7 research outputs found

    Mining Frequent Patterns in Uncertain and Relational Data Streams using the Landmark Windows

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    Todays, in many modern applications, we search for frequent and repeating patterns in the analyzed data sets. In this search, we look for patterns that frequently appear in data set and mark them as frequent patterns to enable users to make decisions based on these discoveries. Most algorithms presented in the context of data stream mining and frequent pattern detection, work either on uncertain data, or use the sliding window model to assess data streams. Sliding window model uses a fixed-size window to only maintain the most recently inserted data and ignores all previous data (or those that are out of its window). Many real-world applications however require maintaining all inserted or obtained data. Therefore, the question arises that whether other window models can be used to find frequent patterns in dynamic streams of uncertain data.In this paper, we used landmark window model and time-fading model to answer that question. The method presented in the form of proposed algorithm, which uses the idea of landmark window model to find frequent patterns in the relational and uncertain data streams, shows a better performance in finding functional dependencies than other methods in this field. Another advantage of this method compared with other methods is that it shows tuples that do not follow a single dependency. This feature can be used to detect inconsistent data in a data set

    Approche dirigée par les modèles pour l'implantation et la réduction d'entrepôts de données

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    Nos travaux se situent dans le cadre des systèmes d'aide à la décision reposant sur un Entrepôt de Données multidimensionnelles (ED). Un ED est une collection de données thématiques, intégrées, non volatiles et historisées pour des fins décisionnelles. Les données pertinentes pour la prise de décision sont collectées à partir des sources au moyen des processus d'Extraction-Transformation-Chargement (ETL pour Extraction-Transformation-Loading). L'étude des systèmes et des méthodes existants montre deux insuffisances. La première concerne l'élaboration d'ED qui, typiquement, se fait en deux phases. Tout d'abord, il faut créer les structures multidimensionnelles ; ensuite, il faut extraire et transformer les données des sources pour alimenter l'ED. La plupart des méthodes existantes fournit des solutions partielles qui traitent soit de la modélisation du schéma de l'ED, soit des processus ETL. Toutefois, peu de travaux ont considéré ces deux problématiques dans un cadre unifié ou ont apporté des solutions pour automatiser l'ensemble de ces tâches.La deuxième concerne le volume de données. Dès sa création, l'entrepôt comporte un volume important principalement dû à l'historisation régulière des données. En examinant les analyses dans le temps, on constate que les décideurs portent généralement un intérêt moindre pour les données anciennes. Afin de pallier ces insuffisances, l'objectif de cette thèse est de formaliser le processus d'élaboration d'ED historisés (il a une dimension temporelle) depuis sa conception jusqu'à son implantation physique. Nous utilisons l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) qui permet de formaliser et d'automatiser ce processus~; ceci en réduisant considérablement les coûts de développement et en améliorant la qualité du logiciel. Les contributions de cette thèse se résument comme suit : 1. Formaliser et automatiser le processus de développement d'un ED en proposant une approche dirigée par les modèles qui inclut : - un ensemble de métamodèles (conceptuel, logique et physique) unifiés décrivant les données et les opérations de transformation. - une extension du langage OCL (Object Constraint Langage) pour décrire de manière conceptuelle les opérations de transformation d'attributs sources en attributs cibles de l'ED. - un ensemble de règles de transformation d'un modèle conceptuel en modèles logique et physique.- un ensemble de règles permettant la génération du code de création et de chargement de l'entrepôt. 2. Formaliser et automatiser le processus de réduction de données historisées en proposant une approche dirigée par les modèles qui fournit : - un ensemble de métamodèles (conceptuel, logique et physique) décrivant les données réduites, - un ensemble d'opérations de réduction,- un ensemble de règles de transformation permettant d'implanter ces opérations au niveau physique. Afin de valider nos propositions, nous avons développé un prototype comportant trois parties. Le premier module réalise les transformations de modèles vers des modèles de plus bas niveau. Le deuxième module transforme le modèle physique en code. Enfin, le dernier module permet de réduire l'ED.Our work handles decision support systems based on multidimensional Data Warehouse (DW). A Data Warehouse (DW) is a huge amount of data, often historical, used for complex and sophisticated analysis. It supports the business process within an organization. The relevant data for the decision-making process are collected from data sources by means of software processes commonly known as ETL (Extraction-Transformation-Loading) processes. The study of existing systems and methods shows two major limits. Actually, when building a DW, the designer deals with two major issues. The first issue treats the DW's design, whereas the second addresses the ETL processes design. Current frameworks provide partial solutions that focus either on the multidimensional structure or on the ETL processes, yet both could benefit from each other. However, few studies have considered these issues in a unified framework and have provided solutions to automate all of these tasks. Since its creation, the DW has a large amount of data, mainly due to the historical data. Looking into the decision maker's analysis over time, we can see that they are usually less interested in old data.To overcome these shortcomings, this thesis aims to formalize the development of a time-varying (with a temporal dimension) DW from its design to its physical implementation. We use the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) that automates the process and thus significantly reduce development costs and improve the software quality. The contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1. To formalize and to automate the development of a time-varying DW within a model-driven approach that provides: - A set of unified (conceptual, logical and physical) metamodels that describe data and transformation operations. - An OCL (Object Constraint Language) extension that aims to conceptually formalize the transformation operations. - A set of transformation rules that maps the conceptual model to logical and physical models. - A set of transformation rules that generates the code. 2. To formalize and to automate historical data reduction within a model-driven approach that provides : - A set of (conceptual, logical and physical) metamodels that describe the reduced data. - A set of reduction operations. - A set of transformation rules that implement these operations at the physical level.In order to validate our proposals, we have developed a prototype composed of three parts. The first part performs the transformation of models to lower level models. The second part transforms the physical model into code. The last part allows the DW reduction.TOULOUSE1-SCD-Bib. electronique (315559902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Reverse Thinking in Spatial Queries

