48 research outputs found

    A hybrid model of connectors in cyber-physical systems

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    Compositional coordination models and languages play an important role in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). In this paper, we introduce a formal model for describing hybrid behaviors of connectors in CPSs. We extend the constraint automata model, which is used as the semantic model for the exogenous channelbased coordination language Reo, to capture the dynamic behavior of connectors in CPSs where the discrete and continuous dynamics co-exist and interact with each other. In addition to the formalism, we also provide a theoretical compositional approach for constructing the product automata for a Reo circuit, which is typically obtained by composing several primitive connectors in Reo. ? Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.EI059-74882

    GPU Accelerated counterexample generation in LTL model checking

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    Strongly Connected Component (SCC) based searching is one of the most popular LTL model checking algorithms. When the SCCs are huge, the counterexample generation process can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with fairness assumptions. In this work, we propose a GPU accelerated counterexample generation algorithm, which improves the performance by parallelizing the Breadth First Search (BFS) used in the counterexample generation. BFS work is irregular, which means it is hard to allocate resources and may suffer from imbalanced load. We make use of the features of latest CUDA Compute Architecture-NVIDIA Kepler GK110 to achieve the dynamic parallelism and memory hierarchy so as to handle the irregular searching pattern in BFS.We build dynamic queue management, task scheduler and path recording such that the counterexample generation process can be completely finished by GPU without involving CPU. We have implemented the proposed approach in PAT model checker. Our experiments show that our approach is effective and scalable. ?Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.EI0413-429882

    SCC-based improved reachability analysis for Markov decision processes

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) are extensively used to model systems with both probabilistic and nondeterministic behavior. The problem of calculating the probability of reaching certain system states (hereafter reachability analysis) is central to the MDP-based system analysis. It is known that existing approaches on reachability analysis for MDPs are often inefficient when a given MDP contains a large number of states and loops, especially with the existence of multiple probability distributions. In this work, we propose a method to eliminate strongly connected components (SCCs) in an MDP using a divide-and-conquer algorithm, and actively remove redundant probability distributions in the MDP based on the convex property. With the removal of loops and parts of probability distributions, the probabilistic reachability analysis can be accelerated, as evidenced by our experiment results.No Full Tex

    Practical analysis framework for software-based attestation scheme

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    An increasing number of ”smart” embedded devices are employed in our living environment nowadays. Unlike traditional computer systems, these devices are often physically accessible to the attackers. It is therefore almost impossible to guarantee that they are un-compromised, i.e., that indeed the devices are executing the intended software. In such a context, software-based attestation is deemed as a promising solution to validate their software integrity. It guarantees that the software running on the embedded devices are un-compromised without any hardware support. However, designing software-based attestation protocols are shown to be error-prone. In this work, we develop a framework for design and analysis of software-based attestation protocols. We first propose a generic attestation scheme that captures most existing software-based attestation protocols. After formalizing the security criteria for the generic scheme, we apply our analysis framework to several well-known software-based attestation protocols and report various potential vulnerabilities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first practical analysis framework for software-based attestation protocols.No Full Tex

    TAuth: Verifying timed security protocols

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    Quantitative timing is often explicitly used in systems for better security, e.g., the credentials for automatic website logon often has limited lifetime. Verifying timing relevant security protocols in these systems is very challenging as timing adds another dimension of complexity compared with the untimed protocol verification. In our previous work, we proposed an approach to check the correctness of the timed authentication in security protocols with fixed timing constraints. However, a more difficult question persists, i.e., given a particular protocol design, whether the protocol has security flaws in its design or it can be configured secure with proper parameter values? In this work, we answer this question by proposing a parameterized verification framework, where the quantitative parameters in the protocols can be intuitively specified as well as automatically analyzed. Given a security protocol, our verification algorithm either produces the secure constraints of the parameters, or constructs an attack that works for any parameter values. The correctness of our algorithm is formally proved. We implement our method into a tool called PTAuth and evaluate it with several security protocols. Using PTAuth, we have successfully found a timing attack in Kerberos V which is unreported before.No Full Tex

    GRL: A Specification Language for Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems

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    International audienceA GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) system consists of several synchronous subsystems that evolve concurrently and interact with each other asynchronously. Most formalisms and design tools support either the synchronous paradigm or the asynchronous paradigm but rarely combine both, which requires an intricate modeling of GALS systems. In this paper, we present a new language, called GRL (GALS Representation Language) designed to model GALS systems in an abstract and versatile manner for the purpose of formal verification. GRL has formal semantics combining the synchronous reactive model underlying dataflow languages and the asynchronous concurrent model underlying process algebras. We present the basic concepts and the main constructs of the language, together with an illustrative example

    Rate Equations for Graphs

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    In this paper, we combine ideas from two different scientific traditions: 1) graph transformation systems (GTSs) stemming from the theory of formal languages and concurrency, and 2) mean field approximations (MFAs), a collection of approximation techniques ubiquitous in the study of complex dynamics. Using existing tools from algebraic graph rewriting, as well as new ones, we build a framework which generates rate equations for stochastic GTSs and from which one can derive MFAs of any order (no longer limited to the humanly computable). The procedure for deriving rate equations and their approximations can be automated. An implementation and example models are available online at https://rhz.github.io/fragger. We apply our techniques and tools to derive an expression for the mean velocity of a two-legged walker protein on DNA.Comment: to be presented at the 18th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB 2020

    Approximations for Stochastic Graph Rewriting

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    In this note we present a method to compute approximate descriptions of a class of stochastic systems. For the method to apply, the system must be presented as a Markov chain on a state space consisting in graphs or graph-like objects, and jumps must be described by transformations which follow a finite set of local rules

    Automata-Based Software Model Checking of Hyperproperties

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    We develop model checking algorithms for Temporal Stream Logic (TSL) and Hyper Temporal Stream Logic (HyperTSL) modulo theories. TSL extends Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with memory cells, functions and predicates, making it a convenient and expressive logic to reason over software and other systems with infinite data domains. HyperTSL further extends TSL to the specification of hyperproperties - properties that relate multiple system executions. As such, HyperTSL can express information flow policies like noninterference in software systems. We augment HyperTSL with theories, resulting in HyperTSL(T),and build on methods from LTL software verification to obtain model checking algorithms for TSL and HyperTSL(T). This results in a sound but necessarily incomplete algorithm for specifications contained in the forall*exists* fragment of HyperTSL(T). Our approach constitutes the first software model checking algorithm for temporal hyperproperties with quantifier alternations that does not rely on a finite-state abstraction