17 research outputs found

    Performance Modeling in Predictable Cloud Computing

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    This paper deals with the problem of performance stability of software running in shared virtualized infrastructures. The focus is on the ability to build an abstract performance model of containerized application components, where real-time scheduling at the CPU level, along with traffic shaping at the networking level, are used to limit the temporal interferences among co-located workloads, so as to obtain a predictable distributed computing platform. A model for a simple client-server application running in containers is used as a case-study, where an extensive experimental validation of the model is conducted over a testbed running a modified OpenStack on top of a custom real-time CPU scheduler in the Linux kernel

    Latency analysis for data chains of real-time periodic tasks

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    International audienceA data chain is a sequence of periodic real-time communicating tasks that are processing the data from sensors up to actuators. It determines an order in which the tasks propagate data but not in which they are executed: inter-task communication and scheduling are independent. In this paper, we focus on the latency computation, considered as the time elapsed from getting the data from an input and processing it to an output of a data chain. We propose a method for the worst-case latency calculation of periodic tasks’ data chains executed by a partitioned fixed-priority preemptive scheduler upon a multiprocessor platform. As far as we know, there is no such formal approach based on closed-form expression for communicating real-time tasks

    Latency upper bound for data chains of real-time periodic tasks

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    International audienceThe inter-task communication in embedded real-time systems can be achieved using various patterns and be subject to different timing constraints. One of the most basic communication patterns encountered in today's automotive and aerospace software is the data chain. Each task of the chain reads data from the previous task and delivers the results of its computation to the next task. The data passing does not affect the execution of the tasks that are activated periodically at their own rates. As there is no task synchronization, a task does not wait for its predecessor data; it may execute with old data and get new data at its later release. From the design stage of embedded real-time systems, evaluating if data chains meet their timing requirements, such as the latency constraint, is of the highest importance. The trade-off between accuracy and complexity of the timing analysis is a critical element in the optimization process. In this paper, we consider data chains of real-time periodic tasks executed by a fixed-priority preemptive scheduler upon a single processor. We present a method for the worst-case latency calculation of periodic tasks' data chains. As the method has an exponential time complexity, we derive a polynomial-time upper bound. Evaluations carried out on an automotive benchmark demonstrate that the average bound overestimation is less than 10 percent of the actual value

    Mixed-Criticality Systems on Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    Avionics and space industries are struggling with the adoption of technologies like multi-processor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) due to strict safety requirements. This thesis propose a new reference architecture for MPSoC-based mixed-criticality systems (MCS) - i.e., systems integrating applications with different level of criticality - which are a common use case for aforementioned industries. This thesis proposes a system architecture capable of granting partitioning - which is, for short, the property of fault containment. It is based on the detection of spatial and temporal interference, and has been named the online detection of interference (ODIn) architecture. Spatial partitioning requires that an application is not able to corrupt resources used by a different application. In the architecture proposed in this thesis, spatial partitioning is implemented using type-1 hypervisors, which allow definition of resource partitions. An application running in a partition can only access resources granted to that partition, therefore it cannot corrupt resources used by applications running in other partitions. Temporal partitioning requires that an application is not able to unexpectedly change the execution time of other applications. In the proposed architecture, temporal partitioning has been solved using a bounded interference approach, composed of an offline analysis phase and an online safety net. The offline phase is based on a statistical profiling of a metric sensitive to temporal interference’s, performed in nominal conditions, which allows definition of a set of three thresholds: 1. the detection threshold TD; 2. the warning threshold TW ; 3. the α threshold. Two rules of detection are defined using such thresholds: Alarm rule When the value of the metric is above TD. Warning rule When the value of the metric is in the warning region [TW ;TD] for more than α consecutive times. ODIn’s online safety-net exploits performance counters, available in many MPSoC architectures; such counters are configured at bootstrap to monitor the selected metric(s), and to raise an interrupt request (IRQ) in case the metric value goes above TD, implementing the alarm rule. The warning rule is implemented in a software detection module, which reads the value of performance counters when the monitored task yields control to the scheduler and reset them if there is no detection. ODIn also uses two additional detection mechanisms: 1. a control flow check technique, based on compile-time defined block signatures, is implemented through a set of watchdog processors, each monitoring one partition. 2. a timeout is implemented through a system watchdog timer (SWDT), which is able to send an external signal when the timeout is violated. The recovery actions implemented in ODIn are: • graceful degradation, to react to IRQs of WDPs monitoring non-critical applications or to warning rule violations; it temporarily stops non-critical applications to grant resources to the critical application; • hard recovery, to react to the SWDT, to the WDP of the critical application, or to alarm rule violations; it causes a switch to a hot stand-by spare computer. Experimental validation of ODIn was performed on two hardware platforms: the ZedBoard - dual-core - and the Inventami board - quad-core. A space benchmark and an avionic benchmark were implemented on both platforms, composed by different modules as showed in Table 1 Each version of the final application was evaluated through fault injection (FI) campaigns, performed using a specifically designed FI system. There were three types of FI campaigns: 1. HW FI, to emulate single event effects; 2. SW FI, to emulate bugs in non-critical applications; 3. artificial bug FI, to emulate a bug in non-critical applications introducing unexpected interference on the critical application. Experimental results show that ODIn is resilient to all considered types of faul

