50 research outputs found

    Natural language processing for similar languages, varieties, and dialects: A survey

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    There has been a lot of recent interest in the natural language processing (NLP) community in the computational processing of language varieties and dialects, with the aim to improve the performance of applications such as machine translation, speech recognition, and dialogue systems. Here, we attempt to survey this growing field of research, with focus on computational methods for processing similar languages, varieties, and dialects. In particular, we discuss the most important challenges when dealing with diatopic language variation, and we present some of the available datasets, the process of data collection, and the most common data collection strategies used to compile datasets for similar languages, varieties, and dialects. We further present a number of studies on computational methods developed and/or adapted for preprocessing, normalization, part-of-speech tagging, and parsing similar languages, language varieties, and dialects. Finally, we discuss relevant applications such as language and dialect identification and machine translation for closely related languages, language varieties, and dialects.Non peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-10)

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    Semantic Systems. The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2019, held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in September 2019. The 20 full papers and 8 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 submissions. They cover topics such as: web semantics and linked (open) data; machine learning and deep learning techniques; semantic information management and knowledge integration; terminology, thesaurus and ontology management; data mining and knowledge discovery; semantics in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

    Uni- and Multimodal and Structured Representations for Modeling Frame Semantics

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    Language is the most complex kind of shared knowledge evolved by humankind and it is the foundation of communication between humans. At the same time, one of the most challenging problems in Artificial Intelligence is to grasp the meaning conveyed by language. Humans use language to communicate knowledge and information about the world and to exchange their thoughts. In order to understand the meaning of words in a sentence, single words are interpreted in the context of the sentence and of the situation together with a large background of commonsense knowledge and experience in the world. The research field of Natural Language Processing aims at automatically understanding language as humans do naturally. In this thesis, the overall challenge of understanding meaning in language by capturing world knowledge is examined from the two branches of (a) knowledge about situations and actions as expressed in texts and (b) structured relational knowledge as stored in knowledge bases. Both branches can be studied with different kinds of vector representations, so-called embeddings, for operationalizing different aspects of knowledge: textual, structured, and visual or multimodal embeddings. This poses the challenge of determining the suitability of different embeddings for automatic language understanding with respect to the two branches. To approach these challenges, we choose to closely rely upon the lexical-semantic knowledge base FrameNet. It addresses both branches of capturing world knowledge whilst taking into account the linguistic theory of frame semantics which orients on human language understanding. FrameNet provides frames, which are categories for knowledge of meaning, and frame-to-frame relations, which are structured meta-knowledge of interactions between frames. These frames and relations are central to the tasks of Frame Identification and Frame-to-Frame Relation Prediction. Concerning branch (a), the task of Frame Identification was introduced to advance the understanding of context knowledge about situations, actions and participants. The task is to label predicates with frames in order to identify the meaning of the predicate in the context of the sentence. We use textual embeddings to model the semantics of words in the sentential context and develop a state-of-the-art system for Frame Identification. Our Frame Identification system can be used to automatically annotate frames on English or German texts. Furthermore, in our multimodal approach to Frame Identification, we combine textual embeddings for words with visual embeddings for entities depicted on images. We find that visual information is especially useful in difficult settings with rare frames. To further advance the performance of the multimodal approach, we suggest to develop embeddings for verbs specifically that incorporate multimodal information. Concerning branch (b), we introduce the task of Frame-to-Frame Relation Prediction to advance the understanding of relational knowledge of interactions between frames. The task is to label connections between frames with relations in order to complete the meta-knowledge stored in FrameNet. We train textual and structured embeddings for frames and explore the limitations of textual frame embeddings with respect to recovering relations between frames. Moreover, we contrast textual frame embeddings versus structured frame embeddings and develop the first system for Frame-to-Frame Relation Prediction. We find that textual and structured frame embeddings differ with respect to predicting relations; thus when applied as features in the context of further tasks, they can provide different kinds of frame knowledge. Our structured prediction system can be used to generate recommendations for annotations with relations. To further advance the performance of Frame-to-Frame Relation Prediction and also of the induction of new frames and relations, we suggest to develop approaches that incorporate visual information. The two kinds of frame knowledge from both branches, our Frame Identification system and our pre-trained frame embeddings, are combined in an extrinsic evaluation in the context of higher-level applications. Across these applications, we see a trend that frame knowledge is particularly beneficial in ambiguous and short sentences. Taken together, in this thesis, we approach semantic language understanding from the two branches of knowledge about situations and actions and structured relational knowledge and investigate different embeddings for textual, structured and multimodal language understanding

