22 research outputs found

    Towards a directed homotopy type theory

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    In this paper, we present a directed homotopy type theory for reasoning synthetically about (higher) categories, directed homotopy theory, and its applications to concurrency. We specify a new `homomorphism' type former for Martin-L\"of type theory which is roughly analogous to the identity type former originally introduced by Martin-L\"of. The homomorphism type former is meant to capture the notions of morphism (from the theory of categories) and directed path (from directed homotopy theory) just as the identity type former is known to capture the notions of isomorphism (from the theory of groupoids) and path (from homotopy theory). Our main result is an interpretation of these homomorphism types into Cat, the category of small categories. There, the interpretation of each homomorphism type hom(a,b) is indeed the set of morphisms between the objects a and b of a category C. We end the paper with an analysis of the interpretation in Cat with which we argue that our homomorphism types are indeed the directed version of Martin-L\"of's identity types

    From Cubes to Twisted Cubes via Graph Morphisms in Type Theory

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    Cube categories are used to encode higher-dimensional categorical structures. They have recently gained significant attention in the community of homotopy type theory and univalent foundations, where types carry the structure of higher groupoids. Bezem, Coquand, and Huber [Bezem et al., 2014] have presented a constructive model of univalence using a specific cube category, which we call the BCH cube category. The higher categories encoded with the BCH cube category have the property that all morphisms are invertible, mirroring the fact that equality is symmetric. This might not always be desirable: the field of directed type theory considers a notion of equality that is not necessarily invertible. This motivates us to suggest a category of twisted cubes which avoids built-in invertibility. Our strategy is to first develop several alternative (but equivalent) presentations of the BCH cube category using morphisms between suitably defined graphs. Starting from there, a minor modification allows us to define our category of twisted cubes. We prove several first results about this category, and our work suggests that twisted cubes combine properties of cubes with properties of globes and simplices (tetrahedra)

    A type theory for cartesian closed bicategories:(Extended Abstract)

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    A Cubical Implementation of Homotopical Patch Theory

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    We consider theoretical models of version control systems based on Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT). The main contribution is an implementation of Angiuli et al.’s Homotopical Patch Theory in Cubical Agda. Additionally the first chapter contains an approachable introduction to HoTT and Cubical Agda aimed at an audience of interested computer science students covering dependent Martin-Löf-style type theory, propositions as types, univalent foundations, higher inductive types and CCHM cubical type theory. Finally, we discuss some other approaches to a theory of version control systems in Darcs’ “algebra of patches” and an unsuccessful attempt to model repositories in type theory as coequalizers.Master's Thesis in InformaticsINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Transpension: The Right Adjoint to the Pi-type

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    Presheaf models of dependent type theory have been successfully applied to model HoTT, parametricity, and directed, guarded and nominal type theory. There has been considerable interest in internalizing aspects of these presheaf models, either to make the resulting language more expressive, or in order to carry out further reasoning internally, allowing greater abstraction and sometimes automated verification. While the constructions of presheaf models largely follow a common pattern, approaches towards internalization do not. Throughout the literature, various internal presheaf operators (√\surd, Ω/extent\Phi/\mathsf{extent}, ι/Gel\Psi/\mathsf{Gel}, Glue\mathsf{Glue}, Weld\mathsf{Weld}, mill\mathsf{mill}, the strictness axiom and locally fresh names) can be found and little is known about their relative expressivenes. Moreover, some of these require that variables whose type is a shape (representable presheaf, e.g. an interval) be used affinely. We propose a novel type former, the transpension type, which is right adjoint to universal quantification over a shape. Its structure resembles a dependent version of the suspension type in HoTT. We give general typing rules and a presheaf semantics in terms of base category functors dubbed multipliers. Structural rules for shape variables and certain aspects of the transpension type depend on characteristics of the multiplier. We demonstrate how the transpension type and the strictness axiom can be combined to implement all and improve some of the aforementioned internalization operators (without formal claim in the case of locally fresh names)

    Decalf: A Directed, Effectful Cost-Aware Logical Framework

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    We present decalf{\bf decalf}, a d{\bf d}irected, e{\bf e}ffectful c{\bf c}ost-a{\bf a}ware l{\bf l}ogical f{\bf f}ramework for studying quantitative aspects of functional programs with effects. Like calf{\bf calf}, the language is based on a formal phase distinction between the extension and the intension of a program, its pure behavior as distinct from its cost measured by an effectful step-counting primitive. The type theory ensures that the behavior is unaffected by the cost accounting. Unlike calf{\bf calf}, the present language takes account of effects, such as probabilistic choice and mutable state; this extension requires a reformulation of calf{\bf calf}'s approach to cost accounting: rather than rely on a "separable" notion of cost, here a cost bound is simply another program. To make this formal, we equip every type with an intrinsic preorder, relaxing the precise cost accounting intrinsic to a program to a looser but nevertheless informative estimate. For example, the cost bound of a probabilistic program is itself a probabilistic program that specifies the distribution of costs. This approach serves as a streamlined alternative to the standard method of isolating a recurrence that bounds the cost in a manner that readily extends to higher-order, effectful programs. The development proceeds by first introducing the decalf{\bf decalf} type system, which is based on an intrinsic ordering among terms that restricts in the extensional phase to extensional equality, but in the intensional phase reflects an approximation of the cost of a program of interest. This formulation is then applied to a number of illustrative examples, including pure and effectful sorting algorithms, simple probabilistic programs, and higher-order functions. Finally, we justify decalf{\bf decalf} via a model in the topos of augmented simplicial sets