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    In recent years, an increasing number of researches are conducted on spatial queries regarding the influence of query objects. Among these queries, reverse k nearest neighbors (RkNN) query is the one studied the most extensively. Reverse k furthest neighbors (RkFN) queries is the natural complement of RkNN queries. RkNN query is introduced to reflect the influence of the query object. Since this representation is intuitive, RkNN query has attracted significant attention among the database community. Later, reverse top-k queries was introduced, and also used extensively to represent influence. In many scenarios, when we consider the influence of an spatial object, reverse thinking is involved. That is, whether an object is influential to another object is depending on how the other object assess this object, other than how this object considers the other object. In this thesis, we study three problems involves reverse thinking. We first study the problem of efficiently computing RkFN queries. We are the first to propose a solution for arbitrary value of k. Based on several interesting observations, we present an efficient algorithm to process the RkFN queries. We also present a rigorous theoretical analysis to study various important aspects of the problem and our algorithm. An extensive experimental study demonstrates that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm even for k=1. The accuracy of our theoretical analysis is also verified. We then study the problem of selecting set of representative products considering both diversity and coverage based on reverse top-k queries. Since this problem is NP-hard, we employ a greedy algorithm. We adopt MinHash and KMV Synopses to assist set operations. Our experimental study demonstrates the performance of the proposed algorithm. We also study the problem of maximizing spatial influence of facility bundle based on RkNN queries. We are the first to study this problem. We prove its NP-hardness, and propose a branch-and-bound best first search algorithm that greedily select the currently best facility until we get the required number of facilities. We introduce the concept of kNN region. It allows us to avoid redundant calculation with dynamic programming technique. Experiments show that our algorithm is orders of magnitudes better than our baseline algorithm

