669 research outputs found


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    Traditional histories of Canadian education pursue an east/west perspective, with progress accompanying settlement westward from Ontario. This history of Saskatchewan education posits, instead, a north-south perspective, embracing the US cultural routes for the province’s educational development from 1905 until 1937. I emphasize the transplantation of US Midwestern and Plains culture to the province of Saskatchewan through cultural transfer of agrarian movements, political forms of revolt, and through adopting shared meanings of democracy and the relationship of the West relative to the East. Physiographic similarities between Saskatchewan and the American Plains fostered similar moralistic political cultures and largely identical solutions to identical problems. This larger cultural transfer facilitated developments in Saskatchewan K-12 education that paralleled movements in the US milieu through appropriating into the province’s system of schooling American teachers into classrooms, American school textbooks, teacher training textbooks written in the US, and through the pursuit of American graduate training by Saskatchewan Normal School instructors. This resulted in the articulation in the US and Saskatchewan of a “rural school problem,” consolidation as its only solution, and the transplantation of a language of school reform identified by Herbert Kliebard as “social efficiency.” The invitation issued by the government of Saskatchewan in 1917 to an American expert on rural schooling, Harold Foght, to survey the province’s system of schooling and make recommendations for its reform, marked a high point in American influence in the province of Saskatchewan’s system of schooling. In higher education the province’s sole university, the University of Saskatchewan, mirrored even more closely American Midwestern and Plains models. Essentially, the U of S was a transplanted version of the University of Wisconsin. Under the guidance of the University’s first President, Walter C. Murray, the “Wisconsin idea” permeated the practice and meaning of his University. His persistent pursuit of Carnegie Foundation financial support throughout his tenure meant Murray had to pattern his university after its American antecedents. Though Murray largely failed to gain substantial financial support for the U of S, the result was a university identical to many American land grant and public universities

    Psicología de la felicidad

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    Happiness is a so serious and important fact in our life that this wouldn’t be conceived without it. A human life in which happiness doesn’t have any sense of happiness, it wouldn’t be a human life. Throughout this article, we will try to answer to the question: what’s happiness? , clarifying important questions such as: What are positive emotions? or which of them represent welfare sensation? To the end, we will briefly describe the most recent theoretical models in the study field of happiness, and offer the conclusions and proposals about it.La felicidad es una realidad tan seria y tan importante en nuestra vida que ésta no se concebiría sin ella. Una vida humana en la que no tuviera sentido la felicidad, no sería una vida humana A través de este artículo, trataremos de dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿qué es la felicidad?, clarificando antes cuestiones importantes como; ¿qué entendemos por emociones positivas?, o ¿cuáles de ellas son las que mejor representan la sensación de bienestar? Para finalizar, describiremos brevemente los modelos teóricos más recientes en el campo de estudio de la felicidad, y ofreceremos nuestras conclusiones y propuestas al respect

    Bide-barrijak = Nuevos rumbos

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    Dialecto : texto en euskera occidental - vizcaínoS. XX -- Periodo : último euskera modernoEuskalkia : mendebalekoa -- bizkaieraXX. md. -- Aroa : azken euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 200


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    Incluye un cuadernillo con las poesías traducidas al español por el propio autorDialecto : texto en euskera occidental -- vizcaínoS. XX -- Periodo : último euskera modernoEuskalkia : mendebalekoa -- bizkaieraXX. md. -- Aroa : azken euskara modernoaDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 200

    Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxetaren alegiak: nazioa eta pedagogia

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    [EUS] XX. mende hasierako lehendabiziko Ikastolen sorrerarekin batera, euskaraz idatzitako material didaktikoaren beharra sortzen da. Eskari horri erantzuteko xedearekin, Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta, (1905-1937) euskal idazleak haur eta gazteentzako hainbat alegia idatzi zituen. Ikerketa-lan honen funtsa Lauaxetak argitaratu zituen bederatzi alegiak aztertzea izan da. Azterketa horren bitartez, hiru alegia mota bereizi dira: herri literaturara hurbilpena burutzen dutenak, euskal ideologia nazionalistaren alde aritzen direnak eta eskoletarako, espresuki, material didaktiko gisa sortutakoak. Hezkuntzarako horien aplikagarritasuna narrazio literarioaren, pertsonaien, moralejen eta zantzu ideologikoen azterketaren bitartez ikertu da. Idazleak baliatzen duen euskara zailak, errealitate abstraktu jakinen irudikapena diren pertsonaia sinbolikoak, gaur egun politikoki zuzenak ez diren gaien trataerak eta aditzera ematen diren mezu ideologiko nazionalistak izan dira emaitzarik aipagarrienak. Hortaz, gaurkotasunean, alegiok aplikaezinak direla ikusi da. Ondorioz, alegia ikas-irakas prozesuan txertatzeko bidean, Soundpainting teknikaren proposamena aurkeztu da.[ES] La creación de las primeras Ikastolas a principios del siglo XX trajo consigo la necesidad de crear material didáctico en euskera. Para responder a esa demanda, el escritor vasco Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta, (1905-1937) escribió varias fábulas dirigidas a niños y jóvenes. La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación ha sido analizar las nueve fábulas que Lauaxeta publicó. Mediante este análisis, se han podido distinguir tres tipos de fábula: las que ejercen un acercamiento a la lírica popular, las que se muestran a favor de la ideología nacionalista vasca y las que fueron creadas como material didáctico, exclusivamente, para las escuelas. La utilidad de éstas en Educación ha sido investigada a través del estudio de la narración literaria, los personajes, las moralejas y los rasgos ideológicos. El euskera que el escritor utiliza en las fábulas, las representaciones de realidades abstractas mediante personajes simbólicos, el tratamiento de temas que hoy en día son políticamente incorrectos y los mensajes ideológicos nacionalistas que se dan a entender, son los resultados más relevantes. Por lo tanto, se ha deducido que dichas fábulas no resultan aplicables en la actualidad. En consecuencia, con la finalidad de insertar la fábula en el proceso de aprendizaje, se ha presentado la propuesta de la técnica del Soundpainting.[EN] The creation of the Ikastola at the beginning of the twentieth century, entailed the necessity of teaching material in Basque. To answer that request, the basque writer Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta (1905-1937) wrote same fables directed to children and teenagers. The presented project´s aim is to analyse the nine fables that Lauaxeta published. Through this analysis three different fables have been distinguished: the ones that approach to the popular lyrical poetry, the ones in support of the basque national ideology and the ones created as teaching material, exclusively for schools. The utility of these in education has been investigated through the study of literary narration, characters, morals and ideological features. The Basque language which the writer uses in the fables, the representation of abstract realities through symbolic characters, the treatment of topics which are incorrect nowadays and the national ideological messages that are implied, are the most relevant results. Therefore, it has been concluded that the fables mentioned before are not suitable nowadays. In consequence of applying the fable in the learning process, the Soundpainting technic has been proposed