    Self-supervised learning in natural language processing

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    Most natural language processing (NLP) learning algorithms require labeled data. While this is given for a select number of (mostly English) tasks, the availability of labeled data is sparse or non-existent for the vast majority of use-cases. To alleviate this, unsupervised learning and a wide array of data augmentation techniques have been developed (Hedderich et al., 2021a). However, unsupervised learning often requires massive amounts of unlabeled data and also fails to perform in difficult (low-resource) data settings, i.e., if there is an increased distance between the source and target data distributions (Kim et al., 2020). This distributional distance can be the case if there is a domain drift or large linguistic distance between the source and target data. Unsupervised learning in itself does not exploit the highly informative (labeled) supervisory signals hidden in unlabeled data. In this dissertation, we show that by combining the right unsupervised auxiliary task (e.g., sentence pair extraction) with an appropriate primary task (e.g., machine translation), self-supervised learning can exploit these hidden supervisory signals more efficiently than purely unsupervised approaches, while functioning on less labeled data than supervised approaches. Our self-supervised learning approach can be used to learn NLP tasks in an efficient manner, even when the amount of training data is sparse or the data comes with strong differences in its underlying distribution, e.g., stemming from unrelated languages. For our general approach, we applied unsupervised learning as an auxiliary task to learn a supervised primary task. Concretely, we have focused on the auxiliary task of sentence pair extraction for sequence-to-sequence primary tasks (i.e., machine translation and style transfer) as well as language modeling, clustering, subspace learning and knowledge integration for primary classification tasks (i.e., hate speech detection and sentiment analysis). For sequence-to-sequence tasks, we show that self-supervised neural machine translation (NMT) achieves competitive results on high-resource language pairs in comparison to unsupervised NMT while requiring less data. Further combining self-supervised NMT with unsupervised NMT-inspired augmentation techniques makes the learning of low-resource (similar, distant and unrelated) language pairs possible. Further, using our self-supervised approach, we show how style transfer can be learned without the need for parallel data, generating stylistic rephrasings of highest overall performance on all tested tasks. For sequence-to-label tasks, we underline the benefit of auxiliary task-based augmentation over primary task augmentation. An auxiliary task that showed to be especially beneficial to the primary task performance was subspace learning, which led to impressive gains in (cross-lingual) zero-shot classification performance on similar or distant target tasks, also on similar, distant and unrelated languages.Die meisten Lernalgorithmen der Computerlingistik (CL) benötigen gelabelte Daten. Diese sind zwar für eine Auswahl an (hautpsächlich Englischen) Aufgaben verfügbar, für den Großteil aller Anwendungsfälle sind gelabelte Daten jedoch nur spärrlich bis gar nicht vorhanden. Um dem gegenzusteuern, wurde eine große Auswahl an Techniken entwickelt, welche sich das unüberwachte Lernen oder Datenaugmentierung zu eigen machen (Hedderich et al., 2021a). Unüberwachtes Lernen benötigt jedoch massive Mengen an ungelabelten Daten und versagt, wenn es mit schwierigen (resourcenarmen) Datensituationen konfrontiert wird, d.h. wenn eine größere Distanz zwischen der Quellen- und Zieldatendistributionen vorhanden ist (Kim et al., 2020). Eine distributionelle Distanz kann zum Beispiel der Fall sein, wenn ein Domänenunterschied oder eine größere sprachliche Distanz zwischen der Quellenund Zieldaten besteht. Unüberwachtes Lernen selbst nutzt die hochinformativen (gelabelten) Überwachungssignale, welche sich in ungelabelte Daten verstecken, nicht aus. In dieser Dissertation zeigen wir, dass selbstüberwachtes Lernen, durch die Kombination der richtigen unüberwachten Hilfsaufgabe (z.B. Satzpaarextraktion) mit einer passenden Hauptaufgabe (z.B. maschinelle Übersetzung), diese versteckten Überwachsungssignale effizienter ausnutzen kann als pure unüberwachte Lernalgorithmen, und dabei auch noch weniger gelabelte Daten benötigen als überwachte Lernalgorithmen. Unser selbstüberwachter Lernansatz erlaubt es uns, CL Aufgaben effizient zu lernen, selbst wenn die Trainingsdatenmenge spärrlich ist oder die Daten mit starken distributionellen Differenzen einher gehen, z.B. weil die Daten von zwei nicht verwandten Sprachen stammen. Im Generellen haben wir unüberwachtes Lernen als Hilfsaufgabe angewandt um eine überwachte Hauptaufgabe zu erlernen. Konkret haben wir uns auf Satzpaarextraktion als Hilfsaufgabe für Sequenz-zu-Sequenz Hauptaufgaben (z.B. maschinelle Übersetzung und Stilübertragung) konzentriert sowohl als auch Sprachmodelierung, Clustern, Teilraumlernen und Wissensintegration zum erlernen von Klassifikationsaufgaben (z.B. Hassredenidentifikation und Sentimentanalyse). Für Sequenz-zu-Sequenz Aufgaben zeigen wir, dass selbstüberwachte maschinelle Übersetzung (MÜ) im Vergleich zur unüberwachten MÜ wettbewerbsfähige Ergebnisse auf resourcenreichen Sprachpaaren erreicht und währenddessen weniger Daten zum Lernen benötigt. Wenn selbstüberwachte MÜ mit Augmentationstechniken, inspiriert durch unüberwachte MÜ, kombiniert wird, wird auch das Lernen von resourcenarmen (ähnlichen, entfernt verwandten und nicht verwandten) Sprachpaaren möglich. Außerdem zeigen wir, wie unser selbsüberwachter Lernansatz es ermöglicht Stilübertragung ohne parallele Daten zu erlernen und dabei stylistische Umformulierungen von höchster Qualität auf allen geprüften Aufgaben zu erlangen. Für Sequenz-zu-Label Aufgaben unterstreichen wir den Vorteil, welchen hilfsaufgabenseitige Augmentierung über hauptaufgabenseitige Augmentierung hat. Eine Hilfsaufgabe welche sich als besonders hilfreich für die Qualität der Hauptaufgabe herausstellte ist das Teilraumlernen, welches zu beeindruckenden Leistungssteigerungen für (sprachübergreifende) zero-shot Klassifikation ähnlicher und entfernter Zielaufgaben (auch für ähnliche, entfernt verwandte und nicht verwandte Sprachen) führt

