210 research outputs found

    Evaluation of EAP Usage for Authenticating Eduroam Users in 5G Networks

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    The fifth generation of the telecommunication networks (5G) established the service-oriented paradigm on the mobile networks. In this new context, the 5G Core component has become extremely flexible so, in addition to serving mobile networks, it can also be used to connect devices from the so-called non-3GPP networks, which contains technologies such as WiFi. The implementation of this connectivity requires specific protocols to ensure authentication and reliability. Given these characteristics and the possibility of convergence, it is necessary to carefully choose the encryption algorithms and authentication methods used by non-3GPP user equipment. In light of the above, this paper highlights key findings resulting from an analysis on the subject conducted through a test environment which could be used in the context of the Eduroam federation

    Identification du type des objets connectés par les informations des protocoles réseaux

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous traitons le problème de l’identification du type des objets connectés dans un réseau domestique. Nous proposons une approche basée sur les protocoles réseaux tels que les protocoles de découverte. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, grâce aux informations collectées avec les approches utilisées, nous réussissons à identifier la nature et les fonctionnalités de 30 objets parmi les 33 objets connectés disponibles dans les jeux de données utilisés

    Identification du type des objets connectés par les informations des protocoles réseaux

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous traitons le problème de l’identification du type des objets connectés dans un réseau domestique. Nous proposons une approche basée sur les protocoles réseaux tels que les protocoles de découverte. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, grâce aux informations collectées avec les approches utilisées, nous réussissons à identifier la nature et les fonctionnalités de 30 objets parmi les 33 objets connectés disponibles dans les jeux de données utilisés

    A trust-based game theoretical model for cooperative intrusion detection in multi-cloud environments

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    Cloud systems are becoming more complex and vulnerable to attacks. Cyber attacks are also becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult for a single cloud-based intrusion detection system (IDS) to detect all attacks, because of limited and incomplete knowledge about attacks. The recent researches in cyber-security have shown that a co-operation among IDSs can bring higher detection accuracy in such complex computer systems. Through collaboration, a cloud-based IDS can consult other IDSs about suspicious intrusions and increase the decision accuracy. The problem of existing cooperative IDS approaches is that they overlook having untrusted (malicious or not) IDSs that may negatively effect the decision about suspicious intrusions in the cloud. Moreover, they rely on a centralized architecture in which a central agent regulates the cooperation, which contradicts the distributed nature of the cloud. In this paper, we propose a framework that enables IDSs to distributively form trustworthy IDSs communities. We devise a novel decentralized algorithm, based on coalitional game theory, that allows a set of cloud-based IDSs to cooperatively set up their coalition in such a way to make their individual detection accuracy increase, even in the presence of untrusted IDSs

    Prediction of nodes mobility in 3-D space

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    Recently, mobility prediction researches attracted increasing interests, especially for mobile networks where nodes are free to move in the three-dimensional space. Accurate mobility prediction leads to an efficient data delivery for real time applications and enables the network to plan for future tasks such as route planning and data transmission in an adequate time and a suitable space. In this paper, we proposed, tested and validated an algorithm that predicts the future mobility of mobile networks in three-dimensional space. The prediction technique uses polynomial regression to model the spatial relation of a set of points along the mobile node’s path and then provides a time-space mapping for each of the three components of the node’s location coordinates along the trajectory of the node. The proposed algorithm was tested and validated in MATLAB simulation platform using real and computer generated location data. The algorithm achieved an accurate mobility prediction with minimal error and provides promising results for many applications


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    Society is a living organism and its dynamics highly dependent upon other variables such as culture, economy, technology, etc. New developments in any of them, also change our everyday lives, expectations, attitudes, and behaviors. Nowadays, the changes in society tend to be somewhat very quick as the new digital circumstances require abrupt decisions, instantaneous likes, or dislikes emitted to shape the so-called ‘digital public opinion’. It’s much easier to create a new public agenda, to learn about a subject, to gather, interpret, present, or hide opinions in this new digital platform. As citizens of digital culture, all participants are expected to be aware of the new dimensions of digital citizenship with shared responsibility. Societies seem to be improving digital aspects to form a public opinion, specifically within the last two decades. This paper aims to explore the new concept of digital citizenship and recent applications of digital public opinion whereas it exemplifies how the data is drawn from traditional public sources and how they are linked to the digital world to shape digital public opinion quickly. The reactions and counter-reactions to digital public opinion are much more visible, measurable, and valuable since it causes rapid and radical changes in society. The paper concentrates on the refugee issues in general and specifically the fire in Moria affecting more than 20000 people, including around 7000 children. How these kids were mobilized and how the decision made through digital citizenship is questioned. The paper also has some sentiment analysis correlates the results with actual events such as 5000 thousand people marching in Germany. Article visualizations

