31 research outputs found

    Set Semantics for Asynchronous TeamLTL: Expressivity and Complexity

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    We introduce and develop a set-based semantics for asynchronous TeamLTL. We consider two canonical logics in this setting: the extensions of TeamLTL by the Boolean disjunction and by the Boolean negation. We relate the new semantics with the original semantics based on multisets and establish one of the first positive complexity theoretic results in the temporal team semantics setting. In particular we show that both logics enjoy normal forms that can be utilised to obtain results related to expressivity and complexity (decidability) of the new logics

    A remark on the expressivity of asynchronous TeamLTL and HyperLTL

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    Linear temporal logic (LTL) is used in system verification to write formal specifications for reactive systems. However, some relevant properties, e.g. non-inference in information flow security, cannot be expressed in LTL. A class of such properties that has recently received ample attention is known as hyperproperties. There are two major streams in the research regarding capturing hyperproperties, namely hyperlogics, which extend LTL with trace quantifiers (HyperLTL), and logics that employ team semantics, extending truth to sets of traces. In this article we explore the relation between asynchronous LTL under set-based team semantics (TeamLTL) and HyperLTL. In particular we consider the extensions of TeamLTL with the Boolean disjunction and a fragment of the extension of TeamLTL with the Boolean negation, where the negation cannot occur in the left-hand side of the Until-operator or within the Global-operator. We show that TeamLTL extended with the Boolean disjunction is equi-expressive with the positive Boolean closure of HyperLTL restricted to one universal quantifier, while the left-downward closed fragment of TeamLTL extended with the Boolean negation is expressively equivalent with the Boolean closure of HyperLTL restricted to one universal quantifier

    CommCSL: Proving Information Flow Security for Concurrent Programs using Abstract Commutativity

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    Information flow security ensures that the secret data manipulated by a program does not influence its observable output. Proving information flow security is especially challenging for concurrent programs, where operations on secret data may influence the execution time of a thread and, thereby, the interleaving between different threads. Such internal timing channels may affect the observable outcome of a program even if an attacker does not observe execution times. Existing verification techniques for information flow security in concurrent programs attempt to prove that secret data does not influence the relative timing of threads. However, these techniques are often restrictive (for instance because they disallow branching on secret data) and make strong assumptions about the execution platform (ignoring caching, processor instructions with data-dependent runtime, and other common features that affect execution time). In this paper, we present a novel verification technique for secure information flow in concurrent programs that lifts these restrictions and does not make any assumptions about timing behavior. The key idea is to prove that all mutating operations performed on shared data commute, such that different thread interleavings do not influence its final value. Crucially, commutativity is required only for an abstraction of the shared data that contains the information that will be leaked to a public output. Abstract commutativity is satisfied by many more operations than standard commutativity, which makes our technique widely applicable. We formalize our technique in CommCSL, a relational concurrent separation logic with support for commutativity-based reasoning, and prove its soundness in Isabelle/HOL. We implemented CommCSL in HyperViper, an automated verifier based on the Viper verification infrastructure, and demonstrate its ability to verify challenging examples

    Linear-Time Temporal Logic with Team Semantics: Expressivity and Complexity

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    We study the expressivity and complexity of model checking of linear temporal logic with team semantics (TeamLTL). TeamLTL, despite being a purely modal logic, is capable of defining hyperproperties, i.e., properties which relate multiple execution traces. TeamLTL has been introduced quite recently and only few results are known regarding its expressivity and its model checking problem. We relate the expressivity of TeamLTL to logics for hyperproperties obtained by extending LTL with trace and propositional quantifiers (HyperLTL and HyperQPTL). By doing so, we obtain a number of model checking results for TeamLTL and identify its undecidability frontier. In particular, we show decidability of model checking of the so-called left-flat fragment of any downward closed TeamLTL-extension. Moreover, we establish that the model checking problem of TeamLTL with Boolean disjunction and inclusion atoms is undecidable

    The Hierarchy of Hyperlogics

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    Hyperproperties, which generalize trace properties by relating multiple traces, are widely studied in information-flow security. Recently, a number of logics for hyperproperties have been proposed, and there is a need to understand their decidability and relative expressiveness. The new logics have been obtained from standard logics with two principal extensions: temporal logics, like LTL and CTL∗^*, have been generalized to hyperproperties by adding variables for traces or paths. First-order and second-order logics, like monadic first-order logic of order and MSO, have been extended with the equal-level predicate. We study the impact of the two extensions across the spectrum of linear-time and branching-time logics, in particular for logics with quantification over propositions. The resulting hierarchy of hyperlogics differs significantly from the classical hierarchy, suggesting that the equal-level predicate adds more expressiveness than trace and path variables. Within the hierarchy of hyperlogics, we identify new boundaries on the decidability of the satisfiability problem. Specifically, we show that while HyperQPTL and HyperCTL∗^* are both undecidable in general, formulas within their ∃∗∀∗\exists^*\forall^* fragments are decidable.Comment: Originally published at LICS 201

    Set Semantics for Asynchronous TeamLTL: Expressivity and Complexity

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    We introduce and develop a set-based semantics for asynchronous TeamLTL. We consider two canonical logics in this setting: the extensions of TeamLTL by the Boolean disjunction and by the Boolean negation. We establish fascinating connections between the original semantics based on multisets and the new set-based semantics as well as show one of the first positive complexity theoretic results in the temporal team semantics setting. In particular we show that both logics enjoy normal forms that can be utilised to obtain results related to expressivity and complexity (decidability) of the new logics. We also relate and apply our results to recently defined logics whose asynchronicity is formalized via time evaluation functions

    Foundations of Information-Flow Control and Effects

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    In programming language research, information-flow control (IFC) is a technique for enforcing a variety of security aspects, such as confidentiality of data,on programs. This Licenciate thesis makes novel contributions to the theory and foundations of IFC in the following ways: Chapter A presents a new proof method for showing the usual desired property of noninterference; Chapter B shows how to securely extend the concurrent IFC language MAC with asynchronous exceptions; and, Chapter C presents a new and simpler language for IFC with effects based on an explicit separation of pure and effectful computations

    Information flow analysis for mobile code in dynamic security environments

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    With the growing amount of data handled by Internet-enabled mobile devices, the task of preventing software from leaking confidential information is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, mobile applications are typically executed on different devices whose users have varying requirements for the privacy of their data. Users should be able to define their personal information security settings, and they should get a reliable assurance that the installed software respects these settings. Language-based information flow security focuses on the analysis of programs to determine information flows among accessed data resources of different security levels, and to verify and formally certify that these flows follow a given policy. In the mobile code scenario, however, both the dynamic aspect of the security environment and the fact that mobile software is distributed as bytecode pose a challenge for existing static analysis approaches. This thesis presents a language-based mechanism to certify information flow security in the presence of dynamic environments. An object-oriented high-level language as well as a bytecode language are equipped with facilities to inspect user-defined information flow security settings at runtime. This way, the software developer can create privacy-aware programs that can adapt their behaviour to arbitrary security environments, a property that is formalized as "universal noninterference". This property is statically verified by an information flow type system that uses restrictive forms of dependent types to judge abstractly on the concrete security policy that is effective at runtime. To verify compiled bytecode programs, a low-level version of the type system is presented that works on an intermediate code representation in which the original program structure is partially restored. Rigorous soundness proofs and a type-preserving compilation enable the generation of certified bytecode programs in the style of proof-carrying code. To show the practical feasibility of the approach, the system is implemented and demonstrated on a concrete application scenario, where personal data are sent from a mobile device to a server on the Internet