27 research outputs found

    О датировке "Сказания о Мамаевом побоище"

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    Рассматривается проблема датировки одного из известнейших произведений русской книжности - "Сказания о Мамаевом побоище". Автор поддерживает выдвинутую Б.М. Клоссом датировку (1521 г.), но выдвигает в защиту этой версии сугубо исторические и политические довод

    Власть и общество в Русском государстве в середине XVI в.: Московский бунт 1547 г. и Иван Грозный

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    Основываясь на идеях об особенностях государственного и правового строительства в государствах раннего Нового времени, изложенных в современной западной историографии, авторы предлагают взглянуть на события лета 1547 г. в Москве под иным углом зрения с целью показать возможность другой их интерпретации, которая в большей степени соответствует сущности случившегося тогда в русской столице, нежели прежние трактовк

    Great Perm Governance in the Late 16th – Early 17th Century: From Administrators to Voivodes

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    Introduction. Great Perm (Perm Velikaya) in the late 16th – early 17th centuries included Cherdyn, Solikamsk and Kaigorod districts. It was an important strategic region. Taxes from this region entered the royal treasury almost regularly, while the central part of the state was devastated by military operations during the Time of Troubles. The region provided communication with Siberia, its annexation and development. Historiography is dominated by the opinion that the institution of voivodeship was introduced in Great Perm in the late 16th century. Methods and materials. The research is based on the documents of the archive of the Solikamsk district court, which currently constitute the collection of the fund No. 122 “Acts of Solikamsk” of the Archive of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the period from 1605 to 1613. The documentary complex was previously reconstructed using the principle of mutual correspondence of documents. The prosopography method was applied to study the biographies of clerks. Analysis. The article analyzes the argumentation of researchers on the problem when the institute of voivodeship was introduced in Great Perm. The fundamental documents of the late 16th century have been revealed. It is proved that they do not contain information about the voivodeship form of government. The list of administrators and clerks of the late 16th century – early 17th century has been restored. The beginning and end of their service are indicated. Results. There was no voivodeship position in Great Perm until 1609. An administrator and a clerk were appointed to the clerk hut from Moscow. The change of administration took place on average every 2 years. The institute of voivodeship was introduced in Great Perm in 1610. The first voivode of Great Perm was Ivan Ivanovich Chemodanov. The administrators who replaced him also served as voivodes. The control system in Great Perm was strengthened by 1613

    The French king wrote to our Sovereign about love: Henry III de Valois and the Emperors of Muscovy

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    The article was submitted on 15.03.2020.This article is an analytical review of five letters by King Henry III of France and Poland to the Russian tsars Ivan IV and Fyodor I between 1574 and 1588. The author reconstructs their content based on extant sources from archive collections in Russian and French libraries. The appendix provides evidence about the attribution of one of Henry III’s letters from 1588, which was previously considered to have been addressed to Fyodor by Henry IV de Bourbon in 1589: its transcription based on three copies with a Russian translation. Based on the materials of royal and diplomatic correspondence, the article also traces the evolution of relations between the monarchs of the two countries in the second half of the sixteenth century.Представлен аналитический обзор пяти писем короля Франции и Польши Генриха III де Валуа, адресованных русским царям Ивану IV Васильевичу и Федору I Ивановичу в 1574–1588 гг. Содержание большей части из них реконструируется по отрывочным источникам из отечественных и французских библиотечных и архивных собраний. В приложении приводятся доказательства атрибуции письма Генриха III 1588 г., прежде считавшегося адресованным Федору Ивановичу в 1589 г. от Генриха IV, а также его транскрипция с учетом трех сохранившихся списков и с русским переводом. Основываясь на материалах монаршей и дипломатической переписки, автор прослеживает эволюцию отношений между монархами двух стран во второй половине XVI в.Статья написана при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19–18–00247 «Двор русских княгинь в системе властных структур Древней Руси и Западной Европы в период Средневековья и раннего Нового времени (XI–XVI вв.)»

    Монастырское землевладение в Ржевском уезде в конце XV – первой половине XVII веков

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    Статья посвящена монастырям и монастырскому землевладению Ржевского уезда в XVI – первой половине XVII в. Основными источниками являются писцовые книги, актовые материалы и исторические описания XIX – начала XX вв. Выявлена информация о 9 монастырях, из их числа 3 находились на землях Новгородских приписей, а 4 крупных монастыря Новгорода и Москвы имели на территории Ржевского уезда обширные монастырские землевладения. Наиболее крупными являлись владения новгородской обители – Хутынского монастыря. Небольшое количество монастырей объясняется пограничным и периферийным положением по отношению к Новгороду и Москве. В основном монастыри Ржевского уезда возникают в XVI в. и располагаются на левом берегу р. Волги на сухопутных и водных путя

    Постордынский мир и союз Ивана III и Менгли-Гирея I: попытка создания "биполярной" политической системы

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    В статье описана эволюция межгосударственных отношений в Восточной Европе в начале "долгого XVI века