    Implementation of Content Poisoning Attack Detection and Reaction in Virtualized NDN Networks

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    International audienceThe orchestration of countermeasures in the context of security incidents remains a challenging task for network operators. The main objective of this demonstration is to present how this orchestration is possible in the context of a virtualized NDN network. Based on an adaptation of the TOSCA topology and orchestration model, it is possible to trigger these countermeasures after the detection of NDN specific attacks. We show how the Montimage Monitoring Tool (MMT) has been adapted to detect typical Content Poisoning Attack (CPA), and how the orchestrator can trigger reactions to mitigate their impact on the network

    Monitoring resilience in a rook-managed containerized cloud storage system

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    Distributed cloud storage solutions are currently gaining high momentum in industry and academia. The enterprise data volume growth and the recent tendency to move as much as possible data to the cloud is strongly stimulating the storage market growth. In this context, and as a main requirement for cloud native applications, it is of utmost importance to guarantee resilience of the deployed applications and the infrastructure. Indeed, with failures frequently occurring, a storage system should quickly recover to guarantee service availability. In this paper, we focus on containerized cloud storage, proposing a resilience monitoring solution for the recently developed Rook storage operator. While, Rook brings storage systems into a cloud-native container platform, in this paper we design an additional module to monitor and evaluate the resilience of the Rook-based system. Our proposed module is validated in a production environment, with software components generating a constant load and a controlled removal of system elements to evaluate the self-healing capability of the storage system. Failure recovery time revealed to be 41 and 142 seconds on average for a 32GB and a 215GB object storage device respectively

    L’intelligence informationnelle : Du biomimétisme à l’humanisme numérique

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    Les évolutions de l’information liées au développement des technologies numériques prennent de plus en plus de place dans les activités humaines, ce qui entraîne des risques de dépendance et de perte de lien avec notre environnement naturel. Pourtant, parmi les inventions techniques, celles qui sont à la pointe de l’innovation imitent la nature. Le bio mimétisme consiste à s'inspirer du vivant pour atteindre l’excellence dans les domaines de l’industrie de l’urbanisme, mais aussi dans le domaine de l’information et de l’intelligence artificielle.Cependant les performances de l’ordinateur biologique qu’est le cerveau humain sont encore loin d’être atteintes. Cela pose la question du rapport de l’homme à ce qui l’entoure et à ses productions. Comment peut-on expliquer ce penchant à « copier » la nature et peut-on y voir l’indice d’un nouvel humanisme à l’ère du numérique ?The evolutions of information related to the development of digital technologies are taking more and more space in human activities, which entails risks of dependence and loss of connection with our natural environment.Yet, among the technical inventions, those at the forefront of innovation imitate nature. Bio-mimicry is about taking inspiration from living systems to achieve excellence in the fields of the urban planning industry, but also in the field of information and artificial intelligence. However, the performance of the biological computer that is the human brain is still far from being achieved.This raises the question of the relationship of man to his surroundings and his productions. How can one explain this tendency to "copy" nature and can we see it as a sign of a new humanism in the digital age ?La evolución de la información relacionada con el desarrollo de tecnologías digitales está ocupando cada vez más importancia en las actividades humanas, lo que conlleva riesgos de dependencia y de pérdida de conexión con nuestro ambiente natural.Sin embargo, entre los inventos técnicos, los que están a la vanguardia de la innovación imitan la naturaleza. La biomimética consiste en inspirarse en los sistemas vivos para alcanzar la excelencia en los campos de la industria de la planificación urbana, pero también en el campo de la información y de la inteligencia artificial. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de la computadora biológica que es el cerebro humano aún está lejos de lograrse.Esto plantea la cuestión de la relación del hombre con su entorno y con sus producciones. ¿Cómo se puede explicar esta tendencia a "copiar" la naturaleza y podemos verla como un signo de un nuevo humanismo en la era digital 

    Towards multi-SDN services: Dangers of concurrent resource allocation from multiple providers

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    International audienceOne of the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises is the programmability of networks through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Those APIs allow different users to access the network concurrently. Thus leading to the allocation of dedicated critical resources by a given Service Provider. In this paper we formalize the problem of deadlocks , and present a case where they occur