    Grammar and Corpora 2016

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    In recent years, the availability of large annotated corpora, together with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of linguistic theory and description, has sparked a surge of novel work using corpus methods to study the grammar of natural languages. This volume presents recent developments and advances, firstly, in corpus-oriented grammar research with a special focus on Germanic, Slavic, and Romance languages and, secondly, in corpus linguistic methodology as well as the application of corpus methods to grammar-related fields. The volume results from the sixth international conference Grammar and Corpora (GaC 2016), which took place at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, in November 2016

    Wiktionary: The Metalexicographic and the Natural Language Processing Perspective

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    Dictionaries are the main reference works for our understanding of language. They are used by humans and likewise by computational methods. So far, the compilation of dictionaries has almost exclusively been the profession of expert lexicographers. The ease of collaboration on the Web and the rising initiatives of collecting open-licensed knowledge, such as in Wikipedia, caused a new type of dictionary that is voluntarily created by large communities of Web users. This collaborative construction approach presents a new paradigm for lexicography that poses new research questions to dictionary research on the one hand and provides a very valuable knowledge source for natural language processing applications on the other hand. The subject of our research is Wiktionary, which is currently the largest collaboratively constructed dictionary project. In the first part of this thesis, we study Wiktionary from the metalexicographic perspective. Metalexicography is the scientific study of lexicography including the analysis and criticism of dictionaries and lexicographic processes. To this end, we discuss three contributions related to this area of research: (i) We first provide a detailed analysis of Wiktionary and its various language editions and dictionary structures. (ii) We then analyze the collaborative construction process of Wiktionary. Our results show that the traditional phases of the lexicographic process do not apply well to Wiktionary, which is why we propose a novel process description that is based on the frequent and continual revision and discussion of the dictionary articles and the lexicographic instructions. (iii) We perform a large-scale quantitative comparison of Wiktionary and a number of other dictionaries regarding the covered languages, lexical entries, word senses, pragmatic labels, lexical relations, and translations. We conclude the metalexicographic perspective by finding that the collaborative Wiktionary is not an appropriate replacement for expert-built dictionaries due to its inconsistencies, quality flaws, one-fits-all-approach, and strong dependence on expert-built dictionaries. However, Wiktionary's rapid and continual growth, its high coverage of languages, newly coined words, domain-specific vocabulary and non-standard language varieties, as well as the kind of evidence based on the authors' intuition provide promising opportunities for both lexicography and natural language processing. In particular, we find that Wiktionary and expert-built wordnets and thesauri contain largely complementary entries. In the second part of the thesis, we study Wiktionary from the natural language processing perspective with the aim of making available its linguistic knowledge for computational applications. Such applications require vast amounts of structured data with high quality. Expert-built resources have been found to suffer from insufficient coverage and high construction and maintenance cost, whereas fully automatic extraction from corpora or the Web often yields resources of limited quality. Collaboratively built encyclopedias present a viable solution, but do not cover well linguistically oriented knowledge as it is found in dictionaries. That is why we propose extracting linguistic knowledge from Wiktionary, which we achieve by the following three main contributions: (i) We propose the novel multilingual ontology OntoWiktionary that is created by extracting and harmonizing the weakly structured dictionary articles in Wiktionary. A particular challenge in this process is the ambiguity of semantic relations and translations, which we resolve by automatic word sense disambiguation methods. (ii) We automatically align Wiktionary with WordNet 3.0 at the word sense level. The largely complementary information from the two dictionaries yields an aligned resource with higher coverage and an enriched representation of word senses. (iii) We represent Wiktionary according to the ISO standard Lexical Markup Framework, which we adapt to the peculiarities of collaborative dictionaries. This standardized representation is of great importance for fostering the interoperability of resources and hence the dissemination of Wiktionary-based research. To this end, our work presents a foundational step towards the large-scale integrated resource UBY, which facilitates a unified access to a number of standardized dictionaries by means of a shared web interface for human users and an application programming interface for natural language processing applications. A user can, in particular, switch between and combine information from Wiktionary and other dictionaries without completely changing the software. Our final resource and the accompanying datasets and software are publicly available and can be employed for multiple different natural language processing applications. It particularly fills the gap between the small expert-built wordnets and the large amount of encyclopedic knowledge from Wikipedia. We provide a survey of previous works utilizing Wiktionary, and we exemplify the usefulness of our work in two case studies on measuring verb similarity and detecting cross-lingual marketing blunders, which make use of our Wiktionary-based resource and the results of our metalexicographic study. We conclude the thesis by emphasizing the usefulness of collaborative dictionaries when being combined with expert-built resources, which bears much unused potential