333 research outputs found

    Stacked Denoising Autoencoders and Transfer Learning for Immunogold Particles Detection and Recognition

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    In this paper we present a system for the detection of immunogold particles and a Transfer Learning (TL) framework for the recognition of these immunogold particles. Immunogold particles are part of a high-magnification method for the selective localization of biological molecules at the subcellular level only visible through Electron Microscopy. The number of immunogold particles in the cell walls allows the assessment of the differences in their compositions providing a tool to analise the quality of different plants. For its quantization one requires a laborious manual labeling (or annotation) of images containing hundreds of particles. The system that is proposed in this paper can leverage significantly the burden of this manual task. For particle detection we use a LoG filter coupled with a SDA. In order to improve the recognition, we also study the applicability of TL settings for immunogold recognition. TL reuses the learning model of a source problem on other datasets (target problems) containing particles of different sizes. The proposed system was developed to solve a particular problem on maize cells, namely to determine the composition of cell wall ingrowths in endosperm transfer cells. This novel dataset as well as the code for reproducing our experiments is made publicly available. We determined that the LoG detector alone attained more than 84\% of accuracy with the F-measure. Developing immunogold recognition with TL also provided superior performance when compared with the baseline models augmenting the accuracy rates by 10\%

    Distribution-Based Categorization of Classifier Transfer Learning

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    Transfer Learning (TL) aims to transfer knowledge acquired in one problem, the source problem, onto another problem, the target problem, dispensing with the bottom-up construction of the target model. Due to its relevance, TL has gained significant interest in the Machine Learning community since it paves the way to devise intelligent learning models that can easily be tailored to many different applications. As it is natural in a fast evolving area, a wide variety of TL methods, settings and nomenclature have been proposed so far. However, a wide range of works have been reporting different names for the same concepts. This concept and terminology mixture contribute however to obscure the TL field, hindering its proper consideration. In this paper we present a review of the literature on the majority of classification TL methods, and also a distribution-based categorization of TL with a common nomenclature suitable to classification problems. Under this perspective three main TL categories are presented, discussed and illustrated with examples

    Long short-term memory networks for noise robust speech recognition

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    Analysis of Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus) production models obtained by means of artificial neural networks exploiting information collected by small-scale growers in Colombia and publicly available meteorological data

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    The Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus) is an important source of income in hillside regions of Colombia. However, growers have little reliable information on the factors that affect the development and yield of the crop, and therefore there is a dearth of information onhowto effectively manage the crop. Site specific information recorded by small-scale producers of the Andean blackberry on their production systems and soils coupled with publicly available meteorological data was used to develop models of such production systems. Multilayer perceptrons and Self-Organizing Maps were used as computational models in the identification and visualization of the most important variables for modeling the production of Andean blackberry. Artificial neural networks were trained with information from 20 sites in Colombia where the Andean blackberry is cultivated. Multilayer perceptrons predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy the production response of the crop. The soil depth, the average temperature, external drainage, and the accumulated precipitation of the first month before harvest were critical determinants of productivity. A proxy variable of location was used to describe overall differences in management between farmers groups. The use of this proxy indicated that, even under essentially similar environmental conditions, large differences in production could be assigned to management effects. The information obtained can be used to determine sites that are suitable for Andean blackberry production, and to transfer ofmanagement practices from sites of high productivity to sites with similar environmental conditions which currently have lower levels of productivity

    The Application of a Pluralist Approach of Global Administrative Law on the Governance of Doping in Sport

