for BVIP. We breakdown the navigation area into a series of navigation phases and tasks. We then use this structure for our systematic review of research, analysing articles, methods, datasets and current limitations by task. We also provide an overview of commercial and non-commercial navigation applications targeted at BVIP. Our review contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive, structured analysis of work in the domain, including the state of the art, and guidance on future directions. It will support both researchers and other stakeholders in the domain to establish an informed view of research progress

    A Complete Framework for a Behavioral Planner with Automated Vehicles: A Car-Sharing Fleet Relocation Approach

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    Currently, research on automated vehicles is strongly related to technological advances to achieve a safe, more comfortable driving process in different circumstances. The main achievements are focused mainly on highway and interurban scenarios. The urban environment remains a complex scenario due to the number of decisions to be made in a restrictive context. In this context, one of the main challenges is the automation of the relocation process of car-sharing in urban areas, where the management of the platooning and automatic parking and de-parking maneuvers needs a solution from the decision point of view. In this work, a novel behavioral planner framework based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) is proposed for car-sharing applications in urban environments. The approach considers four basic maneuvers: platoon following, parking, de-parking, and platoon joining. In addition, a basic V2V communication protocol is proposed to manage the platoon. Maneuver execution is achieved by implementing both classical (i.e., PID) and Model-based Predictive Control (i.e., MPC) for the longitudinal and lateral control problems. The proposed behavioral planner was implemented in an urban scenario with several vehicles using the Carla Simulator, demonstrating that the proposed planner can be helpful to solve the car-sharing fleet relocation problem in cities.This research was funded by the Goberment of the Basque Country (funding no. KK-2021/00123 and IT1726-22) and the European SHOW Project from the Horizon 2020 (funding no. 875530)

    Automation of the UNICARagil Vehicles

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    The German research project UNICARagil is a collaboration between eight universities and six industrial partners funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It aims to develop innovative modular architectures and methods for new agile, automated vehicle concepts. This paper summarizes the automation approach of the driverless vehicle concept and its modular realization within the four demonstration vehicles to be built by the consortium. On-board each vehicle, this comprises sensor modules for environment perception and modelling, motion planning for normal driving and safe halts, as well as the respective control algorithms and base functionalities like precise localization. A control room and cloud functionalities provide off-board support to the vehicles, which are additionally addressed in this paper