173 research outputs found

    Many-task computing on many-core architectures

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    Many-Task Computing (MTC) is a common scenario for multiple parallel systems, such as cluster, grids, cloud and supercomputers, but it is not so popular in shared memory parallel processors. In this sense and given the spectacular growth in performance and in number of cores integrated in many-core architectures, the study of MTC on such architectures is becoming more and more relevant. In this paper, authors present what are those programming mechanisms to take advantages of such massively parallel features for the particular target of MTC. Also, the hardware features of the two dominant many-core platforms (NVIDIA's GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi) are also analyzed for our specific framework. Given the important differences in terms of hardware and software in our two many-core platforms, we have considered different strategies based on CUDA (for GPUs) and OpenMP (for Intel Xeon Phi). We carried out several test cases based on an appropriate and widely studied problem for benchmarking as matrix multiplication. Essentially, this study consisted of comparing the time consumed for computing in parallel several tasks one by one (the whole computational resources are used just to compute one task at a time) with the time consumed for computing in parallel the same set of tasks simultaneously (the whole computational resources are used for computing the set of tasks at very same time). Finally, we compared both software-hardware scenarios to identify the most relevant computer features in each of our many-core architectures

    ThreadScan: Automatic and Scalable Memory Reclamation

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    The concurrent memory reclamation problem is that of devising a way for a deallocating thread to verify that no other concurrent threads hold references to a memory block being deallocated. To date, in the absence of automatic garbage collection, there is no satisfactory solution to this problem. Existing tracking methods like hazard pointers, reference counters, or epoch-based techniques like RCU, are either prohibitively expensive or require significant programming expertise, to the extent that implementing them efficiently can be worthy of a publication. None of the existing techniques are automatic or even semi-automated. In this paper, we take a new approach to concurrent memory reclamation: instead of manually tracking access to memory locations as done in techniques like hazard pointers, or restricting shared accesses to specific epoch boundaries as in RCU, our algorithm, called ThreadScan, leverages operating system signaling to automatically detect which memory locations are being accessed by concurrent threads. Initial empirical evidence shows that ThreadScan scales surprisingly well and requires negligible programming effort beyond the standard use of Malloc and Free

    NUMASK: High Performance Scalable Skip List for NUMA

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    This paper presents NUMASK, a skip list data structure specifically designed to exploit the characteristics of Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures to improve performance. NUMASK deploys an architecture around a concurrent skip list so that all metadata accesses (e.g., traversals of the skip list index levels) read and write memory blocks allocated in the NUMA zone where the thread is executing. To the best of our knowledge, NUMASK is the first NUMA-aware skip list design that goes beyond merely limiting the performance penalties introduced by NUMA, and leverages the NUMA architecture to outperform state-of-the-art concurrent high-performance implementations. We tested NUMASK on a four-socket server. Its performance scales for both read-intensive and write-intensive workloads (tested up to 160 threads). In write-intensive workload, NUMASK shows speedups over competitors in the range of 2x to 16x

    HaTS: Hardware-Assisted Transaction Scheduler

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    In this paper we present HaTS, a Hardware-assisted Transaction Scheduler. HaTS improves performance of concurrent applications by classifying the executions of their atomic blocks (or in-memory transactions) into scheduling queues, according to their so called conflict indicators. The goal is to group those transactions that are conflicting while letting non-conflicting transactions proceed in parallel. Two core innovations characterize HaTS. First, HaTS does not assume the availability of precise information associated with incoming transactions in order to proceed with the classification. It relaxes this assumption by exploiting the inherent conflict resolution provided by Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM). Second, HaTS dynamically adjusts the number of the scheduling queues in order to capture the actual application contention level. Performance results using the STAMP benchmark suite show up to 2x improvement over state-of-the-art HTM-based scheduling techniques

    Brief announcement: 2D-stack - A scalable lock-free stack design that continuously relaxes semantics for better performance

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    We briefly describe an efficient lock-free concurrent stack design with tunable and tenable relaxed semantics to allow for better performance. The design is tunable and allow for a continuous monotonic trade of weaker semantics for better throughput performance. Concurrent stacks have an inherent scalability bottleneck due to their single access point for both their operations. Elimination and semantics relaxation have been proposed in the literature to address this problem. Semantics relaxation has the potential to reach monotonically very high throughput by continuously trading relaxation for throughput. Previous solutions could not fully leverage this potential. We suggest a new two dimensional design that can achieve this by exploiting disjoint access parallelism in one dimension and locality in the other within tight accuracy bounds. The behaviour of the algorithm is tightly bound. We compare experimentally to previous work, with respect to throughput and relaxed behaviour observed, on different relaxation and concurrency settings. The experimental evaluation shows that our algorithm significantly outperform all other algorithms in terms of performance, also maintain better accuracy in contrast to other designs with relaxed semantics

    HALO 1.0: A Hardware-agnostic Accelerator Orchestration Framework for Enabling Hardware-agnostic Programming with True Performance Portability for Heterogeneous HPC

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    This paper presents HALO 1.0, an open-ended extensible multi-agent software framework that implements a set of proposed hardware-agnostic accelerator orchestration (HALO) principles. HALO implements a novel compute-centric message passing interface (C^2MPI) specification for enabling the performance-portable execution of a hardware-agnostic host application across heterogeneous accelerators. The experiment results of evaluating eight widely used HPC subroutines based on Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPUs, Intel Arria 10 GX FPGAs, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPUs show that HALO 1.0 allows for a unified control flow for host programs to run across all the computing devices with a consistently top performance portability score, which is up to five orders of magnitude higher than the OpenCL-based solution.Comment: 21 page

    Hybrid STM/HTM for nested transactions in Java

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    Transactional memory (TM) has long been advocated as a promising pathway to more automated concurrency control for scaling concurrent programs running on parallel hardware. Software TM (STM) has the benefit of being able to run general transactional programs, but at the significant cost of overheads imposed to log memory accesses, mediate access conflicts, and maintain other transaction metadata. Recently, hardware manufacturers have begun to offer commodity hardware TM (HTM) support in their processors wherein the transaction metadata is maintained “for free” in hardware. However, HTM approaches are only best-effort: they cannot successfully run all transactional programs, whether because of hardware capacity issues (causing large transactions to fail), or compatibility restrictions on the processor instructions permitted within hardware transactions (causing transactions that execute those instructions to fail). In such cases, programs must include failure-handling code to attempt the computation by some other software means, since retrying the transaction would be futile. This dissertation describes the design and prototype implementation of a dialect of Java, XJ, that supports closed, open nested and boosted transactions. The design of XJ, allows natural expression of layered abstractions for concurrent data structures, while promoting improved concurrency for operations on those abstractions. We also describe how software and hardware schemes can combine seamlessly into a hybrid system in support of transactional programs, allowing use of low-cost HTM when it works, but reverting to STM when it doesn’t. We describe heuristics used to make this choice dynamically and automatically, but allowing the transition back to HTM opportunistically. Both schemes are compatible to allow different threads to run concurrently with either mechanism, while preserving transaction safety. Using a standard synthetic benchmark we demonstrate that HTM offers significant acceleration of both closed and open nested transactions, while yielding parallel scaling up to the limits of the hardware, whereupon scaling in software continues but with the penalty to throughput imposed by software mechanisms
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