18 research outputs found

    GekkoFS: A temporary distributed file system for HPC applications

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    We present GekkoFS, a temporary, highly-scalable burst buffer file system which has been specifically optimized for new access patterns of data-intensive High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications. The file system provides relaxed POSIX semantics, only offering features which are actually required by most (not all) applications. It is able to provide scalable I/O performance and reaches millions of metadata operations already for a small number of nodes, significantly outperforming the capabilities of general-purpose parallel file systems.The work has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the ADA-FS project as part of the Priority Programme 1648. It is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2015–65316), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014–SGR–1051), as well as the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (NEXTGenIO, 671951) and the European Comission’s BigStorage project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642963). This research was conducted using the supercomputer MOGON II and services offered by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Seguridad en redes de computadoras: estrategias y desafíos en la era de big data

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in network traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Dado que las redes de computadoras se han transformado en una herramienta esencial, su seguridad se ha convertido en un problema crucial para los sistemas de computación. Detectar valores inusuales en grandes volúmenes de información producidos por el tráfico de red ha adquirido un enorme interés en el área de seguridad de redes. La detección de anomalías es el punto de partida para prevenir ataques, por lo tanto es importante para todos los sistemas de computación pertenecientes a una red tener un sistema de detección de eventos anómalos en un tiempo cercano a su ocurrencia. Detectar estos eventos permitiría a los administradores de red identificar fallas en el sistema, tomar acciones preventivas y evitar daños masivos. Este trabajo presenta, primero, cómo identificar anomalías de tráfico en la red aplicando técnicas de computación paralela y Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico en dos algoritmos, un algoritmo de clasificación supervisada y otro basado en procesamiento de imágenes de tráfico de red. Finalmente, se propone como desafío resolver la detección de anomalías usando un algoritmo no supervisado como Aprendizaje Profundo.Facultad de Informátic

    Seguridad en redes de computadoras: estrategias y desafíos en la era de big data

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in network traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Dado que las redes de computadoras se han transformado en una herramienta esencial, su seguridad se ha convertido en un problema crucial para los sistemas de computación. Detectar valores inusuales en grandes volúmenes de información producidos por el tráfico de red ha adquirido un enorme interés en el área de seguridad de redes. La detección de anomalías es el punto de partida para prevenir ataques, por lo tanto es importante para todos los sistemas de computación pertenecientes a una red tener un sistema de detección de eventos anómalos en un tiempo cercano a su ocurrencia. Detectar estos eventos permitiría a los administradores de red identificar fallas en el sistema, tomar acciones preventivas y evitar daños masivos. Este trabajo presenta, primero, cómo identificar anomalías de tráfico en la red aplicando técnicas de computación paralela y Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico en dos algoritmos, un algoritmo de clasificación supervisada y otro basado en procesamiento de imágenes de tráfico de red. Finalmente, se propone como desafío resolver la detección de anomalías usando un algoritmo no supervisado como Aprendizaje Profundo.Facultad de Informátic

    Seguridad en redes de computadoras: estrategias y desafíos en la era de big data

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in network traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Dado que las redes de computadoras se han transformado en una herramienta esencial, su seguridad se ha convertido en un problema crucial para los sistemas de computación. Detectar valores inusuales en grandes volúmenes de información producidos por el tráfico de red ha adquirido un enorme interés en el área de seguridad de redes. La detección de anomalías es el punto de partida para prevenir ataques, por lo tanto es importante para todos los sistemas de computación pertenecientes a una red tener un sistema de detección de eventos anómalos en un tiempo cercano a su ocurrencia. Detectar estos eventos permitiría a los administradores de red identificar fallas en el sistema, tomar acciones preventivas y evitar daños masivos. Este trabajo presenta, primero, cómo identificar anomalías de tráfico en la red aplicando técnicas de computación paralela y Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico en dos algoritmos, un algoritmo de clasificación supervisada y otro basado en procesamiento de imágenes de tráfico de red. Finalmente, se propone como desafío resolver la detección de anomalías usando un algoritmo no supervisado como Aprendizaje Profundo.Facultad de Informátic