    Boston University Wind Ensemble, April 25, 1995

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Wind Ensemble performance on Tuesday, April 25, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., at the Boston University Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Duke of Marlborough Fanfare and Lincolnshire Posy by Percy Aldridge Grainger, The Good Soldier Schweik Suite, Op. 22 by Robert Kurka, Second Suite in F major by Gustav Holst, and RS-2 by Lamont Downs. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    キンダイ テイシュウ ノ タカモリ ト テツドウ 1905-1937

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    大阪大學中國文化論壇 討論文件Discussion Papers in Contemporary China Studies, Osaka University Forum on Chin

    Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxetaren alegiak: nazioa eta pedagogia

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    [EUS] XX. mende hasierako lehendabiziko Ikastolen sorrerarekin batera, euskaraz idatzitako material didaktikoaren beharra sortzen da. Eskari horri erantzuteko xedearekin, Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta, (1905-1937) euskal idazleak haur eta gazteentzako hainbat alegia idatzi zituen. Ikerketa-lan honen funtsa Lauaxetak argitaratu zituen bederatzi alegiak aztertzea izan da. Azterketa horren bitartez, hiru alegia mota bereizi dira: herri literaturara hurbilpena burutzen dutenak, euskal ideologia nazionalistaren alde aritzen direnak eta eskoletarako, espresuki, material didaktiko gisa sortutakoak. Hezkuntzarako horien aplikagarritasuna narrazio literarioaren, pertsonaien, moralejen eta zantzu ideologikoen azterketaren bitartez ikertu da. Idazleak baliatzen duen euskara zailak, errealitate abstraktu jakinen irudikapena diren pertsonaia sinbolikoak, gaur egun politikoki zuzenak ez diren gaien trataerak eta aditzera ematen diren mezu ideologiko nazionalistak izan dira emaitzarik aipagarrienak. Hortaz, gaurkotasunean, alegiok aplikaezinak direla ikusi da. Ondorioz, alegia ikas-irakas prozesuan txertatzeko bidean, Soundpainting teknikaren proposamena aurkeztu da.[ES] La creación de las primeras Ikastolas a principios del siglo XX trajo consigo la necesidad de crear material didáctico en euskera. Para responder a esa demanda, el escritor vasco Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta, (1905-1937) escribió varias fábulas dirigidas a niños y jóvenes. La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación ha sido analizar las nueve fábulas que Lauaxeta publicó. Mediante este análisis, se han podido distinguir tres tipos de fábula: las que ejercen un acercamiento a la lírica popular, las que se muestran a favor de la ideología nacionalista vasca y las que fueron creadas como material didáctico, exclusivamente, para las escuelas. La utilidad de éstas en Educación ha sido investigada a través del estudio de la narración literaria, los personajes, las moralejas y los rasgos ideológicos. El euskera que el escritor utiliza en las fábulas, las representaciones de realidades abstractas mediante personajes simbólicos, el tratamiento de temas que hoy en día son políticamente incorrectos y los mensajes ideológicos nacionalistas que se dan a entender, son los resultados más relevantes. Por lo tanto, se ha deducido que dichas fábulas no resultan aplicables en la actualidad. En consecuencia, con la finalidad de insertar la fábula en el proceso de aprendizaje, se ha presentado la propuesta de la técnica del Soundpainting.[EN] The creation of the Ikastola at the beginning of the twentieth century, entailed the necessity of teaching material in Basque. To answer that request, the basque writer Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta (1905-1937) wrote same fables directed to children and teenagers. The presented project´s aim is to analyse the nine fables that Lauaxeta published. Through this analysis three different fables have been distinguished: the ones that approach to the popular lyrical poetry, the ones in support of the basque national ideology and the ones created as teaching material, exclusively for schools. The utility of these in education has been investigated through the study of literary narration, characters, morals and ideological features. The Basque language which the writer uses in the fables, the representation of abstract realities through symbolic characters, the treatment of topics which are incorrect nowadays and the national ideological messages that are implied, are the most relevant results. Therefore, it has been concluded that the fables mentioned before are not suitable nowadays. In consequence of applying the fable in the learning process, the Soundpainting technic has been proposed

    Child photography

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    ThesisThe focus of this script is on child photography. The script covers a historical overview of child photographers, with the emphasis on the well-known child photographer Lewis Hine. The second part of the mini-thesis concerns the author's approach to child photography, including socialization aspects of child photography, as well as examples of own work