    Tuhatvuotinen korruptio ja Venäjä

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    Lännessä totuus on matemaattisesti mitattava ja rationaalisesti selitettävä asia. Täällä moniarvoisen, demokraattisen sekä läpinäkyvyyttä ja ihmisoikeuksia kunnioittavan laillisuusyhteiskunnan ajatellaan olevan absoluuttinen, historiasta ja kulttuurista irti oleva asia ja kaikkien tavoite. Historiatiede kuitenkin selittää myös moraaliset ja tiedolliset rakenteet ajasta ja paikasta riippuviksi. Sattumien summana länsimainen, mutta maailman mitassa poikkeuksellinen arvomaailma syntyi vähitellen keskiajalta lähtien ja levisi läntisen talouden myötä ja alkoi dominoida viimeisen vuosisadan aikana. Valtaa ja oikeudenmukaisuutta voidaan kuitenkin toteuttaa myös yksilöitä syrjivissä, mystiikkaa ja salakähmäisyyttä suosivissa klaaniverkostoissa. Ne myös tarjoavat suuret näköalat rikkauksiin. Venäjän yhteiskunta näyttää länsimaista käsin korruptoituneelta, irrationaalilta, rosvoklaanien hallitsemalta ja ihmisoikeuksia loukkaavalta. Pyrkimys rakentaa Venäjästä länsimainen demokratia on epäonnistunut useasti. Artikkeli esittää syyksi sen, että kun lännestä poikkeavat perusrakenteet on valittu kaukana historiassa, uuden toimintatavan liimaaminen päälle ei onnistu, koska perinteinen järjestelmä on oman kulttuurin silmissä legitiimi ja toimiva. Artikkelissa käydään läpi näkemyksen tueksi aate- ja taloushistorian pitkiä rakenteita ja niiden kehitystä varhaiskeskiajalta nykyisyyteen

    Russian Names with the Stem Maur-, Testimonies of the Old Rostov Land

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    The article looks to the origins of Russian proper names with the stem Maur- and specifically deals with toponyms of Maurino and the like, which are particularly prevalent in the Yaroslavl region and commonly attested in the vicinities of Kostroma, Vologda, and Vladimir. The mapping based on the “Lists of Populated Areas of the Russian Empire” showed the localization of toponyms with the Maur- stem in the area of the historical Meryan land, as well as their presence on Sheksna, at the White and Kubensky lakes, and in the Northern Dvina basin. Apart from that, the written sources of the 15th–17th centuries also make mention of anthroponyms with the same stem, relating to the different social strata of the old Russian society, from slaves to patrimonies. This fact attests to the anthroponymic origin of the toponyms considered. The borrowed stem Maur- found in Russian anthroponyms and the derived toponyms has phonetic counterparts in the Baltic languages, however, the correlation with the historical Meryan land indicates the local substrate origin of the stem. This geo-reference, seen in context with the linguistic analysis of anthroponyms and toponyms with the Maur- stem and added by historical and archaeological data, suggests that the proper names in question should be classified as Russian, but based on foreign languages. Dating back to the times earlier than the 15th century, they are a testimony of intraregional contacts of the multi-tribal population of the Volga — Klyazma interfluve in the era of Slavic colonization. The geographic distribution of toponyms with the Maur- stem gives an idea of the migration routes taken by the mixed population of the Rostov land at the beginning of the second millennium of the common era

    The Russian Empire, Slaving and Liberation, 1480–1725

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    The monograph realigns political culture and countermeasures against slave raids, which rose during the breakup of the Golden Horde. By physical defense of the open steppe border and embracing the New Israel symbolism (exodus from slavery in Egypt/among the Tatars), Muscovites found a defensive model to expand the empire. Recent debates on slaving are introduced to Russian and imperial history, while challenging entrenched perceptions of Muscovy

    Evaluación técnica y económica de la operación del alimentador de distribución Pillaro centro correspondiente a la s/e Pillaro, de propiedad de la empresa eléctrica Ambato S.A

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    The present study analyzes the primary electrical feeder Pillaro Centro of the Empresa Electrica Ambato S.A, which includes technical losses and operating duty parameters at medium voltage, are also determined losses by the inclusion of the induction cooker. It starts with a raising process of the information about the electrical feeder, using computing tools and technical data from the EEASA Design&construction Department, determines the total number of clients, number of transformers, quality of the electric cables along the electrical feeder, allowing to build origins on which has to get research, also uses the CYMDIST software which allows you to determine the current operating condition, and to make a load flow to maximum demand to determine the losses in electric cables by applying the Poveda´s method….El presente estudio hace un análisis de la operación del alimentador Primario Pillaro Centro de la Empresa Eléctrica Ambato S.A, que incluye pérdidas técnicas y parámetros de operación a nivel de medio voltaje, además se determinan las pérdidas por la inclusión de la cocina de inducción. Se inicia con un proceso de levantamiento de la información actual del alimentador, por medio de herramientas computacionales y datos técnicos del departamento de Diseño y Construcción de la EEASA, se determinan el número total de clientes, número de transformadores, calibres de conductores a lo largo del alimentador, permitiendo construir los orígenes sobre los que se ha de levantar la investigación, además se utiliza el software CYMDIST, el mismo que permite determinar el estado operativo actual…