29 research outputs found

    Wedding Traditions of the Bessarabian Germans in Danube Region (1814/1940)

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    The article deals with an excursus into the history of the Bessarabian German colonies (1814/1940) and illustrates little-known pages of their wedding traditions. The author pays special attention to the description of national ceremonies „Bridesmaid”, „Engagement”, „Wedding Train”, „Marriage”, „Church Marriage” and „Wedding Feast”. The „wedding vocabulary” which reflects procedural, agentive and substantive ritual aspects is the national and cultural accent in the given article. The interdisciplinary research way allows the author to assess objectively the facts of the national wedding culture of Bessarabian Germans

    The Idea of History in Russia and Walter Scott's Historical Narratives

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    History in Russia in the Enlightenment was represented not only by academic research, but by the series of literary works. They created a space of public history and satisfies the need for historical knowledge for those who could not or did not want to study serious scholarly works. They searched for cultural clichés, patterns, and metaphors to mold their historical images, schemes, and explanations. Walter Scott’s novels made an immediate impact on Russian society because it had been already prepared for such literature. In Scott’s historical novel there was a beneficial synthesis of simplicity and professionalism, out-of-body-ness of historical patterns and obviousness of moral lessons. The form was one in which history could bring about its true predestination, that is, to form the soul and the heart. Scott’s representation of the ordinary man in the background of large-scale historical events had no influence upon Russian historiography that continued to describe only events of a grand ‘state scale’, but survived in literature, which, for three centuries, developed both the philosophy of history and philosophical anthropology. Scott became for Russia one of those authors who summed up the quest of the Enlightenment and brought a special type of art history discourse into the world. Russian historians continue to point to the enduring quality of interpreting history through fiction. This results in political and moral values dominating historical discourse

    "Dear friend Zhukovsky …": Letters from Ivan Kozlov to Vasily Zhukovsky (1819–1839)

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    Исследуется обнаруженное в архивах ИРЛИ и РНБ эпистолярное наследие русского поэта романтической эпохи И.И. Козлова. Описываются и анализируются 34 письма, адресованные В.А. Жуковскому и охватившие почти 20 лет жизни и деятельности их автора. Делается попытка систематизировать переписку И.И. Козлова, исходя из ее эстетического содержания. Письма к В.А. Жуковскому как документ эпохи оказываются уникальным источником, реконструирующим картину взаимоотношений двух поэтов и раскрывающим творческую лабораторию их автора, погруженного в социокультурную жизнь своего времени

    Кластеризация и интерактивность в практической методике преподавания русского языка: лингво- и социокультурная составляющие

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    Николаенко, С. В. Кластеризация и интерактивность в практической методике преподавания русского языка: лингво- и социокультурная составляющие : курс лекций / С. В. Николаенко ; М-во образования Республики Беларусь, Учреждение образования "Витебский государственный университет имени П. М. Машерова", Каф. общего и рус. языкознания. - Витебск : ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова, 2019. - 91 с. - Библиогр. в конце заданий. - Глоссарий: с. 86-91.Курс лекций отражает современные подходы в преподавании русского языка как родного, так и русского языка как иностранного. Лингводидактические акценты сосредоточены на наиболее востребованных при обучении кластерах, интерактивных заданиях и проектах. Данное издание предназначено для студентов и магистрантов филологических специальностей, а также поможет учителям-предметникам в организации работы по самообразованию

    'Upplyst monarki' i praktiken : Upplysta reformer, själviscensättningar och sammanblandning av ideologier och värdesystem under Gustav III

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    Intellectual and Political Elites of the Enlightenment COLLeGIUM. Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences Volume edited by Tatiana V. Artemyeva and Mikhail I. Mikeshin Editors-in-Chief: Sari Kivistö, Johanna SumialaThis article sets out to study the entanglement of different political, ideological and moral ideals and traditions in the Kingship of Gustav III, King of Sweden 1772–1792. Political thinking and practice in Eighteenth-Century Europe offered many elements and examples that different monarchs could apply in their own particular circumstances. Gustav III was one of the European Kings that openly supported the French enlightened thinkers fashioning himself as a Reformer-King. He was also very influenced by the French culture over all, and the culture of the traditional royal court in particular. In addition the Swedish political history with a fifty-year period of decreased royal power before the coup d’état of Gustav III in 1772 influenced how the European trends and traditions were put into practice. The article pursues to understand the way different elements were bound up together and put to action by the King in his coup d’état 1772, his law reforms in the 1770s and in the establishment of a court of appeal in the town Vasa in Ostrobothnia in 1776 and the ceremonial, pictorial and architectural projects linked to this.Peer reviewe