    Flexibility in Data Management

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    With the ongoing expansion of information technology, new fields of application requiring data management emerge virtually every day. In our knowledge culture increasing amounts of data and work force organized in more creativity-oriented ways also radically change traditional fields of application and question established assumptions about data management. For instance, investigative analytics and agile software development move towards a very agile and flexible handling of data. As the primary facilitators of data management, database systems have to reflect and support these developments. However, traditional database management technology, in particular relational database systems, is built on assumptions of relatively stable application domains. The need to model all data up front in a prescriptive database schema earned relational database management systems the reputation among developers of being inflexible, dated, and cumbersome to work with. Nevertheless, relational systems still dominate the database market. They are a proven, standardized, and interoperable technology, well-known in IT departments with a work force of experienced and trained developers and administrators. This thesis aims at resolving the growing contradiction between the popularity and omnipresence of relational systems in companies and their increasingly bad reputation among developers. It adapts relational database technology towards more agility and flexibility. We envision a descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system, which is entity-oriented instead of schema-oriented; descriptive rather than prescriptive. The thesis provides four main contributions: (1)~a flexible relational data model, which frees relational data management from having a prescriptive schema; (2)~autonomous physical entity domains, which partition self-descriptive data according to their schema properties for better query performance; (3)~a freely adjustable storage engine, which allows adapting the physical data layout used to properties of the data and of the workload; and (4)~a self-managed indexing infrastructure, which autonomously collects and adapts index information under the presence of dynamic workloads and evolving schemas. The flexible relational data model is the thesis\' central contribution. It describes the functional appearance of the descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system. The other three contributions improve components in the architecture of database management systems to increase the query performance and the manageability of descriptive schema-comes-second relational database systems. We are confident that these four contributions can help paving the way to a more flexible future for relational database management technology

    Enabling Ubiquitous OLAP Analyses

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    An OLAP analysis session is carried out as a sequence of OLAP operations applied to multidimensional cubes. At each step of a session, an operation is applied to the result of the previous step in an incremental fashion. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, OLAP is the most adopted paradigm used to explore the data stored in data warehouses. With the goal of expanding the fruition of OLAP analyses, in this thesis we touch several critical topics. We first present our contributions to deal with data extractions from service-oriented sources, which are nowadays used to provide access to many databases and analytic platforms. By addressing data extraction from these sources we make a step towards the integration of external databases into the data warehouse, thus providing richer data that can be analyzed through OLAP sessions. The second topic that we study is that of visualization of multidimensional data, which we exploit to enable OLAP on devices with limited screen and bandwidth capabilities (i.e., mobile devices). Finally, we propose solutions to obtain multidimensional schemata from unconventional sources (e.g., sensor networks), which are crucial to perform multidimensional analyses

    Flexibility in Data Management

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    With the ongoing expansion of information technology, new fields of application requiring data management emerge virtually every day. In our knowledge culture increasing amounts of data and work force organized in more creativity-oriented ways also radically change traditional fields of application and question established assumptions about data management. For instance, investigative analytics and agile software development move towards a very agile and flexible handling of data. As the primary facilitators of data management, database systems have to reflect and support these developments. However, traditional database management technology, in particular relational database systems, is built on assumptions of relatively stable application domains. The need to model all data up front in a prescriptive database schema earned relational database management systems the reputation among developers of being inflexible, dated, and cumbersome to work with. Nevertheless, relational systems still dominate the database market. They are a proven, standardized, and interoperable technology, well-known in IT departments with a work force of experienced and trained developers and administrators. This thesis aims at resolving the growing contradiction between the popularity and omnipresence of relational systems in companies and their increasingly bad reputation among developers. It adapts relational database technology towards more agility and flexibility. We envision a descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system, which is entity-oriented instead of schema-oriented; descriptive rather than prescriptive. The thesis provides four main contributions: (1)~a flexible relational data model, which frees relational data management from having a prescriptive schema; (2)~autonomous physical entity domains, which partition self-descriptive data according to their schema properties for better query performance; (3)~a freely adjustable storage engine, which allows adapting the physical data layout used to properties of the data and of the workload; and (4)~a self-managed indexing infrastructure, which autonomously collects and adapts index information under the presence of dynamic workloads and evolving schemas. The flexible relational data model is the thesis\' central contribution. It describes the functional appearance of the descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system. The other three contributions improve components in the architecture of database management systems to increase the query performance and the manageability of descriptive schema-comes-second relational database systems. We are confident that these four contributions can help paving the way to a more flexible future for relational database management technology

    Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery:12th International Conference, DaWaK 2010, Bilbao, Spain, August 30 - September 2, 2010, Proceedings

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