    Secure Computer Network: Strategies and Challengers in Big Data Era

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Facultad de Informátic

    Secure Computer Network: Strategies and Challengers in Big Data Era

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    As computer networks have transformed in essential tools, their security has become a crucial problem for computer systems. Detecting unusual values from large volumes of information produced by network traffic has acquired huge interest in the network security area. Anomaly detection is a starting point to prevent attacks, therefore it is important for all computer systems in a network have a system of detecting anomalous events in a time near their occurrence. Detecting these events can lead network administrators to identify system failures, take preventive actions and avoid a massive damage. This work presents, first, how identify network traffic anomalies through applying parallel computing techniques and Graphical Processing Units in two algorithms, one of them a supervised classification algorithm and the other based in traffic image processing. Finally, it is proposed as a challenge to resolve the anomalies detection using an unsupervised algorithm as Deep Learning.Facultad de Informátic

    Iterated Watersheds, A Connected Variation of K-Means for Clustering GIS Data

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    International audienceIn digital age new approaches for effective and efficient governance strategies can be established by exploiting the vast computing and data resources at our disposal. In several cases, the problem of efficient governance translates to finding a solution to an optimization problem. A typical example is where several cases are framed in terms of clustering problem-Given a set of data objects, partition them into clusters such that elements belonging to the same cluster are similar and elements belonging to different clusters are dissimilar. For example, problems such as zonation, river linking, facility allocation and visualizing spatial data can all be framed as clustering problems. However, all these problems come with an additional constraint that the clusters must be connected. In this article, we propose a suitable solution to the clustering problem with a constraint that the clusters must be connected. This is achieved by suitably modifying K-Means algorithm to include connectivity constraints. The modified algorithm involves repeated application of watershed transform, and hence is referred to as iterated watersheds. This algorithm is analyzed in detail using toy examples and the domain of image segmentation due to wide availability of labelled datasets. It has been shown that iterated watersheds perform better than methods such as spectral clustering, isoperimetric partitioning, and K-Means on various measures. To illustrate the applicability of iterated watersheds-a simple problem of placing emergency stations and suitable cost function is considered. Using real world road networks of various cities, iterated watersheds is compared with K-Means and greedy K-center methods. It has been shown that iterated watersheds result in very good improvements over these methods across various experiments

    Measuring and Understanding Throughput of Network Topologies

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    High throughput is of particular interest in data center and HPC networks. Although myriad network topologies have been proposed, a broad head-to-head comparison across topologies and across traffic patterns is absent, and the right way to compare worst-case throughput performance is a subtle problem. In this paper, we develop a framework to benchmark the throughput of network topologies, using a two-pronged approach. First, we study performance on a variety of synthetic and experimentally-measured traffic matrices (TMs). Second, we show how to measure worst-case throughput by generating a near-worst-case TM for any given topology. We apply the framework to study the performance of these TMs in a wide range of network topologies, revealing insights into the performance of topologies with scaling, robustness of performance across TMs, and the effect of scattered workload placement. Our evaluation code is freely available

    New-Sum: A Novel Online ABFT Scheme for General Iterative Methods

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    Emerging high-performance computing platforms, with large component counts and lower power margins, are anticipated to be more susceptible to soft errors in both logic circuits and memory subsystems. We present an online algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) approach to efficiently detect and recover soft errors for general iterative methods. We design a novel checksum-based encoding scheme for matrix-vector multiplication that is resilient to both arithmetic and memory errors. Our design decouples the checksum updating process from the actual computation, and allows adaptive checksum overhead control. Building on this new encoding mechanism, we propose two online ABFT designs that can effectively recover from errors when combined with a checkpoint/rollback scheme. These designs are capable of addressing scenarios under different error rates. Our ABFT approaches apply to a wide range of iterative solvers that primarily rely on matrix-vector multiplication and vector linear operations. We evaluate our designs through comprehensive analytical and empirical analysis. Experimental evaluation on the Stampede supercomputer demonstrates the low performance overheads incurred by our two ABFT schemes for preconditioned CG (0:4% and 2:2%) and preconditioned BiCGSTAB (1:0% and 4:0%) for the largest SPD matrix from UFL Sparse Matrix Collection. The evaluation also demonstrates the exibility and effectiveness of our proposed designs for detecting and recovering various types of soft errors in general iterative methods