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    Plusieurs problèmes liés à l'utilisation de substances et méthodes interdites de dopage dans les sports posent de grands défis à la gouvernance antidopage. Afin de lutter contre le dopage, certains pays ont mis en oeuvre des cadres juridiques basés exclusivement sur le droit pénal tandis que d'autres pays ont plutôt misé sur des mécanismes et organismes spécialisés trouvant fondement en droit privé ou sur un régime hybride de droit public et privé. Ces différentes approches réglementaires ont pour conséquence de faire en sorte qu’il est très difficile de lutter efficacement contre le dopage dans les sports, notamment parce que leur exécution requiert un degré de collaboration internationale et une participation concertée des autorités publiques qui est difficile à mettre en place. À l’heure actuelle, on peut par exemple observer que les États n’arrivent pas à contrer efficacement la participation des syndicats et organisations transnationales liés au crime organisé dans le marché du dopage, ni à éliminer des substances et méthodes de dopage interdites par la réglementation. Par ailleurs, la gouvernance antidopage basée sur les règles prescrites par l’Agence mondiale antidopage prévoit des règles et des normes distinctes de dopage distinguant entre deux catégories de personnes, les athlètes et les autres, plaçant ainsi les premiers dans une position désavantageuse. Par exemple, le standard de responsabilité stricte sans faute ou négligence imposé aux athlètes exige moins que la preuve hors de tout doute raisonnable et permet l'utilisation de preuves circonstancielles pour établir la violation des règles antidopages. S'appliquant pour prouver le dopage, ce standard mine le principe de la présomption d'innocence et le principe suivant lequel une personne ne devrait pas se voir imposer une peine sans loi. D’ailleurs, le nouveau Code de 2015 de l’Agence attribuera aux organisations nationales antidopage (ONADs) des pouvoirs d'enquête et de collecte de renseignements et ajoutera de nouvelles catégories de dopage non-analytiques, réduisant encore plus les droits des athlètes. Dans cette thèse, nous discutons plus particulièrement du régime réglementaire de l’Agence et fondé sur le droit privé parce qu’il ne parvient pas à répondre aux besoins actuels de gouvernance mondiale antidopage. Nous préconisons donc l’adoption d’une nouvelle approche de gouvernance antidopage où la nature publique et pénale mondiale du dopage est clairement reconnue. Cette reconnaissance combiné avec un modèle de gouvernance adapté basé sur une approche pluraliste du droit administratif global produira une réglementation et une administration antidopage mieux acceptée chez les athlètes et plus efficace sur le plan des résultats. Le nouveau modèle de gouvernance que nous proposons nécessitera toutefois que tous les acteurs étatiques et non-étatiques ajustent leur cadre de gouvernance en tenant compte de cette nouvelle approche, et ce, afin de confronter les défis actuels et de régler de manière plus satisfaisante les problèmes liés à la gouvernance mondiale du dopage dans les sports.Several issues which are related to the use of prohibited substances and doping methods in sport pose great challenges to the anti-doping governance. In order to fight against doping, some countries have implemented legal frameworks which are based exclusively on criminal law while other countries have relied on specialized mechanisms and bodies, either based exclusively on private law or on a hybrid regime of public and private law. These different regulatory approaches make the fight against doping in sport severely complicated as its success requires a degree of international cooperation as well as the concerted involvement of public authorities. However, such cooperation is often difficult to realize. At present, it can be observed, for example, that nation states are unable to effectively prevent transnational organized crime syndicates and organizations from involving in the doping market nor from restricting and eliminating prohibited doping substances and methods through their regulatory frameworks. Furthermore, the anti-doping governance framework which is based on the rules and standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) distinguishes athletes from nonathletes, placing the former in a disadvantageous position. For example, the standard of strict liability of no fault or negligence imposed on athletes requires less than proof beyond a reasonable doubt and allows the use of circumstantial evidence to establish an anti-doping rule violation. This standard of proof undermines the presumption of innocence principle and the principle of no penalty without a law. Moreover, the new World Anti-Doping Code of 2015 will empower the National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) with investigative and intelligence-gathering powers and will add new categories of non-analytical based doping categories, while reducing the rights of athletes even further. In this thesis, we discuss specifically the private law-based regulatory framework of WADA because it fails to meet the current needs of global anti-doping governance. We therefore advocate for the adoption of a new approach where the penal and public global nature of doping is clearly recognized. Such recognition, combined with a suitable governance model based on a pluralistic approach of global administrative law, will produce a better accepted and more effective anti-doping governance among athletes and will also be of benefit for non-athletes. However, the new governance model that we propose will require all state and non-state parties to adjust their governance frameworks to meet the current challenges and problems, related to the global governance of doping in sport
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