    Novel Validation Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The automotive industry is facing challenges in producing electrical, connected, and autonomous vehicles. Even if these challenges are, from a technical point of view, independent from each other, the market and regulatory bodies require them to be developed and integrated simultaneously. The development of autonomous vehicles implies the development of highly dependable systems. This is a multidisciplinary activity involving knowledge from robotics, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, psychology, social studies, and ethics. Nowadays, many Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), like Emergency Braking System, Lane Keep Assistant, and Park Assist, are available. Newer luxury cars can drive by themselves on highways or park automatically, but the end goal is to develop completely autonomous driving vehicles, able to go by themselves, without needing human interventions in any situation. The more vehicles become autonomous, the greater the difficulty in keeping them reliable. It enhances the challenges in terms of development processes since their misbehaviors can lead to catastrophic consequences and, differently from the past, there is no more a human driver to mitigate the effects of erroneous behaviors. Primary threats to dependability come from three sources: misuse from the drivers, design systematic errors, and random hardware failures. These safety threats are addressed under various aspects, considering the particular type of item to be designed. In particular, for the sake of this work, we analyze those related to Functional Safety (FuSa), viewed as the ability of a system to react on time and in the proper way to the external environment. From the technological point of view, these behaviors are implemented by electrical and electronic items. Various standards to achieve FuSa have been released over the years. The first, released in 1998, was the IEC 61508. Its last version is the one released in 2010. This standard defines mainly: • a Functional Safety Management System (FSMS); • methods to determine a Safety Integrated Level (SIL); • methods to determine the probability of failures. To adapt the IEC61508 to the automotive industry’s peculiarity, a newer standard, the ISO26262, was released in 2011 then updated in 2018. This standard provides guidelines about FSMS, called in this case Safety Lifecycle, describing how to develop software and hardware components suitable for functional safety. It also provides a different way to compute the SIL, called in this case Automotive SIL (ASIL), allowing us to consider the average driver’s abilities to control the vehicle in case of failures. Moreover, it describes a way to determine the probability of random hardware failures through Failure Mode, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA). This dissertation contains contributions to three topics: • random hardware failures mitigation; • improvementoftheISO26262HazardAnalysisandRiskAssessment(HARA); • real-time verification of the embedded software. As the main contribution of this dissertation, I address the safety threats due to random hardware failures (RHFs). For this purpose, I propose a novel simulation-based approach to aid the Failure Mode, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) required by the ISO26262 standard. Thanks to a SPICE-level model of the item, and the adoption of fault injection techniques, it is possible to simulate its behaviors obtaining useful information to classify the various failure modes. The proposed approach evolved from a mere simulation of the item, allowing only an item-level failure mode classification up to a vehicle-level analysis. The propagation of the failure modes’ effects on the whole vehicle enables us to assess the impacts on the vehicle’s drivability, improving the quality of the classifications. It can be advantageous where it is difficult to predict how the item-level misbehaviors propagate to the vehicle level, as in the case of a virtual differential gear or the mobility system of a robot. It has been chosen since it can be considered similar to the novel light vehicles, such as electric scooters, that are becoming more and more popular. Moreover, my research group has complete access to its design since it is realized by our university’s DIANA students’ team. When a SPICE-level simulation is too long to be performed, or it is not possible to