39 research outputs found

    Meta Adaptation using Importance Weighted Demonstrations

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    Imitation learning has gained immense popularity because of its high sample-efficiency. However, in real-world scenarios, where the trajectory distribution of most of the tasks dynamically shifts, model fitting on continuously aggregated data alone would be futile. In some cases, the distribution shifts, so much, that it is difficult for an agent to infer the new task. We propose a novel algorithm to generalize on any related task by leveraging prior knowledge on a set of specific tasks, which involves assigning importance weights to each past demonstration. We show experiments where the robot is trained from a diversity of environmental tasks and is also able to adapt to an unseen environment, using few-shot learning. We also developed a prototype robot system to test our approach on the task of visual navigation, and experimental results obtained were able to confirm these suppositions

    Simulation-based reinforcement learning for real-world autonomous driving

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    We use reinforcement learning in simulation to obtain a driving system controlling a full-size real-world vehicle. The driving policy takes RGB images from a single camera and their semantic segmentation as input. We use mostly synthetic data, with labelled real-world data appearing only in the training of the segmentation network. Using reinforcement learning in simulation and synthetic data is motivated by lowering costs and engineering effort. In real-world experiments we confirm that we achieved successful sim-to-real policy transfer. Based on the extensive evaluation, we analyze how design decisions about perception, control, and training impact the real-world performance

    To Stir or Not to Stir:Online Estimation of Liquid Properties for Pouring Actions

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    Our brains are able to exploit coarse physical models of fluids to solve everyday manipulation tasks. There has been considerable interest in developing such a capability in robots so that they can autonomously manipulate fluids adapting to different conditions. In this paper, we investigate the problem of adaptation to liquids with different characteristics. We develop a simple calibration task (stirring with a stick) that enables rapid inference of the parameters of the liquid from RBG data. We perform the inference in the space of simulation parameters rather than on physically accurate parameters. This facilitates prediction and optimization tasks since the inferred parameters may be fed directly to the simulator. We demonstrate that our "stirring" learner performs better than when the robot is calibrated with pouring actions. We show that our method is able to infer properties of three different liquids -- water, glycerin and gel -- and present experimental results by executing stirring and pouring actions on a UR10. We believe that decoupling of the training actions from the goal task is an important step towards simple, autonomous learning of the behavior of different fluids in unstructured environments.Comment: Presented at the Modeling the Physical World: Perception, Learning, and Control Workshop (NeurIPS) 201

    Distributional Actor-Critic Ensemble for Uncertainty-Aware Continuous Control

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    Uncertainty quantification is one of the central challenges for machine learning in real-world applications. In reinforcement learning, an agent confronts two kinds of uncertainty, called epistemic uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty. Disentangling and evaluating these uncertainties simultaneously stands a chance of improving the agent's final performance, accelerating training, and facilitating quality assurance after deployment. In this work, we propose an uncertainty-aware reinforcement learning algorithm for continuous control tasks that extends the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm (DDPG). It exploits epistemic uncertainty to accelerate exploration and aleatoric uncertainty to learn a risk-sensitive policy. We conduct numerical experiments showing that our variant of DDPG outperforms vanilla DDPG without uncertainty estimation in benchmark tasks on robotic control and power-grid optimization.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022), July 18-23, Padua, Ital

    Bridging Action Space Mismatch in Learning from Demonstrations

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    Learning from demonstrations (LfD) methods guide learning agents to a desired solution using demonstrations from a teacher. While some LfD methods can handle small mismatches in the action spaces of the teacher and student, here we address the case where the teacher demonstrates the task in an action space that can be substantially different from that of the student -- thereby inducing a large action space mismatch. We bridge this gap with a framework, Morphological Adaptation in Imitation Learning (MAIL), that allows training an agent from demonstrations by other agents with significantly different morphologies (from the student or each other). MAIL is able to learn from suboptimal demonstrations, so long as they provide some guidance towards a desired solution. We demonstrate MAIL on challenging household cloth manipulation tasks and introduce a new DRY CLOTH task -- cloth manipulation in 3D task with obstacles. In these tasks, we train a visual control policy for a robot with one end-effector using demonstrations from a simulated agent with two end-effectors. MAIL shows up to 27% improvement over LfD and non-LfD baselines. It is deployed to a real Franka Panda robot, and can handle multiple variations in cloth properties (color, thickness, size, material) and pose (rotation and translation). We further show generalizability to transfers from n-to-m end-effectors, in the context of a simple rearrangement task

    World Model Based Sim2Real Transfer for Visual Navigation

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    Sim2Real transfer has gained popularity because it helps transfer from inexpensive simulators to real world. This paper presents a novel system that fuses components in a traditional \textit{World Model} into a robust system, trained entirely within a simulator, that \textit{Zero-Shot} transfers to the real world. To facilitate transfer, we use an intermediary representation that are based on \textit{Bird's Eye View (BEV)} images. Thus, our robot learns to navigate in a simulator by first learning to translate from complex \textit{First-Person View (FPV)} based RGB images to BEV representations, then learning to navigate using those representations. Later, when tested in the real world, the robot uses the perception model that translates FPV-based RGB images to embeddings that are used by the downstream policy. The incorporation of state-checking modules using \textit{Anchor images} and \textit{Mixture Density LSTM} not only interpolates uncertain and missing observations but also enhances the robustness of the model when exposed to the real-world environment. We trained the model using data collected using a \textit{Differential drive} robot in the CARLA simulator. Our methodology's effectiveness is shown through the deployment of trained models onto a \textit{Real world Differential drive} robot. Lastly we release a comprehensive codebase, dataset and models for training and deployment that are available to the public.Comment: Under Review at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2024; Accepted at NeurIPS 2023, Robot Learning Worksho