develop a complete model of the item due to intellectual property protection rules, it is possible to aid this process through behavioral models of the item. A simulation of this kind has been performed on a mobile robotic system. Behavioral models of the electronic components were used, alongside mechanical simulations, to assess the software failure mitigation capabilities. Another contribution has been obtained by modifying the main one. The idea was to make it possible to aid also the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA). This assessment is performed during the concept phase, so before starting to design the item implementation. Its goal is to determine the hazards involved in the item functionality and their associated levels of risk. The end goal of this phase is a list of safety goals. For each one of these safety goals, an ASIL has to be determined. Since HARA relies only on designers expertise and knowledge, it lacks in objectivity and repeatability. Thanks to the simulation results, it is possible to predict the effects of the failures on the vehicle’s drivability, allowing us to improve the severity and controllability assessment, thus improving the objectivity. Moreover, since simulation conditions can be stored, it is possible, at any time, to recheck the results and to add new scenarios, improving the repeatability. The third group of contributions is about the real-time verification of embedded software. Through Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL), a software integration verification has been performed to test a fundamental automotive component, mixed-criticality applications, and multi-agent robots. The first of these contributions is about real-time tests on Body Control Modules (BCM). These modules manage various electronic accessories in the vehicle’s body, like power windows and mirrors, air conditioning, immobilizer, central locking. The main characteristics of BCMs are the communications with other embedded computers via the car’s vehicle bus (Controller Area Network) and to have a high number (hundreds) of low-speed I/Os. As the second contribution, I propose a methodology to assess the error recovery system’s effects on mixed-criticality applications regarding deadline misses. The system runs two tasks: a critical airplane longitudinal control and a non-critical image compression algorithm. I start by presenting the approach on a benchmark application containing an instrumented bug into the lower criticality task; then, we improved it by injecting random errors inside the lower criticality task’s memory space through a debugger. In the latter case, thanks to the HIL, it is possible to pause the time domain simulation when the debugger operates and resume it once the injection is complete. In this way, it is possible to interact with the target without interfering with the simulation results, combining a full control of the target with an accurate time-domain assessment. The last contribution of this third group is about a methodology to verify, on multi-agent robots, the synchronization between two agents in charge to move the end effector of a delta robot: the correct position and speed of the end effector at any time is strongly affected by a loss of synchronization. The last two contributions may seem unrelated to the automotive industry, but interest in these applications is gaining. Mixed-criticality systems allow reducing the number of ECUs inside cars (for cost reduction), while the multi-agent approach is helpful to improve the cooperation of the connected cars with respect to other vehicles and the infrastructure. The fourth contribution, contained in the appendix, is about a machine learning application to improve the social acceptance of autonomous vehicles. The idea is to improve the comfort of the passengers by recognizing their emotions. I started with the idea to modify the vehicle’s driving style based on a real-time emotions recognition system but, due to the difficulties of performing such operations in an experimental setup, I move to analyze them offline. The emotions are determined on volunteers’ facial expressions recorded while viewing 3D representa- tions showing different calibrations. Thanks to the passengers’ emotional responses, it is possible to choose the better calibration from the comfort point of view

    Novel Validation Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles

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